1 minute read
Your Brain on Art
Science has the capabilities and technology to prove or disprove virtually every hypothesis presented. Science receives it’s conclusions based on testable and measurable research, making science a highly honorable and credible source.
But there’s a question that science can’t quite seem to answer even with its renowned crediability and that is “What is creativity?” Let’s examine this shall we.
We have all heard the scientific claim that the right hemisphere of the brain region is responsible for creativity and the left hemisphere is responsible for logic but when neurologists measured the brain waves of artists painting, the visionary and fine motor areas were heavily lit—those two areas of the brain are on opposite sides. So does science really have accu-So does science really have accu rate data on the matter?
Some scientists speculate that creativity is genetic? Will science one day be able to tell us if there is a certain gene that is the missing link to creativity, or series of specific proteins that influence neurological activity that is responsible for creativity—ultimately, is it possible that creativity is inherited or learned?
Science is able to provide concrete evidence that creativity is beneficial to mental and emotional health, & also that one's environment has an effect on creative development. But there’s no real answer to what creativity is—& where its anatomical origin is. Perhaps in the near future scien-Perhaps in the near future scien tists will be able replicate creativity, helping everyone reach creative genius. Just food for thought.