2 minute read
• The pharmacist plays a key role in helping patients and his role is not only to dispense the medicine written in prescriptions but also to ensure the safe and effective use of medication and review all medication, whether they are suitable to intake combined or not without that, the drug may be converted to a poison.
• EPSF role isn’t restricted to serve society, it also gives more attention to the pharmacy students, so it held “PHocus” project.
• «PHocus» project is a cooperation between the Professional Development
Committee and the Continuous Education Committee to fill a gap between our pharmaceutical knowledge and the audience by using science communication tools to develop our pharmacy careers.
• The project had three phases:
The first phase included: - Opening and encouraging speech from the participants of the last year. - Sessions, which was attended by nearly 45 attendees
• 1st Day: • Dr.Hoda Rabea: lecturer in clinical pharmacy department BeniSuef university- discussed a session about:
- Clinical pharmacy history, job description, and the role of clinical pharmacist in hospital. - Common medication errors. - Vital checkups.
• Dr.Hya Ahmed: a medical student at BeniSuef University, medical content creator - discussed the session of science communication.
• 2nd Day: • Dr. Rania Sarhan: -lecturer in the clinical pharmacy department, BeniSuef Universit - discussed a session about: - Respiratory system overview - COVID19- intro, treatment guidelines and possible risks after COVID19- Patient education (basic instructions nutritional plan)
• Ms. Alaa Qandil -EPSF-BeniSuef Continuous Education chairperson -21/20 discussed a session about data collection and learning styles.
• • 3rd Day: • Dr.Ahmed Anwar: supervisor of clinical pharmacy training and education in -57357 discussed an online session about cases of COVID19- and the best way to deal with each case.
• 4th Day: • Dr. Essam Mohamed: -Ph.D. in pharmaceutical and industrial pharmacy - discussed a session about the role of the pharmacist in industrial pharmacy.
• Dr. Abdulrhman Nabil: -Bachelor of clinical pharmacy,
BeniSuef University - discussed a session about self-learning styles
• The second phase: consisted of a simulation workshop (25 attendees) to qualify the competitors for the competition.
• The third phase: was the local competition and 13 students qualified for the final competition and there were certificates for all attendees.
• PHocus project helps the students to be professional pharmacists; therefore, they can serve society.
It gives them the base to develop themselves. It was a real investment in pharmacy students to create a new developed and highly qualified generation.