Internal Affairs
European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association
Map of Europe In the last few weeks AFÖP has organised two teddy bear hospitals, with one coming up in December. We tremendously enjoyed these opportunities to strengthen our collaboration with AMSA (Austrian Medical Students Association). Furthermore we are looking forward to our second Marketing Skills Event that will be happening during the second week of December. AFÖP, Austria
ANEPF is organising, in collaboration with UNECD the National Association of Dental Surgery Students, a 3-week humanitarian project in Morocco for the summer of 2020, with a focus on diabetes awareness and the proper use of medicines. Volunteers have been recruited and will be trained together on their missions and inter-professional collaboration for the project. Various materials will be collected from students around France in order to donate to them as well. ANEPF, France
The BPSA Executive were present at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s Annual Conference, and we enjoyed meeting professionals from various sectors and explaining the Association’s role in pharmacy students’ careers. We received great feedback on our second Business into Practice Conference and also hosted our first ever Annual Drinks Reception on a boat on the River Thames. The BPSA Travel Fund has now opened, and we look forward to being able to fund some students to attend EPSA Annual Congress in Lyon in April! BPSA, The United Kingdom
On the 18th and 19th of October, an APEF member, AEFFUL, organized a congress under the topic “Health Technologies: From Molecule to Society”. This is their major activity and was attended by 300 participants. The topics discussed allowed to debate the impact that the technological applications have had on the health system, as well as the potential they have in the future. APEF, Portugal
The biggest event of Asep took place during the month of October. It is called the NPSW (National Pharmacy Students Weekend) and the aim of this week-end is to gather all the students of Switzerland in order to learn something but also to have fun. During the week-end some Symposiums and Workshops were organized but also an amazing Gala dinner which took place in the Markthalle in Basel. The other big event on the agenda was the Delegate Assembly, where the new board got elected. asep, Switzerland
With the beginning of November, CPSA has hosted the 16th EPSA Autumn Assembly in Poreč which was a result of two years of planning. We are also organising a TWINN with the turkish students from Adana, starting the 19th of December and ending the 22nd of December. CPSA is also organising the Marketing Skills Event in the middle of December with Abbot as the general sponsor. There are many things currently brewing so be sure to follow our social media. CPSA, Croatia
Since the beginning of November, CzPSA has joined the ATB Awareness Week in cooperation with Czech Pharmaceutical Chamber, Movember month with Mustache Café and an online HIV/AIDS Public Health Campaign. We organized educational lectures, not only for our students but also for active seniors, and two Teddy Bear Hospitals for children. In CzPSA we do try to cover different ranges of activities for students and the general public. For more information about our activities and policy, you can follow us on social media. CzPSA, Czech Republic
After working together with FASMR and FSMDR (National Federations of Medical/Dental Students’ Associations) on different projects and following their collaboration in advocating for healthcare students’ rights, FASFR and the other two associations decided to establish an official Alliance. This is how, on the 14th of December, ASDS was created. This National Alliance of Students in Healthcare provides its Members with a common, stronger voice when advocating for shared goals and comes about as a firm step towards achieving interprofessional collaboration. FASFR, Romania
IPSA has dedicated itself to improve the representation of Pharmacy Students on both an international and national basis. IPSA is planning their inaugural conference to take place in March 2020, they announced two new Twinnets with Serbia and Poland and they have also been involved in a national campaign to remove proposed cuts for community pharmacies. We look forward to ensuring the voices of our students are heard. IPSA, Ireland
During the past few months, GPSF has carried out various Health Campaigns both live and through social media, including ones for vaccination, diabetes, COPD and AIDS. Moreover, we recently launched the “Learning from the Experts” project where we interviewed healthcare professionals about serious issues. Those interviews can be found on our YouTube channel. GPSF, Greece
In December, HuPSA was focusing on fundraisers. “Little for the little ones” was one of our projects’ , where we collected money and goods for a Children’s Clinic. With our other project we were aiding therapeutic recreation camps (Bátor Tábor) for seriously ill children. HUPSA,Hungary