Конференция «Будущее арктического региона: устойчивое развитие или экономический рост?»
В.В. Дидык Институт экономических проблем им. Г.П. Лузина Кольского научного центра РАН
Москва 13 ноября 2014 г.
Содержание 1.
4. 5.
Сущность стратегического планирования и управления на муниципальном уровне Институциональные особенности применения стратегического планирования в российских муниципалитетах Основные препятствия стратегического планирования в муниципалитетах РФ и, в особенности, на Крайнем Севере Особенности стратегического планирования в моногородах российской Арктики Результаты анализа практики стратегического планирования в муниципалитетах арктических и приарктических территорий РФ Выводы
Strategic planning & management for municipal development 
Strategic planning is an organizational management activity used to set priorities and resources for achieving common goals of urban community’ development; Strategic management transforms the static plan into a system that provides feedback to strategic decision making and enables the plan to adapt to changing circumstances; Strategic planning & management establish framework for the cooperation of urban social actors to achieve sustainability goals.
Implementation of strategic management at the municipal level in the Russian Federation: institutional specificities 
Local governments are not included in the state governmental system; Dual nature of the local self-government: - a form of public authority; - an institution of civil society, providing selfmanagement for local communities; Despite certain difficulties of implementation, about a third of Russian cities have documents of strategic planning
Obstacles of strategic planning
Difficulties in establishing local self-government in Russia – institutional, economic and personnelrelated; Disbalance between functions imposed on local governments and the available resources; Tight budgetary constraints determine the situation when all available resources of municipalities are directed to solve current urgent problems.
Northern and Arctic municipalities: even more difficulties
Northern factors increasing the costs of living, current and capital expenditures of local budgets: - severe climatic conditions; - remoteness from economic centers; - underdeveloped transport and engineering infrastructure;
Demographic problems (out-migration, high mortality);
Underdeveloped entrepreneurship (weak SME sector);
Discriminatory federal policy of income redistribution derived from northern and Arctic natural resources extraction (artificial subsidization)
Arctic single-industry towns in Russia: strategic planning due to the state government initiative •
Worsening of socio-economic situation in single-industry towns during world financial crises of 2008-09s turned attention of the federal government to the necessity of their governmental support;
Within the framework of crisis-proof program there were adopted sets of supporting measures, including the demand for working out the town’s Comprehensive Investment Plan (CIP),
The CIP had to be designed in accordance with the methodical recommendations of Minregion of Russia as a document of town’s strategic planning;
Photos: Kirovsk (Murmansk region), Gubkinskiy (Yamal-Nenets AO), Tumannyi (Murmansk reg.)
Number of single-industry towns in the Russian Arctic zone is 18 (out of their total number of 342, according to official Minregion’s register of 2013)
Almost half of Russia’s Arctic single-industry towns (8) are located in the Murmansk region
Single-industry towns of the Murmansk region: specialization and population dynamics (1989-2013) Specialization of the Population size as of the beginning of the Name town-forming enterprise year, thousand people (industry) 1989 2002 2010 2012 2013 1. Kovdor iron-ore mining 30.4 20.8 21.7 20.7 20.3 2. Kirovsk mining and chemical 43.5 31.5 32.5 30.6 30.3 mining and 3. Monchegorsk 68.6 52.2 50.9 47.7 47.1 metallurgical 4. Polyarnye electric utility 19.4 15.9 18.0 17.4 17.4 Zori 5. Tumanny electric utility 1.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 mining and 6. Revda 13.8 10.3 9.3 8.2 8.1 processing mining and 7. Zapolyarny 23.5 18.6 17.4 15.7 15.6 metallurgical mining and 8. Nikel 21.8 16.5 14.8 12.9 12.8 metallurgical Total 222.9 166.7 165.4 153.8 152.2 Reference for the Murmansk Region 1146.7 892.5 795.4 787.9 780.4 Total for the single-industry towns of 1005.4 810.7 722.1 the Arctic of the RF: Reference for the RF:
2013 to 1989 ratio, % 67.4 69.8
68.9 90.2 31.5 58.6
67.2 58.2 68.3 68.0 71.8 97.2
Strategic planning in the single-industry towns of the Murmansk region •
Each of the 8 officially recognized single industry towns has elaborated CIPs, and two of them – mining towns Kovdor and Revda – got financial support from the federal budget; Main typical goals of the strategies were as follows: – diversification of the towns’ economy, as a rule for expanse of SME development, in particular often in tourist industry; – modernization and diversification of the town-forming enterprises; – development of social, communal and transport infrastructure, improvement of towns’ environment, as well as growth of living standard of local population
Obstacles for strategic planning in the Russian Arctic single-industry towns • Рresent center-oriented legislation create strong financial dependence of all municipalities on intergovernmental budgetary transfers that limits opportunities for their own socio-economic policy •Situation in the Arctic single-industry towns is aggravated by double dependency (both on the state bodies and on the town-forming enterprise), especially when the enterprise is economically weak • Most resource based enterprises in the Russian Arctic are quite well-off, but even successful oil & gas towns are legislatively restricted in the own financial sources and face the phenomenon of artificial subsidization •Elaboration of single-industry towns’ development strategies was initiated by the federal government, thus, top-down approach was used. The way of organization of the process and suggested methodic of CIP elaboration did not favor preparing high quality of strategic documents and their realization
Результаты исследования практики стратегического планирования в муниципалитетах арктических и приарктических территорий РФ •
Источник информации - официальные Интернет-сайты органов местного самоуправления муниципалитетов 12 субъектов Федерации, территория которых полностью относится к районам Крайнего Севера и приравненных к ним местностям; • Задача состояла в анализе документов стратегического планирования, опубликованных на этих сайтах; • Были проанализированы документы стратегического планирования (стратегии, концепции, комплексные программы развития) 67 муниципалитетов, из них 38 муниципальных районов и 29 городских округов; • Установлено, что охват стратегическим планированием составляет в среднем 31%, в т.ч. 25% муниципальных районов и 44% городских округов.
Результаты анализа документов стратегического планирования муниципалитетов российского Севера и Арктики Наименование показателей
Доля, %
Всего документов
Утверждены: - высшим представительным органом власти
- администрацией муниципалитета
- не указан статус документа
Степень полноты содержания (из 11 элементов): > 90%
> 60%
Conclusions (1) 
The first cases of strategic planning in the municipalities of the Russian Arctic and North appeared in the early 2000s. By 2014, this management method was used in about one-third of the total number of Russian northern and Arctic municipalities, which corresponds to the national average; Analysis of content of the municipalities’ strategic planning documents showed that their completeness and quality in most of the surveyed cases were quite satisfactory. It can be considered as one of the preconditions of possible spread of the strategic planning practice in northern municipalities;
Conclusions (2) 
Third-party consulting companies frequently take part in development of strategic plans for the municipalities. Such authors can produce positive result only on the condition that the local community is actively involved in the process. In practice, this condition is by no means always followed. This discredits one of the main effectiveness factors of strategic planning – a broad public participation; To ensure realization of the strategic goals, the problem of a lack of own financial resources and that of high local budgets subsidization should be solved. There more of local budget revenues should be established legislatively, and conditions for development of local economies, including small and medium businesses improved.
Conclusions (3) 
Fundamentally, for achieving the strategic goals of sustainable development in the cities of the Russian Arctic and North, it is necessary to end the discriminatory policy of income redistribution derived from northern and Arctic natural resource extraction. It is necessary to improve inter-budgetary relations between the federal center and the regions in such a way that not only the federal level and corporations benefit from the northern and Arctic resources. The amount of funds remaining at the regional and, especially, local level must be increased.
Greetings from the Russian urban Arctic!
Thank you for your attention!