Knowledge and Networks: Building a World Towards Feminist Justice

Building a Violence-Free Future for Women and Girls
In our relentless fight to eliminate violence against women and girls, we made significant progress in 2023 in improving the well-being and recovery of survivors of violence, particularly girls, young adolescents and women. We targeted teachers, public officials, mothers, fathers and caregivers with comprehensive strategies that included awareness campaigns, training and information sessions.

With the support of partners such as United Way Mexico and the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women and Girls, we have identified more than 1,300 survivors of violence and provided them with legal, social, psychological, and health services. These services have contributed to their comprehensive reparation.
Collaboration Agreements:
To strengthen inter-institutional cooperation, we established important agreements with the Ministry of Public Education, the National System for the Protection of Children and Adolescents and the Human Rights Commission.
Knowledge and Education:
We’ve reached more than 10,000 children and adolescents through training and outreach. We’ve also conducted educational activities for mothers, fathers, caregivers and the community at large.
Community Networking:
We work with different institutions and community members to create community networks for the prevention and protection against gender-based violence.
Positive Transformation:
Thanks to the support of the Trust Fund for the Elimination of Violence against Girls and Adolescents, we have registered a positive change in the perspectives and attitudes of children and adolescents, especially in rural areas with a high indigenous population.
Institutional Strengthening:
We trained 388 local, state, and national government institutions and 650 service providers. We strengthened their capacity to prevent and respond to gender-based violence.

Broadening the reach of feminist messages