All Aboard Q1 2016

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ALL ABOARD First Quarter 2016 I Ethics Line: 0800 205 280

AEL Tanzania uplifting communities

Achieving results through empowerment - The ISAP success story

Silly season campaign in the Northern Cape

Editor’s Note Welcome to the first issue of All Aboard for 2016 where we bring you up to speed with the latest business news, updates from the office and profiles on passionate AEL achievers.


In this issue, we are proud to share the heart-warming stories


AEL Thought Leader: Simon Tose celebrated as SAIMM Fellow


AEL Excellence: Achieving Results through Empowerment - The ISAP

Success Story


AEL Movers and Shakers: Meet Somaya Rhoda and team


AEL Paying it Forward: AEL Tanzania uplifting communities


AEL Streamlining: Edge at a glance

spirit of the AEL community that inspires and motivates us to


AEL Safety: Silly Season Campaign in the Northern Cape

make a difference through always leading by example.


AEL Quality: AEL achieves its Quality ISO 9001 re-certification


AEL Knowledge Sharing: MQA Accreditation Highlight


AEL Family: Babies on Board


AEL Family: What is Blast-iQ?

of our colleagues who have made bold strides in the industry Image sketched by AEL’s Mbuyiseni Thwala

through displaying thought-leadership such as Simon Tose’s appointment as an SAIMM fellow. We also feature colleagues who have taken on the challenge of enhancing the lives of members of the communities where we operate through such CSI initiatives as AEL Tanzania’s sponsorship of wheelchairs. It is this unrelenting

Taking centre stage in the publication is our AEL Excellence section where we share the sterling achievements of our ISAP team who have overcome challenges and optimised performance. Honing in on quality, we celebrate AEL achieving its Quality ISO 9001 re-certification. Our AEL Streamlining section offers an update from the Edge team who are focusing on refining our internal collaboration systems bringing them in line with global standards. Other highlights in this issue include AEL Movers and Shakers, introducing Somaya Rhoda and team who enlighten us about the transformation of the finance function. And finally, always delighting us is the Babies on Board section where we get acquainted with the latest generation of AEL family members. We encourage our readers to utilise All Aboard as a platform to inform and inspire fellow employees while encouraging greater collaboration. We look forward to your submissions. Please email Enjoy the read!

Eubulus Cover Image: Some of the members of the ISAP team


Contact Details: Eubulus Pillay - All Aboard Editor I Tel: +27 11 606 0313 I Fax: +27 11 605 0000 I I www.

All Aboard © AEL Mining Services


First Quarter 2016

AEL Thought Leader

SIMON TOSE CELEBRATED AS SAIMM FELLOW Simon Tose, Global Mining Optimisation Manager, has been accepted as a Fellow of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM). This is the latest honour bestowed upon Tose, a highly regarded industry expert, following his election as a board member of the Institute of Quarrying (IOQ) in April 2015.

where you can share ideas and get input from a variety of industry experts in order to find solutions to some of the challenges facing the mining sector.” Tose says he plans to run a blasting workshop this year, which will include the involvement of university students, in order to provide insights and expertise around the developments within the blasting processes. Furthermore, he assisted his colleagues with their involvement in major mining events this year, including the SAIMM’s symposium on automation in mining in February and the Diamonds Still Sparkling 2016 Conference in Botswana in March. In order to be accepted as a Fellow of the SAIMM, a person has to meet certain criteria. These include being over the age of 35 years, demonstrating contributions to the industry and actively participating in educational

Tose thanked the SAIMM for the recognition of his work within the mining

initiatives such as conferences and symposia. In addition to these criteria, a

sector over the last 30 years and said he would take the opportunity to give

person has to be nominated by at least two SAIMM Fellows and then undergo

back to the industry, especially the youth.

an evaluation by the Institute to determine whether the nominee meets the requirements.

“I see my role now as developing and empowering the next generation of people who are passionate about mining and I want to get them involved in

Tose has published many ground-breaking papers and has represented AEL

taking the industry to the next level,” says Tose.

at several international key symposia, conferences and colloquiums over the years, including the hosting of a workshop at the 41st Annual Conference on

“The SAIMM is the perfect forum for this because it provides a platform

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First Quarter 2016

Explosives and Blasting Technique in New Orleans, USA, in February 2015.


AEL Excellence


It is said that in the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins – not through strength but through perseverance. The ISAP journey over the last few years has been faced with many challenges, but through perseverance, we have prevailed. Following the section 189 restructuring in 2012, the ISAP team set out to demonstrate the intended production capability as intended with world class quality and low cost. 2013 was a good year for ISAP demonstrating a total production output of 98.9 million detonators, 31.76 million assemblies and 260 million meters of Shocktube for the year. In 2013 ISAP received a total of 9 external customer complaints. It was through this outstanding performance that the impending ISAP impairment was averted and stakeholder confidence restored. 2014 was not a great year in general for AEL due to the five month strike in the platinum sector. This had a severe impact on ISAP’s performance as stock levels were constrained during the strike period. Total ISAP production for 2014 included 86.2 million detonators, 26.1 million assemblies and 199.3 million meters of Shocktube. In 2014 ISAP received a total of 11 external customer complaints. During 2014 a decision was made to close the Robotics assembly unit as they were no longer cost effective to continue operation. 2015 has been a record year for ISAP. Total 2015 production included 118.4 million detonators, 32.98 million assemblies and 241 million meters of Shocktube, supported by Tube Drawing Plant, Spray


Drying, Lead Azide Drying, Logistics and the Testing facilities. Detonator production improved by 20% from 2013. Due to the fact that the Robotics machines were decommissioned in 2014, it was up to the Modular machines team to increase output to meet the market demand. The 32.98 million assemblies produced in 2015 were produced on the five Modular machines alone, a 25% improvement in output compared to 2013 when both the Modular and Robotics machines were in operation. In 2015 ISAP received a total of 8 external customer complaints, a reduction from 2013. The ISAP success over the last few years has been achieved through the collaboration of engaged and committed employees and support services, competent and robust leadership and an attitude of sheer willingness to achieve what was once believed to be unachievable. Although many challenges lie ahead, our objectives and vision for the future are clear. Through ISAP’s commitment to AEL’s success and through ISAP’s leadership brand of integrity, courage, grow-tocare and volition, our success is assured.

The ISAP Team

In celebration of this great achievement the ISAP team held an ISAP recognition function on the 21st December 2015, activities included a soccer match, and live entertainment by DJ’s some of whom were our own employees displaying their talents. Collaboration and teamwork is vital to the success of any endeavour. “A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole.” (Archbishop Desmond Tutu)

All Aboard © AEL Mining Services


First Quarter 2016

AEL Excellence

Employees engaging at the ISAP recognition function

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First Quarter 2016


AEL Movers and Shakers

Meet Somaya Rhoda and team From left to right: Cassandra Wilding (Change Management, KPMG); Margeaux Wels (Project Manager, KPMG); Somaya Rhoda (FSSC Manager, AEL); Kenneth Randell (Project Manager, AEL); Frans Van Niekerk (SAP IT Project Coordinator, AEL); Wessel van Wyk (Project Management Facilitator, AEL).

All Aboard chatted to multifaceted Financial Shared Services Centre (FSSC) Manager, Somaya Rhoda, who displays her super hero prowess at work and at play!


All Aboard (AA): Give us a brief background of your

career started with me being seconded as a Financial

career path.

Manager based in Tanzania.

Somaya Rhoda (SR): My career spans over 15 years,

After two years my portfolio expanded to include

and I have had the opportunity of acquiring diverse

Egypt where I performed the Financial Management

experience with some amazing companies in the likes

role for the North East Africa division. In February

of Deloitte, RMB and iBurst.

2015 I returned to South Africa taking on the role of

AA: How long have you been in the employ of the AEL

Financial Shared Services Centre Manager.

Mining Services?

AA: What is your modus operandi?

SR: I joined AEL Mining Services in April 2011 and my

SR: “Doing the right thing!” Being true to yourself,

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First Quarter 2016

AEL Movers and Shakers

either professionally or on a personal level, requires

to be able to shift between being a leader and a team

a certain level of consistency and a balanced view of


life. So YES, your ethical and moral values can be challenged and put to the test.

While leaders positively influence followers, groups and organisations to work towards a shared vision;

Being mindful of having the business interest at

being a team player is about working together with

heart and challenging status quo if it is necessary,

others of diverse skills, personalities and cultural

requires confidence and commitment. So how one

backgrounds and leveraging each other’s strengths

tries to manage all these complexities and dynamic

for the collective good of the success of the team.

relationships without compromising your values

Being successful in my role is about being able to

comes down to “doing the right thing consistently”.

seamlessly identify and apply the quality required for

AA: Can you provide us with insight into the FSSC Project?

the specific situation. AA: What is your vision/ goal for the future within

SR: In February 2015, we embarked on transforming


the finance function and creating a financial shared

SR: My vision is to never stop growing and learning,

services centre. This then gave birth to Project Baobab

sharing my knowledge and experience, and adding

and the project team’s objectives were to design and

value to the organisation as a whole.

then implement the AEL Financial Shared Services centre (FSSC). The framework is centred around streamlining and standardising financial processes and activities to enhance financial efficiencies and control. This project was undertaken in collaboration with KPMG who has provided insights and expertise from similar shared services implementations in the telecommunications and petrochemical industries. The project team comprises individuals who offer a broad and diverse spectrum of skills and knowledge, which is dually managed by Kenneth Randell from AEL and Margeaux Wels from KPMG. The journey so far has been exciting and challenging. As we approach implementation, we look forward to working and developing stronger relationships with our

AA: Tell us something interesting about yourself? SR: Believe it or not, I’m a Marvel comic fanatic. The Marvel comic universe comprises heroes that each have unique personalities, powers and stories that can appeal to a wide audience. AA: What are your interests/ hobbies? SR: I have recently started CrossFit which is a combination of weightlifting, gymnastics and body weight exercises. I thoroughly enjoy CrossFit as it not only pushes my body’s physical limits, but challenges my mind to overcome mental limits. On Sundays, I enjoy being out in nature and hiking with my family.

stakeholders. AA: Do you see yourself as a leader or a team player? SR: I see myself as both a leader and a team player, as I believe it is essential in today’s globalised environment

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First Quarter 2016


AEL Paying it Forward

AEL Tanzania uplifting communities In support of the International day of the disabled and as part of our commitment towards our CSI Campaign, AEL Mining Services Tanzania partnered with the International Committee of the Red Cross / Social Fund for Development (SFD) by sponsoring sport wheelchairs to empower the physical disabled in order to foster social inclusion and wellbeing. The wheelchairs were sponsored to the Tanzanian national Paralympics basketball team. Engagement in sporting activities is believed to open up a channel for young people to obtain advice and information on a wide range of health, social, education and employment issues. Without access to such activities, people with physical disabilities therefore miss out on a rich learning and social environment. The nature of AEL’s support looks in to promoting equity especially within the society, through rehabilitation of people with physical disability leading to an improved quality of life in which individuals are independent and participative members of the society. We as AEL Mining Services in Tanzania are proud to celebrate such recorded achievements as a demonstration of our commitment to ensuring the rights of people with disabilities are maintained. Equality is at the heart of all we do.


AEL’s Tanzania Business Manager, Michael Enslin with the Human Resources Officer Rahma Nahdi sponsoring the AEL Branded Sports wheel chairs.

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First Quarter 2016

AEL Paying it Forward

The wheelchairs were sponsored to the Tanzanian national Paralympics basketball team.

The AEL Branded Sports Wheelchairs donated to the disabled.

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First Quarter 2016


AEL Streamlining

dge at a glance...


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First Quarter 2016

2015 was a great year with new and

DM: We can do more with Edge and we are

On high level we will embark on the Edge strategy

exciting developments for Edge, some of

continuously looking at new ways to add value to AEL.

review process which is aimed at revisiting AEL

which include increased usage as well

One of the exciting projects that we are working on is

business requirements for Edge and the necessary

as new systems rolled out to business.

the new UOR system. After listening to business and

governance structures for Edge. We are looking at

All Aboard (AA) chatted with Dzumbu

getting feedback from users we deemed it necessary

potentially upgrading Edge to align it with the latest

Mmbara (DM), IT Edge Specialist.

to revisit the UOR system on Edge. We are looking

technologies and current trends such as use of mobile

forward to rolling it out as we know that the UOR is one

devices. This will essentially take Edge to the next

AA: Can you briefly give us an overview of the 2015

of the most sought after systems on Edge. We are also


accomplishments of the Edge team?

going to be rolling out an IT Self-Help portal which is aimed at reducing calls to the helpdesk by empowering

DM: Indeed 2015 was a great year for Edge, the Edge

employees to independently perform some of their

Team and Edge users. We saw usage increase from

basic requirements like password resets.

AA: Currently what training are you offering?

DM: During the rollout of Edge we have travelled far and wide to ensure that all AEL employees are trained

around 790 to 850 users per day in the last few months. What was most impressive was the fact that although

In addition, we have started to implement reporting

on how to use Edge, and most sites received training

the number of users increased modestly, their usage of

on some of the solutions currently in use like the

including our regional and international sites.

Edge increased dramatically.

Corrective Actions System, so we are looking at rolling out more reports for all our system. The FSCC project

Currently we provide training on an ad hoc basis. When

In 2014 we recorded usage of around 10 000 hits per

will be using Edge as the Document Management

a user or a site requires training they can log a call

day and in 2015 we saw usage shoot up to a record

solution for invoices and other related documents. This

with AEL Helpdesk and we will be able to schedule

of 20 000 to 25 000 hits per day. Also the number of

project gave us an opportunity to integrate with SAP.

training for them. Training can also come in different forms, these include email communications to

documents currently stored on Edge rose from around 74 000 in 2014 to more than 200 000 documents in

AA: What can AEL employees look forward to in 2016?

users and focused interactions with users of specific applications like the Corrective Actions System.

2015. It was great to see that AEL employees are collaborating more on Edge. This was also notable

DM: As mentioned previously, AEL employees can look

in the uptake of some of the solutions we rolled out

forward to more Reporting on Edge as we gradually

to business in 2015, solutions like the Performance

rollout Edge Business Intelligence capabilities. With

Management System for Global Operations as well as

increased document management usage on Edge

Environmental Compliance Reporting.

we will be rolling out campaigns and training to ensure that employees are using Edge correctly and

AA: What are the exciting projects that you are

in accordance with best practice and AEL company

currently working on?


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First Quarter 2016


AEL Safety

Silly Season Campaign in the Northern Cape Each year the mining industry sees an increase of incidents during the festive season. Various campaigns are launched during this period in order to raise awareness. Two Northern Cape sites, Sishen and Khumani handed the keys of awareness to the employees on the frontline. Each week the employees working in their respective areas had to vote for who they felt were the frontrunners of safety. The votes were based on safe behaviors witnessed during the week. The six categories were:

A winner was chosen each week, and communicated to the shifts. At the end of the campaign the total votes were tallied and the following winners were announced:



1. Wearing the necessary PPE.

1st Place Bruce- Thapelo Nkunyane

1st Place Shift 1 – Jacobus Mouton

2. Housekeeping.

2nd Place Bruce – Simon Mojaki

3. Following Procedures.

1st Place King – Gaolaolwe Thipe

4. Hazard Identification.

2nd Place King – Thato Monchonyane.

1st Place Shift 2 - Gert Beukes 1st Place Quality, Magazine and Engineering – Mario Presley.

5. Reporting Unsafe Acts and Conditions, and 6. Looking out for the general safety of other employees. During the campaign, Sishen upheld its incident free days. AEL Management would like to congratulate the frontrunners of the campaign and calls upon all employees to follow the example that has been set by these safety champions. A ceremony was held at the Kathu Office on 22 February, where the campaign leaders were handed their certificates and reward.

Award recipients pictured with Nic Dreyer, Regional Manager - Northern Cape


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First Quarter 2016

AEL Quality

AEL achieves its Quality ISO 9001 re-certification The AEL Executive and the SHEQ management team Colin Wilson, Linnea Cloete and Lee-Anne Perumal, receive the ISO 9001 certificates from DQS’CEO (Francois Labuschagne) and Business Development Manager (Walter Aphane)

In 1993 AEL achieved its first ISO 9001 certification listing which certified that the AEL quality management system (QMS) met the stringent requirements of the ISO 9001:1997 standard. Since then the ISO 9001 standard has been reviewed and revised three times requiring AEL to update the QMS to meet the requirements. Over the last 22 years, AEL has achieved re-certification without any suspensions of the listing. A re-certification of the listing happens in 3 yearly cycles. Each year consists of a series of surveillance audits by our external auditors, DQS, at a few sites that are incorporated into our ISO 9001 listing scope. Each year the audit sites are different to ensure that a representative sample of AEL sites is audited to ensure that AEL is applying the QMS consistently across the business.

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Surveillance audits are repeated in Years 1 and 2 and in Year 3 the auditors undertake a re-certification audit which enables us to continue displaying and communicating our ISO 9001 compliance status. All surveillance and re-certification audits are extremely important as we need to ensure that we retain our certification in order to tender for business and grow AEL. Without an ISO 9001 listing we cannot compete against our competitors for new business nor can we continue to supply existing customers as we have to have an ISO certification according to the contracts we have signed with our customers. The switch to DQS as the AEL certification body has also been very valuable as DQS provides us with many opportunities for improvement (OFIs) which we can implement to improve our quality performance. In order to achieve our re-certification AEL had to close out all of the findings that were raised during the audits. All the findings were closed within the requisite time thanks to the

First Quarter 2016

time and effort by the various areas where the findings were made. It is important to close out all the findings within the required time frame to ensure that our listing is not suspended.

The Global Quality team is grateful to all the areas that were audited and demonstrated their commitment to quality and also for the time taken to close out all the findings to the satisfaction of DQS.


AEL Knowledge Sharing

MQA Accreditation Highlight AEL Mining Services, an Accredited Training Provider under the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA), is permitted under strict quality control measures to conduct training and assessments on the Skills Programme: Blasting Assistant for Surface Mines and Quarries (SP/CLA-G017) . Through stringent audits and verification, AEL achieved Provisional Accreditation in 2014 and Programme Approval in 2015 which is valid for a period of two years. This allows the company to up-skill Blasting Assistants in Surface Mines and Quarries to comply with the legal requirements of the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) and also deliver quality blasting-related services to its customers. This programme, which is coordinated by Skills Development, a sub-section of Mining Optimisation which operates under the Technology Group, was first implemented at Mankwe Quarry and Construction where learners had already completed the theoretical component with XTRACT Training Services. These Learners were exposed to a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process and were the first to successfully complete the programme. A formal certificate handover ceremony was conducted on 15 January 2016 to ten AEL employees at the Rustenburg Sales Office. The ceremony was coordinated by Desmond Pannels (Technical & Blasting Science Training Manager) and the handover was done by Meagan van den Berg (Regional Manager Anglo Platinum & Lonmin) and Kevin Nieuwenhuizen (Regional Engineer). Award recipients at the hand over ceremony


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First Quarter 2016

AEL Family

BABIES ON BOARD We take pleasure in announcing the latest additions to the AEL Family. We wish the parents the best of luck with the late night feeds and early morning lullabies.

Lerato Mohales’ handsome baby boy Katlego Mohale born on 20 October 2015

Wynand du Toits’ cute son Francois born on 6 January 2016

Fhulufhelo Tshisikule’s lovely baby girl Unarine Tshisikule born on 11 November 2015


AEL’s value proposition All Aboard © AEL Mining Services


First Quarter 2016


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