Subs Form

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Equanomics UK is an ambitious attempt to address issues of racial and economic justice. Equanomics UK will focus on: • • •

discriminatory and disproportionate poverty rates discriminatory and disproportionate unemployment levels and income discriminatory and disproportionate representation in private and public and political spheres

It will be concerned with wage inequalities, international trade policies, the impact of credit, loans and debt, and the impact of poverty on social conditions such as education, employment, health and housing. Equanomics UK will create economic intelligence and a new dynamic for equality aimed at future generations. It will mark a lasting tribute to the past and present economic and social contribution of people of colour to the world, and develop Equanomics as the new language and strategy for achieving racial and economic rights and equality. We aim to be a self­financing movement for economic justice and we need your help. SUBSCRIPTIONS • If you wish you will receive email updates of the work of Equanomics UK • You will have priority at Annual Conference • You will have access to the quarterly journal ‘Equanomics UK’ free • You will be contributing to one of the biggest community based movements for social and economic justice, helping to create a different legacy. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING FORM and RETURN TO: EQUANOMICS UK c/o The Race Equality Centre Leicester, 3rd Floor Epic House, Lower Hill Street, Leicester LE1 3SH ENQUIRIES: Email: Tel: 07903 581968 DONATIONS DONATIONS OF £60+ WILL HAVE THE SAME BENEFITS AS SUBSCRIPTIONS. ALL OTHER DONATIONS MOST GRATEFULLY RECEIVED AND YOU WILL BE ON THE CONTACT LIST FOR REGULAR EMAIL UPDATES. PLEASE COMPLETE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS OVERLEAF AND ENCLOSE A CHEQUE MADE PAYABLE TO EQUANOMICS LTD. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH. IF YOU WISH TO DONATE BY BACS TRANSFER PLEASE CALL US OR EMAIL AS ABOVE


Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will - Nelson Mandela

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