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5º G CONCEPTS: Grammar in Context. Lesson 1: The parts of the house Approximate Time: __________hr. Pages: ___3-10___ Exercises: 1-6 Grammar in Context: Auxiliaries: Do / Does in questions • Wh – Questions: Where • Articles: a / an – The • Vocabulary
Teacher Guideline Incorporated: Planificación y Guión de Clases
PROCEDURES Listening: Listen to audio CD • Listening and listing the parts of the house from an oral audio source. Speaking: • Exchanging information about the parts of the house. • Incorporating the auxiliary Do / Does in questions. Reading: Read book exercises. Writing: complete book exercises. Lesson 2: Household Furniture and Appliances Listening: Listen to audio CD Approximate Time: __________hr. • Demonstrating empathy before others´ Pages: ___11-26___ concerns. Exercises: 1-15 Speaking: Describing furniture and Grammar in Context: appliances. • Verb have to – has to Reading: Read book exercises. • There is – There are • Accurately pronounces the names of • Is there…? Are there…? Questions. furniture and appliances. • Yes / No Answers. Writing: Completes book exercises. • Accurately pronounces and uses the forms there is and there are when answering questions.
ARCHIEVEMENT INDICATORS • Identifying parts of the house in a text. • Listing the parts of the house. • Asks and answers questions about parts of the house. Starting date:__________________ Finishing date: _________________
• Identifying household furniture and appliances in pictures or magazines. • Listing furniture and appliances and locates them in the different rooms. Starting date:__________________ Finishing date: _________________
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5º G CONCEPTS: Grammar in Context. Lesson 1: Jobs and clothes Approximate Time: __________hr. Pages: ___39-55___ Exercises: 1-11 Grammar in Context: • Verb to be in present • Verb to be: Contractions • Wh Questions: Who, what, where, when. • This = these; that: those Lesson 2: Money and Banking Approximate Time: __________hr. Pages: ___56-61___ Exercises: 1-4 Grammar in Context: • Verb: can, need, want • Verb to: am, is, are, present • Vocabulary
Teacher Guideline Incorporated: Planificación y Guión de Clases
UNIT 2: MY NEIGHBORHOOD PROCEDURES Listening: Listens to audio CD. • Listens and list names of jobs and clothes. Speaking: Striking up simple conversations about jobs and clothes. Reading: Reads book exercises. • Scanning vocabulary about jobs and clothes from a text. Writing: Completes book exercises. • Accurately writes the contractions of verb to be.
ARCHIEVEMENT INDICATORS • Correctly fills out questionnaires about jobs. • Successfully recognizes prices of clothes in newspapers and online catalogs. • Confidently gives short speeches about favorite clothing.
Listening: Listens to audio CD. • Listens and list coin and bill: name from an audio oral source. Speaking: • Striking up simple conversations about bills and coins. • Accurately pronounces the verbs can, need and want. Reading: Reads book exercises. • Accurately pronounces the new vocabulary. Writing: Completes book exercises.
• Correctly recognizes bills and coins. • Writes simple sentences about money. • Successfully scans a text for specific information about money: bills and coins. • Recognizes coins and bills accurately.
Starting date:__________________ Finishing date: _________________
Starting date:__________________ Finishing date: _________________
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5º G
Teacher Guideline Incorporated: Planificación y Guión de Clases
CONCEPTS: Grammar in Context. Lesson 1: Locations and directions to Health Centers Approximate Time: __________hr. Pages: ___73-79___ Exercises: 1-6 Grammar in Context: • New words and vocabulary. • Prepositions of place. • Wh – Questions: Where…?
PROCEDURES Listening: Listens to audio CD. • Listens and recognizes locations and directions of Health Center. Speaking: • Exchanging information about health centers: directions and location. Reading: Reads book exercises. • Scanning vocabulary about health centers. Writing: Completes book exercises. • Lists names of health center in the city, town or neighborhood.
ARCHIEVEMENT INDICATORS • Clearly understand what a health center is. • Accurately gives directions and locations with correct word order. • Recognizes directions and locations in a picture or city map.
Lesson 2: Traffic signs and The Car. Approximate Time: __________hr. Pages: ___80-89___ Exercises: 1-6 Grammar in Context: • Verbs: direct, drive, say, tell, provide, warn. • Questions: Does…? Present. • Wh – Questions: What…? • Vocabulary • Prepositions: in, on, at.
Listening: Listens to audio CD. • Listening and matches traffic signs words from an audio oral source. Speaking: • Easily incorporates the auxiliary Do / Does in questions. • Identifies traffic signs vocabulary. Reading: Reads book exercises. • Recognizes and circles preposition: on, in, at. Writing: completes book exercises.
• Recognizes properly the traffic signs. • Accurately writes the traffic signs’ names. • Describes properly the traffic signs.
Starting date:__________________ Finishing date: _________________
Starting date:__________________ Finishing date: _________________
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