Free Preview Horses For LIFE Vol 49 Just Say YES!

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pg 88


This month our cover is one brief glimpse of a horse being retrained, Klaus Hempfling opens up about how a new problem is appearing in the problem horses brought to him in the last 10 years..

On behalf of all of us at Horses For LIFE may the gift of the horses be with you always.

All material copyright protected by Horses For LIFE Publications. Please contact us for information, suggestions, comments and submissions at or 1-306-383-2588

Just Say YES! Contest Free subscriptions to anyone of your choice. Send us your inspiration. Pictures, videos, stories and/or quotes of what inspires you with your work with your horses. It is time for us to figure out what we stand for, which is a much more difficult exercise than standing against something. Send your entries to us or goto and upload your pictures and video on our facebook account. Just Say YES!! Celebrating the Horse. Thank you for joining us in this incredible equestrian journey.

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ANJA Beran

For the Benefit of the Horse


lassical dressage is equestrianism in its most perfect form. It is, however, never simply art for art’s sake but rather it is always for the benefit of the horse. The dressage trainer Anja Beran explains why every rider should involve themselves with classical dressage training. IS DRESSAGE.... “a special equestrian discipline, in which well-muscled, four-legged athletes present impressive gaits and laboriously learned lessons. And in order to ride dressage successfully, you need a horse on which nature has bestowed superb gaits as well as impulsion.” This is how dressage is often presented today. It is “packaged” as being the culmination of equestrian training, as a form of art which is superior to the mere business of riding per se and in fact represents its crowning glory. This representation, however, entirely misses what the true essence of dressage Horses For LIFE

Klaus Ferdinand Hem Killing our Horses The 10

mpfling e Natural Way Horses For LIFE

Klaus Hempfling Killing our Horses The Natural Way KH: When I started to write my first book, Dancing with Horses, I had been with horses for only something like one year. So I was a newcomer and a beginner and I had not in reality had much experience with horses. So now, when I look back, for me it’s like I designed and created shoes in a way which were still too big for me. Dancing with Horses, though, was more or less a book that I had to write because I couldn’t buy it. I had to write it for myself because I couldn’t find what I was writing there. I was sure about what I was doing. I was sure about what I was writing, but I was also in reality a beginner. It was quite a big risk in a way. Looking back to Dancing with Horses, it’s absolutely still valid for me, and everything that I wrote there is the fundamental base for all my work up to now. But this next book is different in a way because I’m now looking back over 20 years of experience, 20 years of so many meetings with horses and horse owners, such different horses from all over the world. So this time the book is, in a way, more practical. It’s related to so many cases which I have had. We have some horses here which we have been able to accompany with photos from the beginning to at least their first small and healing processes. So this time I’ve tried to create a book where I could finally set down more or less everything I can say about what I do with horses. This was the idea, accompanied by pictures, a lot of paintings, and drawings; I think there are around 70-80 drawings in there. So together with Dancing with Horses, this book is more or less the complete manual of what I’m doing. There is nothing more I can say about my work in practical terms. I started more or less as a teacher. I started as somebody reporting what he has been doing from the early beginnings, as I was then, starting in Dancing with Horses saying, wow, look, I’m a beginner. I have no idea. I’m maybe like you are. So I went to different stables and I tried to find out what on earth they were doing there, and with my not-knowledge, with my notexperience, I just opened so many doors with this naïve view of somebody who is just trying to live a natural life, being an artist, being just a happy person. But I couldn’t cope with what I 12

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saw, with a lot of things which must be painful for horses, which must be undermining the dignity of these unbelievable beautiful beings. So this was the start of my career. This was the start of Dancing with Horses. I said, well it can’t be like this, so something else must be there, something else described in history, in mythology . So I gathered my thoughts together logically and tried to do it in another way, in a more simple and in a more natural and more grounded, authentic way. Horses For LIFE

by Dr. Hamblin DVM: A Pain in the Back The back of a horse has 2 major sections. There is a thoracic section and a lumbar section. The thoracic section of vertebrae are associated with the rib cage. The lumbar section of vertebrae lies between the rib cage and the pelvis. The lumbar and thoracic vertebrae have a number of bony projections or points just like an airplane. There are 2 wings to either side of the vertebrae, these are called the transverse processes. And just like a plane’s tail rudder there is a bony point on top of the vertebrae that points up. This point is called the dorsal spinous process. Very important ligaments and muscles run over top and beside the dorsal spinous process. Each vertebra has no less that 4 articular facets. These are the joints that connect one vertebra to the next. There are 2 joints on the front of a vertebra and 2 joints on the back of the vertebra. There are 3 main musculature groups that the rider influences in the horse’s back through direct contact in the seat and inner thighs. Remember that the rider influences all of the muscles in the horse’s body through his or her riding! (NB: Lateral means away from the vertebral column of the horse and medial means towards or directly overlying the vertebral column of the horse) The main musculature groups overlying the spine are: 1) The most lateral of the back muscles is the iliocostalis muscle, which runs in overlapping bundles from the crest of the ilium (the wing of the hip directly above the stifle) to the cervical vertebrae (vertebrae that make up the horse’s neck). (4) When these bundles act together they extend or hold the vertebral column in place. (4) When these bundles act independently they serve to bend the spine laterally. (4) 2) The longissimus muscle lies medial to the iliocostalis muscle. It runs in overlapping bundles from the crest of the illium (the wing of the hip directly above the stifle) to the head. It extends the back, neck and head. (4) When these bundles function independently they move the back, neck, and head laterally. (4) 3) Lastly the most medial back muscles are part of the transversopinalis muscle system. The spinosus muscle, one of the main muscles of this system, inserts in bundles on the dorsal spinous processes. (4) They serve to extend or rotate the spine depending on whether they act on both sides of the vertebral column simultaneously or whether they act only on one side of the vertebral column at a time. (4) The back has many ligaments holding it together along with various musculature groups, but one of the most important ligaments is the supraspinous ligament. Ligaments are different from muscles because they are much less elastic and do not have the ability to contract like a muscle does. The supraspinous ligament is a continuation of the nuchal


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A Pain in the Back ligament. (4) This ligament runs over top of the dorsal spinous processes (the plane’s rudder) of the vertebrae from the 1st thoracic vertebra to the caudal thoracic vertebra. (4) This ligament prevents too much spreading of the vertebral spines during flexion of the spine. NB: An example of spinal flexion would be when you round your back out to touch your toes. An example of spinal extension would be when you bend over backwards to make a bridge (most of us are too stiff to do this but most children can do it!) Most commonly, pain in the back arises secondary to another area of discomfort. For

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The Comfort Zone

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Riding by Torchlight Rebel of Love Subscribe at

Horses For LIFE

Road Onions

By Nancy Bailey While walking the dogs today, I notice something small and round lying on the dirt road in front of me. I pick it up. An onion. It’s harvest time and the big trucks are piled high with them, load after load of golden, peeling orbs. Now they are all over the road, scattered like apples, the air laden with their pungent scent. Some of them are split open revealing the smooth white surface inside, others have been flattened by tires. But most of them are firm and round. I don’t have anything to put them in, or I would squirrel some home. I decide to come back later with a bag. 20

So the day wanes, shadows lengthen and I decide it’s onion gathering time. I select a plastic bag with handles, because I think Clifford should help me get the onions. It would be a good little jaunt for him. I take the bag to the barn with me and a couple of apples. Clifford sticks his head eagerly in his halter, and I lead him out and start to brush him. A puff of air picks up the bag and moves it gently down the aisle toward his feet. He puts his nose down and touches it. Seeing him do this prompts an experiment, and I talk to him much as I would have done with my trick dog, Scorch. After all, he has been clicker trained the same way. “Pick that up,” I tell him. He lifts his head and looks at me. I use the same hand gesture that I used with Scorch, pointing at the plastic bag and saying, “Pick it up.” I am not sure he knows what that means. He has never been asked to pick up a bag, nor has he really been asked to pick up anything that wasn’t first tossed by me. But he obediently bends down, picks up the plastic bag and puts it politely in my hand. “Good boy!” I squeal. I give him an apple.

Horses For LIFE

He crunches down his apple and then he wants to make out. He stands with eyes half closed and kisses my shoulder and cheek, blowing on me softly. The only long-term man in my life. Sigh. I put the saddle and bridle on him. Cajun and Ripple are ecstatic at the prospect of a ride, and they dart around the yard panting eagerly. Clifford stands still while I get on, and we walk down the hill in the warm Indian summer, amidst the soft bird song and goldenrod in the slanted evening light. There are fewer onions now, as many have been scavenged, but there are still dozens on the road. I dismount and open the plastic bag. Clifford’s ears perk up and he immediately tries to grab the bag. I am bending over by the roadside with the reins in one hand and the bag in the other, attempting to pick up onions. But all Clifford wants to do now is get that bag! He bumps and jostles me in his fervor and


nearly steps on me. I am beginning to comprehend the error of my ways, because how can I in good conscience now discourage him from doing this? Finally we edge to the roadside and his attention turns to the tall grass growing there. Great. Another bad habit. But I let

him pull up grass. He gets a mouthful and then walks along with me while I collect the onions.

Finally we have a bag full. I climb back into the saddle and we start for home. I decide to shorten the trip because the bag is heavy, so we cut through the neighbor’s fifield to go in the back way. I can’t hold the bag by the handles for fear it will break. I hadn’t thought about the weight of all these onions. So I rest it on the pommel ahead of me. The bag swishes and crackles loudly with the motion of Clifford’s shoulders as he walks along, but obviously it doesn’t bother him. We are almost back to the barn, when suddenly, the bag splits. Onions begin rolling down Clifford’s sides, one after the other. Big ones. Small ones. They roll

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down Clifford’s shoulders, past his knees and thunk softly into the grass. He keeps walking, turning his head this way and that. He cocks his left ear, then his right in corresponding direction to the falling onions. I am laughing so hard I can’t hang on to them, and the bag is tearing more and more. Pretty soon they all have fallen. It’s a short distance, so I take Clifford home. He’s happy now because he gets to gallop a bit. As I venture back out to the onions with a paper sack, Trudy stands with her head over the fence giving me an admonishing look. I am sure she knows that had I taken her instead, there would have been no such foolishness! Bio: An award-winning equine artist, Nancy J. Bailey is author of the first two Clifford books, “Clifford of Drummond Island” and “Return to Manitou.” She has also compiled a collection of her equine art, poetry and essays, “The Horses Who Inspired Me.” Other works include “My Best Cat,” a murder mystery, and “Holding the Ladder,” a novel. Nancy is divorced and currently lives in Michigan with the inimitable Clifford, whose latest trick is learning to paint with watercolors.


Horses For LIFE

The Cost of Survival

The cost of survival I was breathing and eating and it was killing me. The why and how is easy: I left someone behind. If you know how that feels, then you understand regret and guilt. It was not anything I can describe except to say that I cannot fathom God’s forgiveness. When you learn that the loved one you did nothing to help actually died in that burning building, you have a lifetime to doubt every action you can no longer take. So, what on earth made me think I should get a horse? I mean who does that? Maybe it was childhood memories that kept coming back, a time before. I think it was an angel trying to lead me to safety. This all sounds so silly and extreme, but that time of trying to survive, just to make it through a day, well I still don’t understand why a horse should be my next step. But I started to look, I could not even tell you what exactly I was looking for. Almost two years passed and then I saw this face, the face I had been waiting for. It was finally something I was really sure about. No wonder it took so long because she was only a couple of months old. No matter that she was in South Dakota, and I had no trailer, this was the one. If you are lucky, and you have a person in your life who loves


you, and understands you need something, and I mean really need, then it does not matter if the logic of ‘it’ sounds absurd. No one needs a horse. But, when I hear about “Therapy” dogs, or horses I really get it. Let me tell you about this horse who saved my life. Her name is not important, except to me. And when I first met her, barely 20 degrees on a dark January night, I can’t imagine what her thoughts were. She was just a baby. She Subscribe must have missed the comfort of her mother and herd mates. She had been trapped in a trailer for over a week going south with strangers. Her name is Tchishi, pronounced “Chee-she” - it is Athabaskan (Na-Dene) for a southernmost tribe, or more specifically ‘Chiricahua’. On the side of the highway, after midnight (the bid price included home delivery, but suddenly the “haulers” could not keep their word) I sat with a borrowed trailer to meet this miracle, an hour and a half from home. Not the welcome for her I had pictured, but there are no words to describe my excitement to finally see her. She watched us put up fence where there had been none before, for HER. And she watched as we assembled a run-in shed for her also. The extraordinary thing is, I believe she did know that it was all for her. She had no one to play with so I would try to mimic horseplay as much as possible. Much like my dogs, I allowed her to chew on me; unlike my dogs she does not hurt me. She does not step on my feet, (unlike my dogs). And if her play or chewing gets to be too much, I say to her; “Hey” and she stops the behavior in question immediately. Recently, while she was eating a pear from my hand, I was not paying attention and she grabbed my pinky, and all I had to do was say “Hey!” and she spit out the entire fruit, my finger included. My friend came by to meet her and she was chasing our rooster like she was intent on murder. Brian stood frozen watching her and he said; “She is about to kill that poor bird”. But I told him not to worry, they did this all the time and ‘Abe’ was very safe. He did not believe me until she avoided running him down several times and then let him escape from her pen. She also plays with the dogs in the same manner.


This was “the way with it” for over a year, but I knew she did need another horse for companionship. It broke my heart to see her watch as other horses rode by. This was my

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The Curious Imbalance of the Horse’s Mind Horses For LIFE

Anja Beran Classical Inspiration Clinic Report


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Smoke and Mirrors

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Riding By Torchlight

By Susannah Cord

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monthly Online Horse Magazine ds of Articles by World Class trainrs

wo free articles each month. Horses For LIFE

If rollkur is banned.. What is the problem?


Horses For LIFE



JUST SAY YES! to working ahead of the vertical

Horses For LIFE


JUST SAY YES! to all breeds!

JUST SAY YES! to working Off the back Legs! Horses For LIFE

JUST SAY YES! in all levels!


JUST SAY YES! to working in regular rhythm! Look at the front and back leg! Horses For LIFE



n all disciplines!

JUST SAY YES! to open Throat Latches!! Horses For LIFE


in all levels!

It is with heartfelt gratitude to the over 41,000 people out there who, under the pressure of just a few weeks, identified what they don’t want to see in dressage, that we dedicate and announce Just Say YES! - which we guarantee will excite and inspire you.


Just Say YES! is designed to make all of us think about what is most beautiful between a horse and a person. It is about identifying what is most beautiful to each of us personally and why that is so. It is about inspiring ourselves and each other to greater heights of excellence in whatever we do with our horses.


This is your story not ours. This should belong to each and everyone of you. We will be focussing on visual images for that inspiration here at Horses For Life – video and photographs that demonstrate to you, that speak to you about all the wonderful and beautiful things that dressage and other areas of horsemanship can be – images that inspire you whenever you look at them - and that you think will inspire others. Images that make you shout “YES!” with excitement, “YES! That’s what I want to see!” An essential part of that inspiration is your comments about the images that you send in – your comments about what there is about this image that Just Says YES! to you about the beauty and the poetry that a horse and human can be together.


41,000 people signed the petition against Rollkur that went to the FEI last week. 41,000 people decided what they DIDN’T want to see. Imagine the power for change when 41,000 plus people focus on what they DO want to see.


Wow, what a thought…

Thus, Just Say YES! Is born here today.

We are looking forward with excitement to this campaign rolling across the world, emphasising all that is positive out there in the horse world and bringing about even more of the excitement and beauty that being with horses can inspire.


Just Says YES! to ……………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………..

You will no doubt want to say “YES!” to something differently to us collaborating on this campaign - in fact I’ll be surprised if you don’t. Just Say YES! is designed to 44

JUST SAY YES! celebrate those differences.

But most of all, Just Say YES! is about you - so what do YOU want to say “YES!” to? Send us the photos and video footage of those things that demonstrate what you want to say “YES!” to, to this link.


Feel free to upload both your photos and videos to our facebook pages, or email them to

It can be either a photo or video footage of a horse and person doing some beautiful piece of horse work that you admire. It could be at the elite level of horsemanship. It could be a little kid doing something beautiful with their pony. It may be of yourself and your own horse. Please don’t forget to say who it is (horse and person) and contact details for them if you have that information, because we may want to ask permission to use these images for an exciting new project that is on the drawing board. And most importantly, don’t forget to write what it is about this image that inspires you – and WHY you think this is a truly beautiful piece of work.


Horses For Life is going to run a competition for the image that best fits what they Say YES! to, with regular prizes of a years subscription to Horses For Life, amongst other things. A subscription that you can give to anyone!!! It is our wish and desire, that Just Say YES! rolls out all over the world, with joyful positivity - emphasising the vast amount of what is already wonderful and beautiful and positive out there in the horse world and escalating it to engage even more people to new heights of beautiful horsemanship.


JUST SAY YES! to working in regular rhythm! Look at that front and back leg! So be encouraged to take this Just Say YES! idea and run with it yourself. Set up your own websites, your own discussion groups, your own blogs, your own facebook pages – talk about it, laugh about it, be inspired about it, inspire others about it.


Keep it positive. Keep it beautiful. Keep it inspiring. And do all that … for the horse and for you.

Horses For LIFE

JUST SAY YES! to working Wither High!


JUST SAY YES! to working in freedom send us your Just Say YES!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

with your breed! your discipline ridden or in freedom with your horse! with your story, pictures and video

Horses For LIFE

The Damage



Video Article

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Lesage & Ta


aine 1932 Video Article

Horses For LIFE

Keeping Up to Facebook Keeping Up to Facebook It has only been two months since we have been active on Facebook and the journey has been incredible. What a wonderful opportunity to hear back from so many people - it has proven this past month invaluable in providing us with a place to have a voice in between editions. And what a time it has been. Material has come pouring through, a lot of it in connection with the February 9th meeting of the FEI, both before and after. Without this presence on Facebook, we would have been mute, unable to speak out in time for the meeting. I now wonder how we ever did without it. While hopefully most months will not be so intensely busy, it has been a welcome resource and a wonderful way to keep in touch with everyone. But we realize not everyone utilizes Facebook, so we want to use this space to catch eveyone up on some of the posts to date. The following is in order of date posted, not necessarily in date of importance. To see all the posts and comments that were posted, please visit our Facebook Page. We do hope, though, that you utilize our Facebook page to post your stories, pictures and videos to our JUST SAY YES campaign. January 11th Horses For LIFE: we announced a new project of Horses For LIFE Publications - our very first video based on the pictures and text of our article, On The Vertical: A Fashion Failing the Horse From Volume 48 The Path of Transformation. This was a new medium for us to try to do an article in this video format. The response by many of our contributors has been so positive that we look forward to working on many more in the future. 52

January 17th

FEI LAUNCHES NEW EVENTING RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Malmรถ (SWE), 17 January 2010 A new worldwide Eventing Risk Management Policy and Action Plan aimed at reducing cross-country horse falls was launched at the third annual FEI Safety meeting in Malmรถ, Sweden, today. Based on a six-year statistical study of the sport, the Action Plan will be a functional and reliable system that will be used to monitor risk factors in Eventing, and to streamline international data and ideas to further understand the root causes of falls.!/notes/horses-for-lifepublications/fei-launches-new-eventing-risk-management-programme/255275101133

January 29th

Protest Legalizing Drugs for Competition Horses Feel Free to Post and Print This Poster! Share it Everywhere. Copyright Remains with the artist, Michelle Guillot You really must cross post this really wonderful piece of work by Michelle. Feel free to download and share this.!/photo.php?pid=3235984&id=51217564556 Then on January 31st We found out about the meeting through Dr. Heuschmann and we wanted to let people know about the petition.

Dr Heuschmann wants your signature to take to the FEI closed door meeting! Direct Link:

Horses For LIFE

February 1st

BHS Hyperflexion Statement As the debate over the use of hyperflexion as a training technique continues, The British Horse Society’s policy may be stated as follows: The British Horse Society strongly recommends that all riders training horses on the flat and over fences should adhere to the official instruction handbook of the German National Equestrian Federation. Whilst we appreciate that horses are as individual as humans, and that some may require corrective schooling, the BHS’s stand on hyperflexion (by which we mean the extreme flexion of the horse’s head and neck beyond normal limits) remains clear: it is an unacceptable method of training horses by any rider for any length of time. We recognise that the scientific evidence is conflicting, and likely to remain so as each party seeks determinedly to prove its case. For this reason we doubt that science will ever provide a single, clear, unambiguous and unarguable answer. It therefore falls to humans to do what the horses cannot, namely to follow the precautionary principle: as nature provides no evidence of horses choosing to move in hyperflexion for an extended period of time; and as hyperflexion can create tension in the horse’s neck and back which has no justifying necessity; and as the horse in hyperflexion is, by definition, unable fully to use its neck; and as the psychological consequences of such treatment remain latent (perhaps in an analogous position with horses which are whipped aggressively but which can still pass a five star vetting), we should take all appropriate steps to discourage the use of this training technique, for the horse’s sake.!/notes/horses-for-life-publications/kudos-to-britisih-horse-society-coming-out-on-behalf-of-the-horse/280207746133

February 2nd We heard this from Philippe Karl While we have already reported about the petition that Dr. Gerd Heuschmann has asked everyone to sign to take with him to the February 9th meeting, Philippe Karl has activated a petition as well. Philippe Karl is keen to stop the madness that is rollkur and continues to work on behalf of the horse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Madam, dear Sir, On 9 February 2010, more than 20 experts will attend an FEI meeting in Switzerland to discuss once again whether the so-called hyperflexion (“Rollkur”) is an adequate method of training a horse. In order to support the opponents of this method and offer them further arguments, a petition has been initiated at We’d like to invite you to support this action against hyperflexion – time is short! You were so kind as to sign our own petition calling for reforms of the FN rules, which was initiated in May 2009. This obviously bore fruit: The German FN eventually invited Philippe Karl for a meeting in Warendorf, Germany. They now have to find an appropriate date. We will of course keep you informed about the outcome of this meeting. 54

Thank you very much again for your support! Cordially, Philippe Karl & his team

Then February 4th

From the Desk of the Editor of Horses For LIFE Magazine We were going to keep this quiet. Our small part of continuing to make a difference, that no one really needed to know about. But quicker than a rabbit finds his hole, the emails were being forwarded. Surprisingly the emails were being forwarded not just by the anit-rollkur but by the pro-rollkur camp as well. That, I must admit, came as a surprise. Since we always wanted to make this issue freely available anyway, we do so now today for a limited time. The following email/letter was sent out as a special request, on behalf of the veternarians that feel that their voice is not being heard, to close to 150 officials at the national level. The link to the full issue Enough is Enough is included below. Please feel free to forward it yourself. On behalf of our continuing efforts for the horses. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Mesdames/Sirs: I am sure that you have been inundated with emails about the rollkur issue. Our online magazine, Horses For LIFE recently dedicated an issue to that subject. In response, several of our readers, all of them practicing veterinarians, contacted us and made a special request. They requested that we make this issue available for free to certain officials of the USDF and USEF. Below is a link to this issue. This is what we refer to as our flip version. If you click the diagonal arrow at the top of the page, the magazine will appear full screen on your computer. If you hover over the magazine itself and then click, you can zoom in or out, and if you hover over the right side you will see a white arrow to virtually flip the page to see and read the rest of the magazine. I would like to especially direct your attention to certain articles including Jean Luc Cornille’s Hyperflexion: A Failure of Olympic Proportion, Stealing the Dragon’s Breath, The Changing Perception on Stretching, which addresses the issues of Poll Ossification, and Enough is Enough, among others. Horses For LIFE

Below is one of many letters that we received from the veterinarians who are adamantly concerned about the effects of hyper-flexion on the psyche and the body of the horse. “At least the notorious “Blue Tongue Dressage” video has reawakened the outcry among horse enthusiasts against Rollkur (hyper-flexion). The problem is that horse lovers, veterinarians, and true horsemen have been complaining about this abuse for years, to no avail. The FEI has in the past given lip service to the concerns, while essentially doing nothing. Worse, yet, the FEI even states that its various “experts” have determined that hyper-flexion in “short” increments does not hurt the horse mentally or physically. “As the wave of antipathy towards equine sport swells among the internet savvy animal lovers, it portends a dangerous progression for future developments in dressage. “The dressage community needs to correct this problem of horse abuse from within, rather than let animal rights groups stifle the entire sport or (even the legality of people’s right to ride horses), from without. “Your professionally produced presentation about the abuse to the horse caused by Rollkur (hyper-flexion) riding contains numerous testimonials and articles from scientists in biomechanics, horsemen, and equine behaviorists, as to how and why Rollkur is harmful to the horse. The photos of horses being subjected to the cruelties imposed upon them by man moves one to tears. “If we, in the sport, do not condemn and stop this practice, we will be stopped altogether by those more radical groups which have the funds and public support to carry out their agenda of abolishing all horse sport. Who in dressage could even think that Rollkur would have anything in common with a discipline which is supposed to be promoting the horse and rider in lightness, self carriage, elegance, grace and creating the impression that the horse is doing all his movements of his own accord? Please help stop the abuse of the horse.” On behalf of the horse we, here at Horses For LIFE, offer freely to you this issue in the hope that we can further help the horse. If we can be of any help, in promotion of the work that you do on behalf of the horse, or if you think some of our articles might help your local, regional, or national areas through your own newsletters and magazines, please contact us and we would be pleased to assist. Working together on behalf of the horse. Warm Regards, Nadja King Editor Horses For LIFE Publications Since this issue is now freely available please feel free to share if you think it could make a difference. 56

An excellent letter Followed on February 5th from Klaus Balkenhol

Klaus Balkenhol Letter to The FEI for the February 9th Meeting (Translated from the German) Originally Sent Feb. 3 2010 Federation Equestre International Avenue Rumine 37 CH – 1005 Lausanne Rosendahl SWITZERLAND February 3, 2010 Dear Sirs and Madames: We submit herewith some comments concerning your upcoming roundtable discussion, scheduled for February 9th, at which you will be establishing a final plan for the handling of the topic of Rollkur/ Hyperflexion. Those of us who have signed this letter wish to point out sharply that new or amended rules with regard to the accepted classical precepts of riding, which are contained in the guidelines written down in your Handbook, are absolutely superfluous and therefore unnecessary. These precepts, which the FEI has up until now felt obliged to uphold, are already fully developed, tried and tested! They are already recognized world-wide as authoritative, and as fair to the horse. Based on centuries of experience, they offer a stable and secure foundation even for today’s riding. No changes may be made that constitute a burden to the well-being of the horse, either physically or mentally. If you accept riding in hyperflexion as a permissible training method, you legitimize aggressive riding. We protest that in the strongest possible terms! As horse people, we expect the FEI to maintain unaltered their regulations, which have until now been valid, resting as they do upon the classical precepts of riding – for the good of the horses and the continued good repute of international equestrian sport. The undersigned support this statement: Klaus Balkenhol (Olympic medalist) (Joined by, in alphabetical order) - Laura Bechtolsheimer (British Record Holder, 3. Europameisterschaften 2009) - Wilfried Bechtolsheimer (Trainer) Horses For LIFE

- Ingrid Klimke (Olympic medalist) - Ruth Klimke (Vice President of the German Riders Union) - Beezie Madden (Olympic medalist) - John Madden (Trainer) - Debbie McDonald (Olympic Bronze medalist) - Susanne Miesner (Trainer) - George Morris (Chef d’equipe USEF show jumping team, Olympic silver medalist) - Martin Plewa (former German national Three-Day Event trainer, Director of the Riding and Driving School of Westfalia) - Michael Putz (Trainer and judge) - Klaus-Martin Rath (Trainer, member of the Dressage Committee of the German Olympic Committee) - Matthias Alexander Rath (German Meister 2009) - Hinrich Romeike (Olympic medalist) - Hubertus Schmidt (Olympic medalist) - Günter Seidel (Olympic bronze medalist) - Christine Stückelberger (Olympiic medalist) - Paul Stecken (Trainer) - Hans Günter Winkler (Olympic medalist) - Harry Boldt, Dressur. Doppel-Olympiasieger, früherer Bundestrainer Dressur, GBR - Beatrice Büchler-Keller, Swiss, FEI O-Richter - Nadine Capellmann, Dressur, Olympiasiegrin - Carsten Huck, Springen, Olympia Bronze-Gewinner - Michael Klimke, Deuscther Meister, Dressur - Ann Kathrinne Linsenhoff, Olympiasiegerin, WElt- und Europameisterin, Mitglied im FN-Präsidium - Michael Robert, Olympia-Gewinner Bronze, Trainer


Then on February 6th Colonel Carde wrote a letter of support to Dr. Gerd Heuschmann and to everyone who is against rollkur.

Letter from Colonel Carde to Dr. Heuschmann in preparation for the FEI February 9th discussion. Dear Gerd, You have been invited to take part in the FEI roundtable discussion scheduled for February, 9th. At the heart of the debate will be the hyperflexion of the horse’s neck. I want to personally let you know that like many trainers, judges and thousands of riders, all my thoughts will be with you on that day. Rollkur must be strongly discouraged in riding/training and banned from competition: - Because it has no place in a philosophy of training designed to develop horses into happy athletes. - Because it is contrary to the classical Dressage principles applied in all the Schools.* - Because it is dangerous to the horse’s health when badly executed – which is the overwhelming majority of cases. In Dressage competition, it must be forbidden for the entire duration of the competitions. In order to implement this rule, at the very least, the warm-up should be monitored by a judge and at the very best, it should be scored and that score should be included in the competitors’ final ranking. Good luck, we are counting on you. Colonel Christian Carde Ancien écuyer en chef de l’Ecole Nationale d’Equitation et du Cadre Noir de Saumur (Former Head Rider of the French National School of Riding and of the Cadre Noir in Saumur.) Cher Gerd, Vous avez été invité à participer à une réunion le 9 février à la FEI. L’hyper-flexion de l’encolure sera au cœur des débats. Je tiens à vous dire que, comme de nombreux entraîneurs, de nombreux juges et des milliers de cavaliers, je serai avec vous ce jour là par la pensée. Il faut que le Roll Kur soit déconseillé dans la pratique équestre, et interdit en compétition: - parce qu’il n’a pas sa place dans une philosophie de l’action qui conduirait à faire du cheval un athlète heureux, - parce qu’il est contraire aux principes classiques de dressage des chevaux dans toutes les Ecoles, Horses For LIFE

- parce qu’il est dangereux pour la santé des chevaux lorsqu’il est mal employé c’est-à-dire dans la plupart des cas. Dans les compétitions de Dressage il faut qu’il soit interdit sur toute la durée du concours. Pour que ceci soit appliqué il est nécessaire, au moins, que la détente des chevaux soit surveillée par un juge, au mieux, qu’elle soit notée et que la notation compte dans le classement final des concurrents. Bon courage, nous comptons sur vous. Colonel Christian Carde Ancien écuyer en chef de l’Ecole Nationale d’Equitation et du Cadre Noir de Saumur ========================================== A special thank you to Caroline Larrouilh for her efforts in bringing this material forward, who continues to work tirelessly behind the scenes, in her work against rollkur and for the good of the horse.!/notes/horses-for-life-publications/colonel-carde-to-dr-heuschmann/288708816133

On February 8th, Horses For LIFE Publications announced the release of its second production, The Damage Inside, a video freely available online. This, our second video, felt us hit our stride on what we can do in this new format, the very different presentation of doing an actual stand-alone article in a video format. Even before our next issue is released, we would like to share this NEW video article with everyone. We hope that this educational article can help trainers and riders understand the repercussions of working with training methods that utilize rollkur, hyperflexion and behind the vertical. Our thoughts go to all of those in the upcoming meeting that go into and come out of the meeting putting the horse first. And thank you to ALL of you, for the petitions that you have signed, the tireless work, the emails sent, for the support. Thank you to the British Horse Society for being the first national organization to make a clear stand on this issue and to the many trainers who are standing up for the horse, from Klaus Balkenhol to Colonel Carde to Philippe Karl and of course to Dr. Gerd Heuschmann. Please feel free to share this video article.!/notes/horses-for-life-publications/the-damage-inside-video-article-byhorses-for-life/291863696133


Then on February 9th The Long Awaited Announcement from the Meeeting of the FEI on this unexpected meeting on rollkur

FEI PRESS RELEASE Lausanne (SUI), 9 February 2010 FEI ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE RESOLVES ROLLKUR CONTROVERSY Following constructive debate at the FEI round-table conference at the IOC Headquarters in Lausanne today (9 February), the consensus of the group was that any head and neck position achieved through aggressive force is not acceptable. The group redefined hyperflexion/Rollkur as flexion of the horse’s neck achieved through aggressive force, which is therefore unacceptable. The technique known as Low, Deep and Round (LDR), which achieves flexion without undue force, is acceptable. To read the rest and to read the comments and reactions from many of you please goto:!/notes/horses-for-life-publications/fei-round-table-conference-resolves-rollkurcontroversy/293876646133

Philippe Karl response: Philippe Karl Official Statement on LDR and the FEI Statement was swift “The FEI has bravely decided to make no decision at all. Rollkur isn’t officially permitted, but the same posture persists under another name (Low, Deep and Round). The rules haven’t changed and everything will go on as before, in the most perfect hypocrisy. But we’re not giving up yet; rather, we will continue to fight against this catastrophe.” Die FEI hat beherzt entschieden, nichts zu entscheiden. Die Rollkur ist offiziell nicht erlaubt, aber dieselbe Haltung bleibt uns unter anderem Namen („Low, Deep and Round“) erhalten. Das Reglement ändert sich nicht und alles wird so weiterlaufen wie bisher, in tadelloser Scheinheiligkeit. Wir geben jedoch nicht auf, sondern werden weiter gegen diese Katastrophe kämpfen. La FEI a courageusement décidé de ne rien décider. La Rollkur n’est pas autorisée officiellement, mais l’attitude reste d’actualité sous un autre nom (LDR). Le règlement ne change pas et tout continuera comme avant, dans l’hypocrisie la plus parfaite. Mais nous n’abandonnons pas, nous allons continuer à nous battre contre cette catastrophe. Philippe Karl Horses For LIFE

Colonel Carde’s studied response on February 11th

Colonel Carde : Response to the FEI statement regarding the February 9th FEI roundtable on Rollkur/Hyperflexion I am not surprised with the outcome of the meeting. Had the FEI truly condemned the hyper flexion of the neck, it would have rejected the training technique behind the success of a triple Olympic champion, and disowned the judges, trainers and riders who have benefited from it until now. In reading the text of the FEI’s press release, we find that the FEI is now authorizing Hyperflexion when it is obtained without force (“Using the technique known as Low, Deep, Round (LDR), which achieves flexion without undue force is acceptable”.) It appears the roundtable of February 9th did not really change anything. To justify its position, the FEI committee implied that Rollkur and LDR are different. They chose to completely ignore the history of Rollkur. One must remember that this training technique was developed by trainer Sjef Janssen who baptized it “Low, Deep and Round”. It then became commonly referred to as Rollkur by Swede Theresa Sandin on her website. Without a doubt, Rollkur and LDR are exactly the same technique as all the pictures published on this topic can attest to. In reality, it would have been better to set aside Rollkur and LDR which are one and the same, and focus the discussion instead on hyper flexion, which is easier to define. To forbid Rollkur and authorize LDR is meaningless. It is akin to forbidding the consumption of pork but allowing pig! In the final analysis, the conclusions arrived at by the FEI will only be valid if the FEI produces different photos showcasing on the one hand, the difference between Rollkur and LDR, and on the other hand photos showing horses in the authorized LDR posture. Otherwise, the ambiguity will remain. Reponse du Colonel Carde au communique de la FEI regardant la conference sur le rollkur du 9 Fevrier, 2010 Je ne suis pas surpris car en condamnant l’hyper-flexion de l’encolure, la FEI rejetait un procédé qui avait fait les succès d’une triple championne olympique et désavouait les juges les entraîneurs et les cavaliers qui s’en étaient accommodés jusqu’à présent. Mieux, si on lit avec attention le communiqué de la FEI on s’aperçoit que la FEI autorise l’Hyper flexion lorsqu’elle n’est pas obtenue en force (The technique known as Low Deep and Round (LDR), which achieves flexion without undue force, is acceptable.) La réunion du 9 février n’a donc rien véritablement changé. Pour justifier sa position le groupe de travail du 9 Février a laissé entendre que Roll Kur et LDR étaient différents. Or c’est faire table rase de l’historique: il faut se souvenir que ce procédé LDR (low, deep and round) inventé et baptisé ainsi par l’entraîneur Sjef Janssen, a été ensuite appelé familièrement Rollkur par la suédoise Teresa Sandin sur son site internet, mais c’est exactement la même 62

chose, toutes les nombreuses photos publiées à ce sujet l’attestent. En réalité il faut oublier Rollkur et LDR, identiques, et parler d’hyper flexion plus facile à définir. Interdire le Rollkur et autoriser le LDR n’a donc pas de sens : c’est un peu comme interdire de manger du porc et autoriser à manger du cochon ! Et les conclusions de la réunion du 9 Février ne seront vraiment convaincantes que si la FEI produit différentes photos montrant, d’une part, la différence qui existerait entre Roll Kur et LDR, d’autre part montrant des chevaux dans l’attitude LDR autorisée. Sinon l’ambiguïté demeurera.!/notes/horses-for-life-publications/colonel-carde-response-tothe-fei/298064121133

Response: 10th February 2010

‘Low, Deep and Round’ or a blow, deep and unkind? Dr Robert Cook FRCVS, PhD ( Once again, the FEI has rejected the evidence and another opportunity for reform has been lost. Over bending may be acceptable to the FEI but it is not acceptable to the horse. The FEI is just dodging the issue by changing the name of the shame. ‘Low, Deep and Round’ is simply a synonym for ‘Rollkur,’ hyperflexion and over bending. ‘Rollkur’ by any other name smells just as rotten. A semantic sleight of hand will not stop this regrettable practice. Yet there is a way to establish a humane requirement for the degree of poll flexion to be permitted. Such a guideline already exists in the FEI rule book and it is one easily monitored by stewards in the warm-up ring. The rule book requires a horse to be ‘on the bit.’ Part of the FEI’s own definition of this phrase reads: “ ... the head should remain in a steady position, as a rule slightly in front of the vertical ... “ So I agree that, in this respect at least, there is no need to change the rule book. All that the FEI has to do is to abide by it. ‘Low, deep and round’ transgresses the rule book. It also transgresses the injunction that a horse be “calm, supple, loose, and flexible ...” and “must not be subjected to any training methods which are abusive or cause fear.” The FEI’s assertion that the practice of ‘low deep and round’ achieves flexion without undue force’ is refutable. Apart from the FEI’s unfortunate endorsement of the concept that force of any sort is an acceptable part of training, how would they define ‘undue’ or ‘aggressive’? Such words merely provide loopholes through which any lawyer could drive a double-decker bus. Furthermore, it is noted that in commending ‘low, deep and round’ (LDR) they are quietly substituting the word ‘flexion’ for ‘hyperflexion.’ Yet LDR involves hyperflexion and this is not a physiological position for a horse’s head to be in during forward motion. Even at the walk, no horse at liberty would choose to place its head in such a position. The statement, “ ... the main responsibility for the welfare of the horse rests with the rider” is an Horses For LIFE

abrogation of the FEI’s responsibility. Are they washing their hands of any requirement on their part to promote equine welfare? If so, they renounce the primary justification for their very existence. The question should have been determined on the basis of the scientific evidence, not by consensus. By all means let’s have a debate, preferably an open debate. And after the debate, let the decision be based on the evidence of equine anatomy and physiology. Scientific truths are not determined by majority vote. If we do not protest the FEI’s current non-compliance with nine of the ten items in their own code of conduct, we must all bow our heads in shame that human beings have once again failed to show humanity. [i] Robert Cook, FRCVS, PhD Professor of Surgery Emeritus, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine February 10th, 2010 Reference Cook, W.R. (2007): “Why is Rollkur Wrong?” Available online at ________________________________________ Robert Cook FRCVS, PhD Professor of Surgery Emeritus Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Chairman and CEO, BitlessBridle Inc. Present address: 206,Birch Run Road Chestertown, MD 21620 USA Telephone & Fax: (443) 282 0472 Email:!/notes/horses-for-lifepublications/low-deep-and-round-or-a-blow-deep-and-unkind-dr-robert-cook-frcvs-phd/301929516133 Just as important as these contributions were, just as important are the many contributions and comments of so many equestrians. Please feel free to comment, share your ideas and thoughts using any of the links above. From the office of Horses For LIFE Publications, thank you for allowing us to see and hear your thoughts through all of this. It has been a privilege. 64

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The Great European Schools of CLASSICAL DRESSAGE by Alain Laurioux and Guillaume Henry Reprinted with kind permisson from CADMOS and Trafalgar Square 66


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