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Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative
Status Quo of Pilot Cities – Mexico
Equidad de Género, Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia, AC (Equidad) Gender Equity, Citizenship, Work and Family, A.C.) is a Mexican civil society organization dedicated to promoting equality between women andmen. Its guiding principles are equality, fairness and non-discrimination. This has allowed it to become a reference in the mainstreaming of the gender perspective in public programs and budgets, and to include the perspective of gender and sexual health and reproductive rights in the analysis of sustainable development, and climate change, always within the framework of human rights and equality between women and men. Equidad works considering sustainability as an alternative paradigm that integrates intergenerational solidarity and the economic, social and environmental dimensions in a balanced way. The goal is to transform the current development model by addressing the structural causes that generate and reproduce inequalities, limit the full exercise of human rights and degrade the environment.
In the international arena, Equidad is part of various networks and groups. It stands out for its role as a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and its role as one of the eight Organizing Partners (OPs) of the Women's Major Group, actively participating in the 2030 Agenda. It also coordinates the Women's Working Group on Financing for Development, and as a member of the Women and Gender Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (WGC-UNFCCC), promotes coherence between the three decision-making negotiating platforms for the Agenda
With respect to the latter, Equidad has been participating since 2013 in the Conference of Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC, accompanying the negotiation process and promoting a coherent and inclusive framework encouraging environmental sustainability while recognizing the human rights framework, gender equality and the strengthening of the State, as well as transparency and accountability.
Equidad has been part of advocacy teams in formal negotiations to propose content in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and its Decision, as well as in its secondary instruments. Thanks to this expertise, the organization was invited to join the Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative project, as part of which it proposed its implementation in two cities in Mexico.
The Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative project is financially supported by the International Climate Initiative (IKI, for its German acronym) and managed by GenderCC - Women for Climate