Bronisław Kasper Malinowski Był on Polskim antropologiem społecznym, podróżnikiem, etnologiem i religioznawcą. Trzonem życia społecznego jest dla Malinowskiego kultura, rozumiana jako całokształt dziedzictwa społecznego: „urządzenia, dobra, procesy techniczne, idee, zwyczaje i wartości”, a także mit, magia i religia. Całe swoje życie poświęcił pracom naukowym, podróżom i badaniom odległych i zapomnianych plemion w Australii i Oceanii.
He was born back when Poland wasn`t fully independent state, in 1884. To be precise it was 7th April. Those were the territories of Austro-Hunagary after Poland lost its independence in 1795 for 123 years. He finished 3rd Jan Sobieski`s National Gymnasium. Then He started His studies in Jagiellonian University which is one of the best and oldest Universities in Europe and the world. In 1913 He travelled to London and started learning
Before the Malinowski’s trips noone was really conducting sophisticated surveys of areas inhabited by forgotted tribes. He was the first one to form rules, which are crucial with contacting with those forgotten people. Knowing the local language, respecting their ”laws” and then slowly settling down nearby are the primary thing needed to achieve their trust.
Before He started His career as a traveler and scientist, noone was exploring theese fascinating and misterious lands. Antropolgists were comducting their research by reading works of others and bringing out facts. Noone was really Experienced with those people and everyone was guided by books.
He constructed fundaments of the Functionalist Theory, which was the main theoretical directions of antropology. It was simply theory about functions of smaller societies and its impact on the rest of bigger ones.
He made a new concept of inspecting areas and working with uncivilised humans. It was long term, deep and effective buildup of trust. Thats why He stayed in Melanisian islands for so long. His expeditions lasted for one year average and were conducted from 1915 to 1916 and from 1917 to 1918.
He devoted his life on intense research so we could better understand the forgotten humans. After he succesfuly travelled and met many tribes, he went back to Europe and wrote many scientific works about it. One of them is „The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia�. He took up the professorship and the first Chair of Anthropology at the University of London.
In 1936 He gained honoris causa doctorate at Harvard University. In 1939 became profesor
On May, 16th 1942 He got heart attack and died.