53rd Annual Convention Guidebook, Diocese of Southwest Florida

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Diocesan Contacts Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith dsmith@episcopalswfl.org

Diocesan House DaySpring Episcopal Center 8005 25th St. East Parrish, FL 34219 941-556-0315

Assisting Bishops:

The Rt. Rev. J. Michael Garrison The Rt. Rev. Barry R. Howe

Executive Assistant to the Bishop:

Ms. Wendy Martucci - Ext. 986 Cell: 941-374-3416 / wmartucci@episcopalswfl.org

Canon to the Ordinary:

The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman – Ext. 978 Cell: 941-212-8009 / rnorman@episcopalswfl.org

Administrative Assistant to Canon Norman: Archdeacon & Dean, School for Ministry: Canon for Stewardship and Pastoral Care:

Mrs. Tana Sembiante - Ext. 983 tsembiante@episcopalswfl.org

Director Congregation Position Vacant, contact avickers@episcopalswfl.org Support: Bookkeeper: Mrs. Geraldine ‘Jerry’ Buss - Ext. 981 jbuss@episcopalswfl.org Exec. Director, DaySpring Mrs. Carla Odell - 941-776-1018 Episcopal Center: Cell: 941-524-9444 / execdirector@dayspringfla.org

The Rev. Carol Flemming Diocesan Missioner, Parrish Episcopal Church Cell: 330-749-5934/ cfleming@episcopalswfl.org

This Convention Guidebook is published by the Communications Department, Diocese of Southwest Florida. Questions? Contact Editor Lindsey Nickel at lnickel@episcopalswfl.org

Inside Back Cover: “See, I Make All Things New” original artwork by Colton Garis, 12, St. John the Divine, Sun City Center


The Rev. Ann Dieterle DaySpring Program Coordinator Assistant Rector, St. Thomas, St. Petersburg Cell: 336-981-4445/ adieterle@episcopalswfl.org

Registrar/Reception: Mrs. Angie Ford - Ext. 987 aford@episcopalswfl.org

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Director Communications: Ms. Lindsey Nickel – Ext. 979 Cell: 727-560-0972 / lnickel@episcopalswfl.org

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Canon Anne Vickers, CFA - Ext. 982 Cell: 813-760-4630 / avickers@episcopalswfl.org

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Administrative Assistant Mrs. Michelle Mercurio - Ext. 977 Youth/School For Ministry: mmercurio@episcopalswfl.org


The Rev. Canon Christopher Gray Cell: 941-321-0249 / cgray@episcopalswfl.org


The Ven. Dr. Kathleen M. Moore - Ext. 989 Cell: 813-785-9400 / kmoore@episcopalswfl.org


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Director Youth Ministry & Mr. Matthew Bowers – Ext. 976 Programming: Cell: 904-392-8924 / mbowers@episcopalswfl.org

Canon for Finance and Administration/CFO:

episcopalswfl.org dayspringfla.org

The Rev. Scott Nonken University of South Florida Chaplan snonken@episcopalswfl.org The Rev. Michael Todd State College of Florida Chaplain Rector, Church of the Holy Spirit, Osprey Cell: 928-388-9676 / mtodd@chsosprey.com

Back Cover: “See, I Make All Things New” original artwork by Carolina de la Torriente, 10, DaySpring Camper, St. James Episcopal Church, Ormond Beach 53rd ANNUAL CONVENTION


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