epic young - MMX X
Things that keep me going
Foreword my name is Epic Young and I am a person totally in love with digital design and have been my consumption since my early age. I have professional experience working as a digital technologist with many brand and agencies. And I have a passion for finding new ideas and more smart ways to slay the problem. I love that design + technological can bring solutions that ensure efficiency is reached in every process possible.
Graphic Design Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problemsolving through the use of typography, photography, and illustration. The field is considered a subset of visual communication and communication design, but sometimes the term “graphic design� is used synonymously.
-George Lois
Working hard and doing great work is as imperative as breathing. Creating great work warms the heart and enriches the soul. Those of us lucky enough to spend our days doing something we love, something we’re good at, are rich. If you do not work passionately (even furiously) at being the best in the world at what you do, you fail your talent, your destiny, and your God.
Visual Brand & Identity Visual branding is not only about making sure that a company is delivering the right image to the target audience. It can also help establish a strong corporate identity. Having a strong identity will impact how user perceive the company.
Waluma Logo and packaging
Framed & JAX Logo and Merchandise
Culture - World Culture Forum Brochure
Peron Visual Ident Branding
BABE HAT HOU Visual Ident Branding
Website What is a corporate website? Home Dictionary Corporate website. A website that is used to officially represent a brand on the Internet, and which is often used as the landing page for advertising content.
Spindonesia Website Development
Rajajobs - Website Development
Sing Energy - Website Development
Ecommerce Website Development UI UX Design
Lotta Love
Ecommerce Website Development UI UX Design
Amber Cake Ecommerce Website Development UI UX Design
Portfolio Website Development UI UX Design
Antonio Edo
Portfolio Website Development UI UX Design
BIG Portraiture Portfolio Website Development UI UX Design
Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Image management Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Daniel Mananta Blog Website Development UI UX Design
Sandra Dewi Blog Website Development UI UX Design
Cheese Cake Factory Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Aditya Novali Portfolio Website Development UI UX Design
E Commerce Website Development UI UX Design
Mama Emiles Ecommerce Website Development UI UX Design
Taiwan Excellence Luckydraw Website Development UI UX Design
Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
TACOHPL Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Corporate Blog Website Development UI UX Design
Blog Website Development UI UX Design
Corporate Blog Website Development UI UX Design
7AM COFFEE DINING Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
The Harvest
Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Anne Danianto Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Jakarta Juara Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
U Stay Hotel
Corporate Blog Website Development UI UX Design
Patra jasa
Corporate Blog Website Development UI UX Design
Le Glitz
Corporate Blog Website Development UI UX Design
SUBUR ARTHA UTAMA Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Chateau Blanc Corporate Blog Website Development UI UX Design
ROA Restaurant Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Corporate Blog Website Development UI UX Design
Top Talent
Corporate Blog Website Development UI UX Design
Rifat Sungkar
Personal Website Development UI UX Design
Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Cogito, e
ergo sum
Taiwan Excellence Microsite Website Development UI UX Design
Amber Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Cheese Cake Factory Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
Mountscopus Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
7 AM Coffee Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
CIMB Niaga Corporate landing page Website Development UI UX Design
Skyegrid.id Corporate Website Development UI UX Design
FRAMED.ID Article Mini Biography Website Development UI UX Design
We help you craft your digital presence.
Application Digital publication apps are software applications used to deliver branded business communications and content. Digital publication apps vary in their specific purpose and execution, and are typically designed to present a look and style consistent with the identity of a particular brand.
TACOHPL Catalogue App Development UI UX Design
POPLIST Application App Development UI UX Design
Airasia Corporate Promo Campaign Development Graphic Design
Airasia Corporate Promo Campaign Graphic Design
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Virtual Reality Virtual reality is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. Applications of virtual reality can include entertainment and educational purposes. Other, distinct types of VR style technology include augmented reality and mixed reality.
Vkool 360 video
Wika LRT 360 video
Sinarmas land 360 video
Binus School Virtual Tour
Unicef 360 video
Thanks to those who have entrusted us with their communication projects. And also to those who have valued our work. We are honored to be a part of your journey!
Contact You have finally reached the last page of the pdf! There’s nothing more to see, no more links to visit. You’ve done it all. This is the very last page on the very last... But If you like the look of something in my portfolio and have an idea or serious project you want to discuss then please get in touch, either by the WA 085285861989 or you can email directly at: ericyeoung@gmail.com
Thanks to those who have entrusted us with their communication projects. To those who have valued our work. Thank you for all the experience! • epicyoung.co