Q4 2012 - EQUASS Assurance certified organisations

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EQUASS Assurance Certified Organisations October — December 2012

The European Quality in Social Services (EQUASS) provides an integrated system of cer fica on specifically tailored for the social sector, and allows social service providers to enhance their performance. EQUASS Assurance guarantees quality of service provision by cer fying compliance with 50 criteria based on the Principles for Quality. It can be considered as a fundamental requirement for opera ng social services, as the EQUASS Assurance threshold is

easily accessible in terms of costs, efforts and feasibility. An organisa on which meets the EQUASS Assurance criteria is cer fied by the independent, interna onal Awarding Commi*ee for a period of two years. This Commi*ee includes representa ves from key European stakeholders. The organisa ons listed in this brochure have all been officially awarded with EQUASS Assurance.

Rosenvik AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment Avklaring - Individual needs assessment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops VVV (Vilje viser vei) - Low threshold program for psychiatric users AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment KIA (kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training ARR (Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering) – Work focused rehabilitation TIA (tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training Oppfølging - Coaching

Address: PB 23, 7301 Orkanger Contact Person: Anne Kristin Vullum E-mail: av@rosenvik.no Website: www.rosenvik.no Certification period: 04 Oct. 12 to 04 Oct. 14 Ref: NO2012-081

Behandelcentrum SeysCentra The Netherlands

Scope of the certification: Behandeling van chronische voedselweigering bij jonge kinderen met of zonder een beperking. Toilettraing voor kinderen met een beperking (enuresie, encopresis, diurnal and nocturnal). Treatment of chronic food refusal in young children with or without an impairment. Toilet training in children with a impairment (enuresis, encopresis, diurnal and nocturnal).

Address: De Horst 12 , 6581 TE Malden Contact Person: Birgit Grimbergen E-mail: thalen@seyscentra.nl Website: www.seyscentra.nl Certification period: 05 Oct. 12 to 05 Oct. 14 Ref: NL2012-001

Kompetanseutvikling Grenland AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment TIA (tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training KIA (kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training Avklaring - Individual needs assessment Tema og Aktivitet—Jobbmestrende oppfølging ARR (Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering) – Work focused rehabilitation SOLA (Sammen om liv og arbeid)

Address: Postboks 1603 Down Town, 3902 Porsgrunn Contact Person: Ester Thunes E-mail: post@grep-as.no Website: www.grep-as.no Certification period: 10 Oct. 12 to 10 Oct. 14 Ref: NO2012-082

Aktør A/S Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops

Address: Postboks 294, 2202 Kongsvinger Contact Person: Dag Nordby E-mail: dag.nordby@aktoer.com Website: www.aktoer.com Certification period: 10 Oct. 12 to 10 Oct. 14 Ref: NO2012-080

Serviço Social e Gabinete do Utente - Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, EPE

Scope of the certification: Prestação de Cuidados em Internamento, Ambulatório, Urgência, Gabinete do Utente, Investigação e Ensino

Address: Avenida Professor Egas Moniz, 1649-035 Lisboa Contact Person: Maria da Conceição Patrício E-mail: conceicao.patricio@hsm.min-saude.pt Website: www.chln.pt Certification period: 20 Oct. 12 to 20 Oct. 14 Ref: PT-2012-001

Nordpolen Industrier AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment

Address: Sinsenveien 53 B,, 0585 Oslo Contact Person: Marit Beverfjord E-mail: firmapost@nordpolen.no Website: www.nordpolen.no Certification period: 04 Nov. 12 to 04 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-086

Origod AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment Avklaring - Individual needs assessment AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment TIA (tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training KIA (kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training Oppfølging - Coaching - Tenders Avklaring - Individual needs assessment - Tenders ARR (Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering) – Work focused rehabilitation - Tenders

Address: Box 274, 6902 Florø Contact Person: Petter Refsnes E-mail: petter.refsnes@origod.no Website: www.origod.no Certification period: 04 Nov. 12 to 04 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-085

Rehabilita,ons- Zentrum Stadtroda gGmbH, Germany

Scope of the certification: Rehabilitation and integration of psychologically and mentally unhealthy people offering living and working facilities.

Address: BahnhofstraĂ&#x;e35, 07639 Bad Klosterlausnitz Contact Person: Eberhard Lehmann E-mail: info@rehazentrum-stadtroda.de Website: www.rehazentrum-stadtroda.de Certification period: 08 Nov. 12 to 08 Nov. 14 Ref: DE2012-001

Industriprodukter AS Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment ASV (avklaring i skjermet virksomhet) - Individual needs assessment in a sheltered environment KIA (kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training TA ( tilrettelagt arbeid) - Sheltered Work VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops

Address: Boks 1104, 1787 Berg i Østfold Contact Person: Hanne Lind E-mail: lind@industriprodukter.no Website: www.industriprodukter.no Certification period: 13 Nov. 12 to 13 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-087

Bømlo Industrier AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment

Address: Bremnesvegen 900, 5430 BREMNES Contact Person: Rune Troland E-mail: post@bomloindustrier.no Website: www.bomloindustrier.no Certification period: 15 Nov. 12 to 15 Nov. 14

RehabCare Ireland

Scope of the certification: Waterford Resource Centre Blennerville Resource Centre Bantry Resource Centre Shannon Resource Centre Casla Resource Centre Castlebar Resource Centre Athlone Resource Centre Clonmel Resource Centre Kilkenny Resource Centre & Day Service

Address: Beach Road, Sandymount , Dublin 4 Contact Person: Laura Keane E-mail: laura.keane@rehab.ie Website: www.rehab.ie Certification period: 19 Nov. 12 to 19 Nov. 14 Ref: IE2012-001 South)

Åspro AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment

Address: PB. 233, 1431 Ås Contact Person: Thorvald Salte E-mail: thorvald@aaspro.no Website: www.aaspro.no Certification period: 20 Nov. 12 to 20 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-088

Helgeland Industrier AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Avklaring - Individual needs assessment KIA (kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training TIA (tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VVV (Vilje viser vei) - Program for psychiatric users AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops

Address: Postboks 332, 8651 Mosjøen Contact Person: Arvid Laukholm E-mail: firmapost@helgeland-industrier.no Website: www.helgeland-industrier.no Certification period: 23 Nov. 12 to 23 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-090

RehabCare Ireland

Scope of the certification: Tullamore Resource Centre Tullamore Autism Day Service Cavan Resource Centre Dundalk Resource Centre - Carroll Village Dundalk Resource Centre, Coes Rd. Monaghan Resource Centre Ballinamore Resource Centre Ballyfermot Resource Centre Dun Laoghaire Resource Centre

Address: Beach Road, Sandymount , Dublin 4 Contact Person: Laura Keane E-mail: laura.keane@rehab.ie Website: www.rehab.ie Certification period: 24 Nov. 12 to 24 Nov. 14 Ref: IE2012-001 (North)

Ins,tuto S. João de Deus – Casa de Saúde S. Miguel Portugal

Scope of the certification: Serviços de Reabilitação Psicossocial Psychosocial rehabilitation services

Address: Rua S. João de Deus s/n, Caixa Postal 155, 9501-902 Ponta Delgada Contact Person: Igor Domingos Moedas Ferreira E-mail: cssm.pdelgada@isjd.pt Website: www.isjd.pt/cssm.pdelgada/ Certification period: 25 Nov. 12 to 25 Nov. 14 Ref: PT2012-002

ISJD – Casa de Saúde S. Rafael – Reabilitação Psicossocial Portugal

Scope of the certification: Serviço de reabilitação Psicossocial Psychosocial rehabilitation service

Address: Rua Dr. Aníbal Bettencourt, s/n Caixa postal 1102 , 9701-902 Angra do Heroismo Contact Person: Marco Filipe Silveira Pavão E-mail: cssr.angra@isjd.pt Website: www.isjd.pt/cssr.angra Certification period: 25 Nov. 12 to 25 Nov. 14 Ref: PT2012-003

Sølve AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops PV (Produksjonsrettet Verksted) - Production workshop

Address: Industriveien 1B, 2860 HOV Contact Person: Geir Wettermark E-mail: g.wettermark@solve.as Website: www.solve.as Certification period: 25 Nov. 12 to 25 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-092

Vev-Al-Plast AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment ARR (Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering) – Work focused rehabilitation PV (Produksjonsrettet Verksted) - Production-oriented workshop

Address: Postboks 46, 8251 Rognan Contact Person: Rita Edvardsen E-mail: re@vap.no Website: www.vap.no Certification period: 25 Nov. 12 to 25 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-072


Scope of the certification: AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment AMO (Arbeidsmarkedsopplæring) – Labour Market Training Møllabussen Videreutdanning - Education Kompetansesalg

Address: PB. 117, 1314 Vøyenenga Contact Person: Elisabeth Johansen E-mail: ejoh@moella.no Website: www.moella.no Certification period: 25 Nov. 12 to 25 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-091

Mitra as Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment

Address: Sjøgata 39, 9300 Finnsnes Contact Person: Frode Lund-Hansen E-mail: firmapost@mitras.no, torhild@mitras.no, frode@mitras.no Website: www.mitras.no Certification period: 26 Nov. 12 to 26 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-093

Hadelandprodukter AS. Senter for yrkeskvalifisering Norway

Scope of the certification: AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment KIA (kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training TA ( tilrettelagt arbeid) - Sheltered Work Funksjonsvurdering – Value of function Courses: Grenseløse tiltak - Jobb og muligheter - Ny Tid - Tilnærming til arbeidslivet

Address: Mohagasvingen 8, N-2770 Jaren Contact Person: Knut Raddum E-mail: post@hapro.no Website: www.hapro.no Certification period: 30 Nov. 12 to 30 Nov. 14 Ref: NO2012-094

iFokus barnehagene Norway

Scope of the certification: Locations / Lokasjoner: Tjølling barnehage Lysheim barnehage Grevle barnehage Torpeløkka barnehage Kindergarten services

Address: P.B. 2158, Stubberød, 3255 Larvik Contact Person: Anniken Johanssen Hvass E-mail: anniken@ifokus.as Website: www.ifokusbarnehagene.as Certification period: 04 Dec. 12 to 04 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-098

MAKS - Meland Arbeids- og Kompetansesenter AS Norway

Scope of the certification: AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment Sites: MAKS - Meland Arbeids- og Kompetansesenter AS MAKS - Meland Arbeids- og Kompetansesenter AS Formidling MAKS - Meland Arbeids- og Kompetansesenter AS Lager / Montering Mjåtveit

Address: Box 97, 5906 Frekhaug Contact Person: Bjørn-Arild Herfindal E-mail: post@maks.no; Bjorn-Arild.Herfindal@maks.no Website: www.maks.no Certification period: 04 Dec. 12 to 04 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-097

S,;elsen Haugesjøen Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment

Address: Sundgaten 175, 5527 Haugesund Contact Person: Rune Endresen E-mail: stif-hau@online.no Website: www.haugesjoen.no Certification period: 04 Dec. 12 to 04 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-071

Arbeidstrening Oslo KF Norway

Scope of the certification: AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment

Address: Postboks 54 Lindeberg, 1007 Oslo Contact Person: Anne-Karine D. Halvorsen E-mail: postmottak@atf.oslo.kommune.no Website: http://www.arbeidstrening.oslo.kommune.no/ Certification period: 10 Dec. 12 to 10 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-096

Molde kommune, Ressurstjenesten, Avdeling for Arbeid og Ak,vitet Norway

Scope of the certification: APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment - SMIA ATA (Avklaring til arbeid) Individual needs assessment Work Practice, mental illness (FRAM) Rehabilitation, LAR (PRIM) Locations: Molde, Røbekk

Address: Rådhusplassen 1, 6413 Molde Contact Person: Inge Johan Baadnes E-mail: inge.baadnes@molde.kommune.no Website: molde.kommune.no Certification period: 10 Dec. 12 to 10 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-089

Nordnes Verksteder AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment VGS elever i praksis

Address: Postboks 2632, 5836 Bergen Contact Person: Andreas Sveen E-mail: firmapost@nordnes-verksteder.no Website: www.nordnes-verksteder.no Certification period: 10 Dec. 12 to 10 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-095

Lofoten Industri AS Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment VVV- Vilje Viser Vei KIA (kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training TIA (tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training Avklaring - Individual needs assessment Oppfølging anbud. ARR – Work focused rehabilitation AMO – Labour Marked Training

Address: Pb. 150, Vorsetøyveien18, 8300 Svolvær Contact Person: Edel-Annie Knutzen E-mail: post.adm@lofoten-industri.no Website: www.lofoten-industri.no Certification period: 10 Dec. 12 to 10 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-100

Astero Norway

Scope of the certification: AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment Avklaring - Individual needs assessment KIA (kvalifisering i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External vocational training TIA (tilrettelagt arbeid i arbeidsmarkedsbedrift) - External adapted work training VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops “Raskere tilbake” - "Fast return to Work" ”Veiled. kurs ungdom” - Guidance course for youth ”Jobbklubb” - Job Club ”Hjelpearbeider bygg” - Support worker engineering course ”UDI kurs” - Occupation qualification course for asylum seekers

Address: Marsvegen 4, 6419 Molde Contact Person: Anny Sandvik E-mail: anny@astero.no Website: www.astero.no Certification period: 10 Dec. 12 to 10 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-099

Serviço de Reabilitação Psicossocial: Valências Residênciais Portugal

Scope of the certification: Psychosocial Rehabilitation Service – Residential (Serviço de Reabilitação Psicossocial - Vertente Residencial) Locations: Unidades: Coragem, Caminho, Lucena e Elvira Unidade Estrelícia (Apartamento na Comunidade)

Address: Caminho do Trapiche, s/n Santo António, Caixa Postal 4376, 9020-126 Funchal Contact Person: João Eduardo Freitas Lemos E-mail: cssjd.funchal@isjd.pt; eduardo.lemos@isjd.pt Website: www.isjd.pt/cssjd.funchal Certification period: 10 Dec. 12 to 10 Dec. 14 Ref: PT2012-004

S,;elsen Kirkens Bymisjon Ves?old Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops

Address: Postboks 421 sentrum, 3101 Tønsberg Contact Person: Sissel Kaasa E-mail: sissel@skbv.no; anders@skbv.no Website: www.bymisjon.no/vestfold www.facebook.com/bymisjonvestfold Certification period: 10 Dec. 12 to 10 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-103

Tromsø ASVO A/S Norway

Scope of the certification: VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment 6 APO

(Arbeidspraksis i ordinær virksomhet) – Work

Preparation Training in an ordinary working environment Practice students (videregående skole)

Address: Fr. Langesgt. 13, 9008 Tromsø Contact Person: Anne-Grete Kvendbø E-mail: firmapost@tromsoasvo.no Website: www.tromsoasvo.no Certification period: 10 Dec. 12 to 10 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-104

ATS Gjøvik/Toten as Norway

Scope of the certification: AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment

Address: Damsletta 4, 2827 Hunndalen Contact Person: Rune Kristiansen E-mail: rune@ats-gt.no Website: www.ats-gt.no Certification period: 11 Dec. 12 to 11 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-106

ISJD - Residência S. João de Ávila Portugal

Scope of the certification: Convalescent Unit / Unidade de Convalescença Physical Rehabilitation Centre / Centro de Reabilitação Física

Address: Rua S. Tomás de Aquino, 20, 1600-871 LISBOA Contact Person: Nuno Lopes E-mail: rsja@isjd.pt Website: www.isjd.pt/rsja Certification period: 11 Dec. 12 to 11 Dec. 14 Ref: PT2012-005

Josefs-Gesellscha; gGmbH Vinzenz-Heim Aachen Germany

Scope of the certification: Wohnangebote für erwachsene Menschen mit Behinderung - Wohnangebote für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Behinderung - Internat des Berufskollegs - Wohnhilfen im Bereich des ambulant betreuten Wohnens - Beratung für Menschen mit Behinderung und ihre Angehörigen - Familienunterstützender Dienst

Address: Kalverbenden 91, 52066 Aachen, Germany Contact Person: Christiane Gülpen / Nicole Braun E-mail: info@vinzenz-heim.de Website: www.vinzenz-heim.de Certification period: 13 Dec. 12 to 13 Dec. 14 Ref: DE2012-002

ISJD- Casa de Saúde do Telhal Portugal

Scope of the certification: Serviço de Reabilitação Psicossocial Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre Clinica de Alcoologia Novo Rumo Alcohol abuse Clinic « New Direction »

Address: Estrada do Telhal nº55, 2725-588 Mem Martins Contact Person: Sara Monteiro E-mail: cst.telhal@isjd.pt Website: http://www.isjd.pt/cst.telhal Certification period: 17 Dec. 12 to 17 Dec. 14 Ref: PT2012-006

AS Haugaland Industri Norway

Scope of the certification: Avklaring - Individual needs assessment AB (Arbeid med bistand) – Supported Employment APS (Arbeidspraksis i skjermet virksomhet) – Work Preparation Training in a sheltered environment Kvalifisering - Qualification VTA (Varig tilrettelagt arbeid) – Permanently Adapted Work in Sheltered Workshops Karriereveiledning - Career guidance

Address: Boks 2108, N-5504 Haugesund Contact Person: Rolf S. Thuestad or Tone Vangdal E-mail: tv@haugaland-industri.no Website: www.haugaland-industri.no Certification period: 20 Dec. 12 to 20 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-105

Lofoten Industri AS Norway

Scope of the certification: Kindergarten services - Barnehagedriften

Address: Postboks 150 N-8301 SvolvĂŚr Contact Person: Eva Tuer E-mail: eva.tuer@lofoten-industri.no Website: www.lofoten-industri.no Certification period: 21 Dec. 12 to 21 Dec. 14 Ref: NO2012-101

Last update on 29/03/2013

EQUASS Secretariat 15, rue de Spa, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 736 54 44; Fax: +32 2 736 86 22 Email: equass@equass.be Website: www.equass.be

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