Why Women Love Horses Survey

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Why Women Love Horses http://horsesforlife.com

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Contents cont’d pg 38

pg 60


This month we celebrate training the horse so that we retain soundness in all disciplines. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/145/ help-save-the-foals-of-nurse-mares Sign and share the petition at: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ justsayyesto401/ On behalf of all of us at Horses For LIFE may the gift of the horses be with you always.

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Horses For LIFE

Why Women Love Horses Survey by Trot on TV

Women love horses ... It is currently estimated that around 85% of all horse riders are women and that figure is fairly consistent across the world. So, Trot on TV (www. trotontv.com) the leading social networking site for horse enthusiasts wanted to try and discover a bit more about why women love horses so much. Our comprehensive online survey took each participant about 20 minutes to complete and well over a 1,500 of our members took part from around the globe. Coupled with more in depth questions the answers we received must provide one of the most revelatory pieces of research to date on this most intriguing relationship.


Why Women L

Love Horses Survey

Horses For LIFE


Sorry guys, the truth is out. When it comes to choosing between spending time with her horse or her man, most women would choose their horse! And even family and close friends find themselves as gooseberries to this valued relationship! And when women finally do get hitched their horse is often centre stage at the wedding!


It seems that most women get hooked on horses when they are very young. It’s their first proper love affair and even if the rest of life: University, boyfriends, work and family, gets in the way for a while, this deepest of desires is always grazing somewhere in the landscape of their hearts often to be re-kindled later on. So when we asked women what it is about horses that they love so much, their beauty was high on the list. But that alluring mix of physical power and grace is eclipsed by something much deeper. It is in fact the horses ‘intuitive understanding’ that makes women fall in love with them.

“It is horses ‘intuitive understanding’ that makes women fall in love with them.”

Horses For LIFE

When it comes to happiness most women prize relationships far above money. Which is just as well because horses feed one and eat the other! But the second thing that would make women happier is to achieve more and it is often through the horse that they feel able to do that. So what is at the heart of this addiction? Simply, friendship Some people suggest that the reason women love horses so much is because they are like children and need us to look after them. And in fact when we asked our members how they would like others to see them the most popular response was ‘as caring and nurturing”. Following that they want to appear ‘intelligent’, leaving “attractive” way down the list of priorities! But there is definitely more to the relationship than just needing to be needed. What we put in we get back, and more. Horses allow women to express themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. There is also something in them that we admire. This relationship is so important to us that we strive to learn the horse’s language so that we can communicate with him in the hope that he chooses to become our partner. Most women don’t want to dominate and subdue horses, but use words such as ‘oneness, honesty, kindness, trust and mutual respect.’ And if the horse has taught us anything, according to our survey it is the value of Patience and Freedom. This is where our power lies, not in physical strength but in empathy and sensitivity. So, how do most women feel when we are riding? The answer- connected and fulfilled. Sitting astride a horse not only tests our skill and nerve but seems 10

to provide women with a way to relate physically and spiritually that they don’t find elsewhere. It is the missing link maybe, to our deeper selves and the earth. Finally, it would seem that being with a horse allows us to escape from the stresses and strains of everyday life. They can be our therapy and our saviours.

Horses For LIFE


Sorry guys, the truth is out. When it comes to choosing between spending time with her horse or her man, most women would choose their horse! And even family and close friends find themselves as gooseberries to this valued relationship!

or “Yes of course my horse comes first. After all my husband can make his own tea and breakfast whereas Paddy totally relies on me�- patricia allworthy


Horses For LIFE


“If I enter a relationship one thing I state is, I love horses…. never ask me to give up my horses, as there’s the door, you were last in you will be first out. I enjoy supporting people in their interests and will but I expect the same in return. Maybe that’s why I’m still single...lol I don’t care I’m happy doing my own thing anyway.” Bossey 101 “I love horses...more than boys” Shai7331 “Lets just say “he’s my main squeeze” :)” horsetails “Whilst many of my friends were spending time with boyfriends etc I was always at the stables. Looking back I am so glad I concentrated on him because he gave me everything he was a friend, companion & so much more”. Erica “My boyfriend says it goes: Pepper, then chocolate, then him. Hehe :)” hollie_jane


And when women finally do get hitched their horse is often centre stage at the wedding! “My (brand new) husband and I came out of the church to find our horses waiting for us - we mounted up (my bridesmaid gave me a leg-up!) and rode to our nearby paddock where we jumped our horses side-by-side over a small jump - our equivalent of an old wedding tradition known as Jumping The Broomstick. It made a very special day even more special!” GillyBounce “I would absolutely have my horse at my wedding!!! She means sooo much to me and has been there when I’ve had ups and downs soooo absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Shai7331 “When I was younger I planned a huge wedding where I would marry my Mums horse” Magical_Mayhem “Marriage is a special thing and should be shared with your friends and YES ‘friends’ does include that of the equine species!!! I would definitely get my photo taken with my horse on my wedding day! Not only would I have the photo taken but I would also ride him to and from the ceremony and have the after party held in his paddock so he wouldn’t miss out on anything!” RaeBerrie

Horses For LIFE

It seems that most women get hooked on horses when they are very young. It’s their first proper love affair and even if the rest of life: University, boyfriends, work and family, get’s in the way for a while, this deepest of desires is always grazing somewhere in the landscape of their hearts often to be re-kindled later on. “I spent the first 19 years of my life thinking, breathing, sleeping, dreaming, drawing horses and finally got my horse; the 37 years that has elapsed since then has been filled with countless numbers and they still fill my waking and sleeping thoughts.” Doris “For me it started in my childhood. I always felt at ease with horses. They are beautiful, elegant and intelligent creatures. I always wanted to ride horses and a month ago I took my first lessons and I am hooked forever. I am counting the days until I can ride again.” Debby “My mother had never ridden but found the 2s 6d (half a crown, now 12.5p!) for my first real rides at the age of 9. I was totally hooked and found a pony to exercise at 14. Mum, of course, took me back and forth. At 18 a new stables opened about 4 miles from town, and I worked every college holiday, 8 till 8 some days, for next to nothing. My mum, then 40, asked if she could have a ride round the paddock, as it was something 16

she’d always wanted to do as a child. From then on she rode nearly every week for the next 15 or so years! My daughter has been riding since she was 18 months, and one of her most loyal supporters at her various shows (age 4 onwards!) was my mum.” Angelalain “I have 4 horses and 2 kids and I have to admit its great having both as my girls come out riding with me as well as my mum on her horse so its three generations in one group!!!!! I did have my horses first though and the kids were just a bonus! “ Tabi “I started riding at 10 and helped out every spare moment, have worked in various yards since leaving school and eventually, two years after having my daughter, decided I should have a horse of my own.” Fernley “I continued riding until I was about 13 then we could no longer afford to go. I recently re-started at the age of 36 years old and am loving it! Keep your dream going no matter what x” appy Karen

Horses For LIFE

So when we asked women what it is about horses that they love so much, their beauty was high on the list. But that alluring mix of physical power and grace is eclipsed by something much deeper. It is in fact the horses ‘intuitive understanding’ that makes women fall in love with them. “Horses are intuitive and intensely sensitive. So are women - and we love to ride and simply be with creatures who can be so tuned into you that they know what you are thinking and feeling, but don’t particularly care why.” Caroline “I love horses because they are like my physiotherapist and councilor in one! They are such a sensitive animal and in a way try to understand you, they bond with you and love you and do their best to please you. I just love them for them :) Polly is the most understanding pony I have ever met, and she really looks after me”. zoelovesanimals “I love my horse because she understands me better than anyone.” Lassie “They are just awesome. They talk to you from the inside out and they really do listen and do what they are told :) that’s why I love them ::) ::) x” jumpergirl101 “I also enjoy those magical moments where you can feel a deep connection and you know you have been understood and appreciated as a companion” Em28 18

Horses For LIFE

When it comes to happiness in general most women prize relationships far above money. Which is just as well because horses feed one and eat the other! But the second thing that would make women happier is to achieve more and it is often through the horse that they feel able to do so.

So what is at the heart of this addiction?

Simply friendship.

“ Horses are not judgemental and they love you unconditionally! They keep all your secrets and never tell a soul, they let you cry on their shoulder from dawn till dusk and don’t complain about being kept up all night. They have eyes that are deeper than the deepest depths of the earth, they trust you to be their partner, their friend, their whole world but don’t ask for anything in return.” RaeBerrie.


“I love horses because... 1, they understand. 2, they make amazing, lifelong, trustworthy and reliable friends. 3, riding is SO much fun!! and 4, they’re SO much easier to deal with than men. Lets be honest; A horse doesn’t leave the toilet seat up, make the house a mess, whine about man-flu or anything else :)” Caznmollie

“No matter how many worries we have, no matter how hung over, or sick we are you forget it when you are riding, even if it is just for an hour. Horses are our friends, our sport. They come first, last and everything!” leftat11 “They are beautiful, intelligent, noble creatures. You can tell them anything and everything and they won’t judge you, they are dependable, and even if you do something wrong, they are still happy to see you”. skippersgirl “They give unconditional love, but it is also their presence, spirit and beautiful appearance that is so attractive.” Hayley

Horses For LIFE

Some people suggest that the reason women love horses so much is because they are like children and need us to look after them. And in fact when we asked our members how they would like others to see them the most popular response was ‘as caring and nurturing”. However we also had quite a few quotes from women saying that they would rather have a horse than a child! Following that they want to appear ‘intelligent’, leaving “attractive” way down the list of priorities. But there is definitely more to the relationship than just needing to be needed. What we put in we get back, and more. Horses allow women to express themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. There is also something in them that we admire. “I think it’s because women are the caring sex and enjoy being involved with the upbringing, both physically and mentally of the horse, as horses are not unlike children. On one level, horses allow us to get out and about, see the countryside, make new friends with a common interest. And on the next level is the competition, adrenalin and excitement side. So horses fill most of women’s needs. As I have been round horses for many years the thing that strikes me with women/horses is that most women have compassion for horses...it’s a rare woman who chooses to be around horses if she has no true respect and love for these amazing creatures. “ Sheila “My horses come first because they are totally dependent on me for everything. My daughters understand that, they have horses too. If you had to wait for someone to show up, to care for you, feed you, make sure you had clean, fresh water, and that someone was going to make you do things you might or 22

photo credit cathy burrell

might not want to do, you’d want to know that they care about your needs, and comforts, and wouldn’t forget or neglect you, and would understand your fears, and help you learn what you need to learn to work for them, instead of getting mad because you don’t get it. It’s not hard to put ourselves in their shoes, and see things from their perspective.” sunhawk “I had both and juggled my time. But even though I love my children dearly I WOULD CHOOSE A HORSE EVERYTIME!!!!” karenwild “Max trusts me to care for him and be there when he needs me and he returns this favour by always being there for me. Max is my shoulder to cry on and the vessel on which I can find freedom, excitement and joy! Max helps me to put the rest of my life into perspective..and for this I thank him” Kilotango “Kids – na never ever even in the possible maybe file....... they are too tricky - and speak back...eek... Horse language is much simpler...lol I reckon it would be really interesting to do a poll of how many single no kid horsey gals there are out there.” Cavallogirl

Horses For LIFE

This relationship is so important to us that we strive to learn the horse’s language so that we can communicate with him in the hope that he chooses to become our partner. Most women don’t want to dominate and subdue horses, but use words such as ‘oneness, honesty, kindness, trust and mutual respect.’

“My funky really touched my life, emotionally and I have never loved something as I much as him.” MyFunkyHorse “I love them because they’re such a simple animal, with no desires to be ruler of the world and no ego. There’s simplicity in everything they do and the bond with any horse that I see even the first time, is always strong and magnetic like. When treated well they are your best friend but they’ll let you know if you’ve done something wrong, like a true friendship.” bazz94 And if the horse has taught us anything, according to our survey it is the value of Patience and Freedom. This is where our power lies, not in physical strength but in empathy and sensitivity.


“Horses provide an emotional support/acceptance. Women seem to need that. Horses help women feel perhaps a sense of power & achievement when they work with their horses. Men seem to ride more purposefully, ie to bring in the cattle, do a salt run, compete etc. I think that women really enjoy having a close relationship with a large animal more than men do” BobbyJoe “Horses are girls’ Porsches!! Seriously, empathy is important for females, & riding has a lot of opportunities for that.” NMH “Females are generally more in touch with their emotions and have better social skills (or at least they develop these skills earlier than males), maybe this means they are able to form deeper attachments to horses”. Em28

“Why do we love the horse? Personally I think it has a lot to do with beauty combined with power & gentleness. An intelligence which can be frustrating at times if you don’t take time to stop & watch & listen to what they are saying to you. When people say to me that they don’t like horses & are frightened of them I say they are very sensible as they can be quite dangerous to the inexperienced & it is sometimes that hint of danger which can be intoxicating; the feel of speed, the thunder of the ground beneath you as you pelt up that hill to the woods, arriving there in a flurry of mud & leaves, your mount snorting, caught up in the moment with you. Then just as quickly he can calm down & walk quietly on ears pricked enjoying the view trusting that you know where you are going & that you will take him back to his friends & home. Why do we love the horse? Personally I think it has a lot to do with beauty.” gallante

Horses For LIFE


So, how do most women feel when they are riding? The answer- connected and fulfilled. Sitting astride a horse not only tests our skill and nerve but seems to provide women with a way to relate physically and spiritually that they don’t find elsewhere. It is the missing link maybe, to our deeper selves and the earth. “The way I feel around horses makes me love them so much, the partnership, the constant progress and the amazing feeling galloping across the beach or a wide open field. It’s simply breath taking.” sophieandcallum “I just love that moment when you take off for a jump and you know its right, its perfect, and it feels like you never have to land again... Or in the paddock when my horses and


I race up to the gate on foot, they always beat me but I love watching them race up beside me, kicking up their heels.” kibby “How much fun it is to gallop to a big fence, gallop down a steep hill, jump huge ditches - such a thrill to feel the power & strength of a horse working hard underneath you!” Mouse “I have had days riding my horse on Exmoor which have been bliss. He listens and responds, our adrenalin is up but we trust each other and I experience the nature of him, his power and balance, in the most beautiful countryside .On those days he gives me wings.” Flicka “My world revolves around my pony! He has given me a lot of confidence whilst in the saddle and out of it. They constantly show their love and put their trust in us. Horses we are forever grateful.” Zoe and Paddy

Horses For LIFE


Finally, it would seem that being with a horse allows us to escape from the stresses and strains of everyday life. They can be our therapy and our saviours. “I have what is sometimes a stressful job but when my formal work is done and I go to spend time with my boy, I relax quickly, I feel less tired and my mood lifts. He makes the sun shine in my life. He makes my heart skip a beat whenever I first see him and get a very quiet snikker, that I know is meant just for me.” plodalong “My Quarter horse cross Billy (4years old) saved my life many times... even if it meant him getting hurt in the process” love_life_ride “It’s amazing what Blade has done for me! My home life used to be very bad, and I suffer from clinical depression, I’d tried to kill myself quite a few times, and was on the verge of finishing the job when my friend let me ride her new horse, a small little French trotter x thoroughbred gelding called Blade, he was 3 and a half years old ( I got told he was 4 and a half) and then, I re-broke for them as he had become a total nutter, took him on loan, and now, I’ve bought him, and I have never been happier. Since I got Blade, everything’s gone ok, we’ve won both the shows we’ve entered so far and we’ve got lots more planned. Though it’s only been a year and 5 months, that horse has changed my life, and saved my life, he’s given me a fresh start and a new perspective on life. I love you Blades Of Glory, you are my whole world” Wulfie


“I had post natal depression with both my kids more with my second. All my horses have been the ones to get me out of bed and not to kill myself because no one knows how to feed them right or give them the right amount of hay and the right amount of brushing and know all the tickly spots. Yep they do frustrate me now and again but just cuddling and smelling them makes me feel better than any other tablet in the world!” vesophie “The horse is sheer power and such a noble animal. They help you when you’re down and wish the ground would open, they listen and never talk back. I love them with every inch of my being, just to be close and to smell a horse is better than any drug legal or illegal that will ever be made!” fi919 Share your thoughts at http://www.trotontv.com/


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What have you learnt from your horse?

Love Kindness


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Horses For LIFE


Why do women love horses? Well it all adds up to a heady mix of beauty, friendship, physical sensations and mental challenges, a communing with nature, and having a deep connection with another living being. But also it seems that the horse embodies all the attributes we want to find in people but are often sadly missing. Of course, this isn’t the whole story-the debate goes on. What’s your view? Contribute on the why women love horses group on Trot on TV? http://www.trotontv.com/community/grouphome/215/why-women-love-horses

Horses For LIFE


Horses For LIFE



Horses For LIFE

The Great European Schools of CLASSICAL DRESSAGE by Alain Laurioux and Guillaume Henry Reprinted with kind permisson from CADMOS http://www.cadmos.co.uk/ and Trafalgar Square http://www.horseandriderbooks.com/ 36


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