Welcome to the webinar… We will begin shortly… We are currently setting up the meeting, please bear with us, we will be with you shortly. You will need a phone to hear the audio – if there is more than one person, you will need a phone with a loud speaker You will need to dial 020 700 51000 – (then type in your access code and then your ID number) Everyone will be muted during the meeting – We will not be able to hear you. Please use the chat window to communicate with us After the presentation, all questions will be asked and answered verbally.
Promoting Cross-Disciplinary Research: Engineering and Physical Sciences and Economic and Social Sciences
Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces Programme (C)-DIP) Webinar 2 August 2010
Promoting Cross-Disciplinary Research: Engineering and Physical Sciences and Economic and Social Sciences
Slide detailsEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Webinar Instructions The webinar will consist of a 20 minute presentation and will then open for questions and answers. While the presentation is taking place all participants will be muted – and unmuted once the presentation has finished. While the presentation is taking place you may write a question in the chat window. However, we will answer all questions after the presentation and we ask that all questions are kept until the Q&A session. Once the presentation has finished please raise your virtual hand if you have a question. We will then ask you to ask your question verbally. All questions will be answered verbally via the audio feature.
Presenters: Samantha Madden, CrossDisciplinary Interface Manager
Kedar Pandya, Head of the Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces Programme
Overview What is the Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces Programme (CDIP)? An overview of the Promoting Cross-Disciplinary Research Call How to apply Questions and Answers
Introduction In April 2008 the Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces Programme (C-DIP) was formed C-DIP superseded the Life Science Interface Programme The role of C-DIP is to intervene at targeted interfaces that are a priority for EPSRC. In 2008 we were mandated by EPSRC Council to focus on the interface with the Social Sciences.
Understanding C-DIP’s Role Energy Digital Economy Nanoscience through Engineering to Application Towards Next Generation Healthcare User led Knowledge and Skills User led Research
Mathematical Sciences
Cross-disciplinary Interfaces • Strategic, researchled interventions • Enabling dialogue across funders
Process, Environment & Sustainability
Social, environmental, arts & humanities, life sciences interfaces
Public Engagement
• Mandated by EPSRC Council to focus on the interface with the Social Sciences
Materials, Mechanical & Medical Engineering Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces
Physical Sciences Research Infrastructure & International Information & Communications Technology
C-DIP Interventions it y x le p m ce o C i en sc
em t S
e f i l sc i ys ces h P ien e c c a s erf int
lls e c
in g id Br ps ga
M he t g
life f o s ath
ity l i ib ts s a n Fe cou Ac g n r i o f ai n s e l Tr r t n a Ce ctor Do
ed l y g o ol n ch rch e T ea res
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s l a i
n e i c
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ne i l ip g c s Di ppin Ho ow l l Fe
ac f r nte
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- sc e rg ties a L ili f ac ty i v ti a e Cr
s p i h
Priority for a number of EPSRC & RCUK programmes
C-DIP: forming a view of how best to add value
Internal mapping exercise
09/10 Embedded across a range of C-DIP activities, both in terms of science areas and helping to drive culture change
Mapping our respective portfolios (large investments, active researchers) Understanding current activities and future opportunities
EPSRC/ESRC meeting of programme contacts
EPSRC/ESRC bilateral of senior managers
Identifying Opportunities at the Social Sciences Interface
Community consultation in March
10/11 Large-scale dedicated activity
Promoting Cross-Disciplinary Research Call EPSRC invites applications from integrated cross-disciplinary groups to undertake research at these interfaces and promote cross-disciplinary culture and exchange across the respective disciplines. The focus of the call is on building research collaborations between engineering and physical sciences (EPS) and economic and social sciences (ESS) while also supporting transformative, cross-disciplinary research. High quality research at the engineering and physical sciences (EPS) and economic and social sciences (ESS) interfaces is of strategic importance to EPSRC.
Objectives of the call To fund a small number of cross-disciplinary packages consisting of research and people-based activities which will develop and strengthen the interfaces between engineering and physical sciences and economic and social sciences. To promote knowledge exchange between the disciplines with the long term aim of developing a vibrant crossdisciplinary research community and therefore a cohort of people who understand and can work across the interfaces.
Thematic Areas Quantitative Aspects of Understanding Behaviours. new models of social systems understanding behaviours and engineering behavioural change. understanding vs. simulation in decision making (Behaviour could include: social relations, social practices, social structures, organisational behaviour, economic behaviour and social institutions) Innovation at the bottom of the pyramid. For example, low income or marginalised groups. This could include: Novel technologies for developing countries or deprived social systems. Disruptive technologies for development Optimisation of cutting edge technology Technical solutions very different from traditional approaches
Scope of Activity Through this activity we aim to fund truly cross-disciplinary beacons that will have a transformative affect on the interfaces. Research Focus: • Addressing novel EPS and ESS research challenges in a thematic area • Undertaking potentially transformative, truly cross-disciplinary research • Providing researchers with the opportunity to explore new research questions across the disciplines. People-Based Activities: • To support a suite of people-based activities to grow a multidisciplinary working environment • To initiate new, long-term collaborations between researchers across the EPS and ESS remit by stimulating innovative approaches to collaboration between disciplines. • To alleviate barriers to collaboration
Suite of research themes/questions
Community building activities Mobility
People Support (e.g. PDRAs)
Research Focus
People-Based activities
Feasibility Studies
Bounded by Thematic Area
Networking Activities Each proposal must ring fence 5% (100% FEC) of its funds to networking activities across the successfully funded bids. This call aims to build a community of knowledgeable crossdisciplinary researchers working across the interfaces who are advocates for the opportunities that exist in this space. There is no pre-determined composition of the 5% costs for networking activities. It is for the team of investigators to determine the best use of these funds and deem what is most appropriate for the proposal.
Scope All proposals must demonstrate clear relevance to a thematic area. Proposals must articulate a coherent and ambitious vision for their project. These awards are intended to be flexible and it is not a requirement to outline pre-defined projects as it is recognised that time is often necessary for different disciplines to discuss research questions and co-construct the solutions. We intend a broad interpretation of each thematic area; no specific areas are excluded. However, please note carefully the following points:
Criteria Funded proposals under this call will have a clear emphasis on promoting cross-disciplinary working across the interfaces with strong integration of economic and social sciences. Proposals with insufficient emphasis on novel EPS and ESS challenges will be rejected without recourse to postal peer review. Conversely the involvement of leading researchers in the economic and social sciences will be critical to the success of these research programmes. New proposed collaborations are acceptable, but bids with insufficient engagement with appropriate areas of economics and the social sciences will also be rejected without recourse to postal peer review.
Criteria continued Consideration of creative people based activities to alleviate the barriers to collaboration; dispel preconceptions; change attitudes and perceptions; and train individuals at the interfaces will underpin all successful bids in this call. When making funding decisions we will also take into account our existing portfolio of research, including particular projects funded through recent calls, for example Sustainable Urban Environments, and the cross-council mission programmes, such as Energy and Digital Economy. Proposals which appear to overlap significantly with existing investments will not be supported through this call.
Annex 1 Annex 1 in the call document details previous targeted interventions at the engineering, physical sciences, economic and social sciences interfaces. Our aim was to capture major investments at the interface. There are many ways to cut this and title the themes/areas.
How to Apply You should prepare and submit your proposal through JeS Costs that are eligible under FEC can be requested for this call. Please submit only one JeS form per proposal As well as the JeS form the following documents should be submitted: Case for support (2 page track record and 6 page proposed research) Pathways to impact (2 pages) Justification of Resources (2 pages) Work plan (two pages)
Assessment Criteria Proposals will be assessed using the following criteria at the postal peer review stage: Relevance to the objectives of the call, in particular • Research focus for application in the stated thematic areas • People activities and the level of engagement with appropriate areas of economics and the social sciences Quality of research, Potential research impact Ability of applicant team to deliver the research Resources and management In addition to these criteria the panel will also be considering how the proposals successfully meet the aims of the two streams; research focus and people-based activities and promote crossdisciplinary culture across the relevant disciplines.
Peer Review Standard EPSRC practices and procedures will be followed throughout this call Reviewers will be asked to use the standard EPSRC reviewer form EPSRC will be working in partnership with ESRC during this call Please nominate 5 reviewers. Please suggest people who are experts in the field and/or able to judge the value of the research to people who might use the results. Please do not suggest reviewers who you have had a close working relationship to in the past and please do not approach nominated reviewers beforehand. The peer review panel will consist of cross-disciplinary researchers and will include experts from both EPS and ESS.
Assessment Process Call for Proposals Issued
Deadline – Intent to Submit
12.00 on 10 September 2010
Deadline for Proposals
4pm 12 October 2010
Peer Review
October - November 2010
Prioritisation Meeting
January 2011
Interview Panel
February 2011
Register intent to Submit Anyone wishing to apply for one of these cross-disciplinary awards must submit the Intent to Submit form. This must be sent electronically to PromotingCrossDisciplinary@epsrc.ac.uk by 12.00 on 10 September 2010. No scientific assessment on the intent to submit form.
Discipline Hopping Call We invite applications from established researchers from across the disciplines who wish to explore a new research area and are passionate about cross-disciplinary working. Closing Date: 4pm 16 September 2010
Q&A I will now answer any questions from the chat window Then please raise your hand if you have a question and I will come to you in order