EPSA Newsletter Volume 27 Edition 2

Page 25

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EPSA Symposium Powered by Young Professionals Participation in the symposium “Powered by young professionals” is a unique chance to educate your colleagues and develop yourself as a person. My experience as a hospital pharmacist had taught me many things that are not on any university curriculum. I found it rewarding being able to give others an insight into my role and answer questions that will assist others in making their career choices. I would encourage anyone to apply who has experience in an area of practice/research. You will grow in confidence and have the opportunity to trial your presentation/ soft skills in a supportive environment. I feel this is fundamental for driving our profession forward and taking others with you along the way. Robert Oakley

BPSA, The UK Participant at 16 EPSA Autumn Assembly

When I first saw the email to present at the Autumn Assembly Symposium to 350 delegates, I was very nervous and was initially not going to apply. I had never presented in front of a large group of people or even talked for a full 10 minutes before! So there was a lot of selfdoubt before I finally decided that I may not get an opportunity to do this again and finally hit the application submit button. Huge thanks to Marko Ocokoljić (VP of Education) for organising this talk and for giving students the opportunity to actively engage in the symposium programme as a speaker. The amount of preparation which was involved for this talk gave me a newfound respect for lecturers and academics, as I needed to ensure the information I was providing to 350 delegates was current and accurate. Sitting in the audience shortly before my talk and listening to talks from Marko Skelin, Petra Wicklandt, Siniša Varga, Maja Šerčič and Arijana Meštrvić, my only thought was “how on earth do I follow that talk?” However, I soon learned that it takes many presentations to build that level of confidence and it only happens through making mistakes and learning from them. I vividly remember Marko Skelin pulling me aside to give me positive and constructive feedback before I entered his workshop after my talk. This was overall a great opportunity to present in front of a large international delegation and I look forward to presenting at EPSA events in the future. Jagraj Thandi

BPSA, The UK, Participant at 16th EPSA Autumn Assembly

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