EQUASS Annual report 2013

Page 1

EQUASS Annual Report


Content Editorial

page 3

EQUASS Timeline

page 4

EQUASS Certifications 2013

page 6

Local Licence holders

page 8

Evaluation of the 2013 audits

page 11

Interview with an EQUASS Excellence certified organisation

page 12

Overview of trainings

page 14

EQUASS Projects Prime project DeSqual project

page 14 p. 14 p. 15

EQUASS Quality Control

page 15

EQUASS Events and PR

page 16

Communication and social media

page 19

Publications about EQUASS

page 19

EQUASS Structures and Staff

page 21

Editorial Dear readers, 2013 was a year during which we celebrated the 10 years existence of EQUASS as a European system recognising and certifying service quality of social service providers. During this decade, more than 500 organisations throughout Europe have proven that their services comply with the expectations and quality requirements as defined by the various stakeholders at European level. Next to a few nice and justified festivities, we mainly used the 10 years anniversary to reflect on the mission and achievements of EQUASS and to explore future developments. Quality in and social services is more than ever a national and European priority. The society wants to know how public resources are spent and what level of quality in social services is delivered. Service-users increasingly ask for an informed choice of service and service provider. The EQUASS initiative has proven to be an appropriate answer to this rising demands for proving the quality. Moreover, the system has without any doubt engaged a lot of service providers in a philosophy of quality and continuous improvement. But 10 years of promoting EQUASS certification has brought us into new phase of developments: the creation of a sustainable culture of quality within an organisation, and the creation of an international platform for benchmarking and bench learning. This new orientation follows from the belief that the ambition to deliver high quality services is in the DNA of our sector and its professionals. This means a quality system should not only focus on obligations and control, but rather facilitate learning and improvements. Reading this annual report indicates that has over the last couple of years experienced a positive momentum with an increasing number of certifications, and a wider recognition in the sector. These developments result today in a window of opportunities, but places a bigger responsibility on all actors involved to consolidate the growth and ensure the reliability and credibility of the system. The European Platform for Rehabilitation is prepared to continue to take the lead in this, but as during the last ten years, active support from many sectoral stakeholders is indispensable. In this context, I would like to use this opportunity to express my thanks to all those organisations and persons that have over the last ten years contributed to the relevance and the success of EQUASS.

Yours sincerely,

Jan Spooren EQUASS Manager

EQUASS Annual Report 2013


10 Years of EQUASS - Timeline

Establishment of the EPVR initiative Launch of the EPVR quality group (Working group: Quality and CostEffectiveness)



Testing the European Quality Mark (Finland and Portugal)



Feasibility study for a European Quality Mark and stakeholder consultation Proposal for a European Quality Mark

First meeting of the international Quality Committee


EQUASS Annual Report 2013


Multi stakeholder consultation

Launch European Quality in Rehabilitation Mark (EQRM) (Mark of Excellence)


Launch of the EQUASS 2012 (in line with the CQF for SSGI and the EQF for SS)

Launch European Quality in Social Services (Integration of Assurance and Excellence Mark)



2007 2008 2009 2010

Adaptation of the EQRM and Launch Quality Assurance Mark + first certification (Nopro-Norway)

First meeting of the European Quality Awarding Committee (Rome) and first certification (3)


Common Quality Framework for Social Services of General Interest and European Quality Framework for Social Services (SPC)

Stakeholder consultation (CEN Workshop 51 – Prometheus project)

EQUASS Annual Report 2013


EQUASS Certifications in 2013

321 EQUASS Assurance organisations awarded in 2013

176 in Norway 109 in Portugal 21 in Estonia 4 in Germany 4 in Slovenia 2 in Lithuania 2 in the Netherlands 2 in Ireland (including

a large multi-site audit for 18 RehabCare centers)

1 in Italy


EQUASS Annual Report 2013

18 EQUASS Excellence organisations awarded in 2013

17 in Portugal 1 in Germany


Benediktushof gGmbH for the second time

EQUASS Annual Report 2013


EQUASS Local Licence Holders (LLH) The dissemination and expansion of EQUASS in Europe is assisted by a set of local representatives, called Local Licence Holders. The LLH serve as a local intermediary between the EQUASS customers and the EQUASS Secretariat, and coordinate the certification process between applicants and auditors in the countries where an LLH is established. The EQUASS Secretariat only comes into action when the full application dossier and Audit report are submitted for approval. In Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal and Slovenia, EQUASS Assurance certification services can be obtained through the Local Licence Holders detailed hereafter. As of the beginning of 2012, EQUASS does not have a LLH in Ireland anymore, as EIQA (Excellence Ireland Quality Association) has stopped its LLH function. All Irish certification requests are dealt with directly by the EQUASS Secretariat. For EQUASS Assurance certification in countries other than those listed above, and for EQUASS Excellence certification in all of Europe, applications are made directly to the EQUASS Secretariat, based in Brussels, Belgium. The EQUASS Secretariat in no way outsources or delegates to the Local Licence Holder the decision on awarding the Quality Mark, but trains, supports and monitors the LLH. National Stakeholder Committees are established in countries where the volume of certifications (actual or expected) is significant, and requires to consult with the sector actors for input and scrutiny on the role and implementation of EQUASS in the country. The Committee consultation and comments benefit the cycle of continuous improvement for both for the LLH and the management of EQUASS in Brussels.

Estonia Astangu Vocational Rehabilitation Center, EQUASS Eesti Astangu 27, Tallinn 13519 , Estonia Tel. +372 6877 223 Contact person: Keiu Talve keiu.talve@equass.ee

www.equass.ee Astangu Vocational Rehabilitation Center was founded in 1995 under the administration of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Astangu is the only vocational rehabilitation service provider in Estonia with clients all over country and has a supportive role for the Ministry in decision making process. EQUASS Assurance has been implemented in Estonia in 2010 and 2011 with the support of the European Social Fund. This has resulted in 6 certified organisations. Astangu has been acting as EQUASS Local Licence Holder in Estonia since January 2012 after having practiced this role in 2010 and 2011, thanks to the ESF capacity-building funds. The National Stakeholders Committee consists of representatives from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Social Insurance Board, the Estonian Quality Association, the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People and service provider Tallinn Mental Health Center. 8

EQUASS Annual Report 2013

Germany EQUASS Deutschland c/o: Josefsheim Bigge gGmbH Heinrich-Sommer-Str. 13 - 59939 Olsberg Tel: +49 2962 800 225 Fax: +49 2962 803 872 25 Contact person: Winfried Henke info@equass.de

www.equass.de EQUASS Deutschland is operated by the Brüsseler Kreis, a collaboration of the major Protestant and Catholic social enterprises in Germany. The Brüsseler Kreis is active in providing care for persons with disabilities, the elderly, youth and in education. With about 40 000 workers and more than 35 000 inpatient, partly-in patient and out-patient care clients, they serve about 100 000 persons yearly, with a turnover of around € 1.7 billion. EQUASS Deutschland is represented by the organisation Josefsheim Bigge, located in Olsberg.

Lithuania Valakupiai Rehabilitation Centre (VRC) Vaidilutés str. 69 Vilnius LT-10100 - Lithuania Tel: +370 5 2477542 Contact person: Natalja Markovskaja natalja.markovskaja@reabilitacija.lt or info@reabilitacija.lt


VRC, a public organisation funded under the Ministry of Social Affairs, has a leading role in promoting quality in the Vocational Rehabilitation sector in Lithuania. VRC provides medical and vocational rehabilitation services, social day care, practical driving assessment and a driving school for people with disabilities. VRC was also the recipient of the EQUASS Excellence Mark in 2011. The services audited serve over 100 persons and employ over 100 staff members.

EQUASS Annual Report 2013


Norway EQUASS Norge AS Postboks 5473, Majorstuen 0305 Oslo Phone: +47 23 08 86 50 Contact persons: Andreas Tømmerbakke andreas.tommerbakke@equass.no

www.equass.no The company EQUASS Norway AS was officially established in January 2012. Before that, it was still operated as a division of the Association of Vocational Rehabilitation Enterprises (AVRE), an employer and interest organisation for approximately 110 not-for-profit organisations spread across Norway. These In addition, the organisations provide work preparatory trainings for persons who need to establish necessary basic skills for any job, as well as supported employment for persons in need of extensive follow-up in the open labour market. EQUASS in Norway has benefited from a tremendous boom in operations due to the decision of the NAV, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation, to recognise EQUASS as one of several certification systems available to organisations providing services to people with disabilities.

Portugal Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade - APQ Serviços Centrais Rua I do Pólo Tecnológico de Lisboa , nº 3 (Lt 24) 1600-546 Lisboa - Portugal Tel: + 351 214996210 www.apq.pt Contact person: Carla Cunha carla.cunha@apq.pt

www.equass.pt APQ is a membership based non-profit organisation founded in 1969. Its purpose is to promote and spread knowledge and experiences in the field of quality organisational excellence, as well as practices that lead to increase the productivity between organisations in Portugal. APQ is recognised as the leading non-governmental institution of the Portuguese quality movement. APQ regroups around 2200 members, covering organisations from various sectors and dimensions, public and private, and a wide number of auditors, consultants and quality managers. APQ is also a Sectorial Standardisation Body in the field of Quality Management, responsible for three Technical Committees Quality Management, Conformity Assessment and Risk Management. 10

EQUASS Annual Report 2013

Slovenia Development unit of Employment Rehabilitation, University Rehabilitation Institute, Republic of Slovenia Linhartova 51, 1000 Ljubljana - Slovenia Tel: + 386 1 475 8 275 Contact person: Aleksandra Tabaj aleksandra.tabaj@ir-rs.si

www.ir-rs.si/en/ The development unit for vocational rehabilitation of URI in Ljubljana has a leading role in promoting quality in the vocational rehabilitation sector of Slovenia. Its role is recognised through public mandate and financially supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. The University Rehabilitation Institute in Ljubljana started its role as EQUASS Licence Holder in January 2011.

Evaluation of the 2013 audits Every year, EQUASS sends a evaluation questionnaire to all the service providers that have received an audit in that year. In 2013, out of about 350 audits, EQUASS has received 178 questionnaires back, with response rate a little over 50%. The participants could grade various aspects of the audit and its organisation with scores between 1 (very poor) and 5 (excellent). Here are the average scores received in 2013:


Average Score

The overall quality of the site visit


The communication about the programme of the site visit


Relevance of the interviews with stakeholders


The performance of the auditor


The performance of the co-auditor (if applicable)


The site-visit preparation form


The content of the audit report


The information about the EQUASS audit procedure


Respect of the audit procedures by the auditor


Respect of the audit procedures by the Local licence Holder (if applicable) Respect of the audit procedures by the EQUASS unit in Brussels (if applicable) The communication with Local Licence Holder (if applicable) The communication with the EQUASS unit in Brussels (if applicable)

4,61 4,53 4,54 4,46

EQUASS Annual Report 2013


Interview with an EQUASS Excellence certified organisation Helena Maria Mamede Albuquerque, CEO of APPACDM de Coimbra APPACDM de Coimbra, or the “Portuguese association of parents and friends of citizens with a developmental disability” of Coimbra is an organisation created in 1969 that currently serves around 950 persons in the municipalities of Coimbra, Montemor-o-Velho, Tocha and Arganil. It provides such services as early intervention, a day care centre and kindergarten; a resource centre for inclusion; occupational activity centres; professional training; residential services and a medical rehabilitation centre. In July of 2013, their organisation was audited for the EQUASS Excellence level, and on August 12th 2013, was awarded with the EQUASS Excellence certification, with an overall average score of 72 (out of 100). This is the highest score ever obtained by a certified organisation since the introduction of the new EQUASS system in 2012. Ms. Helena Maria Mamede Albuquerque, CEO, provided us with feedback on their experience with the EQUASS Excellence quality level

When did your organisation first come to learn about the EQUASS quality system for social services? We became interested in implementing a system capable of being certified in the year 2000 before EQUASS appeared in Portugal. In those days ISO was the possibility to consider. Though, due to financial issues it wasn’t possible. We have to remember that the problem wasn’t in the cost of the certification itself but mainly in all the investment in the consultancy process together with the construction of the entire quality system from the root. A few years later in 2008, EU funding’s in the framework of the Archimedes program brought the financial leverage for Portuguese


EQUASS Annual Report 2013

organisations to implement a quality management system. Approximately at the same time, we became aware of EQUASS quality system. We started to study the EQUASS model internally trying to understand its added value and comparing it with ISO 9001.

At what point did APPACDM de Coimbra decide to start the process to implement EQUASS with the intention of becoming certified with EQUASS Excellence, and why? In 2008 Archimedes gave us the possibility to choose between ISO 9001 and EQUASS and after debating internally these two possibilities the decision fell for EQUASS. For us it was the model that best corresponded to the services we provide and to the people we serve. After the EQUASS Assurance certification, we thought that we were ready for the next step. In our point of view we have been working with Excellence practices since a long time and we felt that the place to be and the certification to obtain was, without a doubt, the Excellence level. In the beginning of 2011, we started to focus on the EQUASS Excellence demands, major differences and requirements when compared with the EQUASS Assurance level.

What were the biggest challenges that you had with implementing EQUASS Excellence in your organisation? How did you overcome them? After being certified with EQUASS Assurance and maturing all the dynamics associated with our quality management system, processes and procedures, we thought that EQUASS Excellence shouldn’t be very hard to achieve. Well, we were right but also wrong about it. When we look from the perspective of achieving the level of Excellence we quickly realized what would be our main difficulty. Excellence certification is assessed through the evaluation of each one of the fifty EQUASS criteria, over three main vectors: Approach, Deployment and Results. One of the great things that we felt during this process of writing the approaches and deployments was the internal reflection of what we do and how we do it, which proved to be a

very interesting phase of the Excellence process. The biggest challenge was indeed the Results column. For having a satisfactory performance in the Results vector we needed to present quantitative and qualitative key performance indicators (KPI). These should demonstrate a three -year positive trend and should be benchmarked with other organisations. Initially we held several internal meetings, in order to find the KPIs that we considered most relevant and with which we could work. We carried out intensive work along with all directors, coordinators and other responsible with the goal of creating the first official list of KPI. After that [we] held meetings with other organisations in the sector that where in the same demand. The main goal was to do real bench learning and benchmarking meetings in order to obtain concrete added value for our organisation and end up with internal bench-action activities. This work was developed in two main streams. A more restrict group with a few organisations that we considered excellent in what they do and were at the same phase of the EQUASS Excellence time schedules. The other was a more comprehensive group within FORMEM (a Portuguese federation of VET centres to people with disabilities), where discussions and presentation of best practices took place. The results obtained from these two streams became our final KPI figures which resulted in a great management tool for us and of course for our Excellence application.

What differences has the EQUASS Excellence implementation brought to APPACDM de Coimbra, and the way it operates?

measuring and promptly correct deviations in issues that before Excellence were not properly considered.

Has the EQUASS Excellence certification benefited your organisation? If so, how? Internally, we can assert that the Excellence level reflected






responsibility, awareness and accuracy. Financially speaking,








Excellence certification. It would be a mistake to think that a certification would bring more money, and that was never [our] main goal. [The] gains come










focused on quantitative and qualitative results provides us with crucial data for a much more operational and careful management and this reduces costs, streamlines processes and saves us time and money. One of the vectors of our stated vision is to be an international reference in the field of rehabilitation of persons with intellectual disabilities. Now we are constantly asked by national and international organisations





exchange of experiences and practices, among many other things. We clearly notice that we are seen as a reference in our area of intervention.

What advice would you give to a social service provider organisation that is considering starting the process of implementing EQUASS Excellence? Don´t hesitate and go for it.

As we already

mentioned in the previous points the benefits of

Based on a SWOT analysis supported by quantified

an EQUASS Excellence certification, reflects not

results, we were able to redefine the policies of our

only at an internal management level as well as in

organisation. When you look at quantifiable and

the inherent quality of the provided services.

reliable data you are in a position that facilitates

When an organisation develops excellent work in

the adjustment of your guidelines and orientation

any social area, that organisation is capable of

to what really matters in terms of management.

achieving an EQUASS certification. In our opinion



the main concern should be in having a good



consultancy partnership and commitment from

understanding which areas we need to improve

the staff. The Excellence certification is a process

and further develop.

that needs to be done with time, coherently and











consistently throughout and above all, very well

key indicators, asking the organisation to monitor

cemented so that the final outcome may fully

them consistently. This constant analysis of trends

correspond to the expectations.

Excellence automatically compels you to

revealed to be a factor of capital importance for

EQUASS Annual Report 2013


Overview of Trainings In 2013, EQUASS organised 2 EQUASS Assurance auditor trainings, one in Belgium and one in Germany. In total, 12 participants have attended these trainings, new auditors, experienced auditors looking to update their auditing skills and understanding of the newly updated EQUASS Framework, as well as EQUASS Consultants active in other quality systems 3 EQUASS Assurance auditors have been nominated for the first time.

EQUASS Projects PRIME Project In 2013, the PRIME project came to its end, with a final conference organised on 24 October to reflect upon the 2 years of work. PRIME was launched in November 2011 and it aimed at using EQUASS as a tool for the implementation on the EQAVET framework for quality in the provision of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe. The final meeting presented some of the most important results such as: Improved quality of their VET services for people with disabilities through the implementation of the EQAVET framework. Increased capacity and competences to implement the EQAVET framework in VET through training in self-assessment and internal auditing. Increased knowledge through the exchange of experiences in implementing EQAVET framework via interactive workshops and bench learning. A cross-reference study that validates EQUASS- Assurance certification program as an effective instrument to implement the EQAVET framework. The meeting was opened by Herma Veltman, Director of Rea College Pluryn, the leading partner organisation for the project. Among others the presentations included sessions on EQAVET by Ron Reeuwijk (Rea College Pluryn) and Alie Kamphuis (Senior manager NCP EQAVET); input on management culture by Birgit Grimbergen (Rea College Pluryn), reflections on culture of self-assessment by Tita Destovnik (CenterKontura d.o.o.) as well as use of data and feedback to improve VET by Kristina Maciute Stukane (Vilnius Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre). The meeting was finalised by Michael Crowley of the Rehab Group, and evaluator for the project. 14

EQUASS Annual Report 2013

DeSqual Project Kick off meeting In October 2013, the DeSqual (Development of Sustainable Quality assurance in VET) project partners met for a kick-off of the project. DeSqual is a collaboration of 4 Quality assurance expert organisations and 10 social service/ VET providers for people with disabilities, who will pilot a newly-developed training for sustainable quality assurance. With an EQUASS quality assurance certificate as a start point, partners will develop a training program that focusses on individual quality behaviour and quality awareness of professionals and quality culture in the organisation. In this way, the DeSqual project will contribute to the sustainable implementation of EQAVET requirements in their quality system. More information on : www.desqual-leonardo.eu

EQUASS complaint management EQUASS strives for continuous improvement, and has implemented a series of procedures used to address complaints and resolve disputes. The EQUASS complaint process is available to all and can be consulted at the following link: http://www.equass.be/equass/index.php/about-equass/quality-control In 2013 the EQUASS Secretariat received 3 formal complaint, 2 from Norway and 1 from Portugal The table below gives an overview of the complaint received in 2013, and these it was dealt with.

Reason for the complaint

Number of Reaction complaints


Dissatisfaction of the Licence Holder about the current auditing processes and documents, and how they affect the Norwegian market of certification


The EQUASS secretariat held a series of meetings with the Licence Holder in order to find remedies and solutions, and jointly agree on a new approach.

The EQUASS Secretariat later introduced (beginning 2014) a new version of the audit report to be used in Norway, allowing customers to receive feedback in a language that they better understand.

Complaint about the behaviour of an auditor


After discussing with the customer and the auditor, the EQUASS secretariat provided a letter to both parties explaining there was no wrongdoing from the part of the auditor.

The auditor and customer were briefed about corporate culture differences, and the situation was resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.

Complaint about an audit report - Dissatisfaction of the customer about the scores obtained in an audit


The EQUASS Secretariat responded to the various complaint elements point per point, and explained the auditing and scoring procedures to the client in greater detail.

The situation was resolved to the satisfaction of the customer.

EQUASS Annual Report 2013


EQUASS Events and Public Relations EQUASS Awarding Ceremony The 2012-2013 EQUASS Awarding Ceremony was held in the framework of the EPR Annual Conference, organised in Dublin, Ireland, on 11 June 2013. The Awarding Ceremony took place during the celebration of the 10th anniversary of EQUASS showing some important figures. Since 2003, EQUASS was awarded in 13 countries with 450 organisations certified, 86.000 users served and 6 Local Licence Holders appointed. Among all the organisations certified since the last Awarding event (October 2011), 3 came to receive their EQUASS Assurance certificate, and 3 were present to receive their EQUASS Excellence certificate. Thorsten Afflerbach, Head of Social Cohesion and Integration Division, Council of Europe and member of the Awarding Committee, Kathleen Lynch TD, Minister of State for Disability, Older People, Equality and Mental Health and Angela Kerins, President of EPR took the floor to award the organisations. The following organisations EQUASS Assurance:


RehabCare (Ireland)

GREP (Norway)

Positive Care (Ireland) 16

EQUASS Annual Report 2013

The following organisations EQUASS Excellence:


Centro de Reabilitação Profissional de Gaia (Portugal)

Josefsheim Bigge (Germany)

APPC Associação do Porto de Paralisia Cerebral (Portugal)

EQUASS Core Group and Local Licence Holders’ meeting The EQUASS Core Group (ECG) and Local Licence Holders’ Summit took place on 25 and 26 September 2013 at the EPR secretariat in Brussels. The meeting’s agenda included presentation of the latest developments within EQUASS as well as introduction to the upcoming quality project – DESQUAL. The issue of the audit report format was addressed followed by a discussion on the introduction of the new EQUASS Accredited Consultancy training. The LLH present at the meeting (Norway and Germany) discussed challenges and opportunities they face in their respective countries. Future wise, LLHs and ECG exchanged their thoughts on the prospective EQUASS Strategy 2014-2016.

EPR Annual Conference work shop: “Accountability for measured outcomes” The EQUASS outcome measurement workshop took place during the EPR Annual Conference in Dublin on 10 June 2013. The workshop showed in a practical way how the EQUASS system can be used in daily practice for outcome measurement and that the EQUASS certification will contribute to the accountability of social services. During the workshop the participants experienced the challenge of identifying and defining relevant and valid Key Performance Indicators for measuring outcomes and to be used in the EQUASS certification scheme. Participants also

experienced the variation of outcome measurement information in different sectors and different contexts/countries. Participants learnt how the outcome measurement information can be applied in bench learning and bench marking exercises. Guus van Beek, EQUASS key Expert, in collaboration with Geir Moen, EQUASS Consultant and Auditor, led the workshop. The overall quality of the workshop was evaluated as 4,4 out of 5 by the participants, with 1 meaning “very poor” and 5 meaning “excellent”.

APQ Quality conference and EQUASS Awarding ceremony On 14th and 15th November of 2013, APQ held its 38th Colóquio da Qualidade in Lisbon. EQUASS Key Expert Guus van Beek contributed to a workshop on the topic of quality for Portuguese social responses. The first day also of the conference concluded with an Awarding ceremony. Portuguese organisations awarded with an EQUASS Quality mark in the year 2013 received their certificates from APQ President Dr António Manuel Ramos Pires and EQUASS Coordinator Marie Dubost.

EQUASS Annual Report 2013


Benchmarking in APPACDM Vila Nova de Gaia On the 15th of November, EPR member APPACDM de Vila Nova de Gaia organised a training session on benchmarking with EQUASS, supported by Guus van Beek, EQUASS Key Expert. The programme focused on outcomes measurement and the use of Key Performance Indicators in the social services sector, as well as the benchmarking initiatives facilitated by the European Platform for Rehabilitation and its members.

Information session in Vilnius On the 28th of November 2013, the representative of EQUASS in Lithuania, Valakupių Rehabilitation Center (VRC), organised an information event in Vilnius that was attended by local stakeholders and organisations from the Baltic countries interested in applying for EQUASS certification. The event was held in the offices of the European Commission Representation in Lithuania. Guus van Beek and Marie Dubost of EQUASS Europe, as well as Keiu Talve of the Estonian EQUASS representative and Kristina Maciute-Stukane of the Vilnius Centre for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, were also there to contribute to the programme.

Estonian December Conference On the 11th of December 2013, EQUASS Estonian representative Astangu Vocational Rehabilitation Centre held its conference on quality in social services entitled “Made it Ourselves, Made it Well”. EQUASS Key Expert Guus van Beek contributed to the event and its Awarding Ceremony to the Estonian organisations certified with EQUASS.


EQUASS Annual Report 2013

Communication and Social Media EQUASS website In October 2013 EQUASS has launched its own website. While the contents for the most part correspond to the previous EQUASS website hosted on the EPR page, currently the information is conveniently spread out, expanded and freely displayed on an independent EQUASS page. Aside from the sections already accounted for on the EPR web space, the fresh looking website is in addition featuring separate sections for auditors and audits, news, latest news, the awarding committee, quality control, how to apply, awarding ceremonies and EQUASS secretariat. Another innovation entails separate pages for each Local Licence Holder (LLH). Latest events, news and publications are displayed on the right-hand-side of every article. The new website also includes databases of Assurance and Excellence certified organisations as well as imbedded links to certified organisations’ publications. The EQUASS brochure is now available in 11 European languages under the Publications section. Apart from rewarding improvements in sitemap management, graphics-wise the independent website has allowed us space for displaying flashing galleries along with quotations and interactive maps. We are also proud to say that the website is fully accessible and social media linked.

We also have a Linked In group for EQUASS professionals and stakeholders

EQUASS is now available on Twitter: @EQUASS_Europe

Publications EQUASS Brochure In 2013 EQUASS translated its brochure into Polish. The brochure is available in English, French, Dutch, Italian, German, Spanish, Estonian, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Portuguese and Norwegian. If you are interested in receiving copies, please contact Marie Dubost at marie.dubost@epr.eu. The EQUASS brochure is also available on the EQUASS website: www.equass.be (click on the image). EQUASS Annual


External Publications “Quality assessment systems in rehabilitation services for people with a disability in Greece: A critical review� The July edition of the Disability and Health Journal featured a highlight on the EQUASS initiative, recognised as the most adaptive and appropriate system for Greek rehabilitation settings. The authors present the study and encourage health policy makers to take findings into consideration in establishing an integrated, quality-assured rehabilitation system throughout the country. Guus Van Beek, EQUASS Key, providing handbooks and data.



The article is available on the EQUASS website www.equass.be (click on the image).

EQUASS Online Communication Dissemination of EQUASS Certified Organisations All EQUASS Assurance and Excellence certified organisations are listed in two separated online databases available on the EQUASS website: www.equass.be

EQUASS Newsflash EQUASS has published 2 issues of the EQUASS Newsflash in 2013, in January and June as well as the 2012 Annual Report.


EQUASS Annual Report 2013

EQUASS Structures and Staff Composition of the EQUASS Secretariat The EQUASS Secretariat operates the EQUASS system from the offices of EPR in Brussels. The EQUASS Manager has final say on the strategic decisions and finances, and reporting to the EPR members, owners of the system. The EQUASS Coordinator is in charge of implementing and monitoring the annual work plan, including budget and contracts, marketing, certifications and communications with clients and auditors. The EQUASS Key expert provides content expertise on all issues related to the certification system, developing new consultancy products, validating awarding decisions in EQUASS Assurance. The Key expert also delivers most EQUASS trainings and consultancy services. Jan Spooren EQUASS Manager

Marie Dubost

Guus van Beek

Paulina Kühn

EQUASS Coordinator

EQUASS Key Expert

EQUASS Intern (June-December)

Composition of the EQUASS Core Group The EQUASS Core Group is an advisory body composed of quality practitioners and experts. They provide a balanced and diversified views on the EQUASS system, processes and procedures. Their recommendations are then provided to the EQUASS Awarding Committee or the EQUASS Management, depending on the topic of the recommendations. The Core Group meets 2 to 3 times per year. Michael Crowley, RehabGroup (Ireland)

Jan Spooren, EQUASS Manager

Hubert Vornholt , Josefsheim Bigge (Germany)

Guus van Beek, EQUASS Key Expert

Ester Thunes , GREP (Norway)

Marie Dubost, EQUASS Coordinator

Composition of the EQUASS Awarding Committee The EQUASS Awarding Committee is the body in charge of validating the EQUASS Awarding criteria for EQUASS Assurance and Excellence, and approving any changes made to the certification systems of applicants and auditors. It includes various members of European social partners, funders, policy makers, service providers and service user representatives. The Awarding Committee meets 1 to 2 times per year. European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR) - Mr. Frank Flannery European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) - Mr. Wolfgang Schulz-Weidner and Mr Franz Terwey European Association for Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) - Mr. Luk Zelderloo Council of Europe (CoE) - Mr Thorsten Afflerbach Business Disability Forum - Mr. Paul Day Rehabilitation International (RI) - Mr. Jan Johansen European Federation of Older People (EURAG) - Mr. Dirk Jarré European Disability Forum (EDF) - Ms. Erzsébet Szöllösi, Ms. Donata Vivanti-Pagetti and Ms. Simona Giarratano European Network of Social Authorities (ENSA) - Mr. Johan Lindstrom

EQUASS Annual Report 2013


What is EQUASS? The European Quality in Social Services (EQUASS) is an initiative of the European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR). EQUASS provides a range of comprehensive services in the area of approval and certification of quality, all of which comply with the European requirements for quality in the provision of Social Services. The certification programmes are complementary to existing quality certification programmes at the national level and are overseen by an independent International Awarding Committee that includes representatives from key European stakeholders.


EQUASS Secretariat Rue de Spa 15, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel +32 2 736 54 44 Fax +32 2 736 86 22 Email equass@equass.be Website www.equass.be

Editor-in-chief: Jan Spooren Editors: Marie Dubost, Cinzia De Letis, Guus van Beek

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