Q2 2013 equass assurance certification april june 2013

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EQUASS Assurance Certified Organisations April — June 2013

The European Quality in Social Services (EQUASS) provides an integrated system of cer fica on specifically tailored for the social sector, and allows social service providers to enhance their performance. EQUASS Assurance guarantees quality of service provision by cer fying compliance with 50 criteria based on the Principles for Quality. It can be considered as a fundamental requirement for opera ng social services, as the EQUASS Assurance threshold is

easily accessible in terms of costs, efforts and feasibility. An organisa on which meets the EQUASS Assurance criteria is cer fied by the independent, interna onal Awarding Commi*ee for a period of two years. This Commi*ee includes representa ves from key European stakeholders. The organisa ons listed in this brochure have all been officially awarded with EQUASS Assurance.


Scope of the certification: Training and Professional Rehabilitation Center; Occupational Activities Center; Family Support and Parental Advice; Inclusion Resources Center.

Address: Rua de Guimarรฃes nยบ869, 4600-112 Amarante S.Gonรงalo Contact Person: Jorge Manuel Correia Pereira E-mail: geral@cercimarante.pt Website: www.cercimarante.pt Certification period: 08 Apr. 13 to 08 Apr. 15

INŠTITUT INTEGRA, Inš tut za razvoj človeških virov, Slovenia

Scope of the certification: Zaposlitvena rehabilitacija Program socialne vključenosti

Address: Efenkova 61, 3320 Velenje Contact Person: Sonja Bercko / Sanja Salmič Hojan E-mail: sonja.bercko@eu-integra.eu; sanja-salmic.hojan@eu-integra.eu Website: http://www.eu-integra.eu Certification period: 08 Apr. 13 to 08 Apr. 15 REF: SI2013-001

KanJa Nome AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment TAS - Training and Activity centre, municipal. Full Pakke - Full Package (Drug Addicts).

Address: Dagsrudgata 22, 3825 Lunde Contact Person: Nils Steinar Stavsholt E-mail: post@kanja.no Website: www.kanja.no Certification period: 08 Apr. 13 to 08 Apr. 15 REF: NO2013-054

AS Nipro Nord-Odal Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops

Address: Vallsetvegen 1, 2120 Sagstua Contact Person: Halgeir Bergseteren E-mail: post@nipronord.no Website: www.nipronord.no Certification period: 08 Apr. 13 to 08 Apr. 15 REF: NO2012-102

Krokane Nærtenester AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops SNU I DØRA LAR

Address: Postbox 62, 6901 Florø Contact Person: Torleif Hjermann E-mail: Torleif@krokane.no Website: www.krokane.no Certification period: 08 Apr. 13 to 08 Apr. 15 REF: NO2013-011

Associa on of Cerebral Palsy of Odemira Portugal

Scope of the certification: Occupational Activities Centre Home Support Service Early Intervention for Children

Address: Horta dos Reis, Apartado 106 , 7630 150 Odemira Contact Person: Ana Maria Costa Teresa Marques E-mail: geral@apco.pt Website: www.apco.pt Certification period: 08 Apr. 13 to 08 Apr. 15

Centro de Apoio a Deficientes de Santo Estevão Portugal

Scope of the certification: CAO - Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais - Occupational activity centre Lar Residencial - Residential services

Address: Quinta de Santo Estêvão, Abraveses, Viseu Contact Person: Anabela Teixeira E-mail: centro.santoestevao@ump.pt Website: www.ump.pt Certification period: 08 Apr. 13 to 08 Apr. 15 REF: PT2013-008

ŠENTPRIMA – Zavod za svetovanje, uposabljanje in rehabilitacijo invalidov Slovenia

Scope of the certification: Zaposlitvena Rehabilitacija / Vocational Rehabilitation

Address: Brilejeva Ulica 4, 1000 L jubljana Contact Person: Nives Jakopin E-mail: info@sentprima.sent.si Website: www.sentprima.com Certification period: 10 Apr. 13 to 10 Apr. 15 REF: SI2013-002

Grue Service AS Norway

Til Grue Service AS

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops Avklaring – Individual needs assessment

Address: Pb. 133, 2260 Kirkenær Contact Person: Tone M. Hanssen E-mail: tone@grueservice.no Website: http://grueservice.mamutweb.com/default.htm Certification period: 15 Apr. 13 to 15 Apr. 15 REF: NO2013-027

Indre Sogn ASVO as Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) Komunalt kjøpte aktivitetstilbod

Address: Sandgota 2 , 6885 Årdalstangen Contact Person: Jørgen Asperheim E-mail: post@indresognasvo.no Website: www.indresognasvo.no Certification period: 15 Apr. 13 to 15 Apr. 15 REF: NO2013-050

Einekavane A/S Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops

Address: Matre 45 , 5984 Matredal Contact Person: Ă˜yvind Kristoffersen E-mail: einekav@online.no Website: www.einekavane.no Certification period: 15 Apr. 13 to 15 Apr. 15 REF: NO2013-037

Øvre Romerike Industriservice AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Avklaring – Individual needs assessment APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops

Address: Industriveien 40, 2072 Dal Contact Person: Hans Thue E-mail: ori@ori.no Website: www.ori.no Certification period: 22 Apr. 13 to 22 Apr. 15 REF: NO2013-038


Scope of the certification: Avklaring – Individual needs assessment APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) KIA (Kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training TIA (Tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training AMO kurs - Work preparation courses

Address: Pb. 203, 3672 Notodden Contact Person: Marit Kasin E-mail: mak@nopro.no Website: www.nopro.no Certification period: 22 Apr. 13 to 22 Apr. 15 REF: NO2013-062


Scope of the certification: Centro de Atividades Ocupacionai s (Occupational Activity Centre) Lar Residencial (Residential services) Centro de Reabilitação e Formação Profisional (Rehabilitational and Vocational Training Centre)

Address: Rua 15 de Maio, 7300-206 Portalegre Contact Person: Maria Gabriela Baião Véstia E-mail: cerciportalegre@cerciportalegre.pt Website: blogcerciportalegre.blogspot.com Certification period: 22 Apr. 13 to 22 Apr. 15

Innherred Produkter AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) Kvalifisering - Qualification Avklaring – Individual needs assessment Jobbmestrende - Jobmastering

Address: Helga den fagres gt 5 , Levanger Contact Person: Jon Erik Finstad E-mail: jon.erik@ipas.no Website: www.ipas.no Certification period: 25 Apr. 13 to 25 Apr. 15 REF: NO2013 – 143

Providor AS Norway

Scope of the certification: AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops Individual Need Assessment in sheltered and ordinary environment. “Room for learning”

Address: Strandveien 10 B, 2380 Brumunddal Contact Person: Erik Glorud E-mail: post@providor.no Website: www.providor.no Certification period: 05 May. 13 to 05 May. 15 REF: NO2013-032

Brisk Kompetansesenter as Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment Avklaring – Individual needs assessment “Raskere tilbake” KIA (Kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training TIA (Tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training AMO kurs - Work preparation courses AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) ”Prosjekt arbeid og aktivitet” ”Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering - metodeutvikling” ”Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering for overvektige - metodeutvikling” Sheltered workshop

Address: Postboks 7664 Spjelkavik, 6022 Ålesund Contact Person: Frode Vestad E-mail: firmapost@brisk.no Website: www.brisk.no Certification period: 05 May. 13 to 05 May. 15 REF: NO2013-026

CERCILEI-Coopera va de Ensino e Reabilitação de Cidadãos Inadaptados de Leiria, C. R. L. Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais (Occupational Activity Centre) Lar Residencial (Residential services)

Address: Estrada das Moitas Altas, 279 , Pinheiros 2401-976 Leiria Contact Person: Maria Cristina Junqueiro de Matos Veiga Meireles E-mail: geral@cercilei.pt Website: www.cercilei.pt Certification period: 05 May. 13 to 05 May. 15 REF: PT2013-015

ISJD - Casa de Saúde S. José Portugal

Scope of the certification: Serviço de Reabilitação Psicossocial

Address: Largo S. João de Deus, nº1 , 4755-290 Areias de Vilar - Barcelos Contact Person: Sílvia Verónica Massena Palas E-mail: silvia.palas@isjd.pt Website: http://www.isjd.pt/cssj.vilar/ Certification period: 05 May. 13 to 05 May. 15 REF: PT2013-018

ACAPO – Delegação de Coimbra Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Atendimento / Acompanhamento e Animação para Pessoas com Deficiência

Address: Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra nº 113 s/cv, 3030-181 Coimbra Contact Person: José Mário Albino E-mail: coimbra@acapo.pt Website: www.acapo.pt Certification period: 05 May. 13 to 05 May. 15 REF: PT2013-011

Criança Diferente / Associação de Amigos Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais (Occupational Activity Centre) - Milheirós Lar Residencial (Residential services)

Address: Urbanização Monte Penedo, Praceta Arquitecto Mário Bonito, 4475-066 Milheirós Maia Contact Person: Clarisse Monteiro E-mail: criancadiferente@sapo.pt Website: www.criancadiferente.org Certification period: 05 May. 13 to 05 May. 15 REF: PT2013-012

LEQUE – Associação de Pais e Amigos de Pessoas com Necessidades Especiais Portugal

Scope of the certification: CAAAPD (Centro de Atendimento, Acompanhamento e Animação para Pessoas com Deficiência) ASI (Atividades Sócio Culturais Inclusivas)

Address: Edificio Leque, Avenida Francisco Sá Carneiro, nº 131, 5350-005 Alfândega da Fé Contact Person: Simone Amaral E-mail: geral@leque.pt Website: www.leque.pt Certification period: 05 May. 13 to 05 May. 15 REF: PT2013-013

Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal – Delegação de Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Scope of the certification: Áreas de Intervenção: - Informação, aconselhamento e apoio psicossocial (Serviço Social e Serviço de Psicologia) - Habilitação/reabilitação (Serviço de Orientação e Mobilidade, Serviço de Braille e Serviço de Informática) - Cultura, Lazer e Desporto (Serviço de Animação Sociocultural)

Address: Rua Nova de São Bento, n. º 5 a 11, 4900472 Viana do Castelo Contact Person: Carlos Laranjeira E-mail: porto@acapo.pt Website: www.acapo.pt Certification period: 05 May. 13 to 05 May. 15 REF: PT2013-017

Delegação do Porto da ACAPO – Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal Portugal

Scope of the certification: CAAAPD – Centro de Atendimento/Acompanhamento e Animação para Pessoas com Deficiência (apoio social, apoio psicológico, habilitação/ reabilitação, atividades de cultura e lazer, ações internas para utentes e ação para a comunidade informação, divulgação e sensibilização e formação)

Address: Rua do Bonfim, 215, 4300-069 Porto Contact Person: Natividade Abreu E-mail: porto@acapo.pt Website: www.acapo.pt Certification period: 05 May. 13 to 05 May. 15 REF: PT2013-014

Brisk Barnehage Norway

Scope of the certification: Barnehage drift - Kindergarten

Address: Postboks 7664, Spjelkavik, 6022 Ă…lesund Contact Person: Hildegunn J.Rønning E-mail: hildegunn@brisk.no Website: www.brisk.no Certification period: 06 May. 13 to 06 May. 15 REF: NO2013-096

iFokus AS—iVekst AS Norway

Scope of the certification: A2 - A3 (In agreement with NAV Larvik, A2 and A3 programmes include Individual needs assessment / Avklaring, Supported Employment / Arbeid med Bistand, and Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment / APS). VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops TIA (Tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training ARR - Work Related Rehabilitation

Address: Postboks 2158, Stubberød, 3255 Larvik Contact Person: Anniken Johanssen Hvass E-mail: anniken@ifokus.as Website: www.ifokus.as og www.ivekst.no Certification period: 06 May. 13 to 06 May. 15 REF: NO2013-004

Fønix AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Avklaring – Individual needs assessment APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) APS Trinn for trinn - APS Step by Step KIA (Kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training TIA (Tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training Ungdomstilbud - Oportunities for youth VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops ARR = Work related rehabilitation Functional assessment Career guidance

Address: Nygårdsveien 82, Postboks 1078, N-3204 Sandefjord Contact Person: Terje Grevle E-mail: fonix@fonix.as Website: www.fonix.as Certification period: 06 May. 13 to 06 May. 15 REF: NO2013-018


Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops

Address: Postboks 281, 5200 Os Contact Person: Kristian Nygaard E-mail: kristian@osasvo.no Website: www.osasvo.no Certification period: 06 May. 13 to 06 May. 15 REF: NO2013-029


Scope of the certification: Avklaring – Individual needs assessment APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops

Address: Elgvegen 2, 9321 Moen Contact Person: Janne Walquist E-mail: janne@montar.no Website: www.montar.no Certification period: 06 May. 13 to 06 May. 15 REF: NO2013-40


Scope of the certification: CAO (Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais): Occupational Activity Centre Residential Home

Address: Rue Cartilha Maternal Jo達o de Deus, , 3100508 Pombal, Portugal Contact Person: Preciosa dos Santos E-mail: Dir.geral@cercipom.org.pt Website: www.cercipom.org.pt Certification period: 06 May. 13 to 06 May. 15

Exis r – Associação para a Intervenção e Reabilitação de Populações Deficientes e Desfavorecidas Portugal

Scope of the certification: Banco Solidário; CAOL – Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais Laboral; Refeitório; URPE – Unidade de Reabilitação Profissional da Existir.

Address: Rua Assis Esperança, s/n.º, 8100-543 Loulé Contact Person: Paulo Graça E-mail: existir.associacao@gmail.com Website: www.existir.org.pt Certification period: 07 May. 13 to 07 May. 15

Associação de Apoio ao Deficiente – Nuno Silveira ANS Portugal

Scope of the certification: Lar Residencial Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário

Address: Rua Professor Moreira, s/n, 4510-643 Fânzeres Contact Person: Célia Gomes/ Paula Aguiar E-mail: info@ans.org.pt Website: www.ans.org.pt Certification period: 10 May. 13 to 10 May. 15 REF: PT2013-022


Scope of the certification: Nursery Educational Vocational Training Residential Home Occupational activity Centre

Address: Av. 5 de Outubro, nº104- 5º 1064-004 LISBOA Contact Person: Nuno Soares Franco E-mail: sedeapplx@mail.telepac.pt Website: appacdm-lisboa.pt/ Certification period: 10 May. 13 to 10 May. 15 REF: PT2013-016

Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal (ACAPO) – Delegação de Viseu Portugal

Scope of the certification: Actividades da Vida Diária Animação—Braille Estimulação e Desenvolvimento Orientação e Mobilidade Psicologia—Serviço Social

Address: Rua D. Nuno Álvares Perei ra, Bloco B1 R/C Esquerdo, 3510-096 Viseu Contact Person: Carlos Lopes E-mail: viseu@acapo.pt Website: www.acapo.pt Certification period: 10 May. 13 to 10 May. 15 REF: PT2013-020

APPACDM de Aveiro – Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental de Aveiro Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais Lares Residenciais

Address: Rua Padre Luís Pereira, nº1 , 3800-737 Eixo Contact Person: António José da Rocha Dias E-mail: geral@appacdmaveiro.com Website: appacdmaveiro.com Certification period: 10 May. 13 to 10 May. 15 REF: PT2013-021

CERCIMIRA – Coopera va para a Educação e Reabilitação de Cidadãos Inadaptados de Mira, CRL Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Formação Profissional Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais URBE: Unidade Residencial e Bem-estar

Address: Rua dos Claros, Cabeças Verdes, 3070-504 SEIXO Contact Person: Nuno Castelhano E-mail: cercimira@mail.telepac.pt Website: www.cercimira.pt Certification period: 10 May. 13 to 10 May. 15 REF: PT2013-024

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Guimarães Lar Residencial e Centro de A vidades Ocupacionais - ALECRIM Portugal

Scope of the certification: Recursos Humanos Acção Social Gestão de equipamentos Cuidados de saúde Atividades socio-culturais Compras

Address: Rua Dr. Joaquim de Meira – Antigo Hospital , 4800-431 Guimarães Contact Person: Cláudia Fernandes Lima E-mail: claudiafernandes.cao@scmguimaraes.com Website: http://www.scmguimaraes.com/ Certification period: 10 May. 13 to 10 May. 15 REF: PT2013-023

Associação Portuguesa de Paralisia Cerebral de Leiria (APPC-Leiria) Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Reabilitação da APPC-Leiria em regime ambulatório

Address: Rua Verde Pinho – Lote 1, nº 201, 207, 213 – Vale da Fonte Marrazes, 2415-609 Leiria Portugal Contact Person: Lúcia Maria da Luz Ferreira Bento E-mail: appcleiria@appcleiria.pt servicosocial@appcleiria.pt Website: www.appcleiria.pt Certification period: 10 May. 13 to 10 May. 15 REF: PT2013-019

Fundação Irene Rolo Portugal

Scope of the certification: Central Activities Centre Vocational Training Centre Early intervention Residential Home

Address: Rua Feixinho de Vides, n°19 8800-365 Tavira, Portugal, Contact Person: Elizabeth Ramos E-mail: fir.tavira@mail.telepac.pt Website: www.fir.pt Certification period: 10 May. 13 to 10 May. 15

NAMAS Vekst AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment

Address: Brøndbo Industriområde , 7977 Høylandet Contact Person: Ole Joar Flaat E-mail: post@namas.no Website: Web: www.namas.no Certification period: 16 May. 13 to 16 May. 15 REF: NO2013-147

Signo Dokken Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops Avklaring – Individual needs assessment

Address: Postboks 2649 Møhlenpris,, N-5836 Bergen Contact Person: Sylvi Leirvaag E-mail: post@signodokken.no Website: www.signodokken.no Certification period: 16 May. 13 to 16 May. 15 REF: NO2013-112

Nordreisa ASVO as Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment

Address: Betesdaveien 1, 9151 Storslett Contact Person: Lina Olsen E-mail: lina@reisavekst.no Website: www.reisavekst.no Certification period: 16 May. 13 to 16 May. 15 REF: NO2013-056

Nitor AS Norway

Scope of the certification: AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment Avklaring – Individual needs assessment Grønt Arbeid – measures specifically for people with mental illness Arbeidssenteret – adapted work for people with disabilities LØA – adapted work for people with mental health problems

Address: Kjennveien 153, 1470 Lørenskog Contact Person: Laila Sørlie E-mail: post@nitor.no Website: www.nitor.no Certification period: 16 May. 13 to 16 May. 15 REF: NO2013-028

A2G barnehage Norway

Scope of the certification: Kindergarten services - Barnehagedriften

Address: Bl책dalen 35/37, postboks 173, 5876 Bergen Contact Person: Heidi Svedal and Trine-Lise Bredland E-mail: barnehage-leder@a2g.no Website: www.a2g.no Certification period: 16 May. 13 to 16 May. 15 REF: NO2013-154

AS Varbas Norway

Scope of the certification: AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment Avklaring - Individual Needs Assessment KIA (kvalifiering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift – External Vocational Training TIA (Tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/ Sheltered Workshops

Address: Spireaveien 8, 0580 Oslo Contact Person: Glenn Dehli E-mail: varbas@varbas.no Website: www.varbas.no Certification period: 16 May. 13 to 16 May. 15 REF: NO2013-010

Lisand Industrier AS Norway

Scope of the certification: AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops Avklaring – Individual needs assessment

Address: Fjærkleivene 52, 4900 Tvedestrand Contact Person: Tor Kristiand Johansen E-mail: post@lisand.no Website: www.lisand.no Certification period: 16 May. 13 to 16 May. 15 REF: NO2013-014

APECDA-Braga Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Recursos par a Inclusão (C.R.I)

Address: Rua da Quinta nº 17- Mazagão Aveleda, 4705055 Braga Contact Person: Filipe Agostinho Roriz Ferreira Fernandes E-mail: apecdabraga@mail.telepac.pt Website: http://apecdabraga.wix.com/apecda Certification period: 17 May. 13 to 17 May. 15 REF: PT2013-027

EMAÚS – Associação de Apoio ao Deficiente Mental Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais - Baltar Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais - Paredes

Address: Rua de Emaús n. 97, 4585-059 Baltar Contact Person: Teresa Matilde da Cunha E-mail: emaus.especial@gmail.com Certification period: 17 May. 13 to 17 May. 15 REF: PT2013-025

ISJD - Hospital S. João de Deus Portugal

Scope of the certification: Unidade de Cuidados Continuados de Convalescença S. João de Deus

Address: Rua de Avis, nº89 , 7050-089 Montemor-o-Novo Contact Person: Adelino Manuel Espadaneira Manteigas E-mail: adelino.manteigas@isjd.pt Website: www.isjd.pt/hospital.montemor Certification period: 17 May. 13 to 17 May. 15 REF: PT2013-029

Associação 29 de Abril Portugal

Scope of the certification: Lar Residencial Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais (CAO)

Address: Rua Fernando Namora 36 a 42 , 7050-235 Montemor-o-Novo Contact Person: Elsa Sousa E-mail: a29abril@iol.pt Website: www.facebook.com/pages/ Associação29deAbril Certification period: 20 May. 13 to 20 May. 15 REF: PT2013-026

Centro Social e Cultural de São Pedro de Bairro Portugal

Centro Social Bairro

Scope of the certification: Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais Formação Profissional

Address: Rua da Infância, n.º119, 4765-016 Bairro Contact Person: Ana Maria Monteiro e Sandra Carvalho E-mail: tec2.centrosocialbairro@gmail.com Website: www.centrosocialbairro.com Certification period: 20 May. 13 to 20 May. 15 REF: PT2013-030

Centro de Bem Estar Social de Arronches Portugal

Scope of the certification: Lar Residencial de Santo Ant贸nio

Address: Bairro de Santo Ant贸nio, Rua A, lote 40 7340 - 041, Arronches Contact Person: Andreia De Jesus Gravito Pinto E-mail: Cbes_arronches@centrobemestar.mail.pt or andreia.pinto.cbes@gmail.com

Certification period: 20 May. 13 to 20 May. 15

União das Misericórdias Portuguesas – Centro João Paulo II Portugal

Scope of the certification: Residential and social services

Address: Alto dos Moinhos, 2496-908 Fátima Contact Person: Engrácia Marques E-mail: centro.joaopauloii@ump.pt Website: http://www.ump.pt/cdpjoaopaulosegundo/ Certification period: 20 May. 13 to 20 May. 15

Flyndra as Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment APO - Work preparation training in ordinary environment KVP - Kvalifiseringsprogram AE - Work based on individual decision Oppfølging - Follow-up service Elevpraksis - Facilitated student practice Lærekandidat - Training candidate VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops

Address: Meieribakken 4, 7670 Inderøy Contact Person: Per Jensen E-mail: post@flyndra.no Website: www.flyndra.no Certification period: 22 May. 13 to 22 May. 15 REF: NO2013-148

Sandbukt AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand) APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment

Address: Sandbukt GĂĽrd, 9050 Storsteinnes Contact Person: Line Henriksen E-mail: post@sandbuktas.no Website: www.sandbuktas.no Certification period: 22 May. 13 to 22 May. 15 REF: NO2013-044

Selbu-Trykk AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops Avklaring – Individual needs assessment

Address: Nestansringen 17, 7580 Selbu Contact Person: Pia Bogen E-mail: post@selbutrykk.no, pia@selbutrykk.no Website: https://www.selbutrykk.no Certification period: 30 May. 13 to 30 May. 15 REF: NO2013-177

Torbjørnsbu Verksted AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops Avklaring – Individual needs assessment LOS - Guidance and follow-up.

Address: Gårdsveien 13 B , 4847 Arendal Contact Person: Ben Christiansen E-mail: post@torbjørnsbu.com Website: www.torbjornsbu.com Certification period: 30 May. 13 to 30 May. 15 REF: NO2013-017

Os Malmequeres Portugal

Scope of the certification: CAO (Centro de Actividades Ocupacionais)

Address: Zona Industrial do Casal Cego, Rua do Casal Cego n째 175, Marrazes 2415-315 Leiria Contact Person: Edite Dinis E-mail: geral@malmequeres.pt Website: www.malmequeres.pt Certification period: 01 Jun. 13 to 01 Jun. 15 REF: PT2013-STR012

Associação Portuguesa para as Perturbações do Desenvolvimento e Au smo, Coimbra Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais Centro de Atividades de Tempos Livres

Address: Rua Padre António Vieira, N.º3, 3000-315 Coimbra Contact Person: Elsa Romão Vieira E-mail: appdacoimbra@gmail.com Website: www.appdacoimbra.com Certification period: 03 Jun. 13 to 03 Jun. 15


Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops Avklaring – Individual needs assessment

Address: 4590 Snartemo, Norway Contact Person: Geir Eikeland E-mail: geir.eikeland@snartemoquality.no Website: www.snartemoquality.no Certification period: 03 Jun. 13 to 03 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-052

Kongsvegen Barnehage Norway

Scope of the certification: Kindergarten / Barnehage

Address: Kongsvegen 80, 7088 Heimdal Contact Person: Jannicke Hegge E-mail: jannicke.hegge@prima-as.no, Website: www.kongsvegenbarnehage.no Certification period: 04 Jun. 13 to 04 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-094

Rana Produkter AS Norway

Scope of the certification: “Avklaring i skjermet virksomhet” APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment KIA (kvalifiering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift – External Vocational Training TIA (Tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training AB (Arbeid med Bistand) - Supported Employment Individual needs assments (Avklaring) “Oppfølging” VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/ Sheltered Workshops ”Arbeid og psykisk helse” (APH) ”Vocational educational training” (AMO)

Address: Postboks 163, 8601 Mo i Rana Contact Person: Tage Jonsson E-mail: post@ranaprodukter.no Website: ranaprodukter.no Certification period: 04 Jun. 13 to 04 Jun. 15 REF: NO2012-211

STAS AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops AB - Supported Employment (Arbeid med Bistand)

Address: Ă˜lvegata 16 , 7715 Steinkjer Contact Person: Gunn Sofie Dahl E-mail: post@stas-as.no Website: www.stas-as.no Certification period: 05 Jun. 13 to 05 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-142

Asker Produkt AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops Trainee (LÌrekandidat)

Address: Gamle Borgen vei 4, 1383 Asker Contact Person: Tonje Solstad E-mail: post@askerprodukt.no Website: www.askerprodukt.no Certification period: 05 Jun. 13 to 05 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-069

RehabCare Ireland

Scope of the certification: Limerick Resource Centre Bruach Resource Centre Brandon House Resource Centre Carlow Resource Centre Thurles Autism Resource Centre Wexford Resource Centre Knocklofty Resource Centre Rockfield Autism Resource Centre Port Laoise Resource Centre

Address: Beach Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 Contact Person: Barbara Kellett E-mail: Barbara.Kellett@RehabCare.ie Website: www.rehab.ie Certification period: 07 Jun. 13 to 07 Jun. 15 REF: IE2013-002

MjøsAnker AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Permanently adapted work (VTA) Supported employment (AB) Work preparation training in sheltered environment (APS) Individual needs and group assessment (Avklaring) Basis programs – “Vilje viser vei”

Address: Elise Kjøsgt. 17, 2319 Hamar Contact Person: Knut Magne Jensen E-mail: per.morstad@mjosanker.no Website: www.mjosanker.no Certification period: 12 Jun. 13 to 12 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-093

Uni-K AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Sheltered Workshop (VTA)

Address: Kvalamarka 20, 5514 HAUGESUND Contact Person: Rune Troland E-mail: poet@uni-k.no Website: www.uni-k.no Certification period: 12 Jun. 13 to 12 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-074


Scope of the certification: AB (Arbeid med bistand) - Supported Employment APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) - Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops

Address: Pb. 310, Industrigate 16 , 4492 KVINESDAL Contact Person: Rita Egenes E-mail: rita@asvo-kvinesdal.no firma@asvokvinesdal.no Website: www.asvo-kvinesdal.no Certification period: 12 Jun. 13 to 12 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-181

Tysnes Industri AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Work preparation training in sheltered environment (APS) Permanently adapted work (VTA)

Address: Eredalen, 5685 Uggdal Contact Person: May Britt Meland E-mail: ole.johannes@tias.no Website: www.tias.no Certification period: 12 Jun. 13 to 12 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-0136

Eskoleia AS Norway

Scope of the certification: AK - Clarification APS - Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment KIA - Qualification in a sheltered environment TIA - Adapted work in a sheltered environment Funksjonsvurdering - Functionality assessment Administrasjon av nettbaserte studier - Administration of online studies

Address: Lensmann Jahnsens veg 39 , 2211 Kongsvinger Contact Person: Hükon Bjørklund E-mail: erik.nilssen@eskoleia.no Website: www.eskoleia.no Certification period: 12 Jun. 13 to 12 Jun. 15 REF: NO2012-108

Siauliai Labour Market Training Centre Lithuania

Scope of the certification: Vocational rehabilitation in Siauliai Vocational educational training in Siauliai

Address: Dvaro g. 144A, Šiauliai, LT – 76199 Contact Person: Edita Vainorienė E-mail: edita@mokymocentras.lt Website: www.mokymocentras.lt Certification period: 16 Jun. 13 to 16 Jun. 15 REF: LT2013-001

ASVO Måløy AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Work preparation training in sheltered environment (APS) Sheltered Workshop (VTA)

Address: Kulen , 6718 Deknepollen Contact Person: Ranveig Kråkenes E-mail: dagligleder@asvomaloy.no Website: www.asvomaloy.no Certification period: 17 Jun. 13 to 17 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-007

Fredrikstad aQøringssenter Norway

Scope of the certification: Avklaring APS AB

Address: Mosseveien 37, Postboks 387, 1610 Fredrikstad Contact Person: Ingunn Kalleberg Skaara E-mail: fas@blaakors.no Website: www.blaakors.no/fas Certification period: 17 Jun. 13 to 17 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-075

Biva AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA - Permanently Adapted Work in a Sheltered Environment AB - Supported Employment Jobbklubb - Jobclub Avklaring - Clarification

Address: Postboks 1004, 4884 Grimstad Contact Person: Vibeke Hasselø Olav Torve E-mail: dagfinn@biva.as Website: www.biva.as Certification period: 18 Jun. 13 to 18 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-009

Balder Teks l AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Permanently adapted work (VTA)

Address: Baldersgate 9, 0263 Oslo Contact Person: Kjell AndrÊ Røttervold E-mail: post@balder-tekstil.no Website: www.balder-tekstil.no Certification period: 18 Jun. 13 to 18 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-092

Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental de Vila Real – Sabrosa Portugal

Scope of the certification: Escola de Ensino Especial / CRI DOURO Centro de Formação Profissional Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais Lar de Apoio Lar Residencial de Sabrosa e Alijó Residência Autónoma de Alijó

Address: Bairro Maria de Fátima, Apartado 1 , 5060 314 SABROSA Contact Person: Luis Manuel Dinis Correia E-mail: appacdmsabrosa@hotmail.com Website: www.appacdm-sabrosa.org.pt Certification period: 19 Jun. 13 to 19 Jun. 15 REF: PT2013-033


Scope of the certification: Work preparation training in sheltered environment (APS) Permanently adapted work (VTA) Supported Employment (AB)

Address: Sm책risevadet 15, 6065 Ulsteinvik Contact Person: H책vard Ringstad E-mail: havard@ulshav.no Website: www.ulshav.no Certification period: 21 Jun. 13 to 21 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-008

Spekter Pluss AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/Sheltered Workshops

Address: Langarinden 8, 5132 Nyborg Contact Person: Knut Ă…rnes E-mail: post@spekterpluss.no Website: www.spekterpluss.no Certification period: 24 Jun. 13 to 24 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-060

Valdres Arbeidssenter as Norway

Scope of the certification: Permanently adapted work - VTA

Address: Tveitavegen 13 , 2900 Fagernes Contact Person: Ernst Løksa E-mail: post@vas-as.no Website: www.vas-as.no Certification period: 24 Jun. 13 to 24 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-082

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Alvaiázere Portugal

Scope of the certification: Lar de Idosos/Dependentes Francisco Caetano da Silva Centro de Dia Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário Hospital Santa Cecília Creche Santa Cecília

Address: Rua prof. José Maria Castelão, 3250-115 Alvaiázere Contact Person: António José da Silva Lourenço E-mail: scma.admin@sapo.pt Website: Certification period: 24 Jun. 13 to 24 Jun. 15 REF: PT2013-040

Centro de Educação Especial do Concelho de Rio Maior “O Ninho”. Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais (CAO)

Address: Largo Padre Quartilho, s/n, 2040-330 Rio Maior Contact Person: Judite Rodrigo E-mail: ceeninho@gmail.com Website: www.ceeonhinho.pt Certification period: 24 Jun. 13 to 24 Jun. 15 REF: PT2013-036

Centro Social de Nossa Senhora de Fá ma – Centro de Reabilitação Profissional de Macedo de Cavaleiros Portugal

Scope of the certification: Centro de Reabilita ção Profissional (C.R.P.)

Address: Rua D. Abílio Vaz das Neves, nº44, 5340248 Macedo de Cavaleiros Contact Person: Amélia do Nascimento Morais E-mail: crprofissional@gmail.com Website: crprofissional.wix.com/macedodecavaleiros Certification period: 24 Jun. 13 to 24 Jun. 15 REF: PT2013-041

APPACDM de Évora – Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental Portugal

Scope of the certification: Unidade Lar Residencial Unidade Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais Unidade Centro de Recursos para a Inclusão Unidade Qualificação e Emprego Unidade Rendimento Social de Inserção

Address: Quinta do Escurinho, Apt 431 7002-505 Évora Contact Person: Otília Maria da Luz Correia Emílio E-mail: geral@appacdm-evora.org.pt Website: www.appacdm-evora.org.pt Certification period: 24 Jun. 13 to 24 Jun. 15 REF: PT2013-034

ASTA - Associação Sócio Terapêu ca de Almeida Portugal

Scope of the certification: CAO – Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais LRE – Lar Residencial RA – Residência Autónoma

Address: Alto da Fonte Salgueira , 6355-030 Cabreira Contact Person: Regina Mª da Costa Silva Fonseca E-mail: info@assterapêutica.com Website: www.assterapeutica.com Certification period: 24 Jun. 13 to 24 Jun. 15 REF: PT2013-035

Barduprodukter AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) - Permanently Adapted Work/ Sheltered Workshops AB (Arbeid med Bistand) - Supported Employment

Address: Postboks 95, Industriveien 7, 9365 Bardu Contact Person: Karl-Johan Wilhelmsen E-mail: karljohan@bapro.no Website: www.bapro.no Certification period: 24 Jun. 13 to 24 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-106

Opero as Norway

Scope of the certification: Work preparation training in sheltered environment (APS) Individual needs assessment (Avklaring) External adapted work training (TIA) External vocational training (KIA) Individual needs assessment course (Avklaringskurs) Permanently adapted work, ordinary (VTO) Will gives possibilities (VVV)

Address: Postboks 714, 5404 Stord Contact Person: Birte Nilsen E-mail: info@opero.no Website: www.opero.no Certification period: 26 Jun. 13 to 26 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-144

Drangedal Produkter AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA - Permanently Adapted Work / Sheltered Workshops

Address: Rallarveien 5 N-3750 Drangedal Contact Person: Lammert Altena E-mail: Lammert.altena@drangedal.kommune.no Website: www.drangedal-prod.no Certification period: 26 Jun. 13 to 26 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-033

Aski AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Work preparation training in sheltered environment (APS) Individual needs assessment (Avklaring) Supported Employment (AB) External adapted Work training (TIA) Coaching (Oppfølging) Language training for refugees (Norsk i praksis)

Address: Fotvegen 13, 4250 Kopervik Contact Person: Mary Ann Lund E-mail: post@aski.no Website: www.aski.no Certification period: 26 Jun. 13 to 26 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-168

Nordre Land ASVO AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Permanently adapted work (VTA)

Address: Vest-Torpvegen 24, 2870 Dokka Contact Person: Erik Sørbønsveen E-mail: erik@nlasvo.no Website: www.nlasvo.no Certification period: 26 Jun. 13 to 26 Jun. 15 REF: NO2013-173


Scope of the certification: Special Education School (CE) Labour Market Training (FP) Occupational Activities Center (CAO) Residencial Services (LAR) Early Intervention (IP) Autonomous Residence (RAS)

Address: Rua das Nogueiras, 7540 – 162 Santiago do Cacém Contact Person: Graça Madeira E-mail: cercisiago@gmail.com Website: www.cercisiago.org.pt Certification period: 27 Jun. 13 to 27 Jun. 15

Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão com Deficiência Mental do Fundão Portugal

Scope of the certification: Occupational Activity Centre Residential Home

Address: PO Box 390 Sítio da Arieira (Frente à Zona Industrial) 6234 – 909 Fundão, Portugal Contact Person: Francisco M. Coito Elias (MD) E-mail: appacdm-fundao@sapo.pt Website: www.appacdm-fundao.org.pt Certification period: 27 Jun. 13 to 27 Jun. 15

APPACDM de Portalegre – Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental Portugal

Scope of the certification: Intervenção Precoce na Infância, Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais, Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário e Residência Autónoma

Address: Lugar da Mouta, Apartado 243 7301-901 Portalegre, Portugal Contact Person: Emília Salgueiro E-mail: geral@appacdm-portalegre.com Website: www.appacdm-portalegre.pt Certification period: 27 Jun. 13 to 27 Jun. 15

Päevakeskus Käo Estonia

Scope of the certification: Päevakeskus Käo childrens centre - day care service in cooperation with Käo Põhikool (basic education); - rehabilitation services. Päevakeskus Käo Pae centre for adults - day care service; - everyday supported living service (work related activities); - rehabilitation services. Päevakeskus Käo Maleva centre for adults - day care service; - everyday supported living service (work related activities); - rehabilitation services.

Address: Käo tn 53 , Tallinn 11317 Contact Person: Merike Melsas E-mail: kaokeskus@kaokeskus.ee Website: http://www.kaokeskus.ee/ Certification period: 28 Jun. 13 to 28 Jun. 15 REF: EE2013-002

Last update on 08/07/2013

EQUASS Secretariat 15, rue de Spa, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 736 54 44; Fax: +32 2 736 86 22 Email: equass@equass.be Website: www.equass.be

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