Knowledge and Networks: Building a World Towards Feminist Justice

Amplifying Voices, Driving Change: Advocating for Sexual
and Reproductive Rights
At Equidad we believe that all people have the right to make decisions about their own bodies, sexuality and reproductive futures. In 2023, we fostered dialogue, capacity building and collective action. We achieved important milestones in creating a more favorable environment for sexual and reproductive rights in Mexico.
Through a variety of strategies, we had an impact on more than 30,000 girls, boys, adolescents, women and men.

Abortion Awareness:
We broke the silence and destigmatized the experiences of women and people capable of becoming pregnant who have had abortions. On the “FOCOS” platform, we amplified these voices, generated critical conversations, and reached 6917 bulbs.
Active Listening:
To advise on policies and programs that respond to what women want and deserve, we asked more than 80,000 women in Mexico about their top demands for employment, health and well-being. This was part of What Women Want, a global campaign to improve women’s and girls’ health and strengthen health systems in India, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania and Uganda.
Strengthening Autonomy:
With the support of FOS FEMINISTA, we promoted the physical autonomy and sexual and reproductive rights of girls, adolescents and women in 7 municipalities in 6 states with high vulnerability and low access to sexual and reproductive health services, impacting 21,602 people.
Dialogues and Institutional Actions:
Through the project with Hispanic in Philanthropy, we continued the work of the Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (ddeser), in addition to actively promoting the social and legal decriminalization of abortion, as well as preventing teen pregnancy and eradicating sexual violence in 12 Mexican states.
Analysis & Evaluation:
For the National Population Council (Conapo), we carried out an analysis of the main actions in the field of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Mexico City, Chiapas, Coahuila, Guerrero and Oaxaca. The aim was to identify the progress made and the areas in which there are opportunities. In addition, we were responsible for designing the methodology and work plan for the compilation of a state-by-state compendium of good practices. This compendium focuses on the implementation and strengthening of comprehensive sexuality education in these five states.
Education and Awareness:
Through 482 workshops and 174 health fairs, we have had an impact on children’s and adolescents’ knowledge of their bodies and rights. In addition, through projects such as FOBAM Guerrero and FOBAM Chiapas, we have raised awareness about reproductive health in out-of-school communities in both states, as well as training for the general population and public officials, reaching more than 1,600 people.
In the year 2023, we accompanied a total of 490 cases of abortion and provided comprehensive guidance to ensure that the cases were properly handled by the relevant institutions.

Broadening the reach of feminist messages