Linnea Bengtsson, Emma Rasmussen, Sandra Yman, Ida Bollรถ, Max Slotte, Albert Lleshi
Facts about Dunkels • Born 1978 in Luleå, Sweden • Studied at Luleå Tekniska Uniersitet • Enetrepreneur, programmer and founder of Thingsquare • His work is mainly focused on networking technology and distributed communication for small embedded devices and wireless sensor networks on the Internet. • Famous for his program used for many systems. He was awarded the Chester-Carlson prize in 2008.
Thingsquare • Thingsquare is a software platform that lets prduct makers connect products with smartphones. The app lets you install and interact with Thingsquare devices such as lightbulbs or thermostats. • Adam Dunkels explains the app as a way to controle your things from wherever you are.
Contiki • Contiki is an open source operating system for the internet of things. • Contiki connects tiny low-cost, lowpower microcontrollers to the internet. • It´s a powerful toolbox for building complex wireless systems.