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so we put our first step from 12 years ago in “Step On The Way” conference, it was a step of hope and aspiration and gives us the power to challenge our limits.
• This year SOTW13 -which is different from any year- was held online because of the COVID19- situation and for the safety of our students.
• Its vision is: 1. Qualify pharmacy students for the life after graduation, by sharing with them obstacles that may face and the way to overcome them. 2. To satisfy their curiosity and passion for knowledge. 3. Intensify and unify the efforts to reach the learning objectives of the event. 4. The event was directed for all the different grades.
• The event started on the 1st of February and ended on the 9th of February. It discussed two important career pathways, which are community pharmacy and medical rep, and the topics of these tracks were:
• Community pharmacy :
. 1 Patient counseling 2. OTC. . 3 Malnutrition. . 4 Cosmetics. 5. Antibiotics. . 6 Project management. . 7 Public speaking.