Povery, inequality and human rights

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Poverty, inequality and human rights Do human rights make a difference?

September 2009

Alice Donald and Elizabeth Mottershaw

How other countries have used human rights to tackle poverty and how this could be applied in the UK.

People working to tackle poverty in the UK are increasingly interested in using human rights in their work. This study looks at how this has been done in other countries, its impact on affected communities, debate, policy and government programmes, and its relevance for the UK. The report covers: • how human rights have been used to understand poverty; • how communities experiencing poverty use human rights to act against injustice, build alliances between disparate groups, and articulate their conditions and claims; • the tools that communities and their allies use to hold the state accountable for its human rights obligations; • how human rights have been implemented in practice in antipoverty work by governments and other organisations; and • lessons for integrating human rights and anti-poverty work in the UK.


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