EPSRC Annual Report 2008/09

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Dr Sue Smart Head of Performance and Evaluation EPSRC Polaris House North Star Avenue Swindon SN2 1ET T: 01793 444061 F: 01793 444005 E: sue.smart@epsrc.ac.uk Contact us: EPSRC Polaris House North Star Avenue Swindon SN2 1ET Helpline: 01793 444100 E: infoline@epsrc.ac.uk www.epsrc.ac.uk Research Councils UK T: 01793 444420 F: 01793 444009 www.rcuk.ac.uk

EPSRC Annual report and accounts 2008 –2009

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pioneering RESEARCH and skills

Annual report and accounts 2008–2009

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EPSRC Annual Report 2008/09 by EPSRC - Issuu