Upcoming Events:
Vol. 8—Issue 5
Saturday, September 19th, 2009 Richmond Hill Christian Community Church 9670 Bayview Ave. Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9X9 8:30a.m..—8:30 p.m. For more information or to register by phone call 1-800-293-3717 Sept. 9th – Saint John, NB, Saint James the Less Church. Sept. 10th – Moncton, NB, Water and Wine Church. Sept. 11th – Halifax, NS, Rock Church.
For more information or to register by phone call 1-800-293-3717
July 2009
Several of the Equipping Evangelists National Team Members blog. The following article is a blog entry by Donna Mitchell who is the National Director of Connecting Streams the women’s ministry arm of Power to Change. A few of us ministry leaders were recently discussing whether those who volunteer with Connecting Streams have any “exceptional” qualities. Was there a common characteristic that could be said about all of them? Demographically, the women are 20-80 years old. Some are students, some own businesses, and others are retired. Some would describe themselves as extroverts, and others as introverts. Some know their gifts, and some don’t think they have any. Some would describe themselves as generally fearful - or at least definitely not courageous - while others are as bold as lions. Some have much experience in life; others would say they are naïve.
EEAT 2015
Then two leaders spoke up in agreement, observing that there was one quality that each volunteer across the board possessed. That common ground was an exceptional conviction that God loves
people so much, that it’s worth the risk or personal sacrifice to step out in faith together to share His love. We are looking for women who share this conviction. Are you tired of the status quo in your spiritual life? Do you long for a vibrant faith, for a deeper understanding and experience of God’s love? Do you want to join other women to make a difference, and be transformed in the process? If so, take a life-changing faith adventure with us, or initiate one in your own sphere of influence. Either way, we want to help. Contact us at www.connectingstreams.com to share a faith adventure, request prayer, or join our bands of hearty volunteers.
One of the challenges in equipping churches to become evangelistic entities is infusing a passion for lost people. This is why one of the recent training DVD’s that E2 developed is called Motivating Others, it is just one of the many training sessions that are provided at E2 Networks across Canada. We’re praying for an army or impassioned, evangelistic churches all across our nation. If you would like to join us in prayer why not contact us about being added to our bi-monthly intercessor’s email. Interested in hosting an E2 Church Leader’s Event in your area?
Donna Mitchell speaking at an E2 event
Exceptional conviction! Can you imagine a church that was full of people who were motivated by this? Nurturing the type of exceptional conviction that Donna spoke about does not need to be complex but it does need to be intentionally carried through. One simple way to motivate is to de-objectify lost people. As long as those that the church is trying to reach are nameless and anonymous there will be very little motivation to make any changes. Bringing light to people who are in the shadow of darkness is not only to lead them out, but to allow those who are meant to aid in the leading to see the faces of those who are lost. Tell the stories of people in the neighbourhood, constantly bring updates regarding community needs and concerns.
Breakfast anyone? Lunch maybe? We have recently realized people love to hear about Equipping Evangelists on a full stomach! A lunch in Whitby and a breakfast in Barrie brought many people together to hear about this exciting movement. Depending on availability, the National Team is very happy to visit your town to speak on Equipping Evangelists as a ‘curiosity building’ event with the goal of starting a network in your area. So far these are proving very fruitful and we are anticipating the announcement of T.V. Thomas addresses the several new Networks across the topic of The state of Evangelcountry. 2 ism in Canada at an E breakfast meeting.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Network Director, Paul Simons: natnetdir@equippingevangelists.com or (705) 716-7271.