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Like sound colors have frequencies, colors are measured in nanometers and are wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. The length of the wave generated will dictate the color that your eyes will perceive—with red being the lowest frequency and longest wavelength, and violet/purple being the highest frequency and shortest wavelength.
Color is a lot more complex than many know, since colors are frequencies and vibrations they have the capacity to influence your emotions and decisions—for better or worse. For example, when corporations are in the branding process the marketing team is strategicly selecting a color scheme that will invoke certain emotions in their target market of buyers.
Orignating in China, there is an ancient practice known as Feng Shui where buildings, objects, and colors are arranged to stimulate peace, balance, and harmony. In western culture we use interior design combined and color to achieve Feng Shui. To cultivate Feng Shui interior designers utilize various colors that have a signficgnat impact on ones mood and energy expenditure. See the chart below to under stand how colors can improve your home's vibe.
Even something as simple as when an artist is painting a portrait, that artist is using different colors (frequencies/vibrations) that will ultimately elicit various emotions depending on the color that is being utilized, so even the art we interact with and consume is influencing us unconsciously.