Reclaiming the Role of Church Leadership Training in Family Life: Christian Coaching Christians is the western culture that is running on the grounds of struggle to pass on their faith to the next generation and consequently, the way God designed the family to function is unwittingly abandoned. There are innumerable parents today that are leaving genuine faith and reliance on God behind. Though God’s Word gives specific instructions on how to maintain and pass on faith, many have abdicated this injunction. But what is our role in an effort to encourage authentic faith within the family? Perhaps the church can come alongside parents to help them understand and share their faith by offering church leadership training and coaching to embrace their own faith and slowly pass on to their children. This post is designed as a short model to teach and celebrate spiritual mile makers, coupled with coaching for parents so they may reclaim their place as spiritual leaders within their families and show the path to their children in the legacy of Christian faith. This presentation is brought to you by