satisfaction guaranteed
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Account management Account management 60 second survey scores
● Our Relationship Managers (RMs) listen, understand and present options for services that are tailored to a client's needs
5 4.5
● RMs act as the client voice within Equiniti to ensure that client needs are met
4 3.5 3
● RMs carry out annual planning sessions with clients to understand their objectives and plan accordingly
2.5 2 1.5
● Our RM team has over 250 years of account management experience
1 0.5 March 11
January 11
November 10
September 10
July 10
May 10
March 10
● Quality is checked via our own benchmarking survey and training and development is planned
January 10
November 09
The service provided by your relationship manager
Our longest client relationship has lasted for over 50 years
satisfaction guaranteed
page 2/7 Equiniti transaction service standards
● Introduction of customer champion role
Q2 2011
Q1 2011
Q4 2010
Q3 2010
Q2 2010
Q1 2010
● Focus on customer experience and the customer journey
Q4 2009
● 95% service level exceeded over the past two years
Q3 2009
Service to Shareholders
Quarterly average service Service standard Quarterly Average volumes processed
● Consistent quality of service ● End to end process management ● Use of enhanced complaint trend analysis to improve processes ● Improvement initiatives are effectively embedded into daily working practices across all products to improve customer experience
Equiniti justified complaints as % transaction volumes 0.070% 0.060% 0.050%
● As a member of the plain English society, all correspondence is written to adhere to its principles
0.040% 0.030% 0.020% 0.010%
Q2 2011
Q1 2011
Q4 2010
Q3 2010
Q2 2010
Q1 2010
0.000% Q4 2009
Q3 2009
Customer complaints have reduced year on year and now represent only 0.03% of transaction volumes
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Contact Centre Equiniti Contact Centre Service Standards
● Independent benchmarking
500 call quality observations, 120 hours of spot checks and 25 hours of mystery shopping
Q2 2011
Q1 2011
Q4 2010
Q3 2009
3500 hours in Q1 covering upskilling, corporate induction and regulation
Q3 2010
● New training programme
Q2 2010
● 95% SLA achieved consistently, with 80% calls answered within 20 seconds
Q1 2010
● £100,000 software upgrade
Q4 2009
● Equiniti received the CCA Global Standard Award for Service Excellence
Quarterly total calls answered Service standard Average monthly volumes of calls received
of shareholders calling the contact centre rate us as good or very good
satisfaction guaranteed
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service to company ● Investment in our technology infrastructure and operations to ensure accuracy and transparency ● Transparent fee structure ● Upgraded Selector system based on customer feedback
Now faster and more user friendly
● Introduction of Benson Online
Our Investor Analytics tool allows registration clients to have web access via Selector to constant share register analysis
● ESP Portal
One simple platform for increased colleague loyalty and engagement
Access industry news, media releases and product information
● Improved correspondence
Made 893 changes with 169 letters amended
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Dividend service ● Restructured team to focus on clients and planning. All clients issued with a contactable client manager ● 28 million dividend payments issued to shareholders each year ● The Contact Centre can now release payments over the telephone ● Payments returned by BACS are now automatically reviewed and reissued ● Education, Ezine article and planning meetings with clients to improve the process ● Increased shareholder communication to encourage shareholders to sign up for BACS
of dividends have been paid by us in Q1
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Meeting management ● Pre-season briefing and planning meeting including client discussion forum and Ezine articles ● Information on proxy solicitation projects at daily and then two hourly intervals ● Rigorous and involved proofing process ● Increase in clients offering CREST and Electronic Proxy Appointment (EPA), giving more flexibility for shareholders ● Clearer communication including web default letters ● Encouraged clients to reconsult regarding shareholder communication preferences which resulted in reduced numbers of hard copy requests ● Delivered timely and accurate management information ● Real time proxy voting ● Question bank introduced
meetings planned and carried out on behalf of our clients this year so far
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Overall satisfaction ● Service levels have consistently exceeded 95% in the Contact Centre and shareholder service for the past two years ● Sponsorship of Chartered Secretary roundtable
Driving the agenda for hot topics in the industry
● Equiniti magazine
Thought leadership from Equiniti
● Webcasts
Equiniti experts share insight on issues that matter to you
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● Involved in key market issues on behalf of our clients
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● Regular discussion forums and working groups ● Looking to solutions for a world without cheques ● Shareholder demographics studies
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● Improvements on analytic abilities
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For more information: If you have any questions about any aspect of our service, or would like to find out more about the changes we have implemented, please feel free to contact your relationship manager, or John Parker at
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