EPSF-ERU Profile

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IPSF Intro.

The International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) was founded in 1949 by eight pharmacy student associations in London, United Kingdom. The Federation now represents approximately 350,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 80 countries worldwide. IPSF is the leading international advocacy organization for pharmacy and pharmaceutical science students.

We promote improved public health through the provision of information, education, and networking opportunities as well as a range of publications and professional activities.

IPSF initiatives focus on the areas of public health, pharmacy education, and professional development. Initiatives include multiple public health campaigns, research on issues in pharmacy education and workforce development, the Student Exchange Programmer, organizing international and regional events, and publication of the IPSF newsletters in pharmacy education and student exchange, among other responsibilities.


EPSF Intro.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (EPSF) is a non-governmental and non-profit pharmacy student’s organization. EPSF works under supervision of the Egyptian Pharmacists Syndicate and Egyptian Pharmaceutical Association (the national FIP) to promote improved public health through provision of information, education, networking, and a range of publication and professional activities.

the largest student activity. best performance association

EPSF is the Full Member federation representing Egypt in International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF). EPSF now represents more than 85,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 32 schools of pharmacy. EPSF is the winner of IPSF award (Sidney J. Ralph’s award) for the best performance association in the world in 2010-2011.

EPSF hosted the “IPSF World Congress” and “East Mediterranean pharmaceutical symposium” EPSF is the holder of the Guinness World Records title of “Most Blood Glucose Tests took in 24 Hours.” in December 2013.


EPSF is the winner of IPSF-EMRO award for the best performance association in the Middle East. Two members of EPSF have won the First place in International patient counseling competition in 59th world congress in Portugal and 62nd world congress in Zimbabwe respectively.

General Assembly.

Is the highest decision-making in EPSF which discuss all ongoing matters and plans of the federation that took place during the year it is also where members associations are accepting reports and electing the executives board. EPSF general assembly is held 4 times:

1. First during annual congress in October. 2. Second after the mid-year vacation at the end of February. 3. Third during the annual year symposium at the end of April. 4. Fourth the final GA in August. This ensure a smooth running of local associations whilst taking important decisions, accepting reports of executives and associations accepting new members of EPSF and discussing the important changes.


EPSF Values. Together we achieve more.

The Noblest thing come from nameless hands and remains unseen.

Give more than you take.

EPSF Morals. The Passion.

The Identity.

The Potentials.

The Respect.

We have the passion to learn

We believe in our potenials

We respect our identity

We reflect our respect


EPSF-ERU Intro. The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation at Egyptian Russian University (EPSF-ERU) is one of the largest local associations of Egyptian Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation.


th best


6th best


2008 founded

EPSF-ERU is one of the Full member Associations in the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation (EPSF). EPSF-ERU is 6th performance in EPSF (2015-2016). EPSF-ERU is 1st performance of private University in EPSF (20152016). EPSF-ERU is 5th Performance Association in EPSF 2016/17. EPSF-ERU is founded in 2008; Now




EPSF-ERU represents more than 200 pharmacy students at Faculty of pharmacy at Egyptian Russian University and about 9000 Followers surrounding our community.


Vice President

President 18/19 Mr.


Mohamed Khaled


Mahmoud Fathy

Sec.Gen 18/19

Treasurer 18/19

Fatma Alembaby


Eman Mohamed


Mohamed Magdy


Mayar Rashad


LEO 18/19

Continuous Education Chp. 18/19

Mr. Ms.

Salma Gamal


Elarya Maher

Professional Development Chp. 18/19

Public Health Chp. 18/19

M&P Chp 18/19

Ahmed Ghamry


Omnia El-Sweny LOC Chp 18/19

Marketing Director 18/19



Rania Gamal


Wedad El-Atr


Mohamed Hassan



External Relations Chp.


Internal Relations Chp.

MAN POWER The average of target number is changed by the day and the place where we are going to. It is about (50 – 100). We are 130 members.

History In 2008-2009 1- The national events were “Diabetes Day”. 2- 1st place in EPSF after hard competition with Asspsa “Ain Shams”. 3- Mr. Ahmed Hamdy becomes the president and Mr. Adham becomes EPSF social media chairperson.

In 2012-2014 “Ms. Hadeer Ahmed president” 1- ERSPS constitution. 2- General meeting. 3- Point system. 4- General meeting. 5- Choosing the board by election. 6- Maintenance of the structure of the association. 7- Main events (spirit up, ERSPSology). 8- Budget.


In 2009-2010 “Mr. Ahmed Hamdy president” 1- 3rd place in EPSF

In 2010-2012 “Ms. Hend El-Zeny president” 1-1st place in EPSF. 2-Best Blood Donation campaign related to PH committee. 3-Orphan day.

In 2014-2015 “Mr. Mustafa El-Hady president” Full membership in EPSF. 2- Hosting the 1st seminar. 3- Best promotion of Step on the way related to CE committee.

During General Assembly.

4- Best media and publication in EPSF. 5- 2nd place of LEO. 6- 5th place in PH committee in EPSF. 7- Edit of constitution.

In 2015-2016 “Mr. Ali Othman president” .

In 2016-2017 “Mr. hESHAM eSSAM president” 1-Hosting on STEP ON THE WAY course 2016. 2-EPSF-ERU is 5th Performance Association in EPSF 2016/17. 3-Hosting PD patient counseling national competition. 4-Sep Hosting. 5-Start you engine phase 2.

1-Hosting on STEP ON THE WAY course 2015. 2-Increasing the man power of association. 3-Gathering of EPSF-ERU generations. 4-Application of coordinator system on large scale in all events to make the future chairperson ready for responsibility. 5-Hosting TOMA.

6-Ms. Esraa Amary the winner of presentation competition held at EPSF annual congress. 7-MR. Hesham Essam has been elected as EPSF PH chairperson. 8-MR. Mohamed Gamal has been elected as ER chairperson.


n 2017-2018 “Mr. Mohamed Khaled president’’. 1- Hosting EPSF 2nd general meeting.

Hosting on STEP ON THE WAY course 2016.

2- Hosting STOP project workshop.

Hosting on EPSF 2nd General Meeting

Achievements. EPSF-ERU is 6th performance in EPSF (2015-2016). EPSF-ERU is 1st performance of private University in EPSF (2015-2016). EPSF-ERU is 5th Performance Association in EPSF 2016/17.



‫‪Honoary life membembers.‬‬

‫الدنيا المفروض اكون ممتنة ٌليها‪ ،‬لو فى اى حاجة‬ ‫لو فى اى حاجة فى‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫سبب فى كل اللى وصلتله واللى ان شاء هفضل مكمله فيه‪ ،‬فالحاجة‬ ‫دى او ٌ‬ ‫الجمعية بالنسبة لى‬ ‫الكيان ده هو هيفضل اسمها بالنسبة لى‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫كانت السند فعاال وقت ما كنت لوحدي‬ ‫علمتنى ازاى اكون قو ٌيه و اشتغل تحت ضغط و ده كان سبب‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫بامتياز كانت سبب انى اقدر انجز جدا فى‬ ‫على فكرة انى اتخرج‬ ‫مذاكرتى و فى نفس الوقت اعمل كل اللى انا بحبه و اشتغل كمان‬ ‫جميلة جدا بس زى ما‬ ‫الجمعيه و االتحاد فكرة انك مختلف فكرة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫‪ٌ ،‬بقولوا اختلف بحرفنة انت فى االول واالخر ٌصيدلى‪.‬‬

‫‪Dr. Hend‬‬ ‫‪Elzeny‬‬ ‫ ‬

‫‪(HLM and‬‬ ‫)‪X-President‬‬

‫بس مش كل ٌصيدلى زى التانى فى ٌصيدلى كل اللى اتعلمه ٌهو المواد اللىدرسها فى‬ ‫الجمعيه ‪“ ،‬هل‬ ‫الكلية و فى ٌصيدلى تانى درس برضو نفس المواد لكنه اشتغل فى‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫! ٌيستوون” ؟‬

‫‪Mae West said‬‬

‫‪“you only live once, but if you do‬‬ ‫”‪it right, Once is enough.‬‬ ‫‪and i can’t imagine a right way to live‬‬

‫‪My life better than joining EPSF- ERU, and‬‬ ‫‪it’s enough for me.‬‬

‫‪Dr.‬‬ ‫‪Kareem‬‬ ‫‪Saleh‬‬ ‫‪HLM & X-Media and‬‬ ‫‪Publications‬‬


Faculty Relations. Dr. Abdelrahman Moustafa

Honor for us to be with you, your activities, campaigns, friendships are great considerable. We all support you to the End. Best wishes ever

Pharmacognosy Dep.

.‫كان ٌليا الشرف انًي اشتركت معكم‬ ‫واتمنى لكم االفضل دايما‬

Dr. Tasnim Ewida Pharmaceutics Dep.


‫كل الشكر والقدير لمكتب االتحاد المصري لطالب‬ ‫الصيدلة علي جميع انشطتة التًى تعبر عن مدي‬ ‫رقي فكركم وهدفكم ًف خدمة الجامعة والمجتمع‬ ‫ً‬

‫لو اتخرجت من غير ما تنتمي للمكان دا‬ ‫‪.‬يبقي فاتك كتير‬

‫‪Dr.‬‬ ‫‪Amr El-Gez‬‬ ‫‪Pharmacology‬‬ ‫‪Dep.‬‬

‫اتمنى لكم ٌ‬ ‫التفوق‬ ‫مزيد من‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫العلمية‬ ‫الجمعية‬ ‫والنجاح الدايم ًفي‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ومستقبلكم كصيدلة المستقبل‬

‫‪Dr.‬‬ ‫‪Eman‬‬ ‫‪El-Zaher‬‬ ‫‪Pharmacognosy‬‬ ‫‪Dep.‬‬

‫‪Dr.‬‬ ‫‪Mohammed‬‬ ‫‪Fawzy‬‬ ‫‪Clinical PharmacyDep.‬‬


‫الصيدلة يعتبر من االنشطة‬ ‫إن االتحاد المصري لطالب ٌ‬ ‫الطالبية ٌ‬ ‫الصيدلة عموما ًف ٌحياتهم‬ ‫المفيدة لطالب ٌ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫العلمية ٌحيث انها تعلم الطالب وتجعله‬ ‫ٌ‬

‫في الحياة العملية و‬ ‫قادر‬ ‫على ٌ‬ ‫العيش ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫العلمية‬

‫اعزائى الطلبه اعضاء الجمعيه العلميه‬ ‫لكلية الصيدلة بالجامعه المصريه الروسية‬ ‫اسمع كثيرا عن كم نشاطكم و انجازاتكم‬ ‫التى قدمتموها للجمعيه العلمية هى‬ ‫فخر لكل طالب ينتمي لكلية الصيدلة مع‬ ‫تمنياتى لكم بالمزيد من التقدم و الرقى و‬ ‫احراز مكانه عاليه بين الجامعات‬ ‫االخرى‬

Dr. Moustafa Hassan Pharmacognosy Dep.


Public Health

Committees. Serve community by making awareness campaigns against common Diseases and participate in charity.



Professional & Development


Serve the pharmacists and remove the undesirable Concept of “pharmacist is a seller


Marketing Director

Provide to the students the scientific and skills that needed to complete our professionalisma.

Responsible for branding and marketing for EPSF-ERU campigns.

Local Exchange Office


Responsible for student exchange project. Exchange with other countries in IPSF.


External relations

Continuous Education


Responsible for representing the assosciation with all our external relation.



Logistics and Organization Committee

Resbonsible for human resource and ensuring the development of members


Media and Publications

Responsible for all visual materials used to promote for us


Responsible for ensuring professionnalism of all the work and documentation

Logistics and Organization Committee

Responsible for organizing all EPSF ERU events and logistics


Secretary General

Internal Relations


Responsible for all the finances of EPSF ERU and the financial plans and reports


Thank You. 19


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