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ALL Aboard First Quarter 2013 Ethics Line: 0800 205 280

2013 kicks into gear with the Senior Leadership Conference Annual Gala Awards Ceremony recognises exemplary achievements

Wealth Unearthed Printed on 100% eco friendly paper

Employees display a courageous spirit in support of CANSA Shavathon

AEL Zimbabwe supports local communities

Editor’s Note In the blink of an eye we’ve arrived at the end of the first quarter! Judging from the pace at which we moved thus far, it seems that our journey in 2013 is going to be eventful and productive with an injected dose of AEL energy.

Eubulus Pillay - Editor

During the last quarter AEL employees have once again displayed great courage, confidence and care in their daily operations at the office and in the field. In this issue we share some of the examples of amazing achievements by AEL’s dynamic teams spread across the globe.

to guide us through “The Next Stretch“ where we build on our past success and keep the focus to face challenges while achieving strategic milestones. In our AEL Achievements section, we celebrate our esteemed colleagues who have attained prestigious accolades for their inspiring accomplishments during 2012. In our AEL Talent and AEL Movers and Shakers sections, we introduce AEL’s wealth of human capital.

to employees and commend business units for great safety performance. AEL Family always re-affirms the fact that AEL employees work hard and play hard. Here we reveal the latest new-borns and newlyweds. To round off this bumper issue, we share scenes bearing the spirit of AEL employees as they celebrate birthdays, show admiration for long service and bid farewell to colleagues. Enjoy your read and be sure to submit your contributions to

As we look to the next quarter, our Senior Leadership with our Group Managing Director, Schalk Venter at the helm, take the reins

Safety is our top priority, in our AEL Safety section we alert you about the safety training opportunities that are available

3/ The Next Stretch 2013 kicks into gear with the Senior Leadership Conference setting the strategic tone for the business

4/ AEL Achievements Annual Gala Awards Ceremony

6/ AEL Knowledge Management Information classification is everyone’s responsibility

7/ AEL Competitive Edge AEL’s first female UBS foreman AEL on the competitive edge!

8/ AEL Talent Bongi Vovo, HR Business Partner

8/ AEL Risk & Compliance The importance of declaring external financial interests

9/ AEL at a Glance Scenes from the various sites

10/ AEL Movers and Shakers Meet Keabetswe Modikoe

11/ AEL Human Resources Employment Equity Elections a resounding success

12/ AEL Safety Explosives Risk Competency Programme Keeping our safety switches on

13/ AEL Family Babies on Board Wedded Bliss

13/ AEL CSI AEL Zimbabwe supporting local communities

14/ AEL Energy AEL employees display a courageous spirit for CANSA Shavathon

15/ AEL Energy Sylvester celebrates his 60th birthday Emmie retires after 34 years Time to say goodbye to Tony Rowe Wayne’s word

It’s time to share your AEL story!

In this issue

Submit your story to: or contact Eubulus Pillay on 011 606 0313 Disclaimer - This publication does not necessarily reflect the views of AEL Mining Services Limited management. The copyright to this publication rests in AEL Mining Services Limited. Other product and corporate names used in this publication may be trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies and are used only for explanation and to the owner’s benefit, without intent to infringe. © AEL Mining Services Limited 2011.


All Aboard © AEL Mining Services


First Quarter 2013

The Next Stretch

2013 kicks into gear with the Senior Leadership Conference setting the strategic tone for the business Group Managing Director, Schalk Venter, together with his senior leadership team from around the AEL world gathered on 14 and 15 March at a strategic planning conference. The conference was a platform for Schalk and team to craft the way forward for AEL’s Vision 2017. This entailed the unearthing of strategic milestones that are to be achieved to deliver on our vision. Various diverse teams were identified to work on milestones. The conference proved very successful and culminated in the annual awards ceremony that recognises stellar performance in the business. All the leaders departed from the conference with an even clearer view of the way forward and were galvanised by the shared strategic outlook. Everyone however realised that the hard work is only now going to begin. “The Next Stretch” was the established theme that gave cohesion to material

that was used at the conference. It recognises that there has been past success but that the future is also challenging. “As we progress on the strategic path we will be able to relieve the short term pressure and focus on the future growth without falling behind. The “Next Stretch” has started – we have taken the first steps. The journey continues. Time passes but worth endures because wealth is unearthed. Let’s make it a journey to remember! As leaders we recognise that The AEL Way is the way of stewardship: we are inspired by the care of those that have led before us; we inspire confidence in those we lead; and our courage is a legacy for those that accept the stewardship of leadership after us.” Schalk Venter, Group Managing Director.

Group Managing Director, Schalk Venter

Senior Leadership 2013

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. - John F. Kennedy

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First Quarter 2013


AEL Achievements

AEL Mining Services Annu


Gala Awards Luncheon

Inspiring others through The AEL W

AEL’s annual gala awards ceremony, in recognition of employees’ exemplary achieveme business, was held on 15 March at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Sandton.

Aligned to the strategic theme “The Next Stretch”, the awards bear testament to the te spirit of the AEL team who operate according to The AEL Way of confidence, courage an as they prepare for the forthcoming challenges of the year ahead.

We commend the award recipients who have displayed dedication to the organisation, p great business savvy and continue to inspire others through their leadership example.


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First Quarter 2013

AEL Achievements




ents in

enacious nd care


Congratulations on your prestigious accolades! 1. AEL Indonesia, winner of the Top Safety Award presented by Executive Director: Group Operations, Sepadi Mohlabeng, accepted by Country Manager: AEL Indonesia, Sean Rodger. 2. Project Engineering Manager, Norman Koelges, winner of the Service Excellence Award presented by Executive Director: AEL International, Colin Wilson. 3. Managing Director: North East Africa, Mark Benning, winner of Dealmaker of the Year presented by Executive Director: AEL Southern Africa, Wayne Du Chenne.


4. AEL West Africa, winner of Top Performing Business Unit presented by Group Managing Director, Schalk Venter, accepted by Managing Director: Zambia, Glyn Rees and Managing Director: Ghana, Franky Botha. 5. Engineering and Operations Manager: Asia Pacific, Martin Egan, winner of Innovator of the Year presented by Executive Director: R&D, Dr Piet Halliday. 6. Group Environment Manager, Ellen van Dongen winner of the Governance & Risk Management Award presented by Executive Director: Business Process Optimisation, Liesel De Villiers. 7. Strategic Projects Group Manager, Johan Barnard, winner of the prestigious Chairman’s award presented by AECI Chief Executive and AEL Chairperson, Mark Dytor.


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First Quarter 2013


AEL Knowledge Management

Information classification is everyone’s responsibility AEL’s information needs to be managed appropriately and the basic step towards proper information management is correct information classification. The implementation of Edge as the information management tool helps us to store our electronic information in a centrally secured repository. How can I classify AEL’s information? To help you understand this Information Classification concept let’s play devil’s advocate with AEL information. Do the ‘who cares?’ test for your business information in order to determine the correct classification. • If, for that particular piece of information, the answer is ‘who cares!’ then it’s likely to be just general purpose information that anyone

information has legal opinion and highly sensitive information” or “in case of Dawn Raid we would want to black bag this information” or “that could seriously harm the reputation of AEL” then the classification should be “Legally privileged”.

can see without adverse consequences to AEL and our customers. This information can be classified as “Public”. • If the answer is ‘we don’t want anyone outside AEL to see or know that’, then the information is for internal use only and (at least) AEL proprietary information. This information can be classified as “Internal”. • …If the answer is “that could give our competitors an advantage” , or “we only want selected people within AEL to see that information” or “it is our strategy, business plan” or “our business partners have classified it as highly sensitive or confidential” then it’s classification should be (at least) “Confidential”. • If the answer is along the lines or “this

Below is a set of guidelines on Information Classification. The examples provided are for illustration purposes only and should not be seen as the full list. Contribute to the online discussion on Information classification on: MyEdge/InformationCapability/Lists/AEL%20 information%20Classification/AllItems.aspx This can also be found on Information Capability/

Information Classification Category

Information Description

Level of Information Sensitivity

Information custodian



Information could be made public without any implications for AEL or its associates i.e. information is not confidential and can be posted on an external public domain. Information security is not at risk. Loss of information due to malicious attacks is an acceptable danger.


Exco Group Marketing and Communications

Product brochures widely distributed Information available in public domain Authorised public press releases Widely distributed news articles and magazines


Protected from external access Restricted to management approved internal access Unauthorized access could influence AEL’s operational effectiveness, cause an important financial loss, provide a significant gain to a competitor, or cause a major drop in customer confidence (e.g. AEL may be publicly embarrassed) Information integrity and security is important. Enforcement of passwords and information security procedures is available Must not be posted on any public domain.


Exco Group Marketing and Communications Senior Management Departmental Management All employees working with information for internal use

Internal newsletters and announcements Company policies and procedures Information currently on the intranet or internal distribution lists Edge information accessible to all employees e.g. Edge main page

Departmental/ Project

Information is confidential to the department or project team Information access is limited to certain individuals internally, business units, departments or project teams Information integrity is vital Information is guarded due to proprietary, ethical, or privacy considerations, and must be protected from unauthorized access, modification, transmission, storage or other use

Very High

Senior Management Department Management Departmental document controllers Project managers Project team members All employees working with departmental or project information

Business unit /Department/ project specific documents and reports Information received from customers in any form Excludes any information that is classified as confidential HR information Supplier Contracts


Access to this information is very restricted The highest possible levels of integrity, confidentiality, and restricted availability are vital Confidential information may be disclosed to individuals on a need-to-know basis only Disclosure to parties outside the department or project team should be authorized by senior/ executive management Unauthorised external or internal access to this information can have negative impact on AEL Information integrity and security is vital The number of people with access to this data should be very small Very strict rules must be adhered to in the usage of this information Must be destroyed appropriately when no longer needed Must not be posted on any public website. Edge unique permissions must be applied to appropriately limit access to this information.


Exco Senior Management Departmental Management All employees working with confidential information

Critical payroll information Confidential reports, Passwords Information on AEL security weaknesses Confidential customer information (Some customers classify their information and AEL needs to apply same or higher classification rules to such information) Confidential contracts and agreements Research and Development ideas Directorship meetings and reports only for directors and maybe senior leadership Departmental information specific for certain individuals Draft and approved business plans and strategy documents

Legally Privileged

Information contain views from internal or external legal department Very strict rules must be adhered to in the usage of this information In cases of Dawn Raid this information is regarded as legally privileged and should be “black bagged”


Exco Senior Management Group Legal

Supplier contract clause negotiations New business negotiations and contracts Price negotiations classified as legally privileged


All Aboard © AEL Mining Services


First Quarter 2013

AEL Competitive Edge

AEL’s first female UBS foreman making her mark in a male-dominated environment AEL is firmly committed to offering equal opportunities to all employees. Newbie, Alinah Lebetsa seized this opportunity to fulfil her dream of becoming the first female UBS Foreman appointed at South Deep Mine. “I always wanted to be part of the AEL Mining Services team. Interestingly, my breakthrough only came two years after I had first applied for the position. I was notified that AEL had opened Underground Bulk System (UBS) related positions to females, and without thinking twice, I immediately applied for a position and was successful. I am both grateful for and excited about this opportunity,” enthused Alinah. Alinah’s primary responsibility is to supervise UBS technicians and capture reports which are presented to management. “I absolutely enjoy working at South Deep Gold Mine, even more so because of my wonderful colleagues and ever-supportive mine overseer. I wish to extend my sincerest gratitude to Louis (South Deep Manager) and Tiaan Koegelenberg (Regional Manager) for entrusting me with this responsibility and for their unwavering contribution in making my experience with AEL a fulfilling one,“stated Alinah. “I also see this as a great example for my beautiful 11-year-old daughter, Gertrude and hope that she too will be destined for great things.”

AEL on the competitive edge! THE CHIETA (Chemical Industries Educations and Training Authority) hosted its inaugural National Artisan Skills Competition 2012/13 to showcase the competency of the South African skilled human resources in Apprenticeship, Learnership and Vocational Skills Programmes. The competition was open to all South African citizens from across all economic sectors. For the 2012/13 competition the following trades or Engineering Learnerships were prioritised: o Electrician trade or Electrician Learnership o Instrument Mechanical trade or Instrument Mechanical Learnership o Fitter trade or Fitter Learnership

Quinton K lopper,Pa lesa Mkiz Mandla S e, Lerato ibiya who Pule and have mad first round e it throug and are th h the erefore re in the seco presentin nd Phase g AE of CHIETA competiti national sk L on ills

AEL supported the participation of four of its employees: Quinton Klopper, Palesa Mkize ,Lerato Pule and Mandla Sibiya. The competition comprised three rounds. During the first round held during October 2012, candidates had to complete the theoretical computer based assessment at selected regional centres. Successful candidates went on to participate in the second round which took place in February this year, where they had to complete a theoretical and practical project assessment. All AEL candidates made it through the first round and represented AEL in the second round of the competition with Lerato Pule winning a trophy during the second round. Round three of the competition is scheduled to take place in June and the candidates will be required to complete a theoretical, practical project and panel assessment at a national venue in Gauteng. We wish AEL participants the best of luck!

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First Quarter 2013

“Girl Pow er” Equipmen – Lerato Pule make t Services s AEL proud! He trophy sh re she is w e won foll owing the ith the CHIETA A 2nd round rtisans Sk of the ills Comp etition.


AEL Talent

All Aboard takes great pleasure in talking to HR Business Partner, Bongi Vovo who has been part of the AEL family since April 2012. Bongi’s focus is mainly on understanding the strategy and the operational objectives of the business with her key responsibilities being relationship building and providing support to ensure implementation of these objectives. 1. Give us a brief background of your career path? I started my career as a Recruitment Specialist, and then worked for a consulting company where I worked with mainly mining and manufacturing clients. I then moved to Eskom where I held an organisation development advisor role. I joined the AEL family as an HR Business Partner. 2. What is your modus operandi? Is it aligned to the AEL Way (confidence, care, courage)? I operate from a stance of being “bold and operational” and this is of course aligned to the AEL values: to have confidence you have to be bold, to have courage you have to be bold and to care for others you have to be both bold and operational. 3. What major projects are you currently engaged in? In February we embarked on signing off of the management and staff job profiles. This is an intensive project which is scheduled to take approximately 2- 3 months. 4. Do you see yourself as a leader or a team player? I’m a leader with a strong belief in empowering team members. 5. What are your interests outside of work? I am very involved in community outreach. I invest my time in a prayer academy that seeks to tap into what lies dormant in people’s lives and enable them to unleash their true potential. I believe that age is merely a number and should not place limitations on an individual. One can achieve any goal if your mind is atuned to attaining success. I apply this philosophy to my own life and feel young at heart.

AEL Risk & Compliance

o v o V i g Bon

“Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.” - Earl Nightingale

The importance of declaring external financial interests AECI is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical business conduct and expects the same from its employees, management and directors. All AECI employees have a responsibility to the shareholders to act in the best interests of the company. One of the major fraud risks that AECI is currently exposed to is the opportunity for fraud and corruption by employees who are transacting, either directly or indirectly with AECI or any company in the Group without AECI being aware of the employee’s interests in this transacting party. This type of conduct is referred to as a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest occurs when an individual is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation to act in a particular manner. A conflict of interest can therefore be best described as “a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgment or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest.” If employees themselves have a financial interest in an entity with whom AECI is transacting with, it will then follow that they will not protect the organisation against any attempts to defraud the organisation as they themselves stand to benefit from these attempts.

Conflict of interest is a risk...


As a result, the AECI Code of Ethics & Business Conduct (“Code of Ethics”) seeks to protect the interests of AECI and any company in the Group from any attempts by outside parties to defraud the organisation. The Code of Ethics requires that all employees avoid being placed in a situation where they would be taking action, making a decision or have the ability to influence any action or decision that involves a conflict of interest, or the reasonable perception of a conflict of interest. For more information contact Leanda Mtshali, Group Governance, Risk and Compliance Manager on Tel: +27 11 606 0456. All Aboard © AEL Mining Services


First Quarter 2013

AEL at a Glance

Scenes from the various sites MANKWE Black mamba caught at Leon Lewies’s house at Mankwe factory on 22 January 2013

NITRATES Willem Venter from Nitrates (Acid House), celebrated his 27th wedding anniversary 8 March 2013

MANKWE Fire fighting training done at Mankwe Factory by Mogwase Fire Station

GAUTENG Bridget, Norberto and Kea at the Lions game at Orlando stadium

INDONESIA Lynn Solomons from AEL South Africa at the first large scale Universal Surfactant (Lake International) trial at KPC in Indonesia GAUTENG Group Products to Market Team attended a team building exercise at Acrobranch Melrose on 8 March

NITRATES Who said nothing grows at Nitrates? Nico Breytenbach is passionate about plants and the garden at Nitrates

AFRICA North West Africa Managing Director, Julian Taylor presented Guillaume Mantoro and Hafisou Oubda certificates of attendance at the EMS training

SOUTH DEEP South Deep Mine personnel recently received WC System, Basic Auditing & Intro to Organised Workplace training

KURUMAN Employees attended a world class and auditor programme at the Kuruman office and Assmang Mine

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First Quarter 2013

TUBE DRAWING PLANT Safety Rep Recognition February 2013


AEL Movers and Shakers


KEABETSWE Keabetswe Modikoe – multi-skilled Quality Communications Officer who began her career in the Travel industry then moved to retail before progressing to the complex yet stimulating Mining Services industry.

Keabetswe, affectionately known by her peers as Kea, began her tenure in November 2011 as a temporary employee standing in for a lady on maternity leave. Judging by her love for her temp job, her best friend suggested that she apply for the position when it became available. “I have her to thank but I guess my department superiors also saw potential in me, hence I’m still here,” said a vibrant Kea. Kea, formerly a Document Controller, recently assumed responsibility of the position as Quality Communications Officer. “This role is something new for me but I’m excited and look forward to the challenge. I’ll be responsible for communicating the Quality of health within the organisation ensuring everyone is well informed about our progress and the changes that need to be or are being effected. I am ecstatic about this new venture. I believe that one cannot deal with health issues and not have a caring heart hence, I find that adjusting to change and always offering a helping hand helps one grow.” Kea says that the Quality Department has taught her to have more faith in herself. Challenges encountered have taught her to be more courageous and have boosted her self-confidence. Her method of operation was groomed by The AEL Way. Being part of a team of 55 employees, the biggest project Kea is involved in is the soon-to-be-launched Quality Communications Campaign. The main aim of the campaign is to narrow the gap between the transfer of information between the Quality Department and the rest of the organisation. Therefore, the Quality Communications Campaign will enable employees to share ideas and communicate better with each other. This in turn will help us identify burning issues sooner rather than later and mitigate or resolve them more effectively. “I am grateful to the leadership at AEL, especially my department where knowledge is imparted to me. I believe that a good leader imparts leadership skills of the highest quality in an effort to groom his team thereby rendering him/her a great team player.” Away from the office Kea has varied interests which range from modelling to fashion. “I have always had a passion for fashion therefore I’m working on having my own shoe range one day.” Often mistaken for a party-goer, she confesses that she is a very spiritual person at heart who attends church as often as she can, driven by her love of God. Kea spends her spare time with family and close friends. “I spend a lot of time with my grandparents because I believe my elders are my source of knowledge. My great-grandmother turned 101 in February, who better to gain wisdom from?” comments Kea. When not at home, she dedicates time to keeping fit at the gym. “I love boot camp, it’s an awesome way to stay fit and healthy. My next venture is kick-boxing.” Watch out boys this girl packs a mean punch and kick and is sure to beat you in the boxing ring and the boardroom.


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First Quarter 2013

AEL Human Resources

Employment Equity Elections a resounding success Group Human Resources (HR) is pleased to present the voting results of the Employment Equity (EE) Committee elections that took place in December 2012.

Management has confirmed their offer for two places in each committee for union representatives. The representative trade unions as a collective will confirm the names.

important to note that the EE Committee is mandated by the EXCO team and specifically by the Group Managing Director, Schalk Venter.

There will be three Employment Equity Committees representing stakeholders in the following sections: • Fuse and Detonators • The Platform and Nitrates • The Mining Business

The newly formed EE Committees will identify constituencies that are not represented and agree on the process of filling those vacant positions. This intervention will be led by the chairman of the EE committee, and supported by the AEL HR team.

All committee members will be invited to a two-day off site training session in due course.

The candidate who received most votes per section will be elected interim chairperson.

AEL’s EXCO will appoint management representatives onto each committee. It is

NITRATES Employment Equity Committee members

M Ngcana

J Kekana

T Seteno

T Tolo

T Nzimande

M Van Wyk

FUSE Employment Equity Committee members

Z Nkosi

M Nhlapo

N Simelani

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M Chaka

D Makama

First Quarter 2013

“Thank you to all our employees for your cooperation in the elections and congratulations to the elected Employment Equity committee members,” Patience Makhubela, Group Human Resources Manager.

DETS Employment Equity Committee members

R Mkansi

M Ramaloko

P Thagwana

H Chauke

F Moebi

THE PLATFORM Employment Equity Committee members







AEL Safety

Explosives Risk Competency Programme - Henry Merrick Safety and health issues within the AEL Mining Services Group are critical and as we all know by now, of the utmost importance. I have conducted numerous audits, walkthrough sessions and visits around the world and have realised that in most of the scenarios, we are exposing ourselves due to firstly a lack of expertise and secondly a lack of knowledge. People do not know the extent of the risk working with dangerous chemicals and even more dangerous material such as explosives and initiating systems. The Explosives Risk Competency Programme will be introduced in order to increase knowledge and ultimately safety. The programme is designed to address the fundamentals linked to various topics within the explosives industry; we have worked on a total of 11 modules, namely: 1. Introduction to Explosives – Fundamentals of explosives and chemicals 2. Burning and Detonation – Burning and detonation characteristics 3. Basis of Safety – Basis of Safety fundamentals ( FISHC ) 4. Primary Explosives – Such as Azide, Styphnate, etc. 5. Secondary Explosives – Emulsions, PETN, TNT, etc. 6. Pyrotechnics - Powders 7. Initiation – Initiation methods and basics 8. AEL Products and Manufacturing – Manufacturing principles linked to safety 9. Waste Destruction – Management of waste destruction 10. Qualification and Testing – of products manufactured 11. Classification – Various classes 1-9

The Explosives Risk Competency Programme is aimed at line managers, first line managers, middle managers and senior managers. The relevant information was provided by subject matter experts within the AEL Group and the information was handed over to the University of Cranfield (based in the UK) to design a course for AEL which is practical, interactive and user-friendly whether the participant is at work or at home. The programme is computer- based and will be managed and tracked by the University. Reports will then be submitted to key role players within the AEL Group. Why is AEL so excited about this programme? This will be the first course that will have the basics entrenched in such a way where AEL can include all the relevant topics and where participants can have remote access to the programme from anywhere globally. Once participants have registered, they will get a username and password to begin their studies. Their studies will be tracked and progress reports will be issued. Participants will also write an on-line exam per subject with some subjects having assignments linked to them. This is also an accredited international qualification approved by the University and is available in various languages such as English, French and Bahasa in addition to others. Roll-out date: The programme will be launched by 1 May 2013. How long will this take you to complete? We will be making available two subjects per month and the first session will be concluded before year end. In effect, the first set of participants should have their

Screenshots of the online training programme

certificates issued before the end of December 2013. “I am looking forward to your contributions and efforts to ensure safety gets the attention it deserves.” Henry Merrick, Group Safety and Health Manager.

Keeping our safety switches on! Newly appointed Executive Director: Global Business Services, Trevor Roberts congratulated SHEQ Manager Global Business Services, John Marshall and Global Supply Chain’s Distribution team members for achieving 1 MILLION RECORDABLE INJURY FREE MAN HOURS AT THE END OF JANUARY. “Congratulations on this fabulous achievement. You are making everyone in AEL very proud to be associated with you! Please enjoy the satisfaction of the achievement knowing that it is recognition for the effort invested into running a safe operation. Please keep the focus while working on the second million recordable injury free man hours!” Trevor Roberts “This is an incredible achievement and it was only possible with the cooperation of AEL’s employees and the contractors involved with distribution. Their commitment to safety and health is obvious and will hopefully continue during 2013 and beyond,” said John Marshall. Safety statistic as at 18 March 2013: 167 DAYS SINCE GLOBAL BUSINESS SERVICES LAST IMPACT / CONTACT INJURY


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First Quarter 2013

AEL Family baby... Babies on Board

Wedded bliss

All Aboard proudly welcomes two new-borns to the AEL family.

Mankwe Distribution’s Ilse Olivier’s baby Drihan was born on 26 February. Weight: 2.9kg Height: 50cm

AMEX’s Karina Nortje’s son Ulrig was born on 17 February. Weight: 3.2kg Height: 56.5cm

Congratulations to another proud AEL mother, Global Supply Chain’s Yasmin Butt whose son Mahmood Bham married the love of his life Naazneen Cassim on 17 February 2013. Blessings to the newly-weds!

Congratulations to the proud parents.


AEL Zimbabwe supporting local communities In support of our continued corporate social responsibility initiatives, AEL Zimbabwe has donated second-hand laptops and office desks to the Tariro Hope Ithemba Trust. “Tariro Hope Ithemba trust is a charitable organisation that seeks to improve the welfare of the visually impaired and hard-of-hearing children throughout Zimbabwe,”said Langton Nyandoro, Managing Director of AEL Zimbabwe. “It is indeed a pleasure for us to offer support to the eager children and through this donation add value.” The trust’s chairman Dr Guramatunhu accepted the donation on behalf of the Trust and cited that the Trust has four centres throughout the country and the laptops will be distributed to them accordingly.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” AEL’s Langton Nyandoro, Managing Director of AEL Zimbabwe handing over the laptops to Dr Guramatunhu, Chairman of Tariro Hope Ithemba Trust.

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First Quarter 2013

- Winston Churchill


AEL Energy

AEL employees display a COURAGEOUS spirit. CANSA Shavathon 2013 Over the years, AEL employees have displayed immense courage while dealing with personal or family challenges with cancer. Their strength and perseverance have stood them in good stead to fight and conquer against all odds. This year employees banded together to support the Cancer Association of South Africa’s national Shavathon campaign by shaving and colouring their hair to raise funds for cancer research. The overwhelming success resulted in a total donation of R3455 to CANSA. The initiative was spearheaded by cancer survivor, Erika Schoeman who educated, entertained and encouraged participants throughout the day.

Erica Shoeman and Santie van Heerden - Organisers of the Shavathon at AEL

“As a former Cancer victim, I believe that moral support from peers and family is the best antidote to this affliction. Thank you to all participants, we look forward to further engagement with our Champions of Wellness to grow the event in 2014.” commented a passionate Schoeman.

Ayanda Zici (right) collecting donations

Funky colours and patterns for all

The organising team Some got VERY creative

The very brave shaving it all off

Platform and plant workers joined in the fun

Fun for all spraying hair


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First Quarter 2013

AEL Energy

AEL’s Wealth – Sylvester celebrates his 60th birthday Celebrations were the order of the day as the Procurement team surprised Group Procurement Manager, Sylvester Duma with a 60th Birthday party on 18 February. An ecstatic Sylvester expressed gratitude to his team for many years of positive team spirit and great efficiency. Birthday wishes from some of his team: “It’s a pleasure to work with someone who knows how to create a friendly and delightful work environment for himself and his subordinates. Never stop inspiring us all with your devotion and determination,” Queeneth Tshabalala.

Long service – Emmie retires after 34 years Customer Services’ Emmie De Klerk retired on 28 February after 34 years of service.

Happy Birthday Sylvester!

“60 is the new 40! Wishing you a Happy Birthday filled with all that you want to experience in your life,” Florence Mangoale.

Emmie began her tenure at AEL as a Sales Co-ordinator and later worked her way up to the portfolio of Export Sales Co-ordinator.

“Like fine wine you improve with age. The more you age, the more valuable you become. Thank you for imparting your wisdom to us,” Lynn Somers. “Have a wonderful 60th birthday... And may the happiness it brings remain in your heart all through the year. A sixtieth birthday’s a gift of its own, a time for recalling the pleasures you’ve known... It’s a time to look back on all that you’ve done, and reflect that this life is a wonderful one! Happy Birthday!” Natalie Crichton. ‘I’m thankful for your insight, wisdom, professional attitude, mentorship and guidance. I beam with pride to have a manager like you who has been the source of inspiration, and guidance. I wish you every success as an individual and hope that your personal and professional life deservingly rises to towering heights. And always remember youth is a work of nature, but age is a work of art! Congratulations on reaching a milestone and best wishes for the year ahead, ‘’ Sylvam Naidoo. Happy birthday from the All Aboard team and remember that a birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip!

Wayne’s word

Her close colleagues hosted a farewell party for their spritely, spirited team member. Amidst the cake and tea were many tears as they bade farewell to the Grande Dame of Customer Services.

Time to say goodbye - Tony Rowe Tony Rowe is about to retire from AEL after 28 years of service. He expresses his sentiment in a few paragraphs.

The tongue is indeed sharper than the sword.

“I have been employed by AEL Mining Services Ltd in its various guises for a little more than 28 years. It is true what they say; time really does fly by. I look into the mirror and I see the same face as always, staring right on back. It hasn’t changed at all, but when I look at old photographs, I do see a difference.

Time immemorial this adage has been proven by Executive Director: Southern Africa, Wayne Du Chenne. To illustrate his point and entertain his audience he employs strikingly poignant phrases such as:

The “Tony” captured there looks a heck of a sight younger than the old reprobate I see blurred in the glass. For a start the dude in the photos has long brown hair, not white hair and he’s got all his teeth to boot. It’s funny, but I don’t really feel that old. My wife of 41 years says that I have become an antique within my own lifetime and that it is clearly time to go.

Definition: used to describe an organisation without diligent leaders.

The Company though will go on. Things will change of course, that’s simply evolution. Young, fresh faces will arrive to take up new challenges. There will be ups and there will be downs, new tomorrow’s and new markets. I will no longer be a part of any of these. I can only watch from the side-lines. Nevertheless, I wish you all well and promise to jump, shout, wave my arms and to provide all the support that I can. Now, grab the ball and run you have a world to win!” Tony Rowe.

Let’s keep our ears to the ground as we await the next vocabulary excavation by Wayne.

Both Emmie and Tony are sterling examples of the kind of wealth that AEL has accumulated over the years. Their long service for many decades bears testimony to AEL’s culture of caring for its employees and creating a happy work environment.

“The fish rots from the head”

All Aboard © AEL Mining Services


First Quarter 2013


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