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Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative

Status Quo of Pilot Cities – Mexico engaged in these activities total 426,330, and of these, 93 of every 100 are micro enterprises (INEGI, 2017; INEGI, 2019).
To carry out these activities, labor is required, so CDMX is also one of the spaces places with the highest percentage of economically active and occupied population; that is, with a job. The population carrying out economic activities7 represents 56% of working age population; 43.7% are women and 70% men. In contrast, the population that does not carry out economic activities8 represents 43.7%; of this group, 56% are women and 28% men.
The most important sectors in CDMX for their contribution to employment are services and trade. The first sector employs 61% of the people in the city; by sex, it employs 67% of the women and 57% of the men. Commerce employs 20% of people: 21% of women and 20% of men. The economic activities with the greatest participation of women are health and social assistance services (68.1%) and educational services (60.7%).
It is important to highlight a particularity of the occupation in the city, since there is a large proportion of the population in critical conditions of occupation, that is, in informality (29.34%), or in unemployment (5.3%), underemployment (7%) or without access to legal benefits (30%) (INEGI, 2019).
According to available information, less than 30% of women are employed in the informal sector, with a significant presence in commerce and in restaurant and accommodation services (INEGI, 2015). In particular, the proportion of women aged 15 and over who are salaried is 47.4% of the total number of women employed in the informal sector (1.77 USD).
In this respect, another important data to recover is the CDMX income level. According to the latest official figures, the average monthly income is 10,144 pesos (514 USD), but when broken down by sex, the average monthly income of women is 3,451 pesos (175 USD) lower than that of men.9
As for time use, 87.23% of women in the CDMX do unpaid work in the home, compared to 65.49% of men. On average, women spend 41.56 hours per week doing this work, while men spend only 18.32 hours. Activities related to household work occupy an average of 23.47 hours per week for
7 Economically Active Population, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography.
8 Non-Economically Active Population, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography.
9 The average monthly income for women is 8,343 pesos (423 USD), and for men 11,794 pesos (598 USD) (INEGI, 2018).