,11 t4 * ft"\ t \
DISCOVERY Education is a process made up of discrete events, each one adding a moment that opens the mind, challenges the intellect, and stimulates the senses.
Teachers working with students to bring out the best in each through great literature, interaction, dramatization, memorization, hard work, and maybe even a little longsutlering.
JOY A love of learning causâ‚Źs each student and stafl member to recall the lact that God places Christians on Earth with the opportunity to do His work in many diflerent ways, utilizing many ditlerent skills, impacting many dilferent people.
e\r '
"I can do all things fu,ough Christ who stmgtbens me.' Students placcd this vcrffi hto action in mmy differcnt sphms this ym o cfiallcngc both acrdcmic md per$onal werc confrorted aod ovmome.
Sntdents found many way$ to bless other peoplc
duriag the year. These oppomnities included missimaies, childrcn battling mer, hmt churches, md even odEr studmts,
"The heavens declare the Glory of God and and the firmament
shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters
speech and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the
The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
The statutes ol the Lord are right reioicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes. t
discovering the threads that connect us
our I
to the 20 I 3-20 I 4 yearb@k of Equip Education. We're glad you're here.
st. andrews presbyterian
trinity lutheran
calvary chapel plantation
44 54
Mr. CURTIS Very lew individuals are capable ol striking a pose as effectively as Mr. Curtis. When not photo-bombing otherwise wonderlul images, he is a laithlul and dedicated science and literature teacher. But whatever happens, don't ask him about the man in the cave - you might never hear the end ol it.
I A rHAr DoES rr MEAN ro VV
BE CALLED? once upon a time, a person's work was known as their 'vocation'. The word comes from the Latin 'vocare', meaning "to call". The idea is that God calls individuals to certain lines of work to fulfill His purpose in their lives and work out His plans in the world. The instructors of Equip Education have responded to a call. We believe that God has us here for a purpose and we know that the work we do resonates in etemity. Therefore, we take it seriously, We are determined to impact students in a positive and lasting way that will be pleasing to God.
Mrs. OR and Mr. TANNEB Mrs. Taylor keeps her ls on they're toes make sure their are not any rar, spelling or usage, errors. We hope she reed this little blurb or we are in BlG, I say BlG, Mr. Tanner, on the other hand, teaches may have written this himself.
We sense a weight of responsibility on our shoulders. Determination bears it a determination to do everything in our power to encourage these young people on to good works and sound thought and the love of Christ that alone can change the world.
McChesney is by far the best
:ducation. Thal is lrue mostly is writing this and will loDinq that Mr. Curtis ;, causing him to pag6s of the yeâ‚Ź
n, Mr. McChesnr
Mrs. SHIELDS lf there is someone who brings more joy, energy, and passion to teaching, we're not sure who it is. This lady makes class interesting. Plus she bakes us cookies like a BOSS.
Mrs. FOUNTAIN Can you say, 'The love ol Jesus'? Mrs. Fountain can and not only that, she can show it too. This is her last year at Equip and we're all bummed out in a big way. Can you say, 'Please stay!ll!'
,,Ailiarr.s!=t;1 q*r
OTIS SPUNKMEYER Here Mr. Curtis draws the unenviable duty of doing his best to encourage, cajole, and browbeat all of us into selling morâ‚Ź cookies. The Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser is how we offset most of the cost of this book. Of course, the fundraiser is a good thing for us - but that dcsn't mem we actually wilt to sell cmkies---
Mr. RAMIREZ This is Mr. Ramirez. He is an employee of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church and a topshelf guy. He's not a teacher at Equip but you could definitely say he is a member of tbe family. He wu supposed to be in the yearbook last year but we forgot to put him in- [:t's just say he helps hold it all together for us at St. Andrews. He is also known as Dave.
/ 1/
Every year a make portraits of all the studenLs. Generally, the boys think the whole thing is a drag md the girls are wonied about how they look. These ae just generalizations, mind you. But the one parl of the experience everybody likes isthe group picture. We lile it because
year at st. Church.
the ministry
small. Not only at st. nnual speech at the church
Miss Cotton showing everyone how it's done on hippie day. Born 40 years too late!
Esther Bharath
Cheyenne Cotton
Daniel Cruz
James Davilmar
John Gallagan
Tatiana Gomez
Jacob Grosholz
This year's D1 class at St. Andrews was the biggest D1 class yet for Equip at 13 students. But a big group is a great way to acclimate to a new environment and boy, did we acclimate! Sometimes, the
first year of Equip shocks the system
with the weekly grind of turning
assignments and showing up on time and finding that uniform shirt. This group handled it all in stride. Many
friendships formed both inside and outside of the class. Each week laughter filled the classroom along with a healthy dose real work. The most difficult experience of the year was when Mrs. Shields had to take part of the year off to attend to her health. We really missed her and she definitely wins our favorite teacher award. This group of young people are the BOMB!
Melody Hacman
McKenzie Iszler
Raquel Jones
Natalie Lawston
Izabella Ruiz
Mia Trotta
A second year togfqw and learn together. Dialectic lt quictt$grew into a class of personality;' determination, and varied interests. The class began with only 1 1 students, but early in Jewettand Mr. Rivera made the jump from Calvary Plantatbn*over to St. Andrews. The large-class dynamic was so
much fun as wr crazy fn Mr. Tanner's class! Math might not win our favori te subject award but Mr. Tanner wins our favorite teacher award! This is a great gioup and We hope we can keep it together next year! P.S.: We eat snacks in every class. Just sayin'.
day in a jersey is worth 33 in a uniform,
Gettin'your picture made is way better than going to class. Boooyahhh...
High School Happens Moving into the high school years is a big adjustment. The grades now appear on the college transcript, we're thinking about driving, and members of the opposite sex hold greater intrique than ever before. With so many potential problems, we are happy that our class is full of stable, committed, Christians. We are the kind of people with whom we want to be friends - and that makes the shoals of high school much, much, much easier to avoid. These students have a lot going on! Robotics, hockey, Bible quiz, 4H, baseball, computer programming, girls choir - you name it, we do it! These
varied interests give us a lot to talk about, which means it is hard not to talk! Right? We gotta talk. We hope you're listening Mr. McChesney and Mr. Curtis. We gotta talk to each other. Either let us talk or make another day of Equip or something! Seriously, we are a blessing to each other on a weekly basis and we think that is how it is supposed to be, Yeah, that's how it is supposed to be.
Take it like a man! Some people iust won't cooperate with the photographer. Here Miss Roque and Miss Long attempt to foil the photograph. We're printing it anyway!
** t* *1
Rachel Bfilirath
Tatiana Cox
CJ George
t* '(0? P.
Levi Iszler
Cassidy Long
1 ii&i, ti.
'*irli ,X,
studious moment
Sarah McClain
Timothy Reed
David Rodriguez
Alyssa Sturm
Autiumn Sturm
LIFE TOGETHER This is bow we
roll. The kitchen
TLC is a great place to have lunch, the playground plays nicely and there's place for all our
junk. It
The girls of Rll spent the year enjoying and supporting each other through thick or thin. And we studied a little. too.
Without question, lunch is the mosl imporlant class ofiered at Equip. Trust us,
Rhetoric ll Learning to drive. Sensing adulthood just around the corner. Making our way. There are many things about us that are just like the kids at public and private schools. But there are things that differentiate us as well. We are people of faith. We're smart. We're resolute. As the academic work becomes more challenging, we're forced to dig deeper. But with many years of preparation already under out belts, it is clear that we have what it takes to
Brianna Beers
Caleb Iszler
Emani McKenzie
succeed. We are thankful for parents and instructors who care. We are thankful for friends that lift us up instead of tear us down. We're looking forward to the freedom that awaits us just over the horizon.
We're going to miss Mrs. Fountain next year. She won't be teaching at Equip, which means we'll probably be stuck with those other guys. Don't get us wrong, they're ok. But Mrs. Fountain is a pearl of great value!
Gabriella Morris
Marissa Muller
6you cannot tel[, we're thankful for each other. Really.
Rhetoric lll We know that God places Christians on Earth to be used by him to further His kingdom. We can't wait to see what He has in store.
The real world approaches and we think we're ready. We've worked long and hard to make it this far and we're excited to see what God has in store for us next.
ln the meantime, we focus on the remaining preparation at hand in the knowledge that the Lord knows all about us, our strengths, our weaknesses, our hopes, our dreams, and not least of all our desire to please Him.
As we look into the face of our final year of high school, we relish the time we have left and look forward to the big changes to come. We are prepared with a Christian worldview and a heart for others.
Aurelio Camacho
Serenity Fountain
We were so blessed to have Yale-educated lawyer, Lauren Morse, spend time visiting with us to discuss college admissions, life on campus, and what it's like after graduation.
Obviously, everyone here is not in Rlll, but we take the picture together because we are a family. We feel like one group.
David Seijo
Thomas Shields
Ian Trotta
GETTIN'THE JOB DONE The smaller classes at Calvey this yetr gave us us the opportunity to get
.4 -)---
to know each other real
Mr. Curtis discusses physical science with the Rl studen6. In the middle, over his math homework, and on the
right we se a lypical luncbtime scene with the Dl studens. Typical.
Hippie day was a raging success at Calvary. Here, Miss Jean Baptist, Miss Thompson, Miss Acevedo and Miss Lowenstein pose for the camera.
The hounds tree ihe taccoon.
Alana Acevedo
Katherine Jean-Baptiste
Hannah Lowenstein
Michael McC
Ior Thompson
Our first year at Calvary Chapel Plantation has been a blessing. Smaller class sizes grant us an additional measure of flexibility within our day. We are able to change our lunch spot, run around outside, climb a tree, even move a class from one room to the next. We like that. Small class sizes also allow students more personalized attention from instructors. This assists the learning process. So we've enjoyed the smaller classes at Calvary but we also miss the larger numbers that make Equip much like school in oth will be interesting to at happens with the group next
The ftrst day of Equip lor Calvary Plantation was aclually held at the McChesney home. That's what happens when all the necessary papenrork isn't finished!
The Seniors
CHEP$ Twinkling eyes....a playful look....songs of praise....tender-hearted compassion....a sincere smile...purity of heart....strength of character...peace loving...peace making....beautiful.
As you delight yourself in the Lord He makes His beauty to shine through you. Keep it up! We love you! Love, Mom and Dad
ffieck Today we want to remind you that you are deeply loved. We could not be more proud of what you have done, but more importantly in the godly man that you have become. Be blessed as you "take on the world", applying all of who you are for God's gIory!
Mom and Dad
AIIHBB$" Alibrandi, Hidden within the endless questions of late - what is next? where will you go? what do you want to do? - lies the assumption that it is you that holds the answers and makes these decisions. Not so! God has been the driving force in your life from your first breath. We have witnessed it. We have been in awe of it. From here on you must only do two things: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and stregth and love your neighbor as yourself.
Mom and Dad
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30 25
Mcd85ney You were the one who started us on our homeschool journey and we are so thankful you did.
If you were a kid that enjoyed sitting behind a desk all day, we don't know where we'd be! We love you so much and cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for you.
Mom and Dad
slahaBr8scr Lauren, We are so proud of you! It's been joy teaching you and seeing you grow into a beautiful young woman. We love you!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."
Mom and Dad 26
o N
o a a (u
A$ftrr You were a very happy surprise in our lives in 1995 and you have continued to be so. We are excited to watch your life unfold. Stay on the narrow road that leads to life. Love, Mom and Dad
Dq%Was To our beautiful Destiny, we are so thankful for you and the young lady you have become.
We love you and we can't wait to see how God will continue to use your gifts and talents to glorify HIM!
Love, Mommy & Daddy Psalm 105:2
,ffi good thingffiaH *' -
io free.
Maybe the hardest part of assembling a yearbook is the photography. The task is made more difficult when students don't want their pictures taken. We take them anyway. lt makes for a fun yearbook.
during time for fun
certainly work hard try to build in a little ia, a spin on the merria run around the church.
"Quit your lollygagging! We have work lo
do! Ahhh, nobody cares." "Jusl a few more minutes, pleeeeaaase?" "Can'l we just talk about something important so we don1 have to go to class?"
lf science lab doesn't count, extra-curricular activities at Equip are comprised of speech, robotics, and missions. Each of these is an important component of the program and each rounds out student skills in its own way. We believe speech is a necessary skill for all Christians. It is important to be able to share our faith effectively. Robotics inspires us to improve math and science skills in ways that apply to real life while developing our teamwork. Missions reminds us what some Christians are doing around the world and helps us consider whether we ought to join their ranks.
in the air
SPEAKING CAN BE P,,,," SCARY - standing,in front of peopb
The year-end speech tournament is an exciting test of the skills developed through the year. $t OO cash prize goes to the winner!
you may not know wFde they stare, silently critiqding.sr,$tidlt$g;'Vikes, lfs not most people's firsf ,,choiqO,pn hor,v. spend an aftemoon. Of colrse, it nnrstn't be so dauntrffig, Manyrhavo,rylpqtered the art of public opeaking yyhile otherrs have come up with ways to h6lp conquer the
It is o{tI desire that students have not only
thesonfidence but also the tools. With lhat as the goal, we began a speech club. After a full day ol academics, students in the club stick around for another hour to work on speeches with topics they have chosen.
Equip has always believed that effâ‚Źctive public speaking is a vitaltool for every student. Whether our eilrdents become heads of state or heads of households, we are all given opportunities to stand before others and share our opinions. Our desire is to help prepare these young men and women to not only share their views on finance reform, the latest TV show or fad, or whether Walmart is better than Target, but to be able to share why they follow Jesus Christ. Scripture implores us to be prepared'to do just that.
Throughout the year each club member chooses, researches, and writes a speech on a topic of their interest. The rest of the year is spent working on delivery. This process requires a lot of hard work, but yields unbelievable fruit. Finally, after all the effort, we hold an end of the year tournament with cash prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers. With over 20 students participating, the competition is fierce!
lN CLASS SPEECH On certain occasions, speech skills are utilized in class for one reason or anolher, We are constantly on the lookout lor opportunities to place students in ,ront of their peers lor discussion or performance. This is lacilitated by the great care students routinely demonstrate for each othe/s leelingo. NORWEGIAN FJORD HORSES The range ol speech topics selected by students truly astounds. lnterests and hobbies routinely constitute the subject matter ol speeches. The depth and breadth of student interest in wide-ranging areas of knowledge immediately sparks the interest of all in the audience.
T CAN NEMO TELL US ABOUT THE BIBLE? Tessa Grosholz delivered a fascinating talk about the stories of Walt Disney and the etemal aspects ot their eflective storytellin g.
f r[t,*l[*tr; lxdi
Revelation be interpreted?" "How can I It'::ert tny cxpo\urc lo cleitr,'lnagnctic fields?" "Drs God really say I can't get a tattoo']" "Whal can tre done to savc thc katherback turtle?" 'I'hese topics and more coming to a speech toumament neu you!
( ONJOINIiI)'fWINS Autiumn Sturm unrolled the lives of the first i nternationally known conjoined twins. She discussed their Iives, mmiages, health issues- and deaths. As a fraternal twin herself. Autiumn easily brought to life a story of incredible highs and heut rending lows. She demonstrated thal thc speaker's connection to the material is what ly produces an effective ron
BBING lT ON: The team piclure was snapped at the 305 League event at Gibson Charler School. All thirteen lgam rnâ‚Źmbers are visible in the picturo along wilh our three parenl volunteers: Mr, Mcchesnoy, Mr. Reed, and Mr. Camacho.
CHRISTMAS PABTY CBC held a Christmas party and Equip students provided lhe entertainment! cratt tables, dancing, character costumes, a photo booth, and plenty ol food provided a wonderful holiday event lor children banling cancer and their lamilies.
IN CHARACTEF Tatiana escorts Emma to the dance floor to play with the kids.
MAKING FRIENDS Characters and kids spent the evening en.ioying each othe/s company.
STAYING WAHM Students don their character costumes in preparation for entertaining the younger children. Talk about staying
warm! Theyoughttowear these things in Alaska or somewhere!
#"1 mh$$e &.# â‚Ź &.d*
b attJ-ume Each year, the students of Equip Education band together to raise money and volunteer hours to bless children battling childhood cancer. This is the work of the ministry. FROM THE CBC WEBSITE: Our goal is to raise awareness of the incidence and devastation of childhood cancer in America's children. By raising awareness that childhood cancer is the number one disease killer of America's children, we hope to raise awareness for the families that find themselves in this battle. We seek to make the gold ribbon, which signilies childhood cancer as well known universally as the pink ribbon which symbolizes breast cancer. ln doing so we aim to open eyes and hearts to the children battling this disease and the families left in the wake of its devastation.
amounts ol federal dollars directed to childhood cancer research. Our aim is to come along side the families that are in the battle today and assist and support them emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and financially. As we pray for a cure, we can not forget that many families are in the thick of this batfle that the research of today does not help. Therefore, every dollar raised at CBC goes directly to assisting the lamilies in the greatest need who are battling childhood cancer.
COOKIE MONSTER An Equip student wades into the tray in a Cookie Monster costume. The children anjoyed tho opportunity to intoract with many of their favorite TV and movie charac{ors.
Childhood cancer can strike a lamily with children at anytime and anywhere. There is no rhyme or reason to it. There is no cultural bias or predisposition. ln addition, each and every case ol childhood cancer is a very personal physical and emotional tragedy for which most lamilies are uneducated and unprepared. While we at CBC support the funding for advances in childhood cancer research, we are discouraged at the miniscule
THE CRAFT TABLE RaChelle, Hayley, and Emma work the craft rable at the CBC event.
TIAPPY Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Because I'm happy. Clap along ifjust got an A and you krow that it's the truth. Because I'm happy!
SKEilICS We don't believe everything we rcad on Wikipedia you know...wait, we don't do we? And we don't just go along with the latest trend either (stop talking about that fox, he doesn't say anything!). We tre
budding rcientists who question just about everything. Right?
MIXNGMUP I thinl I lemed that this soda is a homogenous mixture. That means it tastes the sarne all the
way through. What's that? Those girls put whal in my soda? Agb!
for r
No amount of experimentation can prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. -Albert Einstein
Science...what does it make you think of? Geeks with goggles? Nerds studying Newton? Ok, maybe there is a little of that in science, but there is so much more. So much cool stuff that will blow your mind. Speaking of blowing things up..just kidding mom and
anything for granted. Because if we only learned one thing this year it was this...science cannot prove anything l00%o.
Now you might be wondering, what can we trust in then? Where dad we are keeping things safe can we find hope? So glad You around here. asked. As much as we love doing our experiments and trying to Our first science class in the figure out how the world works, program really wetted our appetite we were reminded as we by exposing us to many different memorized Psalm 119 that all the facets of science. We discussed things we study in nature tell of the origins of life, what constitutes the only One we can trust and the life, what is so special about only One in whom we find hoPe. human life and so much more. We dug deep, learning to investigate So we may enjoy science, wear everything that comes our way. goggles, and like Newton, but we Einstein was right. Just one love Jesus for giving it all to us experiment can prove him and so and hope to use all we learn to many others with stronglY held honor Him! beliefs wrong. So we can't take
We look happy don't we? Thal is because we iusl switched out Mr. Curtis srang'e juice with cabbage juice! That-will teach him to giVe Ls homework this week!
RT.,AI-I-Y WEIRI) SCIENCE Guys, guys, scriously, guys check this out. This liquid here is AWWWESOME1 You cm add it to any potato launcher to irrruse your distance 15096, m You can mix it wilh my mom's rice and teans fa a very powmful explosive or you can garyle with it ard get minty ftesh breath!
III]ATING THINGS UP I remember that we leamed thilt ther:md energy call do a l(}t o{ things. I wonderif it can give Ms. Sturm a new hair stYlc.-.
LOVINC Lil:11 It desn't get much bettâ‚Źr
than this. Great subject, great classmates, and a greatteacher. Um, is that what you wantâ‚Źd me to say
up and
sound from this tuning fork
change. That's all good and everyhing, but I am waiting to hcm the sweet rcund of the dismissa.l bell. If only we had a dismissal
Mr. Curtis? How much extra credit did you say was getting?
mi* this fumel that somehow the
Mr. Curtis mys if I
comfortable in their
Hffi5*'3ffi'Tffi :H:Iil',[?f:il:;j::in:
of such a trifling investment of fact. -Mark Twain This year was quite an adjustment for our class. High school brings with it its own challenges, like the fact we are way too cool for those middle schoolers, like what do they know anyway? And we like discovered that we like know every(hing there is to know already. But this year also brought us back to science. With a head full of syllogisms from last year's logic class, we were ready to jump back into traditional science classes with a brand new perspective. Like we said earlier, we like know pretty rnuch everything now. So of course we were ready to tackle Physical Scierrce no problerrr. This would be our "easy A,'
year. What we didn't expect was how nruch we didn't know. Like Physical Science ilteans Chetnistry AND Physics! And with this new curriculunt, we found out we weren'[ in Apologia land auyntore. crourse
\ \*_
But we got this! We are bunch who work together well to get the job done. And with all of Mr. Curtis, powerpoint shows, we've got a good recipe for SUCCCSS.
It was a cool year with a bunch of experiments that helped us leam more than we would have thought imaginable about how things move and what causes them to move in the first place. And how to build circuits and even an electrolnagnet (thanks Mr. Reed!). We think he r:right have been playing with electricity long before he ever got to Equip. Anyway, it was a year full of new adjustnrents that we won't soon forget. But we are better preparecl f .r/ rrext year ancl Chernistry. And now we REALT r' kncrw that we like know just about everythin/(ow Watch out R2. here we come!
HELPING HAND How many chemistry students des it take to get the temperature reading of this solution?
Erin Shields isn't paying attention though, she is still upset she isn't eating pizza right now. She even brought her $3
Without her srErt phone, Ms. Moris is at a loss for identifying what she is looking at- "l klow I bave heild about these things before. I think they used to call it a...a themometer No, that's not it, Oh I gol it, ifs a BAROMETER! Oh yeah, thafs righr, who is smart now?
BRING IT ON: I sona rcmenrber Mr. Cuftis sayiDg sorrelhing aboul lhe flmle colo^ indicatiilg energy levels or something, but all I heild was 'ser things on fire" md I was in. I rhink this is the finl time I've volunteeEd for e)'thing...ever.
Above: Mr. Shields and Mr. McChesney work together to get a better understanding of optics. "I don't know Nick. this is cool md all. but I don't think it's going to increase our chances with the ladies. "
Right: A look at all the vchicles entered into this yer'seggdropcontest. "EggForce One" was a great nme, but failed to make it to the final round.
I].ELPING HAND Mr. McChesney didn't ned any helping hands in this yeils egg drop. It might not look all that pretty, but it got the job done. Congrats!
BRING IT ON: I don't unde6taod whal lhe prcblem is. I realize this coDtraptioo is supposed to demonstmle something about sound, I just think it would be better serued being used to mix a uew color of rcd for my next hair
\r r]
one of
appreciate about Equip is the fact that at least one day per week, it fels like school. Students enjoy the hustle and bustle of the day, the rime with friends, a lunch hour to hang out with different 7 people. a crowded hallway between 1/ classes. signing yearbooks. These are exPeriences and memories
\ \-", iir
Christmas Party
Each year Equip hosts a Christmas party for students and families. This year's party was held at Pines Baptist Church. We all came out to celebrate a break in the year and the birth of the Savior. There was a lot of food and a lot of fun. A great time was had by all. 44
Jersey Day
Every year Jersey day is a hit. Any reason not to wear a uniform shirt is a good reason, right?
I {
,'jcrazy (el \_
'r t'''
t We trying to get educated and have fun at the same time: lt's not always easy, but we're not going to give up. This year we staged a couple of events that were big hits. First We 'l ffiit'*. ": ;! -,#1' ,.;i:,., had the crazy socks day. The pictures demonstrate that the event ' .;"'*!i.l " "1. was generally wetl attended. The person who is notably absent frorn wr"' ";i "i'E' this page is Mr. Curtis. He is not represented here because @Vgyy*'i ' 'Br' .. day is crazy socks day for him and we felt that this page should i "n reserved for those individuals actually trying something new andifdi1.
t"i' ThF other event enjoyed by all was the dessefi contest. 'Many exotLc ltttt apd unheard of creations made an appearance and were quickly Scarfed up by the crowd. One student won the contest in each location but real winner*"were everybody else!
(sl t-9 t'U"o) -.
, 1.
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a:1 -.:l "{e**, -'Fl
li,rit '
All work and no play makes John a dull boy. Actually, John Rios, Jacob Townsend, and Noah Sedano are anything but dull. Each new lunch hour brings with il the unexpected and the hilarious.
&, '.i,
Mrs. Taylor loves powe and it shows! Here she the finer points of sente and composition in an r great writers. Aside fro necessary study of me( style, Equip Education through rigorous exami classic works of literatu Augustine, Lewis, Platc Shakespeare, Austen, add their voices to a tht chorus of expression dr impress these young w
The ability to write is a component of a great e worthy of great time an in and year out we tenc particular vineyard with believe all the hard wot of student and instructc emerges in the fruit.
,riting ys out
;tructure to build I
:s and ; writers
rof thers ing :d to
,ion and
rt. Year and we he part a
A mupb ot roal lo)&a b€hind lhe ciurEfi at Tinily Luthorm ore momino.
On December,Sth, Nelson Mandala pass€d away at the aga ol 95. H€ had been an anti-aparheid rovolufonary and a leadar in th€ light against racism and oppresslon.
Pmbably the most annoyirq song to €v6r make it big e)eloded onto ths scan€ lhls year. 'What Does the Fox Say?''enterlained' audiences young and old.
The winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, kopt us all aivsted to our television scroens. The US linished with 28 medals, s€cond overall only lo Russia.
It was another big year lor One
Directon. This one's daung that onE and lhe othor one is dating another one - oh, waltt They broke w! Blah, blah, blah...
One of ihe biggest movies ol the year was the second editiofl of the Hunger Games franchise sta.rirE J€nnifer Lawrence, There was intrigue to lhis on€ aft6r on6 of the stars, Phillip Seymour Hoflman committed suicide.
The conflict in Syria raged all year srith the Assad regime using chemical weapons on it$ own people and the world standlrE by not knowing what to do,
Super Bowl XLVlll went down betvreen the S€ahawks and the Broncos Yyith the Seahawks hammering the Broncos 43-8 in an incredible perlorrnance.
Justin Bieber gained significant media coverage during the year for his run-ins with ths law. He found himsell in jail on a couple of occasions for different otlensas.
Acevedo, Alana - 1,20,22,29, 36,
Adkins, McKenzie - 1,20,22,45,46
Gallagan, John - 4,
Garcia, Nathanael - 6, 12,32,38,56 George, Alibrandi
George, CJ Beers, Brianna
- 14,
19, 25, 28, 42, 45, 47
12,34, 46
- 16,4,45,49,51 Gomez, Carlos - 20, 22, 39, 45 Gomez, Tatiana -
4,6,8,34,35, 43,
46, 47, 49
Greene, Hannah - 18,29, 45, 47, 50
Grosholz, Jacob -
L,4,6,8, 11,30, 45,46,49
Grosholz, Tessa - 6,1O,45,46
H Hacman, Melody - 8, 36, 37,43,49 Beers, Chelsea
- 14, 19,24,29,
47, 50
Bharath, Esther - 4,6,8,37,42, 43,46,49
Iszler, Caleb
Bharath, Rachel - 8,12,48
- 14, 16,
40, 45, 47, 48, 49
C Camacho, Aurelio
- 14, 18, 32,35,42,56
Carter, Isabella - 6, 10
Cotton, Cheyenne - 6, 8, 32, 36, 37, 42, 43, 47, 49, 56 Cox, Tatiana - 8, 11, 12,32,34,45 Cruz, Daniel -
8, 28,
30,32,37,46, 49,56
D Davilmar, James - 4, 6, 8,
Iszler, Jackson - 2,6, 10,28,32
36, 37, 45, 46, 49
Deklavon, Brianna - 20,22,45
lrvi - 6,8, 12,32
Iszler, McKenzie - 6,8, 11,37,43, 45, 49
Dembech David - 14,19,25,42,44,47
Jean-Baptiste, Katherine
Fountain, Serenity - 18, 19,28,41,47 54
- 1,20,22,29,37,46,48, 51, 56
JewetL Luke - 5,6,1O,22,45
John, RaChelle - 10, 11, Jones, Raquel - 5, 6, 8,
37,43,49 Ramirez, Dave - 5
Reed, Timothy
Lawston, Natalie - 8, 37, 42, 43, 49
Rios, John - L4, l7 , 32,
- 13,32,38,56 47
,48, 49, 50
Rivera, Jonathan - 6,11,23
Long, Cassidy - 12,28,38,46
Rodriguez, David - 13, 46
Lopez, Sofia - 6,10,46
Rodriguez, Lauren
- 14,
16, 18, 28, 47, 50
Ruiz, Izabella - 4,6,8,37, 42, 43, 49
S Sedano, Noah
Seijo, David
- 14, 17, 29, 42, 48, 49, 50
- 14,19,29,42,47 - L7, 40, 44, 45, 47,
Shields, Carolyn
Lowenstein, Hannatr
- l,
20, 23, 29, 37, 46, 48,
Shields, Erin
17, 28,
q, 4,45,
48, 49
47, 48, 49, 50
- 14, 19,29,41, 45,47,48,50
Shields, Thomas
Simonson, Hayley - 6, 11, 28,34,35,46
Manda, Courtney - 20, 23, 39, 44
Slautterback, Lauren
McChesney, Emma - 6, 10, 34,35,45,46 McChesney, Michael
- 1,2, 20, 23, 28, 32, 36, 37 , 46,
McChesney, Nicholas - 14, 19, 26, 32, 41, 42, 44, 50
McClain, Sarah - 13,28,31 McKenzie, Emani
- 16, 28,
- 19,26
Smith, Austin - 19,27 48, 56
Sturm, Alyssa - 8, 13, 31, 38
Stunn, Autiumn
- 13, 31, 38,
Sutherland, Elias - 6,11,28 40, 44, 48, 49
Morris, Gabriella - 16, N,45,47,49,5I
T - 14, 17,
Morris, Sarah - 6, 11,28,31,6
Thomas, Destiny
Muller, Marissa - 16, 40, 44,47,48,49
Thompson, Taylor - 23, 28, 30, 37, 48
Townsend, Jacob
- 14,
19, 27, 45, 50
17, 49, 50
Trotta, Ian - 19, 29,41,45
Neptune, Radha - 6, I
Trona Mia - l, 4, 9, 30, 43, 47, 49
P Palmer, Kirk - 6,
II,32,56 55
' ;iY
"Autonomous period in 3,2, l, GOln Team CIPHER begins a round as an alliance at Gibson Charter School in Miami.
She must've gotten permission to use her cellphone to call her mom fronr \1r. ( trrtis because ellphoncs are conrnLblintl drrring the ciav at llcluipll
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the judgements of the Lord are true and
righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, yea,
than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Keep back your servant from presumptuous
sins; Let them not have dominion over
me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression.
Let the words of my mouth and the
meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your
sight, O Lord my strength and my redeemer. PSALM 19
Bring ceBuzz to life! You can w th \,Valsr,,r,o(h s excLrrsrve Yearbook 3D rnobi -. app.
"1.,,.1 tr)
Here's how it works. l
- V s t the App Store or Google Play and dov';nload tlre f,--.e Yearbook 3D app. I
Opef 1ie allp on your phonc or tab ct and launch thc
ro rt
tlrr: vie,,rytirrder over any inrage wrth the Yearbook
e,i,,f |cler.
3D ccn a.d no(l.
ilat.rrr1're vdeo oop oll tlre pagel
Plroto Oredits Ncr,vscort The 22nd Winter OLynrprcs \ /ere ne
tlre games received critc snr for,,vhat
n Scch , FLrss a. Whtle nran1,-
r;ottsrciered to
be Sochl's subpar ac;corlmodatons and Russa's stance on
some po nLrr.nber
ssLres, thc events continued on
ncluded sno,,vitoarder Jair e Anderson
r '#Iir, , r;l i,,I+r+,
wth a record
of countr es corrpet ng. Gold rnedalists for the U.S.
(p ctLtrecl).
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the Oxftlr(J
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rnany peop
taken ot at)--sell, typicalv with
this vear.
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Sr:ep*hmt ffithnmn {flflI{
news N^SA annoura.iar llrat
alt:r 36 ire:irs r :r!ilc-.. t:,1
pr'!h.t lr.id
y eft our
scrence & tech
sy:jtcm. rnak nct r1 1l'a) f rst ,r.,Ll rlaCe olr irr:: to
/.-ro :ra).
Vo;,,aggr 1 r,r,,a,
expectc.l io contin(rc operalilcl and
back rlatr crts de so ar
si'st.rr for - 5
mc. i:
years ireiore t runs oul
of powcr.
.*lrr'l3q',rtt , rc'rD
The Boston Red Sox defeated the St. Louis Cardinals to win the 2013
Wodd Series in six games. Boston clinched the title at home in Fenway Park, the frrst time the team had done
so since 1918.
oi Facebook wtrs
i.lec.eas l.l ct, as k cls tried otlrer socral netwcrrk:;
Top Movies! These movies were tops at the box office. 1
2 3
- lron lian 3 - Despicable lie 2
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
4 - Frozen 5 - lvlan of Steel Sou rce: boxofficemojo.com
The Seattle Seahawks won Super Bow XLVlll at MetLfe Stadium n New Jersey,
defeating the Denver Broncos 43-8. The game featured Seattle's league-best defense against Denver's top-rated offense led by quarterback Peyton
Manning. but the game turned nto a mismatch as the Seahawks buit a 22-O halftime ead. The victory was the first Super Bow win n franchise history for Seattle.
New mobile app "Flappy Bird" became such a popular game that deveoper Dono Nouyen actually took the game down
because of the overwhelmrng demand. The game, whch
involved a f ying bird dodg ng
to several fan-made
Avengers dorninate the box offi ce Photo Credits
The Marvel super hero universe continued to be as popular as ever. "lron Man 3" was one of the highesl grossing movies of 2013, and "Thor: The Dark World" was a huge hit in the fall. The show "Agents of S.H.|.E.L.D.' was one of the highest rated new
shows on
F l:
.'t 1.4
r{i'' r t'r'
i' 11: I ) li l
Florida State's Kelvin Benjamin caught a touchdown pass
from Heisman liophy winning quarterback Jameis Wircton
with 13 seconds left, which allowed the Seminoles to defeat Auburn, 34-31, in college football's BCS National
Championship Game. Florida State fell behind 21-3 in the first half before rallying to win.
4* Krcls I ocked 10 llloirtcrs to see
Dtsncy's "Frozen.' .11 61p 6 i3'rl;131r ntoi,,e aLrolt a
lco:r-r ir;ho sels
of irll llrlt,?rtttre willt lter tTloLlutall
r',' il,II
news ln time for the holidays, the newest video game systems
came out. Gamers rushed to the stores to buy up the PlayStation 4, Xbox 1 and Nintendo Wii U.
entertainment science & tech
sports T
S. rrovr,,r )nrent i,rit.;
sl rLrt
Oclober wlrilc Oorgress ilnlrrc(l
atDoLIt hoy,/ 1o
trends ir.t
llil\" fa
rlrlring it. Natrola parks wera olosec ltaklr1 ltar\i Alrer cans ilar.l.
The National Zoological Park will reopen t0 yisrtors on
The humans and animals can't wait to see you!
San Francisco was saved from th.r Pengu n and Rrdcller on
15 lvhen lrrl e:; Scoti. 5.
wiis granted his w sh by ine Make A Wish Foundatlon. W th his ieukemia in remission, Mie:;
became Batk a lrfe
ard joined
ze Bat[]:tn to batt e
th(] vi la ns across the c ty.
Thousancls oi volunteers made the event haop,.en.
nbow loorls becanre a popLtlar oDsess
as kds us-.d the toy oorns to turn colorfu I
b Ne
sor Mandela. wiro worked a segrer,l:rtron cal ed
encJ rac
apadheid n South Africa, d ed a!]e
Mandela spent 27 years
n pr son for conspiracy, and r.rylrof freeC, i.elp.id h s oountry
to .rquaiit-v and
scrued as SoLrth
Africa's i
pres dent frorr r
994-1 999
*'t Photo Credits
rrbber baros ntc brace ets and other creatrons. lvl Lons cf tire .ro[]s were so
.r r,
.-,r' r' 1^6.
on YouTLrbe.
I r
6et hsurmcc
.-. Health Insurance Mer"rra+*r- ^
','"-.?r*f["#;,H:#ffiffiii"t;:.:q,_?*1 Sc.rclt Hotthc.rc{py
People began signing up online for the Affordable Care Act, known as
Sweet songs! get you.". What songs
Up in the morning Up when you're down Ivtofivated To sleep To think of your friends
Obamacare. But the website didn't work well, and people had trouble getting health insurance, Officials worked to fix the problems, since Americans had until March 31 to sign up for a health care plan if they
didn't have one.
entertainment -, science
I tech W .-, sporls trends
t o
Pop star Beyonc6 shocked the world by releasing a surprise self-
titled album at midnight on Dec. 13. Despite no prior promotion, "Beyonc6" sold more than a million copies in
ln early January much of the country from
the central and upper Midwest to the Northeast and into the South was struck by a polar vortex
a blast of dense, frigid
polar air. The polar vortex lasted nearly a
week and caused record low temps that created the coldest blast of air in 20 years.
Photo Credits
People living in The Philippines searched for food, water, shelter and missrng family members followrng
the massive destruction by Typhoon Hiayan. Aid came from around the
world to help survivors of one of the strongest storms ever recorded. Estimates put the death toll around
6,000 people.
s Lr,$
science & tech
Plaid rnade a splash Plaid was big in clothes this year in pants, tops and skirts for gids and slrids and pants for guys. lt also was seen on a number of accessories.
American long-distance swimnrer
D ana Nyad finally
successfully swam from
Cuba to Flor da on her fifth attempt. Nyad s trek covered I 10 miles and took her aboul
53 hours.
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