Self djecji svijet

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In recent times, a concept of education has taken root in which the school is the only player. One of the members of the ecosystem has claimed hegemony and virtual exclusivity to such an extent that the very notion of education is associated with what goes on in schools. Such an interpretation forgets that we are shaped within the complex interrelationship of a network of different contexts which transcends the specificities of the school setting. Public policies have helped consolidate this idea in such a way that, when considering education in the 21st-century, both the public at large and government authorities fall prey to the crude reductionism of focusing the debate on school in the 21st century. Families have also taken this conceptual framework on board, accepting the subordinate role drawn up and requested by schools. We think of families as a form of support, creating formulae to facilitate their ‘improved’ participation. To an extent, families are even blamed for learning failure. Family-school relations are approached from a one-way perspective. Making them two-way is now one of the major challenges in the new ecology of learning. And yet the situation is changing. A radically different model of action and relation is beginning to emerge: other contexts like family, community, neighbourhood, shared resources, virtual environments… are acquiring increasing relevance. Project SELF is a pioneering initiative in this respect. It aims to explore, experiment, evaluate…and, in short, weave a tapestry of promising and worthwhile links with other educational contexts. The school of the future must position itself within this framework, in which the school context is just one of the members of the educational ecosystem, one of the nodes in a network of much broader, multidirectional links between all the potential learning scenarios. Through their interaction, this complex network defines the ‘personal learning pathway’ that makes the comprehensive development of each and every student meaningful, plausible and forward-looking. From this perspective, Project SELF is a giant leap in the right direction.

Rodrigo J. García Pedagogue

Suradnja s centrom Suradnja 112 i policijom s centrom 112 i policijom Eksperimentalna umjetnost Eksperimentalna umjetnost

Cooperation withCooperation the 112 emergency with the 112 emergency Experimental art Experimental art service and the police service and the police

Entomološki muzej Entomological museum

Suradnički projekti Suradnički vrtića i kjnižnice projekti vrtića i kjnižnice ODNOS S NAŠIMODNOS S NAŠIM (dječja književnost) (dječja književnost) OKRUŽENJEM OKRUŽENJEM Entomološki collaborative projects collaborative projects RELATIONS WITH RELATIONS THE WITH THE Schools-librariesSchools-libraries muzej (children’s literature) (children’s literature) ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT Entomological museum

Glazbeni dani

Glazbeni dani

Musical days

Musical days

Okoliš i obrazovanje Okoliš i obrazovanje Tradicionalne i suradničke Tradicionalne igre i suradničke Environment andEnvironment education and education Traditional and cooperative Traditional games and cooperative

Zaleo bend Zaleo Band Međunarodni danMeđunarodni dan muzeja. PORTRETImuzeja. PORTRETI

Kazalište Theatre

International museum International museum day. PORTRAITS day. PORTRAITS

Sastanci dobrodošlice

Sastanci diseminacije Sastanci projekta diseminacije projekta Sastanci dobrodošlice Project dissemination Project meetings dissemination meetings

Zaleo bend Zaleo Band


Zabavna olimpijada Zabavna olimpijada Games OlympicsGames Olympics

Welcome meetings Welcome meetings Metodički priručnik Metodički priručnik za odgajatelje za odgajatelje

Teaching guide for Teaching teachers guide for teachers



Dječje likovne izložbe Dječje likovne izložbe Student art exhibitions Student art exhibitions

Sastanci sa sveučilištima Sastanci i sa sveučilištima i studentima stručnih studentima studija stručnih studija INFORMIRANJE JE INFORMIRANJE DIJELJENJE JE DIJELJENJE Meetings with university Meetingsand with university and TO INFORM IS TO TOSHARE INFORM IS TO SHARE vocational training vocational studentstraining students

Objavljivanje / Publishing Objavljivanje / Publishing Sharing Education Sharing and Learning Education withand Families. Learning with Families. A challenge for XXI A challenge century schools for XXI century schools

Zajednički boravak Zajednički u prirodiboravak u p Sharing time in nature Sharing time in nat

UAM, La Salle ,Alcalá UAM,de La Salle ,Alcalá de Henares, IES Pío Henares, Baroja IES Pío Baroja

Fašnik Carnival


Akvarij Aquarium

Život u kapljici kiše Život u kapljici kiše Vanjska Life in a raindropLife in a raindrop Akvarij učionica Vanjska učionica Outdoor classroomOutdoor classroom Aquarium

Vulkani tika za život Matematika za život Volcanoes s for life Maths for life

jetnost Art Glazba Music

arstvo entry

Umjetnost Art

Vulkani Volcanoes

Pričanje priča



Travel diary: India Elektronika, 3D i robotika Elektronika, 3D i robotika


Travel diary: India


Kod zubara

Kod zubara

Oral health

Oral health

Brailleovo pismo Brailleovo pismo Braille Braille

Književnost i poezija Književnost i poezija Literature and poetry Literature and poetry Stolarstvo Carpentry

Kemija Knjižnica u vrtićuKnjižnica uChemistry vrtiću Classroom libraryClassroom library

Putopis: Indija

Kamerunski plesovi Kamerunski plesovi Dances of CameroonDances of Cameroon

Pilates, joga Pilates, yoga

Priprema materijala Priprema materijala Lutke reparation of materials Preparation of materials Puppets

Putopis: Indija

Electronics, 3D and robotics Electronics, 3D and robotics

Reciklirani papir Reciklirani papir Recycled paper Recycled paper

Pilates, joga Pilates, yoga Glazba Music

Pričanje priča

Šah Chess

Šah Chess

OBITELJI KAO OBITELJI KAO Kukci, vodozemci... Kukci, vodozemci... OBRAZOVNI ČIMBENICI OBRAZOVNI ČIMBENICI Insects, amphibians... Insects, amphibians... LutkeFAMILIES AS EDUCATION FAMILIES AS EDUCATION PLAYERS PLAYERS Puppets Španjolski i flamenko Španjolski i flamenko Spanish and flamenco Spanish and flamenco Kemija Origami Origami Chemistry Hranilice za Hranilice za ptice Svjetleći stol Voćnjak i vrt Voćnjak i vrt ptice Svjetleći stol Birdfeeders BirdfeedersLight table Orchard and gardenOrchard and garden Light table “Ispreplitanje” “Ispreplitanje” Tkanje. Preobrazba. Tkanje. Preobrazba. “Inter-weaving”. “Inter-weaving”. Weaving. Transforming Weaving. Transforming



Izrada tjestenine Izrada tjestenine Pasta making Pasta making Zdravlje Health

Zdravlje Health

Noć knjige Noć knjige ZAJEDNICE UČENJA ZAJEDNICE UČENJA The night of books The night of books LEARNING COMMUNITIES LEARNING COMMUNITIES Bio-ples Bio-dance

Grupna refleksijaGrupna refleksija vrtić - obitelj vrtić - obitelj School-family School-family reflection groups reflection groups

Su-obrazovanje iSu-obrazovanje i Bio-ples raznolikost raznolikost Bio-danceCo-education and diversity Co-education and diversity

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