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Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative

Status Quo of Pilot Cities – Mexico women and 10.56 hours for men, and those related to the care of children under 14 years of age average occupy 46.99 hours for women and 23.98 hours for men10 (INEGI, 2015).
In Mexico, the official measurement of poverty is based on a multidimensional methodology that takes into account the level of income in households and the deficiencies they experience, such as: educational gap, access to health services, social security, food and housing (quality, spaces and services).
Thus, according to the latest data reported, 30.6% of the inhabitants of Mexico City live in poverty, and of these, 1.7% in extreme poverty and 28.8% inmoderate poverty, variants determined by social deprivation and income level. That is, these people live in poverty because they have an income below the welfare line (38.3%), because they have at least one social deficiency (59%) or because of the conjunction of both factors (CONEVAL, 2018). 11
The demographic transition has generated changes in the dynamics of relationships within households. It is important to note that of the 2.6 million households registered in the CDMX, 36% are female headed (INEGI, 2017). In addition, although there is no sex-disaggregated data at state or municipal level, it is estimated that in the country nearly 30% of female-headed households live in poverty (CONEVAL, 2016).
The local authorities in Mexico City adopted a different methodology, considering that the data provided at the federal level do not correspond to what happens in the city. For this reason, they adjusted the measurements of income and social deprivation, so that the data showed that the population in moderate poverty was 33.2% and those living in extreme poverty was 17.9%. In other words, in Mexico City half of the population (51.1%) lives with a daily income of less than 8 dollars and has unsatisfied basic needs in the dimensions of housing, health, social security, education, availability of durable goods, health adequacy, type of energy used in the home and access to telephony. In addition, consideration was given to the fact that some households are overworked in order to obtain more income, which is called time poverty, and which affects 47.6% of the
10 Data based on National Institute of Statistics and Geography, 2017
11 According to the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval), a person is in a situation of moderate poverty when he or she has at least one social deficiency (in the indicators of educational gap, access to health services, access to social security, housing quality and spaces, basic services in housing and access to food) and if his or her income is insufficient to acquire the goods and services required to satisfy his or her food and non-food needs.If it has three or more social deficiencies and its total income is less than the cost of the food basket, it is in a situation of extreme poverty (National Council for the Evaluation of Social Policy, 2015).