Kappa Psi
Epsilon Mu “I hope that one day you a! wi! remember this night as the night we started a "aternity.”-- Jeremy Lund
JULY 8, 2013
2013-2014 Officers Regent: Timmy Do Vice Regent: James Love Chaplain: Michael Walsh Treasurer: Pamela Nguyen Secretary: Laurie Eng Sergeant-At-Arms: Jack He Pledgemaster: Jay Hazelcorn Historian: Cecily Edmond --------------------------Grand Council Deputies: Dr. Renee Rose Dr. Harry Patrick Marcelin
Table of Contents Regent Timmy Do...................................................................2 Southeast Province Winter Conclave....................................4 The First Female of Epsilon Mu.............................................5 Legislative Days ......................................................................6 The 4th Year Pledge ...............................................................7 KΨ/KE Kickball/Picnic.........................................................8 The 1st Regent of Epsilon Mu...............................................9 Volunteering Event................................................................10 Joel Peterson...........................................................................11 Life After Pharmacy School..................................................12 !
JULY 8, 2013
TIMMY DO “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim is fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” – Lao Tzu
Passing of the Torch Epsilon Mu Regent 2013 February 15, 2013, was a monumental day in Epsilon Mu history. Apart from filming our own take of the “Harlem Shake”, this day also marked a more professional occasion: the annual passing of the torch of leadership. On this day, Timmy Do left his position as historian of the Epsilon Mu Chapter of Kappa Psi to take on what he stated as “the most important leadership position he will hold.”
assigned leadership positions as chairs/co-chairs, the newly established newsletter and publications committee, field day, an annual kickball tournament, individualized officer emails, and an annual Chapter retreat. Each of these innovations were set in place to further develop the Chapter.
Prior to his decision to undertake the position of Regent, Timmy had never taken a When questioned about the future of the presidential position. Before pharmacy school, Chapter and his specific thoughts about change, Timmy was a member of a dance group known as Timmy stated that he would like to continue to set “Versified.” As the group’s choreographer, he was the “status quo” within the Chapter. With influential in planning the tactical plays for a game numerous changes already implemented, he is known as “Counterstrike.” His role in these two excited to see the transformation of the Chapter. To groups played a part in shaping his time date, these changes include: the Delta Class management skills, planning skills, and patience.
JULY 8, 2013
“I met a good group of Brothers that inspired me to lead.” With limited leadership experience, why did Timmy aspire to run for the position of Regent? He says, “I met a good group of Brothers that inspired me to lead.” Timmy’s two greatest influences in his desire to become the next Regent of the Epsilon Mu Chapter were first, his position as historian within the Chapter, and second, his Big Brother, Tien Nguyen, the Immediate Past Regent of Epsilon Mu. When Timmy decided he wanted to become Regent of this Chapter, he began to take more duties upon himself. When it was time to plan conclave, Timmy went out of his way to get more involved. Since stepping up as Regent, Timmy’s leadership skills have developed at an exponential rate. For example, his leadership experiences as Regent have honed his delegation skills, time management skills, organizational skills, and communication skills. In giving advice to Brothers and future leaders of the Epsilon Mu Chapter, the newly elected Regent stressed the importance of knowing
“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results, not attributes.” -Peter Drucker your Chapter and its members, to be aware of everyone’s strength, and to use this knowledge when picking chairpersons. He also stressed prioritizing, “When it comes down to it, at times you will just have to put Kappa Psi first.” Timmy would like to challenge his fellow Brothers to be the best Brothers they can be and to continue to challenge other Brothers around them. Most importantly, he emphasized to have courage when seeking advice from other members of the Chapter. Timmy is currently enjoying his new role within the Chapter. After the year is over, he states that he will still be an active member and give aid when necessary. He would like to look back on this year and have no regrets.
“The Chapstick Gang” Matt Woeber, Tien Nguyen, Timmy Do, and Dominick Curry at the 2013 Southeast Province Meeting in West Palm Beach, Florida
JULY 8, 2013
WINTER CONCLAVE The 2013 Southeast Province Spring Conclave hosted by the Brothers of Delta Upsilon was one for the history book and an exceptional follow-up to the Winter Conclave that Epsilon Mu hosted last year. Upon arrival and a cordial exchange of pleasantries, Brothers went out for a night on the town at Roxy’s Rooftop Bar. Brothers enjoyed socializing with old friends as well as meeting new ones. The next morning began with a business meeting, which spotlighted the activities of each Chapter. Brother Marvin Smith’s pledge development talk, as well as the ensuing discussion, enriched Brother and Chapter development. Following a brief intermission for lunch, it was back to business again.
The highlight of the next segment was a CE given by Brother Jennifer Cortes on the latest wave of illicit drugs. Following the business meeting, Brothers had a few hours to relax and breathe in the sun by the pool. The dinner reception was highlighted by the proposal of Brother Norman Shade to Brother Belinda
Hong. The night also celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Delta Upsilon Chapter. At the end of Conclave, Brothers bid a sad farewell to each other but eagerly anticipated the upcoming Grand Council Convention (GCC).
JULY 8, 2013
“Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt." -James MacDonald
The first Female of Epsilon Mu Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc. is the oldest and largest professional pharmacy fraternity in the world since 1879, yet almost an entire century elapsed before the admission of female Brothers was permitted in 1977. Marge Piercy once said, "a strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done."
Kristy Mazalewksi was the first female to ever join the Chapter of Epsilon Mu. She is a woman whose confidence came from experiences and a women who knew she could fall, pick herself up in the worst of times, and move on without fear. Kristy was not a woman to be underestimated. She kept up with the guys. Being that Kristy had the courage to stand as the only girl to pledge alongside 15 other guys, her legacy will forever empower women to join the Epsilon Mu Chapter. As a result of Kristy setting the trend for all females, the Epsilon Mu Chapter is now currently comprised of roughly 33% female.
Kristy was born into a family of healthcare providers. Her mother and step father are licensed pharmacists; her brother, Bob, is a physician's assistant; her brother, Bill, is studying to be a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; her sister, Chelsea, is studying speech pathology; and her biological father, who began his career as a licensed pharmacist is currently practicing as a Medical Doctor. At the age of 11, Kristy attended "bring your child to work day" with her mother and thought that all her mother did was count pills. "People would always ask me what I wanted to be when I was older. I told them I didn't know, but I definitely didn't want to be a pharmacist." As Kristy grew older, she was able to see a different side of pharmacy. "I realized that my mom helped people, and that’s just what I want to do. I want to help people." For Kristy, pledging under Marvin Smith was absolutely terrifying. Marvin had set many goals for the Alpha class but his primary purpose: "To make the Brothers better people than they were before. My favorite memory will always be when we were formally initiated into Kappa Psi." This day signified the end of the pledging process. All of our hard work had finally paid off, and we could officially say we were the Brothers of the Epilson Mu Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc." "Pledging as the only female was definitely a challenge, especially when it came to interacting with the pledge brothers I didn't know very well." Prior to pledging, Kristy was close to Brother Matt Woeber. "Matt was my very first friend in pharmacy school. I remember sitting next to him at the College of Pharmacy orientation table on the first day of school and finding out that we were both from New Port Richey, Florida. " Kristy wanted more than anything to be accepted by her line brothers, but she knew that she had to accept whatever came and fearlessly give the best that she could give. "Being a Brother of Kappa Psi has inspired me to be engaged in the profession and has given me the courage to step up and be a leader, not only in other organizations but as a pharmacist.”
very year, student pharmacists from all over Florida gather at the state capital to raise awareness and advocate for pharmacy legislation. On March 12th, 11 Epsilon Mu Brothers took the 3-hour trip from Orlando to Tallahassee for Florida Pharmacist Legislative days. This opportunity allowed the Brothers to mark their presence as student pharmacists and ensure that their voices were heard regarding critical issues facing the profession. Legislative Days provides student pharmacists the opportunity to bring relevant matters to the attention of legislators during floor debates and committee hearings on bills concerning healthcare. Student pharmacists are given the chance to meet face-to-face with individual legislators to discuss pressing topics and ideas in the profession of pharmacy. In addition, students are able to participate in an extravagant health fair in the Capitol. The health fair is open to the public as well as members of the House. The goal of the health fair is not only to allow pharmacy students to
JULY 8, 2013
interact with lawmakers but also to demonstrate the scope and capabilities of pharmacists as health care professionals. This year’s Legislative Days were particularly exciting for the Brothers of Epsilon Mu being that during the fall of this year, Brothers James Love and Joel Rivera introduced a petition to allow student pharmacists to administer vaccines under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist. With efforts throughout the UF College of Pharmacy and Kappa Psi, the petition received over five hundred signatures from student pharmacists, pharmacists, nurses, and other various healthcare professionals all throughout the state of Florida. As a result of his efforts, along with Brother Rivera, Brother Love was asked to present the bill during Legislative Days. Currently, the bill has not been adopted however,
Brother Love declares that he will still continue to advocate for student pharmacists to have the ability to immunize under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist.
Epsilon Mu is proud to have Brothers that are taking an active role in advocating for the future of their profession. Currently, Epsilon Mu is working to discover more ways to support the Florida Pharmacy Association as well as other advocacy organizations.
JULY 8, 2013
“Lads and lasses, because life passes come fill your glasses for another round.” -The Tossers
The 4th year pledge of Epsilon Mu Q: When did you know you wanted to pursue a career in pharmacy? “I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in pharmacy during my undergraduate education when I was lucky enough to get a position in a pharmacy at Target. It was not a planned change, but a position became available as a technician. After talking with the pharmacist there and reading more about the pharmacy field, I became interested in the lifestyle and ability to assist others.” Q: What are your plans in the next couple of years (with your career and family)? “I am currently engaged to be married in 2014 to Letha James, a woman I had the luck to meet during my last year in pharmacy school. My next couple of years will include traveling with her and continuing my education through postgraduate education in the fields of economics and consultant pharmacy. Children will be in my future, but that is more likely on a 5 year plan.” Q: What made you decide to join Kappa Psi as a 4th year pharmacy student?
“Kappa Psi was something I was interested in from the beginning of my pharmacy education; however, the by-laws at the time did not allow for distance campus chapters. During my fourth year, I was approached by Jeremy Lund and Karl Healy about joining. They had taken the steps that allowed the formation of the Epsilon Mu chapter in Orlando. The promise of brotherhood and the potential to help give back to the university also sparked my interest.” Q: What challenges did you face pledging while on rotations? “The greatest challenge to pledging during rotations came from attending meetings and social functions with my Brothers. I chose a demanding rotation schedule and that meant that I slept very little while attempting to complete everything. Thankfully, with the help of my Brothers, I was able to accomplish everything that I needed to and pledge successfully.” Q. What involvement have you had with the Orlando Grad Chapter?
Q: What interesting stories do you remember as a pledge? “Many, though there are some things that will always remain between pledge Brothers and me.” Q: What legacy will you leave behind with the Epsilon Mu Chapter? “I’m not sure what legacy I leave behind, but I would hope that it is the desire for every Brother to achieve the most that they can professionally and to always strive for something that may seem unobtainable no matter the challenge.” Q: What has being a Brother done for you and how has it shaped you into the person you are today? “Being a Brother gave me a solid connection to the future of pharmacy. It gave me a way to pass on my experience and learning to others of like minds. It also engendered in me an appreciation for the power and help that a like-minded community can provide.”
“With the grad chapter, I have served as treasurer and secretary during the formation of our Chapter.”
JULY 8, 2013
KAPPA PSI/ KAPPA EPSILON KICKBALL Kappa Psi and Kappa Epsilon joined forces to host this year’s kickball tournament. Dominick Curry and Jacqueline Mark led the event held at Magnolia Park near the the old Apopka campus. The drive and the view left many upperclassmen reminiscing. After everyone trickled into the park, Jay Hazelcorn rehearsed the rules, foreshadowing what was sure to be a grueling tournament. The ball got rolling immediately after two teams were drawn from a hat. Hidden talents were exposed as the teams faced off. For example, Seung Pyo was revealed as the venus flytrap of kickball. With a name that says it all, “The Ball Busters” won the kickball tournament with high velocity service bombs, terrific catches, and sprints to home base. The tournament was “balls of fun” and provided valuable time to bond with fellow classmates. All leftover food was donated to the Nemour’s Children Hospital.
The kickball tournament wasn’t the only time this year that Kappa Psi and Kappa Epsilon came together! Danielle Bley and Jacqueline Mark organized a picnic at Moss Park. It was a beautiful day for a friendly match of volleyball and a lovely way for the Brothers of Kappa Psi to get to know the Sisters of Kappa Epsilon.
JULY 8, 2013
“Everything in moderation, including moderation” -Oscar Wilde
The 1st Regent of Kappa Psi Epsilon Mu Q: What was it like being the first Regent of Epsilon Mu? “It was an honor and a huge challenge. The Alpha class wanted to make Epsilon Mu unique, which meant I wasn't able to rely on other Brothers like Marvin for guidance on a lot of material. I've learned as much about myself as I have about my fellow Brothers and how to lead.”. Q: How did you get the Chapter started?
Q: What are your plans for work and family now that you have graduated? “I am doing a PGY1 residency at Lee Memorial hospital. I think I will do a PGY2. I want to be like Harry and Marvin and be in administration. As for family, I do not know what the future holds for me yet.” Q: What Graduate Chapter are you joining?
“This is a large misnomer. I did not start the Chapter on my “Tampa Graduate Chapter.” own. It was the work of many. Jeremy had the idea and got the ball Q: What legacy will you leave behind with the Epsilon Mu rolling, I was simply elected to the leading position of Chapter? responsibility.” “It's scary to think my role within the Chapter has Q: “How did your family influence the person you became diminished to a legacy. My legacy is determined by the and in turn, how did you influence Kappa Psi?” Brothers that wear my letters and hopefully are better pharmacists and Brothers than I am. Becoming a Brother “I was taught by some of the best. Coming from a large has shaped every facet of my being.” family and then moving to Orlando, I wanted Kappa Psi to be a large family group to support each other.”
JULY 8, 2013
Epsilon Mu Brothers (from left to right): Jack He, Michael Walsh, Timmy Do, Cecily Edmond, Keon Thomas & Ravi Bacchus after helping out at at the community food center.
elping Hands Community Food Outreach is a non-profit grocery store that provides food at minimal cost to those that are in need. The success of the store is achieved through the help of volunteers and donations from various big name companies such as CVS, Aramark, Chick-fil-A, Frito Lay and many more. With the donations of these companies, the food and products from the bank is continuously being supplied to those most in need and with the help of volunteers. After volunteering several times, Epsilon Mu Brothers can proudly say they are amongst those volunteers that help maintain a steady supply of food to the needy. Before the end of the semester some of the Brothers decided to revisit the outreach center to lend a hand. At
the food bank, the Brothers helped to move food items from the warehouse to the sales floor, clean, and restock the shelves all while enjoying some valuable Brother bonding time. “Being back at the food bank is reminiscent of my pledging days. Volunteering and giving back does not have to be a burden. You just have to find the right cause and do it with the right people. And I’m definitely around the right people with these Brothers,” Brother Jack He said of the experience.
At the end of the shift, the Brothers were commended for doing an exceptional job and welcomed back to the food bank. The day of volunteering was concluded with lunch at a Thai restaurant, which provided even more bonding time. This is just one of the ways Epsilon Mu is upholding the four pillars of Kappa Psi.
JULY 8, 2013
"Nothing great in life is ever accomplished without enthusiasm." -Chad Johnson “Our chapter was formed because of the enthusiasm for something better.” -Joel Peterson
Q: What are your plans for work and family now that you have graduated? “The next step for me in my career is a challenging residency at the Orlando VA Medical Center. I could not be more excited and enthusiastic about what the future holds for me with the VA. Even more exciting is the future I am starting with my family at home as we are expecting our first child, a boy, in June. Family has always been the most important component of my life and having a child to guide through the world is something I genuinely look forward to.” Q: What Graduate Chapter are you planing to join? “Since I will be based in the Orlando area for the next year and potentially much longer, I have been in contact with the Orlando Graduate Chapter. I have worked with Orlando Grad throughout my collegiate career and know that they are capable of great things. Epsilon Mu would not be where it is today without their help and sacrifices.” Q: What are some of your favorite memories from being a Brother?
During our third year of pharmacy school, many Brothers were feeling burnt out with all of our studies and preparations for rotations. Some friends and I had been playing slow-pitch softball every Thursday for the past several years. Playing softball had always been a great stress reliever for me and a nice break from the monotony of lectures and studying, so I formed a team that consisted mostly of Epsilon Mu Brothers to play every Thursday. It was a competitive league, and we had a lot to learn; but you could see the Brothers grow each week, and we always had a great time. Each Brother brought something unique to the team. Karl Healy is a passionate leader and boosted team morale like no one else could. Doug Brown is an athlete who dominated our shortstop position and kept us in the game. Jeremy Lund brought a unique batting style and humor to the team. Nam Nguyen, though a quiet guy, always put his heart and soul into the game. Mikel Forero, who still plays on my other team to this day, is my go-to outfielder, has grown into a great player, and always has a positive attitude. Other Brothers came out as well: Richie Waithe, Joel Rivera, Michael Walsh, Jacob Flanagan, Ryan Walters, Tri Bui,
and Jay Hazelcorn. Playing ball with these Brothers was something I looked forward to every week.” Q: What legacy will you leave behind with the Epsilon Mu Chapter? “I hope that the collegiate Brothers continue to pursue accountability to each other and responsibility of the Chapter. These traits were what I felt were most important during my time as treasurer and I always tried to build upon these qualities.” Q: What has being a Brother done for you and how has it shaped you into the person you are today? “Looking back on my academic career, I really could not imagine where I would be now if Kappa Psi and Epsilon Mu had not been a part of it. My time as an officer of Epsilon Mu and being surrounded by the highest quality of Brothers allowed me to become a much better leader and definitely brought out the best in me. The friendships that we formed are irreplaceable and will only continue to grow as we enter the 'real world'.”
JUNE 27, 2013
Kappa Psi For Life
Life After Pharmacy School Karl Healy "As far as regret, I think that's the sign of a well-lived life. If I grew old without having big regrets, I'd regret my caution." - Chuck Palahniuk
Brother Karl is completing a PGY1 residency at Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers, Florida. He is also considering completing a PGY2. He would like to work in pharmacy administration in the future.
Ronald Granados "Started from the bottom; now we here!!"- Drake
Brother Ronald plans to work for Walgreens as a licensed pharmacist. He plans to join the Southeast Florida-Bahamas Graduate Chapter. "I will forever remember the last Gator Stompin’ 2013 experience. There was at least 10 Brothers on a very packed 'Later Gator' bus headed for downtown Gainesville. I started the whole bus chanting gator songs and 'Started from the Bottom' song. It was epic.” As for his advice to Brothers, Ronald recommends, "I would definitely say that the most important thing is to stick together through the good and the bad. Also, remember we are the crème de la crème; therefore, pursue leadership experience and academic excellence. As DJ Khaled would remind us, ‘we da best.’"
Jeremy Lund “No matter what you want to do while in pharmacy school at UF, it is absolutely possible. You just have to ask the right person the right question at the right time with a solid plan. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something, because you can. Make it happen.” –Jeremy Lund
Brother Jeremy will be completing a PGY1 residency at Lakeland Regional Medical Center in Orlando, Florida and will be working part-time at Publix. Currently, he is still deciding between the Orlando and Tampa Graduate Chapter but is leaning more towards the Orlando Graduate Chapter.
b. ntinue the clim e struggle, co summit.” “Whatever th e one step to th It may be only ke -Diane Westla FEL L O
JUNE 27, 2013
Kappa Psi Epsilon Mu
Daryl Balluff “Fire refines and it defines, so don’t be afraid of it.” -Daryl Balluff
Brother Daryl will be finishing up his last year of pharmacy school in the 2013-2014 school year. After he graduates, he is ninety percent certain that he will work at Florida Hospital; and more specifically, he wants to work in the pharmacy administration aspect of hospital management. Also, he will most likely be joining the Orlando Graduate Chapter after graduation, but he and his wife would like to travel at some point. For Daryl, the sky's the limit as to what he will accomplish in the future.
Ryan Walters "Started from the bottom; now we hea." -Drake
Brother Ryan will be working at Joe DiMaggios Children's Hospital as a licensed pharmacist in Hollywood, Florida. He plans to join the Southeast Florida-Bahamas Graduate Chapter.
Kristy Mazalewski “There are no enduring relationships without forgiveness" -James MacDonald
Brother Kristy will be working as a licensed pharmacist at Publix pharmacy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She will be joining the Southeast Florida-Bahamas Graduate Chapter.
Indus try
11/12/10– Alphas with GCD Dr. Renee Rose
JUNE 27, 2013
Kappa Psi Epsilon Mu
Doug Brown “If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito.”- Unknown
Brother Doug will be completing a PGY1 residency at the Lakeland Regional Medical Center in Orlando, Florida. He will most likely join the Tampa Graduate Chapter because he eventually wants to move back over to the west coast.
Nam Nguyen “Go big or go home.” -Unknown
Brother Nam will be completing a PGY1 residency at St. Vincent’s Medical Center in Jacksonville, Florida. He plans to join the Orlando Graduate Chapter.
Frank Malo “Don’t forget to smile in any situation. As long as you are alive, there will be better things later, and there will be many.” -Elichiro Oda
Brother Frank will be working as a licensed staff pharmacist at the St. Petersburg General Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida. He will be joining the Orlando Graduate Chapter.
JUNE 27, 2013
Kappa Psi Epsilon Mu
Mikel Forero “Do or do not, there is no try.” -Yoda (“The Empire Strikes Back”)
Brother Mikel will continue working at Publix after graduation. He plans to stay in Orlando and have children, possibly two. He also plans to join the Orlando Graduate Chapter. He expressed that he would like to stay involved with the Epsilon Mu Chapter and hopes to attend as many Chapter meetings as possible.
Danny Nguyen “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.” -Nelson Mandela
Brother Danny is looking into a future in retail pharmacy, but as of yet, he has not made any solid decisions. He does know that he will be joining the Orlando Graduate Chapter.
Matt Woeber “One for all and all for one!” - Kappa Psi
Brother Matt will be completing a PGY1 residency at the Lakeland Regional Medical Center in Orlando, Florida. He plans to join the Orlando Graduate Chapter.
Brandon Huang “Lads and Lasses, because life passes, raise your glass for another round.” –The Tossers
Brother Brandon is currently working at the Sand Lake Target as an Executive Team Leader Pharmacist. His future plans include traveling with his fiancé, Letha James and continuing his post-graduate education in the fields of economics and consultant pharmacy.
JUNE 25, 2013
MONTH YEAR Kappa Psi Epsilon Mu
Joel Peterson "Nothing great in life is ever accomplished without enthusiasm." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Brother Joel is completing a residency with the Orlando VA Medical Center. He plans to join the Orlando Grad Chapter.
Danny Brandner "Don't focus on anything that isn't great." -Danny Brandner
Brother Danny will be working at Walgreens as a licensed pharmacist in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Danny enjoys New Smyrna because he loves surfing on the beach and being in close proximity to his family, who is very important to him. He will most likely join the Orlando Graduate Chapter once he settles into a routine. He expressed that Kappa Psi helped him establish what friendship and family really mean to him. His advice to us, "always take it easy, don't stress, and have fun."
Tri Bui "Be the change you wish to see in the world." –Mahatma Gandhi
Brother Tri is currently working as a graduate pharmacy intern at Walmart in Orlando, Florida. He plans to join the Orlando Graduate Chapter.
" he firmest of friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly united by the fiercest flame." T — Charles Colton
JUNE 27, 2013
McInnis, Courtney Willis, and Jessica Wu.
The Newsletter and Publications Committee would like to thank the following writers and editors: Ravi Bacchus, Cecily Edmond, Staci Hall, Emily Hill, Marissa
The committee would also like to sincerely thank the Alphas of Epsilon Mu, Timmy Do, Michael Walsh, Matt Irwin and our GCD Dr. Harry Patrick Marcelin for their tremendous help and insight.
Calendar July 30th- August 4th 56th ΚΨ Grand Council Convention August 16th-18th Chapter Retreat August 21st First day of Fall classes