EPSF-ERU| Newsletter 2020

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EPSF-ERU News Letter April 2020.

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The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.

IPSF Intro.

The International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) was founded in 1949 by eight pharmacy student associations in London, United Kingdom. The Federation now represents approximately 350,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 80 countries worldwide. IPSF is the leading international advocacy organization for pharmacy and pharmaceutical science students. We promote improved public health through the provision of information, education, and networking opportunities as well as a range of publications and professional activities. IPSF initiatives focus on the areas of public health, pharmacy education, and professional development. Initiatives include multiple public health campaigns, research on issues in pharmacy education and workforce development, the Student Exchange Programmer, organizing international and regional events, and publication of the IPSF newsletters in pharmacy education and student exchange, among other responsibilities.

EPSF Intro.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Students› Federation (EPSF) is a nongovernmental and non-profit pharmacy student’s organization. EPSF works under supervision of the Egyptian Pharmacists Syndicate and Egyptian Pharmaceutical Association (the national FIP) to promote improved public health through provision of information, education, networking, and a range of publication and professional activities. EPSF is the Full Member federation representing Egypt in International Pharmaceutical Students› Federation (IPSF). EPSF now represents more than 85,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 32 schools of pharmacy. EPSF is the winner of IPSF award (Sidney J. Ralph’s award) for the best performance association in the world in 2011-2010. EPSF hosted the “IPSF World Congress” and “East Mediterranean pharmaceutical symposium” EPSF is the holder of the Guinness World Records title of “Most Blood Glucose Tests took in 24 Hours.” in December 2013. EPSF is the winner of IPSF-EMRO award for the best performance association in the Middle East. Two members of EPSF have won the First place in International patient counseling competition in 59th world congress in Portugal and 62nd world congress in Zimbabwe respectively.

First Semester Events. Blood Donation Event.

This year we collect 275 blood bags, and awareness 2981 persons . In university: 2460 awareness 235 blood bags . In school day: 230 awareness. In village day: 151 awareness We will continue phase 2 and 3 to establish concept of ÂŤRegular donorÂť in 2030.

We aimed this year to consolidate the culture of blood donation, not only for the need of many blood bags to treat many patients, but also to change the concept of blood donation in Egypt .



Pharmacist isn›t a seller PHOCUS Project had a great contribution to make pharmacy students have the skills that›s satisfying their needs and ambitions by provided great sessions with high value such as scientific research, scientific skills and medical information. The students show a great impact through the project and how PHOCUS added value to them and changed their minds about our profession. 6 were introduced to students 3 of them were medical and the other were scientific skills. Also, there was a competition for the participants. Learning is not a period, learning is a lifestyle.

Pharmacist isn't a seller

Opening Ceremony. We made it in the beginning of every mandate to welcome with new commers in EPSF ERU and phaculty of pharmacy we have many speakers in the day such: Dr. Ahmed elgewily Dr. Ahmed elngar

33rd. General Assembly.

EPSF General Meeting.

63rd EPSF General Assembly.

SOTW 12.

Winter SEP

Astra Cermony

We hosted Two Indonesian girls this year in the winter SEP


World Health Days. We launched about WHDs online on our official page in the same days which WHO celebrate on it, to increase the awareness about these days and these diseases. We launched

Lung cancer day. COPD Day Persons with Disabilities day

Our Body Guard Have you ever thought to owning a bodyguard? Whatever your answer! Did you know that each of us has a body guard ? Yaaa, also me and you . It is our immune system is an incredibly complex and remarkable bodyguard. Your Immune System – Fighting The Battle Within You Its job is to protect all the cells in your body from cancer, viruses, bacteria, and other intruders in your environment. Basically, it wages an ongoing war against invasion. It does this by using an army of white blood cells or leukocytes. These white blood cells originate in your bone marrow and rush to the site of any infection or damaging intruder, There are two divisions of white blood cells – phagocytes and lymphocytes. The phagocytes are like big PacMan cells; they go around the body and eat up all foreign substances like bacteria and pollen. The lymphocytes are a more specialized group that attacks specific problems.

Now we need to know How can we strengthen our immune system? 1.

We should reduce our uses to drugs and antibiotic.


Sleep well without stress and thinking and away from your phone.


Sports and movement increase blood circulation and reduce stress.


You can take some supplements that strengthen the immune system.

f. Avoid smoking, alcohol and any bad habit that may affect your immune system.

And The best foods for boosting your immune system Blueberries, Dark chocolate, Turmeric, Oily fish, Broccoli, Sweet potatoes, Ginger, Garlic and Green tea.


Life has already Started.

And now you must take a step for your life and your future Don›t say it›s early to start because you will be so late You Wondering which destination to take and from where you start? I know this feeling and lament a lot. Few know their destination at this early age, this is fine, it will end one day, Perhaps tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ,the period is long or short, Make sure that you will arrive one day to your destination.

You have to strive continuously 1.

Live in the present Don›t think about the future because all you have is your present.


Do not limit your goals to one aspect of your life, But you must set a goal for every aspect of your life, You must have a goal on the side of relationships, health, family and so on.


Reduce your use of social media. Know that your life is short, no matter how long it takes. Try to invest your time in what benefits you.


Make a list of daily goals. Research says that the written goals are much more achievable than other goals that may be ideas in your mind only.


When you define the field in which you want to be creative, you must search for role models.

Start where you are with what you have because what you have is plenty.





rtrt rt Alumni & Supporters

‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪DR. Moustafa Hassan‬‬

‫‪DR. Eman El-Zaher‬‬

‫‪Pharmacognosy Dep.‬‬

‫‪Pharmacognosy Dep.‬‬

‫اعزاىئ الطلبه اعضاء الجمعية العلمية لكلية‬ ‫الصيدلة بالجامعة املرصية الروسية‬ ‫اسمع كثريا عن كم نشاطكم و انجازاتكم الىت‬ ‫قدمتموها للجمعيه العلمية هى فخر لكل طالب‬ ‫ينتمي لكلية الصيدلة مع متنياىت لكم باملزيد من‬ ‫التقدم و الرقى و احراز مكانه عاليه بني الجامعات‬ ‫االخرى‬

‫‪.‬امتنى لكم م ٌزيد من التف ٌوق‬ ‫والنجاح الدايم ًف الجم ٌعية العلم ٌية‬ ‫ومستقبلكم كصيدلة املستقبل‬

‫‪«You only live once, but‬‬ ‫‪if you do it right, Once is‬‬ ‫»‪enough.‬‬

‫‪Mae West said‬‬

‫‪I can›t imagine a right way to live‬‬ ‫‪My life better than joining EPSF- ERU, and it›s‬‬ ‫‪enough for me.‬‬

‫‪Mr.‬‬ ‫‪Kareem‬‬ ‫‪saleh‬‬




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