Advanced design studio I-II 2022

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Project Brief Draft Process: 1. Thematic and contextual research 2. Site analyses/reading [social, physical and man-made components] 3. Concept development for the project [urban and architectural scale]

THEMES 1. Mobility and Infrastructure Faced with new economics, political, and environmental challenges, the issue of appropriate infrastructural investments and scales are critical to the future of urbanized territories. Through these discussions, we seek to understand design possibilities, grounded in technical, political, and socioeconomic realities, for sustainable infrastructural futures. New forms of urbanization that are occurring differ from twentieth-century centralization models of industrialization.The contemporary dialogue on urbanism often seems to concern itself solely with the world of rapidly growing cities, with their attendant uncertain environmental futures and substantial capital needs. What type of infrastructure is appropriate for remote areas where it is impossible to connect to main lines of transit, energy, water, or logistics/supply? What new scales of infrastructural research will propel urban form in the future? Are energy and transportation infrastructures that are flexible, adaptable, and scalable-perhaps even down to individual preferences-a new reality? Recalibrating infrastructure, micro infrastructure, the realm of design, engineering and politics present critical areas to consider for infrastructural futures. The research on Tirana includes the study of existing and new infrastructure corridors such as ring roads, rail transportation, transportation hubs, stations etc. The architectural project consists of the design of a multimodal transportation hub, located in one of the nodes that connects above mentioned infrastructure. The program and Potential sites 01. Ex-train station area [new boulevard]: a small multimodal station including service areas, recreational, cultural, commercial… activities. Connects the light rail transport with urban bus transportation, bike lanes, walking routes, parking etc. 02. Multimodal Transportation Hub [ Kthesa e Kamzes] 03. International Bus terminal [ Near Pallati i Sportit Asllan Rusi] 04. Domje transfer Station??? 05. Other

Ex-train station area

Pallati i Sportit Asllan Rusi]

[ Kthesa e Kamzes]

2. Art and Performance Center This studio project will aim at providing a vibrant new cultural center and give a focus to the increasing methods of art doing.The design is to be treated as a dense combination of artrelated spaces that extend into the existing urban fabric. The design project will seek to integrate the future inhabitant of the spaces with the cultural life of the site itself, creating a unique place for people to work and relax. Performance spaces are valued for their potential for formal cultural productions, rather than the power to include and divert, and to be instantaneous. The product of this studio will be the art form for civic participation which from theatre has evolved into the modern world as a vocation of the refined culture.


Thematic and contextual research on art and performance Site analyses/reading [social, physical and man-made components] Concept development for the project [urban and architectural scale]

The program and Potential sites 01. Kombinati Zone 02. Ish Uzina Dinamo e Re [Jordan Misja] The project on these sites, beside offering a center for different activities related to art and performance on the Tirna scale, might contribute in improving the quality of life in the surrounding informal zones, providing cultural, social and recreational opportunities. 03. University of Art 04. Other…


Ish Uzina Dinamo e Re

3. Rehabilitation Place Is it surprising that prisons resemble factories, schools, barracks, hospitals, which all resemble prisons? [Michel Foucault] A break with the traditional institution typology, introducing a new type of rehabilitation spaces inspired by the collective extended family and the communal village system. More homes – less institutions. To design with a great understanding for the particular hypersensitivity of patients so that both patients and relatives can come and go without feeling institutionalized. A healing architecture. The center will work as a key source of social cohesion and a reflection of society’s self-understanding.To showcase brand-new ways of learning, the spatial

dimensions of didactics and the impact of architecture on patient's ability to develop social skills. Maintaining individualism and a profound empathy with the user’s particular needs a sensibilities.Great efforts to be put on achieving a more human scale and on facilitating the access to outdoor areas and surrounding nature. A place for physical and psychological therapies, socializing spaces, recreational activities, integrated in nature, composed in indoor, semi- closed structures and open spaces. The program and Potential sites A. Multiple sclerosis rehabilitation place. Site : Tirana Periphery B. Community Reintegration of Former Prisoners?? Site ???

Potential zone

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