Information for Clergy and Delegates The 153rd Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas October 19-20, 2012 Topeka, Kansas
Table of contents Schedules and agendas
Schedule of convocation meetings........................................................................................................2 Proposed agenda for Diocesan Convention..........................................................................................3
Nominees for Council of Trustees
Lay nominees (elect 1)..........................................................................................................................4 Clergy nominees (elect 2)................................................................................................................. 5-7
Nominees for Disciplinary Board
Lay nominees (elect 3)..........................................................................................................................8 Clergy nominees (elect 4)............................................................................................................... 9-10
Canonical amendment
Proposed amendment 1.......................................................................................................................11
Proposed 2013 mission plan
Narrative ...................................................................................................................................... 12-16 Summary of the mission plan.............................................................................................................17 Line items of income and expenses.............................................................................................. 18-23 Apportionment schedule.....................................................................................................................24
Consent Calendar items
Bishop’s appointments and nominations...................................................................................... 25-26 Convention committees................................................................................................................ 27-28 Courtesy resolutions...................................................................................................................... 29-30
Other items
Proposed rules of debate.....................................................................................................................31 Form for proposing amendments........................................................................................................32
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Schedule of convocation meetings Southeast Convocation
Saturday, Sept. 8, 10 a.m., St. John’s Church, 1801 Corning, Parsons
Southwest Convocation
Saturday, Sept. 8, 2 p.m., Trinity Church, 400 W. Ash, El Dorado
Northeast Convocation
Saturday, Sept. 22, 9 a.m., Bishop Seabury Academy, 4120 Clinton Parkway, Lawrence
Northwest Convocation
Saturday, Sept. 22, 1 p.m., Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka
All delegates are urged to attend the meeting in their Convocation. Members of the diocesan staff and the Council of Trustees will be present to provide information and answer questions.
Please bring this convention book with you to your Convocation meeting and to Diocesan Convention.
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed agenda for Diocesan Convention All events take place at the Capitol Plaza Hotel or adjacent Maner Conference Center except the Thursday night Evensong and fundraiser, and the Friday morning Eucharist, which are at Grace Cathedral. All venues are in Topeka.
Thursday, October 18, 2012 4 – 7:30 p.m.
Early convention registration, Emerald Coat Check Room, Capitol Plaza Hotel, 1717 SW Topeka Blvd.
6:30 – 7 p.m.
Evensong, Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave.
7 – 9 p.m.
Chili supper, Crossroads fundraiser and Bethany Place Conference Center open house, Great Hall, Grace Cathedral
Friday, October 19, 2012 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Convention Eucharist, Grace Cathedral; Bishop Dean Wolfe, celebrant Bishop Gerald Mansholt, ELCA Central States Synod, preacher
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Convention registration, Sunflower Ballroom Foyer, Maner Conference Center
Lunch, Sunflower Ballroom
1 – 1:45 p.m.
Bishop Wolfe’s Address, Sunflower Ballroom
1:45 – 2 p.m.
2 – 4 p.m.
Opening business session, Sunflower Ballroom
4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Workshops, various rooms, Maner Conference Center
6 – 7 p.m.
Social hour, Shawnee Room and Sunflower Ballroom Foyer
7 – 9 p.m.
Convention banquet and awards, Sunflower Ballroom After-dinner remarks by Bishop Peter Price of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, Church of England
9:15 p.m.
Taizé service, Pioneer Room
Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:30 – 9 a.m.
Continental breakfast, Shawnee Room, Maner Conference Center
9 – 9:10 a.m.
Morning Prayer, Sunflower Ballroom
9:10 – 10 a.m.
Keynote address by Bishop Peter Price of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, Sunflower Ballroom
10 – 10:15 a.m.
10:15 – 11:45 a.m.
Business session resumes, Sunflower Ballroom
11:45 a.m. – noon
Noonday Prayers
Noon – 1 p.m.
Lunch, Sunflower Ballroom
1 – 2 p.m.
Business session (if needed) and Adjournment, Sunflower Ballroom
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Lay nominees • Council of Trustees, At-large Member (vote for 1) Bob Skaggs
Member, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission
Church leadership: Current member, Council of Trustees. Chair of the Finance Committee, member of the diocesan Executive Committee. Deputy to General Convention (2009, 2012) and diocesan Task Force for Health Insurance. Previously was president of the Northeast Convocation, member of the Council of Trustees (2001-2007), member of task force for campus ministry, member of campus ministry search committee, member of task force for funding the ministry of the diocese. Former Vestry member at St. Michael’s and St. Francis, Stilwell. Current position: Lieutenant Colonel, United States Marine Corps, retired Statement: When I retired from the Marine Corps I made a conscious decision to serve the church as my first priority. I have found that my skill set works well in service in the councils of the church. I am willing to take on the tasks that need to get done but most are reluctant to engage. We are entering into a tumultuous time in the Episcopal Church, at the national and diocesan level, a time of great challenge and even greater reward as we re-envision ourselves as the great missionary church we are called to be. I want to continue to be a part of this process, as we transition to a new and better way to live into the Great Commission.
Kathy Slawson
Member, Grace Cathedral, Topeka
Church leadership: Stephen Minister (lay pastoral care) and member of the Cathedral Choir; recently led parish outreach to the Washburn University campus and served for 10 years as youth leader and Sunday School teacher for senior high and middle school students; served as co-coordinator for 12 consecutive diocesan senior high Happening weekends and two years as co-director of the diocesan junior high camp at Camp Wood; co-planner of Cathedral youth pilgrimages to Canterbury and Washington Cathedrals. Past member of the Cathedral Altar Guild and served on the design staff of the diocesan Ministry Fair. Current position: Continuing Legal Education Program Planner, Kansas Bar Association Statement: As one who has served as an active volunteer for more than 25 years in many aspects of Cathedral and diocesan life, I feel that I can bring the perspective of the wide variety of parish members to the table. My work, both professional and volunteer, has involved the ability to perform a broad range of detail and organization that I am eager to offer in continuing service to the diocese.
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • Council of Trustees, At-large Member and Council of Trustees, At-large Member, one-year unexpired term (vote for 2) Process for election to these positions: The person receiving the highest number of votes (if a majority) will be elected for the three-year position, and the person receiving the second highest number of votes (if a majority), will be elected for the unexpired term. If only one person receives a majority vote on the first ballot, that person is elected for the three-year position, and on a subsequent ballot, the person receiving the highest number of votes (if a majority) will be elected for the unexpired term.
The Rev. Sharon Billman
Vicar, St. John’s, Parsons
Church leadership: Member, Congregational Development Commission and Convention Minutes Review Committee; recipient of the Canon’s Award, 2010; trainer for child and adult protection workshops; Cursillo; graduate of the Kansas School for Ministry; General Convention volunteer, 2012; president, vice president and secretary of the Parsons Ministerial Association; chair and co-chair of the Parsons CROP Hunger Walk; Southeast Convocation board secretary. Current position: Vicar, St. John’s, Parsons Statement: I have been a member of the Episcopal Church for 46 years. I was raised up from St. John’s and ordained under the former Canon 9 requirements, and I was appointed by Bishop Dean Wolfe to serve as the Vicar of St. John’s in Parsons since 2004. I have a variety of gifts I can bring to the Council of Trustees from a small parish prospective, and I fully understand, support and practice the Total Ministry concept. I feel my experience as a small business owner for many years also will be an asset to the Council of Trustees. I know what it is like to struggle in tough economic times and to make hard decisions, while enjoying successful years of providing honest and dependable service to many people, including those affected by natural disasters.
The Rev. Bill Breedlove
Assistant Rector, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission
Church leadership: Director of Youth and Family Ministries at St. Michael’s; past member of the diocesan Campus Ministry Commission. Current position: Assistant Rector, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Statement: I am looking for an opportunity to serve at the diocesan level, bringing particular concern and advocacy for the interests of children, youth, young adult and family ministries in the Diocese of Kansas.
Additional clergy nominees are on page 6 and 7.
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • Council of Trustees, At-large Member and Council of Trustees, At-large Member, one-year unexpired term (vote for 2) The Rev. Patrick Funston
Chaplain, Bishop Seabury Academy, Lawrence
Church leadership: Community Service Director, Bishop Seabury Academy; member, diocesan Committee on Higher Education; former campus ministry intern, Kansas State University; youth peer minister; program and camp director, diocesan summer camp; lay Eucharistic minister, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission. Current position: Chaplain, Bishop Seabury Academy, Lawrence Statement: I seek the office of Trustee because the Diocese of Kansas should be a leader in bringing newer voices to institutional decision-making. As a younger voice on the Council of Trustees, I will offer a unique perspective to the deliberations of that body and of the diocese as a whole. I also seek the office of Trustee to learn and grow in my own ministry. As a product of the diocese, I am committed to helping it remain a vital example of Anglican ministry done well, even as the diocese moves in new and exciting directions.
The Rev. C. Earl Mahan
Priest in charge, St. John’s, Wichita
Church leadership: Member, Advisory Board, Episcopal Wichita Area Refugee Ministry (ex officio), Executive Board member and convocation dean, Episcopal Diocese of West Texas Current position: Priest in charge, St. John’s, Wichita Statement: Having served in parish ministry for almost 20 years, I believe in the mission of the church as it is expressed at the diocesan and local levels, for it is at these grassroots levels that we can most visibly see the body of Christ in action. I believe the Council of Trustees in the Diocese of Kansas plays an integral role, working with our bishop, impacting the living out of our mission together. I desire to bring my gifts and abilities and experiences as a parish priest to the table and assist our diocese to continue to grow and live into our mission and shared ministry.
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • Council of Trustees, At-large Member and Council of Trustees, At-large Member, one-year unexpired term (vote for 2) The Very Rev. Michael Munro
Rector, St. Paul’s, Leavenworth and Dean of the Northeast Convocation
Church leadership: Dean of the Northeast Convocation; Council of Trustees at-large member, 2004-2010; chair of the Commission on Ministry, 2007-2010; member of bishop search committee, 2002-2003; MegaCamp cabin counselor, 2012 Current position: Rector, St. Paul’s, Leavenworth and Dean of the Northeast Convocation Statement: Every priest at ordination is called to take a share in the councils of the church. By serving on the Council of Trustees I intend once more to act on this promise. The Council of Trustees pays attention to issues in the church both within the diocese and in the national church. During my previous service I have known these discussions to be wide-ranging and to consider a variety of theological points of view. My skill in the midst of these conversations has been to help find the places where disparate viewpoints come together. My goal is to leave things better than I found them. I hope to have the chance to do it once more.
The Rev. Andrew O’Connor Rector, Good Shepherd, Wichita
Church leadership: President of the Southwest Convocation; former convocation vice president; member, Commission on Ministry; Kansas School for Ministry instructor; participant in Kansas to Kenya mission trips in 2010 and 2011; General Convention exhibitor for St. Mark’s Press, 2012 Current position: Rector, Good Shepherd, Wichita Statement: Since arriving here in 2009 I have been deeply impressed by the commitment to Christ’s mission by the people of our diocese. From building houses in Kenya with students from our campus ministries, to taking part in the formation of new deacons and priests as an instructor at KSM, I have observed a tremendous vitality in our church. Despite the challenges we presently face, I believe the Diocese of Kansas is and will be a leader in the emerging renewal of the Episcopal Church’s mission and ministry. My enthusiasm for our church in this moment, combined with the perspective I bring as the rector of a dynamic Wichita parish, is what I can faithfully offer to the Council of Trustees’ work of governance and stewardship.
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Lay nominees • Disciplinary Board Members (vote for 3) Sarah Bousfield
Member, St. James’, Wichita
Church leadership: Youth representative to the Vestry (2012-present), member, diocesan Youth Commission (2011-present) Statement: I believe that it is important for youth to actively participate in all aspects and responsibilities at the diocesan level.
Janine Cox
Member, Trinity, Lawrence
Church leadership: Current member and president, Disciplinary Board; senior warden, co-chair of rector search, co-chair of the Trinity Foster Home Board, Eucharistic Minister, lector Current position: Deputy appellate defender Statement: When Bishop Wolfe asked me to serve on the Board, I was honored and gladly accepted the offer. I believe that my legal background will be an asset should a case come before the Board, and I appreciate the opportunity to serve the diocese in this capacity.
Philip Davidson
Member, St. John’s, Wichita
Church leadership: Current member, Disciplinary Board; former senior warden, chair of the parish Personnel Committee, co-chair of the parish capital campaign, chair of the Stewardship Committee Current position: Attorney, Hinkle Law Firm Statement: My education, training and experience in handling professional development, inquiries into professional conduct and matters in the legal arena should be helpful to Bishop Wolfe and the clergy of the diocese on matters relating to this position.
Glenn Horton-Smith
Member, St. Paul’s, Manhattan
Church leadership: Current member, Disciplinary Board; Vestry member, choir member, Sunday school teacher Current position: Associate professor of physics, Kansas State University Statement: I’m willing to serve and willing to learn the appropriate disciplinary canons and the role of the Board in case it is ever needed, even while I hope the Board never needs to formally convene.
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • Disciplinary Board Members (vote for 4) The Rev. Marcus Cunningham
Rector, Church of the Epiphany, Sedan
Church leadership: Current member, Disciplinary Board. Has also served on the board of directors for the Global Episcopal Mission Network. Current position: Rector, Church of the Epiphany, Sedan Statement: I have been trained for this position. And while the board hasn’t had to meet, it is an important part of our structure. I hope and pray that we will not be convened, but if we are, I will impart my insight and perspective as a parish priest into the proceedings.
The Rev. Dawn Frankfurt Rector, St. James’, Wichita
Church leadership: Current member, Disciplinary Board. In the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia was on the Executive Committee, mentor for Fresh Start, chair and member of the Outreach Committee, member of the Education Consortium and member of the convention Resolutions Committee. Current position: Rector, St. James’, Wichita Statement: I am willing to serve on the Disciplinary Board for a number of reasons. I think it is important for people who serve to represent a variety of church settings and experience. I was ordained in the Diocese of Hawaii and served parishes in the Dioceses of Southwestern Virginia and Oklahoma before coming to Kansas. It is of great value to someone serving in this position to have had significant life experience, to be fair and open minded, and to be knowledgeable about and interested in the way the Episcopal Church operates and governs itself. I am a thoughtful, caring and prayerful person, and I believe I have traits that would be valuable to the Disciplinary Board. Thank you for your prayers and consideration.
Deacon Robert Hirst
Deacon, Good Shepherd, Wichita
Church leadership: Current member, Disciplinary Board. Member of the Commission on Ministry. Innkeeper for the Kansas School for Ministry. Has served as deacon at St. Stephen’s and Good Shepherd in Wichita. Previously was on the Board of Directors of Episcopal Social Services and was director of the Teen Intervention Program at ESS. Is former president and vice president of the Southwest Convocation and former administrative assistant at St. Stephen’s. Current position: Unit Manager, Kansas Department for Children and Families Statement: I am running because of a request from Canon Craig Loya and a willingness to serve.
Additional clergy nominees are on page 10.
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • Disciplinary Board Members (vote for 4) The Rev. Laurie Lewis
Assistant Rector, St. Stephen’s, Wichita
Church leadership: Member, Campus Ministry Committee and co-leader of the Episcopal Campus Ministry of Wichita. At St. Stephen’s has oversight responsibilities for liturgy and music, Christian formation, outreach ministries to seniors, campus ministry, and newcomer ministries. Current position: Assistant Rector, St. Stephen’s, Wichita Statement: I chose to join The Episcopal Church as an adult, and I have a great deal of respect for its Constitutions and Canons. When the call came that I was being nominated for the Disciplinary Board, I accepted the nomination out of a sense of duty from the prayer at my priestly consecration: “Make her a faithful pastor, a patient teacher, and a wise councilor.” Any wisdom I possess comes only by the grace of God. I make myself available to seek God’s wisdom and serve God as a member of this board if it is the will of the church.
The Very Rev. Steve Lipscomb
Dean, Grace Cathedral, Topeka and Dean of the Northwest Convocation
Church leadership: Current member, Disciplinary Board and Dean of the Northwest Convocation. Member of the Crossroads Building Committee and Health Insurance Task Force. Former chair of the Congregational Development Commission and former member of the Council of Trustees, diocesan Finance Committee and Apportionment Task Force. Former chair of the Bishop’s Transition Committee. Current position: Dean, Grace Cathedral, Topeka and Dean of the Northwest Convocation Statement: I am happy to continue service on this board that, I hope, is never called to meet. If there is reason to meet then the situation will be a serious one that calls for fair-minded and open-minded listeners, who know how to temper justice with mercy and who know the difference between the two. I believe I can be this type of listener and derive a fair verdict.
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Canonical amendment Proposed canonical amendment 1 Proposed by Ethel Edwards and Ronda Hoss, St. David’s, Topeka Note: New language is shown in italics; language to be replaced is shown in strikethrough. Canon IV.2 - Of Apportionments
Sec. 4. d. Any parish purchasing health insurance from the Episcopal Medical Trust for clergy and staff is entitled to offset any such costs that exceed the fair market value of a documented alternative insurance policy from their annual apportionment. Sec. 5. This Canon shall be effective from funding budget year 2006 2013 and shall be reviewed at least every ten (10) years by a committee appointed by the Bishop.
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2013 mission plan, narrative
The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas proposed 2013 mission plan Sources of Resources
The proposed 2013 mission plan for the Diocese of Kansas is funded primarily through apportionment. Apportionment accounts for 86 percent of the resources to fund the 2013 mission plan. The remainder of the funding is provided by investment earnings (4.9 percent) and fees (9.1 percent). The proposed apportionment for 2013 of $1,380,577 compares to previous years as follows: 2012 $1,317,321 2011 $1,353,342 2010 $1,357,596 2009 $1,365,000 2008 $1,329,562 2007 $1,282,375 2006 $1,194,484 2005 $1,299,543 2004 $1,299,205 2003 $1,400,698 2002 $1,307,276 2001 $1,283,207 2000 $1,306,787 The proposed effective apportionment rate for 2013 will remain at 17.5 percent. From 2000 through 2012, the effective apportionment rate has ranged from a high of 19.55 percent in 2000 to a low of 16.47 percent in 2003.
Uses of Resources
Youth and campus ministry continues to be a significant emphasis of the 2013 mission plan. In addition, we will continue our wider outreach by fully funding the Episcopal Church asking and the Millennium Development Goals. The 2013 mission plan continues to make use of the endowment to help fund the mission plan. However, for several years the endowment was used at a rate that was unsustainable over the long term. For 2013 the Council of Trustees recommends a reduction in the mission plan and a reduction in the usage of the endowment fund. The end result was that two staff positions were eliminated, and other cuts were enacted. The 2013 mission plan is $268,079 less than the 2012 mission plan.
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2013 mission plan, narrative Adjusted for inflation, the 2000 budget would be $1,882,220 in 2012 dollars. In inflation-adjusted dollars, the 2013 mission plan is $276,051 less than the 2000 budget. 2012 $1,874,248 2011 $1,862,745 2010 $1,798,885 2009 $1,928,963 2008 $1,797,338 2007 $1,632,355 2006 $1,402,178 2005 $1,364,443 2004 $1,360,205 2003 $1,458,575 2002 $1,379,835 2001 $1,373,207 2000 $1,386,788
Adult Formation
For 2013 there will be continued emphasis on Education for Ministry (EFM) training and mentoring. The Diocese of Kansas has been deeply involved in EFM and has as many or more graduates than many dioceses of comparable size or larger. In 2012 the diocese conducted two EFM mentor training sessions. Adult Formation also sponsors lay ministry training, spiritual development training, Via Media and Cursillo.
Bethany Place
As part of the Crossroads campaign, the Bethany Place Conference Center has undergone extensive remodeling. In 2013, the 20-bed conference center again will serve Kansas School for Ministry students, along with students from Western Kansas, West Missouri and Nebraska. The conference center also will be available for use by parish organizations, agencies and select community organizations. Items associated with Bethany Place are the utilities, supplies, maintenance and upkeep of the grounds.
Church Planter
In 2008, the Rev. Philip Hubbard was called to be the church planter in Johnson County. In 2012 St. Clare’s, Spring Hill, paid for non-salary and benefit items. St. Clare’s will pay one-third of Father Hubbard’s salary and benefits, plus other program expenses, in 2013. This is a further step by St. Clare’s on their path to becoming a self-supporting parish of the diocese. Two-thirds of the salary and benefits for the church planter are included under clergy salaries and benefits in the Mission Management section.
Campus Ministry
The 2013 mission plan reflects the staff reduction from two to one full-time campus missioner. The Rev. Michael Bell is working with the Campus Ministry Council to reconfigure and restructure how campus ministry is carried out in the diocese. Two interns will be serving the diocese and assisting the campus missioner in his work. Efforts will continue to build the partnership between the parishes and campus ministry. Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2013 mission plan, narrative Clergy Support
Clergy Support encompasses important functions for the clergy of the diocese. The functions under Clergy Support include: • Gathering of Presbyters • Deacons Retreat • Archdeacons • Convocation Deans • Chrism Mass
Commission on Ministry
The Commission on Ministry (COM) is required by Title III of the Constitutions and Canons of the Episcopal Church. The Commission on Ministry is charged with the task of finding those persons who can best fill the ministry needs of the diocese; thus, a vocational discernment process and program have been established. COM works in the discernment process not only with candidates but also with convocation discernment committees. As part of COM, the Examining Chaplains are responsible for reviewing the General Ordination Examinations of the seminarians.
This area includes the cost of printing and mailing The Harvest, the diocesan newspaper, six times a year. This office is also responsible for the diocesan website and the biweekly electronic newsletter DioLog, as well as the Directory and Convention Journal provided to all clergy and parish offices. The director also oversees printed communications for the bishop’s office and is available to consult with parishes on communication issues including website development, and print and digital publications.
Community Life
This area includes items related to meetings that incorporate aspects of our common life as a community of faith. Included are the diocesan office expenses for the annual Convention, as well as the escrow for the General Convention, which next will be held in Salt Lake City in 2015, and the bishop’s attendance at the every-10-year Lambeth Conference.
Congregational Development
The Congregational Development Commission plans diocesanwide events, like the Magnetic Church and the Appreciative Inquiry seminars, that focus on congregational growth. Congregational Development will continue working with individual parishes in the diocese to assist them in growth and development.
Council of Trustees
This part of the 2013 mission plan provides for the monthly Council of Trustee meetings, the Trustees’ annual retreat and other Council expenses.
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2013 mission plan, narrative Kansas School for Ministry
KSM provides education and training for people preparing for ordination as deacons and priests, as well as lay people wanting to engage in specialized ministries or seeking to grow in their knowledge. The Rev. Andrew Grosso is the coordinator of KSM. A new curriculum has been developed, and new resources will be needed. A new partnership has been formed with the Dioceses of Western Kansas, West Missouri and Nebraska to provide education for people in those dioceses preparing for ordination. This section of the mission plan provides resources for the school and for students from the Diocese of Kansas.
Liturgy, Arts and Music
The mission of the Liturgy, Arts and Music Commission is to support the congregations in the diocese, that we may better celebrate our life in Christ through worship. The commission continues to work with the bishop on ordination liturgies for priests and deacons, and plans and coordinates worship for the diocesan convention.
Mission Management
The salaries and benefits of all clergy and lay employees of the diocese have been grouped in this section. The operations and facilities expenses of the diocesan office are included in this area. Among major items in this area are retiree health insurance, computers, utilities, maintenance, property and liability insurance, and the annual audit.
Mission and Outreach
The Diocese of Kansas continues to be a strong supporter of the wider church. Our diocese has participated at the full asking despite past difficulties. Once again, the 2013 mission plan provides for the full asking to support the work of the Episcopal Church. Full participation by the diocese in the Millennium Development Goals is included in the mission plan. Areas supported by Mission and Outreach are: • Episcopal Church Apportionment • Province VII Apportionment • Episcopal Community Services in Kansas City • Episcopal Social Services in Wichita • Bishop Seabury Academy in Lawrence • Kansas Ecumenical Ministries • Anti-Racism Awareness Training • Millennium Development Goals
Office of the Bishop
This area of the 2013 mission plan provides for the support of the bishop in his work, both in the Diocese of Kansas and in the wider church. Funding allows for the bishop to work together with the other bishops of the Episcopal Church through the House of Bishops and other special committees on which Bishop Wolfe serves.
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2013 mission plan, narrative Office of the Canon to the Ordinary
The Canon to the Ordinary is the chief administrative officer for the diocese. The canon also is the transition ministry officer for the Diocese of Kansas, assisting parishes and clergy in the search and call process. The Canon to the Ordinary also serves as the bishop’s chief of staff, consults with parishes about congregational development, and serves as the staff liaison to the Congregational Development Commission and the Commission on Ministry.
Seminarian Support/Internships
As part of investing in our future, the Diocese of Kansas provides assistance for future priests of the Episcopal Church. Twice a year the diocese provides grants to the seminarians from our diocese. Our diocese also partners with specific parishes to provide internship experience for clergy in the diocese. This partnership allows newly ordained clergy to gain valuable parish experience, and the parishes benefit from their ministry.
Stewardship and Development
The 2013 mission plan does not include funding for a staff person in stewardship and development. For 2013 the Crossroads campaign will be the main focus. The Stewardship and Development Committee will work to provide resources and services to the parishes of the diocese.
Youth Ministries
During 2012 Michael Funston has served the diocese as the interim youth missioner. A search currently is underway to hire a permanent youth missioner for 2013. The work performed in Youth Ministries helps lay the foundation for future priests and lay leaders in the Episcopal Church. These are some of the successful youth events planned for 2013: • Miqra • Happenings • MissionPalooza • New Beginnings • Summer Camp • Fall Festival
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
2011 Actual 1,256,385 0 339,400 169,394 1,765,179
2011 Actual 4,732 24,839 91,455 0 24,546 6,959 17,991 57,049 588 4,746 14,003 125 1,081,149 289,053 35,471 17,687 42,370 14,701 113,832 1,841,296
Income 2011 Proposal Apportionment 1,353,342 Campus Ministry Gift 75,000 Endowment Proceeds/Line of Credit 339,403 Fees - Youth & other 95,000 Total Income 1,862,745
Expenses 2011 Proposal Adult Formation 10,250 21,450 Bethany Place Campus Ministries 91,925 Church Planter 6,550 Clergy Support 11,650 Commission on Ministry 6,200 Communications 20,695 Community Life 20,600 Congregational Development 7,000 Council of Trustees 5,400 Kansas School for Ministry 8,500 Liturgy, Arts and Music 2,000 Mission Management 1,118,491 Mission and Outreach 291,984 Office of the Bishop 34,450 Office of the Canon to the Ordinary 20,300 Seminarian Support 82,000 Stewardship and Development 15,400 Youth Ministries 87,900 Total Expenses 1,862,745
2012 Proposal 9,700 21,450 91,925 0 11,400 6,100 22,635 20,600 7,100 4,750 8,500 2,000 1,123,420 306,868 34,200 20,300 82,000 15,400 85,900 1,874,248
2012 Proposal 1,317,321 0 441,427 115,500 1,874,248
2013 Proposal 9,350 21,450 71,135 0 10,550 6,100 22,635 20,300 7,100 4,680 8,500 1,000 944,992 305,877 28,100 16,400 46,000 250 81,750 1,606,169
2013 Proposal 1,380,577 0 78,042 147,550 1,606,169
Proposed 2013 mission plan, summary
$ Change -350 0 -20,790 0 -850 0 0 -300 0 -70 0 -1,000 -178,428 -991 -6,100 -3,900 -36,000 -15,150 -4,400 -268,079
$ Change 63,256 0 (363,385) 32,050 (268,079)
-7.46% 0.00 0.00% -1.46% 0.00% -1.47%% 0.00%% -50.00% -15.88% -0.32% -17.84% -19.21% -43.90% -98.38% -4.83% -14.30%
% Change -3.61% 0.00% -22.62%
-82.32% 27.75% -14.30%
% Change 4.80%
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
2011 Actual 1,256,385 0 339,400 169,394 1,765,179 2011 Actual 0 0 4,232 500 0 0 4,732 2011 Actual 2,275 3,760 1,617 17,187 24,839 2011 Actual 12,467 7,200 2,117 16,650 13,500 6,804 3,359 434 838 2,757 19,377 5,952 91,455
2011 Proposal 1,353,342 75,000 339,403 95,000 1,862,745 2011 Proposal 500 1,600 6,650 500 500 500 10,250 2011 Proposal 1,450 5,000 3,000 12,000 21,450
Income Apportionment Campus Ministry Gift Endowment Proceeds/Line of Credit Fees - Youth & other Total Income
Adult Formation Commission Expenses Travel Education For Ministry (EFM) Cursillo Via Media Spiritual Development-Training Total Adult Formation
Bethany Place Supplies Utilities Building Services Contracts Maintenance Total Bethany Place
Campus Ministries 2011 Proposal 13,175 Auto Expense Auto Escrow 7,200 Lodging 1,000 Maintenance - University of Kansas 16,650 Maintenance - Kansas State University 13,500 6,900 Campus Ministries - Parish Based Travel 3,600 Meetings/Gatherings 1,000 Office Supplies 500 Telecommunications 2,400 20,000 Campus Ministry Interns Ministry Program Expenses 6,000 Total Campus Ministries 91,925
2012 Proposal 13,175 7,200 1,000 16,650 13,500 6,900 3,600 1,000 500 2,400 20,000 6,000 91,925
2012 Proposal 1,450 5,000 3,000 12,000 21,450
2012 Proposal 250 1,400 6,650 500 400 500 9,700
2012 Proposal 1,317,321 0 441,427 115,500 1,874,248
2013 Proposal 6,750 0 500 16,650 13,500 3,785 1,800 500 250 1,400 20,000 6,000 71,135
2013 Proposal 2,450 4,500 2,500 12,000 21,450
2013 Proposal 200 1,200 6,650 500 300 500 9,350
2013 Proposal 1,380,577 0 78,042 147,550 1,606,169
Proposed 2013 mission plan, line item
$ Change -6,425 -7,200 -500 0 0 -3,115 -1,800 -500 -250 -1,000 0 0 -20,790
$ Change 1,000 -500 -500 0 0
$ Change -50 -200 0 0 -100 0 -350
$ Change 63,256 0 (363,385) 32,050 (268,079)
% Change -48.77% -100.00% -50.00% 0.00% 0.00% -45.14% -50.00% -50.00% -50.00% -41.67% 0.00% 0.00% -22.62%
% Change 68.97% -10.00% -16.67% 0.00% 0.00%
% Change -20.00% -14.29% 0.00% 0.00% -25.00% 0.00% -3.61%
-82.32% 27.75% -14.30%
% Change 4.80%
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Church Planter 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change Travel 1,250 0 0 0 0 Office Supplies 3,000 0 0 0 0 Telecommunications 1,300 0 0 0 0 Continuing Education 1,000 0 0 0 0 Total Church Planter 6,550 0 0 0 0 Clergy Support 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change Gathering of Presbyters 500 9,449 500 250 -250 -50.00% 750 2,816 500 500 0 0.00% Archdeacons Clergy Gatherings 500 102 500 250 -250 -50.00% Deacons Retreat 500 2,814 500 250 -250 -50.00% 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 0.00% Convocation Deans Chrism Mass 1,400 1,365 1,400 1,300 -100 -7.14% 11,650 24,546 11,400 10,550 -850 -7.46% Total Clergy Support Commission on Ministry 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change Commission Expense 1,000 674 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% 1,200 874 1,200 1,200 0 0.00% Travel (Seminarians) Supplies 200 122 200 200 0 0.00% Conferences/Retreats 1,500 1,045 1,500 1,500 0 0.00% Interview Expenses 100 0 0 0 0 Background Investigations 500 1,993 500 500 0 0.00% 700 751 700 700 0 0.00% Ordination Services Ordination Examinations 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Total Commission on Ministry 6,200 6,959 6,100 6,100 0 0.00% Communications 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change 150 0 0 0 0 Committee Expense Travel 1,000 407 750 750 0 0.00% Telephone 360 180 360 360 0 0.00% Website Hosting 1,060 420 450 480 30 6.67% Publication 4,500 4,246 6,300 6,300 0 0.00% 8,100 6,990 7,750 7,750 0 0.00% Circulation (Postage) Labeling 1,200 1,018 1,200 1,200 0 0.00% Postage Returns 400 207 400 300 -100 -25.00% Technology Upgrades (Software) 300 0 300 200 -100 -33.33% Program Expense 800 472 800 750 -50 -6.25% 425 0 425 425 0 0.00% Equipment 1,300 1,451 1,300 1,500 200 15.38% Episcopal Communicators Fees & Membership 300 295 300 320 20 6.67% Diocesan Journal 800 2,305 2,300 2,300 0 0.00% Total Communications 20,695 17,991 22,635 22,635 0 0.00%
Proposed 2013 mission plan, line item
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Community Life 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change Convention Expense 5,300 36,857 5,300 5,000 -300 -5.66% General Convention Deputies 14,000 18,892 14,000 14,000 0 0.00% Anglican/Lambeth Conferences 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 0 0.00% 20,600 57,049 20,600 20,300 -300 -1.46% Total Community Life Congregational Development 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change 0 0 100 100 0 0.00% Committee Expense Continuing Education 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 0.00% 4,000 588 4,000 4,000 0 0.00% Conferences Search Committee Consultants 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Total Congregational Development 7,000 588 7,100 7,100 0 0.00% Council of Trustees 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change 750 1,009 500 500 0 0.00% Bishop’s Fund for Miscellaneous Task Force Committee Expense 1,850 2,208 1,850 1,980 130 7.03% Retreat 2,800 1,529 2,400 2,200 -200 -8.33% Total Council of Trustees 5,400 4,746 4,750 4,680 -70 -1.47% Kansas School for Ministry 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change Travel 1,000 497 1,000 0 -1,000 -100.00% Meals 3,000 4,332 3,000 4,000 1,000 33.33% Lodging 1,500 2,674 1,500 1,500 0 0.00% 3,000 6,500 3,000 3,000 0 0.00% Faculty Honorariums Total Kansas School for Ministry 8,500 14,003 8,500 8,500 0 0.00% Liturgy, Arts and Music 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change Diocesan Liturgies (Convent’n, Ordinat’n) 1,000 125 1,000 500 -500 -50.00% 1,000 0 1,000 500 -500 -50.00% Workshops, Information & Consultation Total Liturgy, Arts and Music 2,000 125 2,000 1,000 -1,000 -50.00%
Proposed 2013 mission plan, line item
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
2011 Actual 365,030 97,321 65,705 327,015 25,578 27,736 22,764 852 675 17,541 4,011 2,307 1,403 17,529 4,289 3,626 11,647 1,296 0 789 393 7,562 0 18,614 302 40,000 17,164 1,081,149
2012 Proposal 375,430 95,535 67,577 344,231 26,334 26,665 29,400 850 750 20,000 4,120 2,500 650 20,168 5,000 6,360 8,500 1,850 1,000 2,500 1,500 9,300 0 15,700 500 40,000 17,000 1,123,420
2013 Proposal 309,470 77,774 55,706 271,626 20,857 29,496 18,815 850 750 20,000 4,120 2,500 1,000 20,168 5,000 5,500 10,310 1,600 750 2,500 1,000 9,000 0 18,700 500 40,000 17,000 944,992
$ Change -65,960 -17,761 -11,871 -72,605 -5,477 2,831 -10,585 0 0 0 0 0 350 0 0 -860 1,810 -250 -250 0 -500 -300 0 3,000 0 0 0 -178,428
Clergy salaries include the salaries for the Bishop, the Canon to the Ordinary, the Campus Missioner and two-thirds of the salary of a Church Planter.
2011 Proposal 365,030 109,385 65,705 335,780 25,690 25,250 28,615 850 750 20,988 4,120 2,500 650 20,168 5,000 6,360 8,500 1,850 1,000 2,500 1,500 9,300 3,800 15,700 500 40,000 17,000 1,118,491
19.11% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -15.88%
% Change -17.57% -18.59% -17.57% -21.09% -20.80% 10.62% -36.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 53.85% 0.00% 0.00% -13.52% 21.29% -13.51% -25.00% 0.00% -33.33% -3.23%
Lay salaries include the salaries for the Assistant to the Bishop, the Assistant to the Canon, the Director of Communications, the Comptroller, the Youth Missioner, one part-time Receptionist and one part-time Custodian.
Mission Management Salaries - Clergy 1 Health Insurance - Clergy Pension - Clergy Salaries - Lay 2 Payroll Taxes - Lay Health Insurance - Lay Pension - Lay Life Insurance - Lay Income Replacement Insurance - Lay Health Insurance - Retirees Workers’ Compensation Insurance Travel Continuing Education Computer Expense Telecommunications Postage Office Supplies Printing & Stationary Maintenance-Equipment Equipment Lease Building Services Contract Utilities Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Property & Liability Insurance Miscellaneous Expenses Operating Fund Reserve Independent Audit Total Mission Management
Proposed 2013 mission plan, line item
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
2011 Actual 273,356 0 2,078 250 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 10,369 289,053
2012 Proposal 288,240 250 2,078 250 800 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 250 12,000 306,868
2013 Proposal 286,128 250 2,199 250 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 250 12,000 305,877
$ Change -2,112 0 121 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 -991
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -0.32%
% Change -0.73% 0.00% 5.82% 0.00% 0.00%
Office of the Bishop 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change Telecommunications 2,400 3,929 2,400 2,400 0 0.00% Lodging 3,600 3,659 3,600 3,600 0 0.00% Auto Escrow 6,100 6,100 6,100 0 -6,100 -100.00% 9,000 7,535 9,000 9,000 0 0.00% Auto Expenses Air Travel 3,000 3,791 2,750 2,750 0 0.00% Meals/Host 4,000 4,532 4,000 4,000 0 0.00% House of Bishops 3,000 3,710 3,000 3,000 0 0.00% Travel - Other 1,000 573 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% 1,000 375 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Professional Development Subscriptions 350 308 350 350 0 0.00% Conferences/Continuing Education 900 939 900 900 0 0.00% Supplies 100 20 100 100 0 0.00% Total Office of the Bishop 34,450 35,471 34,200 28,100 -6,100 -17.84% Office, Canon to the Ordinary 2011 Proposal 2011 Actual 2012 Proposal 2013 Proposal $ Change % Change Travel 1,500 1,406 1,500 1,500 0 0.00% Professional Expenses 400 278 400 400 0 0.00% Fresh Start 1,000 488 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% 1,500 1,444 1,500 1,500 0 0.00% Telecommunications Auto Expense 8,000 6,026 8,000 8,000 0 0.00% Auto Escrow 3,900 3,900 3,900 0 -3,900 -100.00% Lodging 1,000 1,059 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Meals 1,000 1,153 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% 200 0 200 200 0 0.00% Subscriptions 1,800 1,933 1,800 1,800 0 0.00% Professional Development Total Office of the Canon to the Ordinary 20,300 17,687 20,300 16,400 -3,900 -19.21%
Mission and Outreach 2011 Proposal General Convention Assessment 273,356 Anti-Racism Awareness 250 Provincial Synod Assessment 2,078 250 Jubilee Outreach Ministries Commission Expense 800 Kansas Ecumenical Ministries 0 Episcopal Community Services-Kansas City 1,000 Episcopal Social Services-Wichita 1,000 1,000 Bishop Seabury Academy Environmental Stewardship 250 Millennium Development Goals 12,000 291,984 Total Mission and Outreach
Proposed 2013 mission plan, line item
2011 Actual 34,270 8,100 42,370 2011 Actual 562 4,332 3,400 1,148 1,036 1,134 1,686 1,403 0 14,701 2011 Actual 3,224 3,400 963 1,461 269 0 0 75,027 2,268 1,453 5,033 374 896 60 0 9,680 3,000 0 2,994 574 3,156 113,832 2011 Actual 1,841,296
2011 Proposal 1,000 3,000 3,400 1,000 1,000 1,300 500 1,500 2,700 15,400 2011 Proposal 3,000 3,400 1,000 0 500 500 500 63,000 250 250 250 250 250 500 250 3,000 3,000 500 2,500 1,500 3,500 87,900 2011 Proposal 1,862,745
Stewardship & Development Travel Auto Expense Auto Escrow Meals Lodging Telecommunications Continuing Education Supplies & Resources Commission Expense Total Stewardship & Development
Youth Ministries Auto Expense Auto Escrow Resources Recharge Peer Ministry Continuing Education Training for Youth Ministers Camp Wood Expense Happenings New Beginnings Miqra MissionPalooza Fall Festival Mustard Seeds Music Background Checks National & Provincial Youth Event Summer Interns Safeguarding God’s Children Telecommunications Travel Office Expenses Total Youth Ministries
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas 2012 Proposal 1,874,248
2012 Proposal 3,000 3,400 1,000 0 500 500 500 63,000 250 250 250 250 250 500 250 1,000 3,000 500 2,500 1,500 3,500 85,900
2012 Proposal 1,000 3,000 3,400 1,000 1,000 1,300 500 1,500 2,700 15,400
2012 Proposal 72,000 10,000 82,000
2013 Proposal 1,606,169
2013 Proposal 3,000 0 1,000 250 500 500 250 63,000 250 250 250 250 250 0 250 1,000 3,000 500 2,500 1,250 3,500 81,750
2013 Proposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 250
2013 Proposal 36,000 10,000 46,000
Proposed 2013 mission plan, line item
Seminarian Support 2011 Proposal Clergy Internship/Mentoring/Recruitment 72,000 Seminarian Support 10,000 Total Seminarian Support 82,000
$ Change -268,079
$ Change 0 -3,400 0 0 0 0 -250 0 0 0 0 0 0 -500 0 0 0 0 0 -250 0 -4,400
$ Change -1,000 -3,000 -3,400 -1,000 -1,000 -1,300 -500 -1,500 -2,450 -15,150
$ Change -36,000 0 -36,000
% Change -14.30%
0.00% 0.00% -50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -16.67% 0.00% -4.83%
% Change 0.00% -100.00% 0.00%
% Change -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -90.74% -98.38%
% Change -50.00% 0.00% -43.90%
Proposed apportionment schedule, 2013 TRUSTEE ADJUSTED 2013 2008 2009 2010 2011 2013 2013 2013 EFFECTIVE 2013 REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE BASE BASE APPORT. PERCENT RATE NORTHEAST CONVOCATION Atchison, Trinity 184,601 158,776 203,819 179,172 179,172 30,396 2.20% 16.96% 36,291 29,030 31,415 34,274 31,573 4,260 0.31% 13.48% Edwardsville, St. Martin’s Kansas City, St. Paul’s 138,758 123,791 98,698 132,298 118,262 18,528 1.34% 15.67% 378,778 227,531 230,633 205,741 205,741 35,568 2.57% 17.29% Lawrence, St. Margaret’s Lawrence, Trinity 349,182 413,106 368,622 325,846 325,846 58,956 4.26% 18.09% Leavenworth, St. Paul’s 236,573 231,765 228,920 246,361 235,682 41,400 2.99% 17.57% 969,265 1,147,058 1,183,032 1,256,691 1,195,594 228,336 16.50% 19.10% Mission, St. Michael’s Olathe, St. Aidan’s 157,406 151,853 153,004 162,638 155,832 25,848 1.87% 16.59% 56,148 58,816 52,791 28,971 28,971 3,900 0.28% 13.48% Ottawa, Grace Overland Park, St. Thomas’ 486,717 412,678 517,347 535,040 488,355 90,600 6.55% 18.55% Shawnee, St. Luke’s 186,820 195,753 203,625 186,299 201,001 31,800 2.50% 17.24% 47,869 45,663 48,761 47,104 47,104 6,348 0.46% 13.48% Stilwell, St. Francis’ TOTAL 3,228,408 3,195,820 3,320,667 3,357,760 3,213,132 575,940 41.83% 18.01% SOUTHEAST CONVOCATION Chanute, Grace 113,157 Coffeyville, St. Paul’s 134,578 Galena, St. Mary’s 19,857 Independence, Epiphany 69,330 Iola, St. Timothy’s 29,872 Neodesha, Ascension 15,160 Parsons, St. John’s 38,380 Pittsburg, St. Peter’s 88,843 Sedan, Epiphany 105,685 Yates Center, Calvary 11,577 TOTAL 626,439
75,646 128,632 18,520 71,595 28,229 15,960 36,120 91,193 134,567 8,650 609,112
82,590 101,273 19,561 69,084 29,380 22,543 43,592 99,680 166,376 8,806 642,885
84,493 117,223 24,965 67,206 39,349 28,370 61,269 103,857 180,352 10,394 717,478
80,910 115,709 21,015 67,206 32,319 22,291 46,994 98,243 160,432 9,283 654,403
11,820 18,024 2,832 9,564 4,356 3,000 6,336 14,676 26,736 1,248 98,592
0.86% 14.62% 1.30% 15.59% 0.20% 13.48% 0.69% 14.24% 0.31% 13.48% 0.22% 13.48% 0.46% 13.48% 1.06% 14.95% 1.93% 16.67% 0.09% 13.48% 7.13% 15.07%
NORTHWEST CONVOCATION Abilene, St. John’s 42,851 43,679 62,850 125,623 77,384 11,244 0.81% Blue Rapids, St. Mark’s 18,363 7,827 7,233 11,386 8,815 1,188 0.09% Clay Center, St. Paul’s 74,993 76,676 77,685 82,678 79,013 11,520 0.83% Emporia, St. Andrew’s 154,816 155,000 157,076 165,170 159,082 26,472 1.91% Holton, St. Thomas’ 0 11,964 13,923 16,627 14,171 1,908 0.14% Junction City, Covenant 151,620 128,251 115,096 84,172 79,000 79,000 11,520 0.83% Manhattan, St. Paul’s 193,891 194,190 189,942 195,917 193,350 33,156 2.40% Marysville, St. Paul’s 14,839 14,809 12,764 14,609 14,061 1,896 0.14% Topeka, Grace Cathedral 818,491 794,058 808,280 789,746 789,746 149,304 10.79% Topeka, St. David’s 403,682 388,304 225,935 408,437 340,892 61,884 4.47% Wamego, St. Luke’s 58,414 65,313 71,780 66,109 66,109 9,384 0.68% TOTAL 1,931,960 1,880,071 1,742,564 1,960,474 1,821,623 319,476 23.09%
14.54% 13.48% 14.58% 16.65% 13.48% 14.58% 17.15% 13.48% 18.91% 18.15% 14.21% 17.54%
SOUTHWEST CONVOCATION Arkansas City, Trinity 63,356 79,536 70,003 67,784 67,784 9,660 0.70% Derby, St. Andrew’s 57,840 92,207 106,595 123,765 107,522 16,440 1.19% El Dorado, Trinity 180,116 168,831 127,126 171,542 155,833 25,848 1.87% Newton, St. Matthew’s 119,476 108,692 114,936 123,429 115,686 18,024 1.30% Wellington, St. Jude’s 14,457 15,374 15,534 17,008 15,972 2,148 0.16% Wichita, Good Shepherd 224,322 388,619 350,358 381,417 373,465 68,232 4.93% Wichita, St. Bartholomew’s 52,821 53,420 49,236 44,728 44,728 6,024 0.44% Wichita, St. Christopher’s 80,422 40,044 37,522 37,516 32,000 32,000 4,308 0.31% Wichita, St. James’ 629,227 614,881 603,743 650,806 623,143 116,856 8.45% Wichita, St. John’s 338,112 305,167 301,082 303,646 303,298 54,564 3.94% Wichita, St. Stephen’s 308,778 289,832 270,037 273,478 273,478 48,756 3.52% Winfield, Grace 99,911 103,693 102,736 104,909 103,779 15,708 1.14% TOTAL 2,168,838 2,260,296 2,148,908 2,300,028 2,216,689 386,569 27.94%
14.26% 15.29% 16.59% 15.59% 13.48% 18.27% 13.48% 13.48% 18.75% 17.99% 17.83% 15.14% 17.44%
7,955,645 7,945,299 7,855,024 8,335,740 7,905,847 1,380,577
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Bishop’s appointments and nominations Episcopal appointments The Chancellors (Constitution, Article IV, B, Sec. 4) Chancellor, Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park Vice Chancellor, Mr. Michael Francis, St. David’s, Topeka Vice Chancellor, Mr. Kurt A. Harper, St. James’, Wichita The Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts (Canon III.8, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint a Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts, composed of clergy and professional lay persons qualified in one of the allied arts. The Rev. Dixie Junk, St. Paul’s, Kansas City, Chair Mrs. Beth Ann Branden, St. David’s, Topeka Deacon Donald A. Chubb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka Diocesan Intake Officer (Canon III, 3, Sec. 5) The Reverend Craig W. Loya, Canon to the Ordinary, Topeka Diocesan Church Attorney (Canon III, 3, Sec. 5) Mr. John Emerson, Trinity, Lawrence
Episcopal nominations The Registrar and Historiographer (Canon III.7, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint with the approval of Convention a Registrar and Historiographer. Registrar: Ms. Michele Moss, Diocesan Staff, Topeka Historiographer: Deacon Donald A. Chubb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Bishop’s appointments and nominations The Commission on Ministry (Canon III.4, Sec. 1) At Diocesan Convention the Bishop shall nominate and the Convention shall confirm a Commission on Ministry to consist of not less than six (6) members, which shall include both clergy and lay persons, and their terms of office shall be three years. The Reverend Gail Greenwell, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission, Chair (2014) The Reverend Andrew O’Connor, Good Shepherd, Wichita (2013) Deacon Robert Hirst, Good Shepherd, Wichita (2014) Deacon Beth Drumm, St. Luke’s, Shawnee (2015) Mr. Preston Gilson, Trinity, El Dorado (2015) The Very Reverend Steve Lipscomb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka (2015) The Reverend Antoinette Tackkett, St. Paul’s, Coffeyville (2015) To assist the Commission on Ministry, the Bishop appoints the following committee: The Examining Chaplains The Reverend Bill Breedlove, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission, Chair Deacon Deedee Evans, St. James’, Wichita The Reverend Canon Andrew Grosso, Trinity, Atchison Dr. Melissa Tubbs Loya, Trinity, Lawrence The Venerable R. Charles Pearce, St. Paul’s, Manhattan
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Convention committees Bishop’s appointments to committees of the 153rd convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas (2012) Secretary of the 153rd annual convention Mrs. Karen Clowers, St. David’s, Topeka Parliamentarian of the 153rd annual convention Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita Committee to Approve the Minutes of Convention The Rev. Sharon Billman, St. John’s, Parsons Mrs. Melodie Woerman, Diocesan Staff, Topeka Pages Members of the Kansas Episcopal Youth
Bishop’s appointments to committees of the 154th convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas (2013)
(Terms, except where noted, run from adjournment of this convention until adjournment of the 153rd Annual Convention; Canon II.5., Sec. 1.a.) On Dispatch of Business Mrs. Carolyn Sturgeon, St. Aidan’s, Olathe, Chair Mrs. Kristi Baker, Grace, Ottawa Mr. Jim Lawing, St. Stephen’s, Wichita On Constitution and Canons Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, Chancellor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park, Chair Mr. Michael Francis, Vice Chancellor, St. David’s, Topeka Mr. Kurt A. Harper, Vice Chancellor, St. James’, Wichita Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita The Reverend Craig Loya, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocesan Staff, Topeka On Nominations and Elections The Reverend Betty Glover, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield, Chair The Reverend Michael Bell, Campus Missioner, Diocesan Staff, Manhattan Mr. Frank Connizzo, St. Paul’s, Manhattan Ms. Roxie Drautz, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Miss Ashley Petty, St. James’, Wichita
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Convention committees On Debatable Resolutions The Reverend Jan Chubb, St. Timothy’s, Iola, Chair Mr. Calvin Karlin, St. Margaret’s, Lawrence Ms. Nancy Kelley, Trinity, Lawrence Ms. Diane MacCoy, Good Shepherd, Wichita On Courtesy Resolutions Diocesan Staff On Arrangements Arrangements for the 154th Annual Convention will be under the direction of the Diocesan Staff, working with volunteers selected to assist with needed tasks. The Canon to the Ordinary will serve as the chair of this committee.
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Courtesy resolutions These courtesy resolutions have been suggested to the 153rd Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas. They will be presented to the Convention as consent calendar items, to be voted upon as a group. The separate courtesy resolutions will not be read. The proposed rules for debate allow for the removal of any item from the consent calendar by any delegate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. Should this request be made, the item removed will be subject to debate or comment and will be voted on separately. 1. The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori and Mr. Richard Schori — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop and her spouse. 2. The Right Reverend and Mrs. William Smalley — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Eighth Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Carole. 3. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Richard F. Grein — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seventh Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Ann. 4. The Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates of our diocese. 5. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Michael Milliken and the Diocese of Western Kansas —This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Milliken and the members of the Diocese of Western Kansas. 6. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Martin Field and the Diocese of West Missouri — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Field and the members of the Diocese of West Missouri. 7. The Right Reverend and Mrs. J. Scott Barker and the Diocese of Nebraska — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Barker and the members of the Diocese of Nebraska. 8. The Right Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Konieczny and the Diocese of Oklahoma — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Konieczny and the members of the Diocese of Oklahoma. 10. The Right Reverend Jean Zache Duracin and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Duracin and the people of the Diocese of Haiti and assures them of our continued prayers for the reconstruction and rebuilding of their country.
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Courtesy resolutions 11. The Most Reverend Eliud Wabukala and the Anglican Church of Kenya — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Archbishop Wabukala and the people of the Anglican Church of Kenya. 12. The Right Reverend Joseph Muchai and the Diocese of Nakuru — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Mwangi and the people of the Diocese of Nakuru in Kenya. 13. Bishop and Mrs. Gerald Mansholt and the Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to Bishop and Mrs. Mansholt and the people of the Central States Synod. 14. Bishop and Mrs. Scott Jones and Kansas East and West Conferences of the United Methodist Church – This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to Bishop and Mrs. Jones and the people of the United Methodist Church in Kansas. 15. Bishop Mark S. Hanson — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 16. Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee — This resolution sends the convention’s appreciation to the members of the Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee for their time in planning the convention liturgies. 17. The Commission on Youth — This resolution sends thanks to those who served as pages during the conduct of the business sessions of the convention. 18. Deacon Jane Ware — This resolution commends the ministry of Deacon Jane Ware of Trinity, El Dorado, who has served the parish faithfully for 16 years, including leading the congregation when there was no priest in residence, teaching classes including a weekly Bible study, serving as a member of the Outreach Committee and calling the parish always to remember “the least of these.” (Submitted by the Rev. Christine Gilson, rector, Trinity, El Dorado)
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed rules of debate 1. Whenever possible, speakers will be called in alternating order of their positions on the issue under consideration. 2. Speakers will be limited to two (2) minutes on an issue under consideration, except that: a) A speaker may speak again to any amendment, with a two (2) minute time limit again applying; and b) A speaker may answer questions of information. 3. While motions to call the previous question (close debate), limit debate, postpone to a set time, postpone indefinitely or commit are acceptable at any time, the motion will be effective only after all speakers already at the microphone have had an opportunity to speak. 4. Items such as courtesy resolutions may be placed on a consent calendar to be voted as a group. a) The consent calendar(s) shall be prepared by the Committee on Dispatch of Business and distributed to the Convention. b) The consent calendar is not subject to debate. c) An item or items may be removed from the consent calendar at the request of any del- egate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. The removal of one or more items from the consent calendar is not subject to a vote. d) Items so removed shall be voted upon separately and are subject to debate. Explanation: A convention is a gathering of the community of the church in this place. Communities that are functional listen to one another and give each person an opportunity to speak. These proposed rules of debate are designed to advance our life at this “community reunion.� Some items will be judged by the Committee on Dispatch of Business to be items on which delegates are in full agreement. These items, such as courtesy resolutions, will be placed on a consent calendar. However, should a delegate feel that an item deserves either debate or comment, that item may be removed from the consent calendar as provided for above. In all our discussions, we seek to know Christ and to make Christ known.
Walking by faith• The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Amendment form Debate and action on matters to come before this convention will take place Oct. 19-20, 2012, as shown on the proposed agenda. The process of the convention will be helped if additional actions or amendments to pre-filed actions are submitted in writing in advance. Please complete this form if you plan to introduce any of the actions listed below. If you know of such proposed action and it is received in the diocesan office no later than Friday, Sept. 28, it can be included in the packet given to each delegate at convention. Send it to Michele Moss, Convention Coordinator, in the diocesan office by: Mail: 835 SW Polk Street, Topeka, Fax: (785) 235-2449 E-mail:
KS 66612-1688
At the convention itself, give the completed form to a member of the diocesan staff or a member of the Dispatch of Business Committee.
Delegate’s name ____________________________________________________________________ Delegate’s parish ___________________________________________________________________ The proposed action is: _____ A resolution from the floor not submitted by the deadline (requires a 2/3 majority approval for consideration). _____ An amendment to the Constitution or Canons not submitted by the deadline (requires a 2/3 majority approval for consideration). _____ An amendment to or other action on Proposed Amendment #_____. _____ An amendment to or other action on Resolution #_____. _____ An amendment to the proposed 2013 mission plan on page _____. Please write the proposed action here, giving as specific a reference as possible. Use additional sheets, if needed. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 32
Walking by faith • The 153rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas