European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association
EPSA Public Health Campaigns and Social Services Last three months, EPSA has been focused on several public health topics. Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, World Pharmacist Day, Immunization weeks, Antibiotic Awareness Week and World Aids Day were tackled by EPSA. During September, EPSA focused on Childhood Cancer which was in cooperation with The European Society for Paediatric Oncology and here we raised awareness by highlighting the subject. On World Pharmacist Day, EPSA informed the public about the various possibilities which a pharmacist can develop into professionally. Two weeks later, Immunization week was promoted in which pharmacist’s role in vaccination promotion and delivery were highlighted. There was a live campaign which EPSA took part in at the 16th EPSA Autumn Assembly, concerning monitoring of health conditions. After this event, World Antibiotic Awareness week was done by EPSA. Here, the problem of antimicrobial resistance was mapped and also new therapies on how to tackle this later. In December, World AIDS day was organized, liaising with IPSF, we raised awareness on the power of communities and promoted prevention.
Social Services were kicked off in September with saving water and energy campaign. Infographics were spread in which several tips were given on how to save energy and water. In October, green transport week was organized by EPSA. To promote sustainable and green transport, a survey was launched which students would fill out every time they use a sustainable form of transport. During theAutumn Assembly, a social service was organized by the Reception Committee and EPSA to raise funds and to collect needed materials for an elderly home.