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Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative

Status Quo of Pilot Cities – Mexico
Mexico City (CDMX) 4 is the national capital and, as such, its territory is home to both national and local government institutions. Considered an island of rights and social programs, it is also the geographical space in the national sphere where 20 years of leftist governments have converged, so that local programs, policies and budgets show an important development in terms of gender mainstreaming and adaptation and mitigation to the impacts of climate change; this is the case, for example, of urban mobility policies.
For this reason, the local mechanism for the advancement of women, the Mexico City Ministry for Women (SeMujeres), in addition to addressing violence against women of all ages, also participates in the promotion of sexual and reproductive rights, intervenes in gender equality policies and carries out public budgeting exercises with a gender perspective. These conditions represent opportunities to deepen the proposed gender assessment.
3.1. General information
Geographically, CDMX is in the southern part of the Valley of Mexico, in the central region of the country, adjacent to the states of Morelos and Estado de México. Regarding the physical characteristics of the territory, it is estimated that 68.3% of its soil is an area without vegetation or bodies of water; the average annual temperature is 16°C 5 and the average annual rainfall is 600 millimeters (INEGI, 2017). It is located at an average altitude of 2,500 meters above sea level, which, together with the orographic relief and the intense solar radiation in the area, makes it difficult to disperse the pollutants and promotes the formation of others, such as ozone (O3) (SEDEMA, 2018). This has had serious implications for public health at the local and conurbation levels, because it causes environmental contingencies in which air quality falls to the worst levels, preventing the realization of outdoor activities generating respiratory problems, particularly among children and the elderly.
4 In 2016, the General Agreement of the Board of Government and Administration of the Federal Court of Fiscal and Administrative Justice was published in the Official Journal of the Federation, in which the Federal District was renamed Mexico City and raised to the status of a federal entity. This allows it to enjoy autonomy in all matters relating to its internal regime and political and administrative organization. This agreement establishes that all references to the Federal District in the Constitution and other legal systems must be understood as referring to Mexico City. (Diario Oficial de la Federación, 2016)
5 Celsius degrees.