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Ingredients -1L. of milk -6 yolks -100g of sugar -40g of flour -half of an orange skin -half of a lemon skin -a cinnamon stick Cooking Instructions 1-First of all, put the milk, the orange skin, the lemon skin and the cinnamon stick in a pan on high heat for 30m. 2-Later put the yolks and the sugar in a bowl, and then mix together. 3-When the milk preparation is ready, strain it and mix it with the yolks and the sugar. 4-Now, put the mixture into a pan on medium heat and don’t stop stirring till the mixture becomes thick. 5-Put the custard in an individual clay plates and wait till it’s cold. 6-Finally pour some sugar over the custard and burn it with a cooking blowtorch.


Name: Ana Class: 6A

Ingredients 125g of dark chocolate. 3 eggs 100g of sugar 3 tablespoons of milk 125g of butter ½ packet of yeast 70g of flour 1 tablespoon of Colacao A handful of chopped nuts (optional)

Cooking Instructions 1-First of all melt the chocolate in the microwave with the butter (approximately 3 minutes) 2-Meanwhile beat eggs with sugar. 3-Then we have to mix well the butter and the melted chocolate, and add to mixture of sugar and eggs 4-Next we mix everything with flour, yeast, cocoa, milk and nuts. 5-After that we put in a mold, better than silicone, which previously we have smeared with a little of butter 6-To finish we put the dough in the microwave 5 minutes and a half to a power of 750W. When this done let the dough rest in the fridge…

It’s ready to eat


Ingredients 300gr of milk 50gr of butter 20gr of shredded yeast

Class: 6èB

30-60gr of sugar 550gr of flour 1’5 teaspoons of salt

Cooking Instructions First you put 300gr of milk,50gr of butter,20gr of shredded yeast and the sugar in the Thermomix’s cup during three minutes to 37º and speed​​ two. Then you add the 550gr of flour rand the 1’5 teaspoons of salt to speed espiga during three minutes. Next step is to grease one bowl with butter or oil. After you have to put the dough in the bowl and we cover it with transparent film, and leave it one hour. Then you have to divide the dough in three parts do a plait with them and leave it 30 minutes meanwhile you preheat the oven to 180º. Finally, you cover the plait with egg and you put it in the oven during 25-30 minutes.


Name:ARLET Class:6é A

Ingredients ● 1 glass of virgin olive oil ● a little bit of lemon juce ● 2 garlic cloves ● 1 egg ● fresh parsley (optional) ● salt Cooking Instructions

First peel the garlic, and we put in the blender, then we put the egg without the shell, and we put in the blender, now we add a little bit of olive oil. Then we put the mixer arm at the bottom of the whole,and we beat until thats is keeping bushy. Next we put the oil that is in the glass, and we continue mixer, until is in the corresponding texture. Now we add the lemon juice, and we continue beating with lot of careful. Finally we put alioli in a bowl so then the people can put the quantity that wants.

Macarroni with minced meat and tomatoe.



Ingredients: 500g macarroni, 500g minced meat,​h ​ alf pork and half veal 10 cl oil, 2gr salt, 500 cl Fried Tomato Several garlic Some pepper Wild marjoram Cooking Instructions Macaroni with meat and tomato: 1.- Bring a large pot of lightly salted water and oliva oil to a boil. 2.- Add macaroni, several garlic and Boil the macaroni for 8 or 10 minutes, and drain the Macaroni. 3.- In a pan we will fry the minced meat with salt and pepper. 4.- Once’s cooked the meat, we will add fried tomato and wild marjoram. 5.- To finish we will mix the macaroni with the meat and the tomato. Serve and enjoy the meal!!

Chocolate cake

Name​ :​​ Claudia

Martínez Class: ​ 6è


Ingredients 1) 1 natural yogurt (125g) 2) 3 eggs 3) 250g of flour 4) 125g of chocolate cream 5) 250g of sugar 6) 125g of olive oil 7) 1 packet of yeast (16g) 8) Butter to spread in the mold ● Cooking Instructions 1. First take a big bowl and put the sugar and the 3 eggs in the bowl , and mix them with a lot of energy. 2. Next add the olive oil and the sugar and continue beating so that the mixture is without lumps. 3. Now add the flour and the yeast, passin them throug the colander ,and finish mixing old the ingredients. 4. Last of all you have too add the chocolate cream in to the mixture and mix it good with the rest of the ingredients . 5. Next put some butter in the walls of the mold 6. Put the mixture in the mold and put the mold into the oven (with 180º 30 minutes). 7. Finally take the mold out of the oven and eat it MMM DELICIOUS!!!

The​​ chocolate​​cake Ingredients: 175g of butter 200g of pastry flour 4 eggs 150g of sugar 50g of cocoa powder 1 teaspoon of yeast 25g of cornflour 75g of chocolate chips A pinch of salt

Name: Lucía G Class: 6A

Cooking Instructions First of all you have to shake the butter until you get a smooth cream. Then incorporate the sugar and continue shakeing. When the sugar and the butter are well integrated put the eggs one by one hwile continuing to mix. Next add the cocoa powder, the flour, the yeast and the salt (add the flour little by little). After that preheat the oven at 180º C with heat up and down. Mix until get an homogeneous mixture. Just before finishing to adding the flour add the chocolate chips. Now put the mixture into a baking tin and bake the cake for 30-40 minutes When it’s already baked, remove it and let it cool.

And now you are ready to eat it !!!!


Class:6 A

Ingredients: You need: -butter (100g) -chocolate (half bar) -milk (a half of a glass) -2 eggs -flour (250 g) Cooking Instructions 1-you put in a bowl the butter, the flour and the milk, removed and then add the 2 eggs 2-In one plate put the chocolate at the microwave 1 minute 3-Add the chocolate to the mix (of milk butter...) and when you have mixet it, start mixing with your hands 4-Put them in a mold and put them in the oven at 180 degrees 5-take them out and enjoy

Name: Martina corachan APPLE CAKE

Class: 6è A

Ingredients 130g of butter 3-4 apples 3 eggs 150g of sugar 200g of flour a spoonful of yeast a pinch of salt Cooking Instructions 1-Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. 2-Peel the apple,cut it in pieces and take out the heart with the seeds. Next,with the knife make parallel cuts outside of the pieces. 3-Put in the moul and mix the butter,eggs,yeast,sugar and brandy.Then we put the pieces of apple on the dough. 4-Bake it during 30-40 minutes.Later, put in the fridge for 10 minutes. Finally we eat it,mmm…!

Tortilla de patata for two


Manel Class: 6eA


4 eggs 2 potatoes 300 ml oĂ­l of olive salt Cooking Instructions

first you put 150 ml of oil in a skillet before this heat the oil . Secon put the potatoes in the and fry the potatoes . Later put the eggs in a bowl and beat the eggs . Went you finish this drain the potatoes and mix with the eggs . Later you put a little oil in the pan . To finish add the mixture and you went to go around until it tastes toasted . And enjoy your meal



Name:Elsa Viñals Gamero Class:primary 6

Ingredients: 6 potatoes 240 ml of milk 2 tablespoons butter Cooking Instructions: First of all we need to wash the potatoes. Then we peel the potatoes. After that we chop the potatoes. And we prepare a pot with some water,and we boil the potatoes. Next when the potatoes are boiled we put it in a bowl, and we mash the potatoes. And finally we add some milk and some butter.

Name: Erik Potatoes Omelette

Class: 6èB

Ingredients: 2 Potatoes 2 Eggs Some olive oil 1 Onion (optional) Some salt Cooking Instructions: First, cut the potatoes and the onion. Then, put the potatoes into the olive oil and add the onion. After 10 minutes, mix the potatoes and the onion with the eggs. Add some salt. You have to be careful with the eggs because it can burn. You need a plate to turn the omelette. And finally you will taste an amazing omelette of potatoes!! :)


My family pasta salad

Class: 6B

Ingredients Water 4 or 5 leaves of lettuce A cup of pasta Some olives 3 Tomatoes Oil Salt vinegar (opcional) Cooking Instructions 1. ​ First, we put water in a pot and we heat it up until boils. We have to add a little spoon of salt while it boils or before. 2. While it is heating, we wash the lettuce and the tomatoes. Then we chop them. 3. When it starts to boil, we have to add the pasta on the water. We have to leave it for 7 or 9 minutes. 4. Next, we prepare a bowl to put the lettuce, the tomatoes and the olives (you can add extra things like onion, etc…). 5. Then, when the pasta is ready we put it in a strainer. 6. Later, we put the pasta in the bowl and we add the oil, the vinegar, and the salt. 7. Finally, we mix it all and TIME TO IT IT!!!



Name: Iria Maqueda Class: Primary 6

Ingredients 25 g of sugar 45 g of butter 1 egg 78 g of flour A pinch of salt 1 packet of baking powder

Cooking Instructions First of all we put the oven on at 180 degrees. Later we mix the sugar, the butter and the egg and we mix it all. Next we put salt, the flour and the packet of baking powder in the mixture. We mix it all and now we have the dough. Now with help of a mould, we take the dough and we do like a circle. Once finished we put it in the oven and we wait 10-15 minutes. Last of all we get it out of the oven and we taste them. If you want can you put it some lacasitos. THERE ARE SO DELICIOUS!!!



Class: 6E B



Name:Jan Herance Sepúlveda Class: 6A

Ingredients 1K Mussels ¼ of Onion ½ Lime Black pepper Parsley Bay leaf Ginger Salt Oil Cooking Instruction First we clean the mussels with water. Then in a pot, we put oil and the rest of the ingredientes and we cook it for 5 min. Next we add the mussels and we cover it during 4 min Finally we serve on a plate with a little bit of salt,oil and lime


Name:​ Julen

Yogurt cake

Class: 6th A

Ingredients 1250 gr of flour 21 yogurt 34 eggs 4250 gr of sugar 525gr. Leaving 61 lemon 7125ml of oil Cooking Instructions First, we beat eggs in a recipient then we put the yogurt, later we add 250 gr of flour, then we put 25 gr leaving, then we scratch 1 lemon , we put 125 ml of oil and 250gr of sugar. We beat all ingredients together and we put in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. And we wait 25 minutes AND WE HAVE THE CAKE!!!

Name: Júlia Moreno Rice with tomato and fried egg

Class: 6è A

Ingredients -Rice -Tomato -Egg Cooking Instructions 1- Boil water in a saucepan 2- Add the rice 3- Boil the rice 20 minutes 4- Then strain the rice 5- In a pan , put olive oil 6- When it is hot , throw the egg without the shell 7- Fry the egg 8- On a plate , put some rice. Then throw tomato on top. Above all , put the fried egg.

Name: Júlia.S


Class: 6èB

Ingredients - 500 grams of turkey meat, cut into cubes - 5 carrots - Olive oil - 3 onions - Hot water - Pepper - Salt - Wild marjoram Cooking Instructions First of all put the olive oil to heat in a pot, once the oil is hot, add the turkey meat, salt, pepper and wild marjoram. Then we cook the meat for 10 minutes, next we add 750 cc of hot water. Then the thinly sliced carrot and the chopped onion. We mix all the ingredients, last of all cover the pot and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Finally let stand the stew for 20 minutes, and enjoy the meal.


Name:​​ Lucí​ a


Class: ​ Primary



Ingredients -

125g of chocolate 3 eggs 100g of sugar 3 spoon soup of milk 1 spoon soup of colacao

- 125g of butter - 70g of flour - ½ packet of yeast

Cooking Instructions First we put the chocolate and the butter in a bowl to melt in the microwave three minutes. While, in another bowl we knock the eggs and we put the sugar and the flour and we beat. After that, when we have a mixture, we put in the same bowl the yeast and the colacao and we beat. Next, when the mixture doesn´t have lumps, we put the mixture of chocolate in the mixture of the eggs and the others ingredients . We beat again until there only one mixture. When we have that, we anoint a little bit of butter in a pastry mold and we put a little bit of flour over so it doesn't stick . Finally we pour the mixture in the mold and we put it in the oven 170º and 45 minutes. After that we will have the brownie.

OMELETTE Ingredients ● 3 potatoes ● 4 eggs ● 2 onions ● Olive oil ● Salt ● milk

Name: Lucía Domínguez Class:

primary 6B

Cooking Instructions First of all peel the potatoes and the onion and put it in a bowl ,and then add the eggs in a other bowl ,one by one.​​Take the pan and put it to heat with oil. When the oil is hot add the potatoes and the onion ,while we beat the eggs now we put salt and a little milk. Put all the mixters in the pan and wait a few minutes,and the last of all turn around the omelette.

And the funyiest part is eat : )

Delicious !!!


Class: 6èB

Ingredients ● 8 eggs ● 200 grams of sugar ● 1 liter of milk ● 40 grams of cornflour ● 1 cinnamon stick ● the lemon rind ● vanilla pod Cooking Instructions 1. First mixt the sugar and the eggs yolk. 2. In a bowl put the milk with the lemon rind,the cinnamon and and vanilla. 3. In a glas mixt the cornflour and little bit of milk at in the first milk. 4. Move until you have with the good thickness. 5. Now mixt the milk with the eggs and the sugar,before need to take the lemon and cinnamon stick. 6. Later put old in bowls of mud and put in the fridge to cool.



Class: 6B

Ingredients -2 Bun with sesame -4 slices Cucumber -Lettuce X2 -Cheese -Meat -(optional ketchup) Cooking Instructions 1 step:You put the meat in the grill,and when the hamburger have the brown color you ​turn around. 2 step:You take 1 bun. 3 step:You put the ketchup,1 lettuce, cheese,meat,1 lettuce,4 slices of cucumber, and all in the same order put a bun . 4 step : YOU EAT.

Name:Marta Moreno

imple ookies


Ingredients 280 grams of flower 100 grams of sugar 125 grams of butter 1 egg Cooking Instructions First put in a bowl the flower with the butter and mix. Latter in the mix put the sugar and the egg. Netx put the dough in a plate, shape in a mold By last bake but 8-10 minutes in the oven at 190 degrees ​



Name: ​ Marta Yélamos Class: 6B

Ingredients ● 4 medium eggs ● 75 g white sugar ● 75 g butter ● 200 g chocolate for desserts ● 70 g flour of wheat ● 1 spoonful of cocoa ● 1 spoonful liquid vanilla ● A little bit of salt Cooking Instructions 1. First, mix in a bowl the eggs with the sugar. 2. Next, cut the chocolate in pieces, put in a bowl joined with the butter. Melt 30 seconds in 30 seconds, at half power, in the microwave. 3. Then, add the chocolate with the butter, completely molten, with the eggs and the sugar, as well as the essence of vanilla. Mix well. 4. Add the flour, the cocoa and a little bit of salt, stir with some rods until they are well integrated. 5. After cut oven paper and put in 4 metallic molds. 6. Distributed the dough in the molds, fill up until 3/4 of its capacity. 7. Freeze until want to taste the chocolate Coulant. 8. When it is the moment, to warm up the oven to 200º and bake the chocolate Coulant for 15 minutes. 9. Finally take out of the oven, remove from the mold very carefully. And it’s the moment to decorate. Mmmmm !!!!!!


8 Crepes: INGREDIENTS: ● ● ● ● ● ●

1 cup all-purpose flour 2 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter, melted

COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and the eggs. Later add in the milk and water, stirring to combine. Add the salt and butter; beat until smooth. 2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter into the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each crepe. Put the pan with a circular motion so that the butter coats the surface evenly. 3. Cook the crepe for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is light brown. Loosen with a spatula, turn and cook the other side. Serve hot and with nutella, they are delicious!!! Or whatever you want.


Class: 6éb

Ingredients 120 grammes of icing sugar 400 grammes of baking flour 240 grammes of butter (room temperature) 1 egg Cooking Instructions First put all the ingredients in Thermomix’s cup and mix them for 20 seconds. Second remove the dough from the cup. Then wrap the dough with plastic and put in fridge for 15 minutes. During this time, preheat the oven to 180ºC. After the 15 minutes cut the dough in 3 parts. Then Keep 2 parts of the dough in the fridge. For the next step put some flour on the working area and extend the dough. For doing the cookies you can use moulds. When the cookies are done line a baking tray with baking paper and put them on. After that bake the cookies during ten or twelve minutes (180ºC). Finally repeat the process with the other dough.



Noa.B Class:


Ingredients: 3 eggs 200g of flour 125g of sugar ½ of yeast a little of salt 50 ml of milk 100 ml of oil models to create the muffins 1 table of chocolate

Cooking Instructions first of all we take a bowl,and put the eggs.Then we get a blender and we mix,and we put the sugar,oil,milk,flour and the yeast,and we mix.Later we put the mass in the models,and the models put it in a baking tin .Then we put the oven to 220g and we roam it to 200g.Last of all put it the muffins in the oven and we wait 15 minutes and we take out.Then we put the table of chocolate in the over to 30 seconds and we mix.And we put the chocolate in the top .And finally the muffin are ready to eat!!!

Name: Ona calvo Saenz


Class: 6A

Ingredients 125g of flour 2 eggs ¼ of milk 50g of butter 5g of sugar a pinch of salt Cooking Instructions 1-put the milk, butter and the 2 in a war.Add put the flour,sugar and a pinch of salt, shred the ingredients. 2-With a brush smears the bottom of a pan with a butter and mid fire.Pour some of the dough into the pan,when it start to curdle turn it around and put on the plate and…...eat

Name​ :Ona Esterlich Mendez

chocolate cake

Class​ :6eA

Ingredients -3 eggs -1 iogurt -375g flour -1on yeast -250g of sugar -125g of oil -1 grated lemon -chocolate Cooking Instructions First of all, heat the oven to 180 degrees. Next, mixt the yogurt with the flower and the yeast. Then, put the oil with the the 3 eggs. After that, put the a piece grated lemon and mix it with minipimer. Later, put the dough in a silicone mold and put it in the oven, wait for 40 minutes. Meanwhile we will make the cover. First, melt the chocolate and mix it with milk. PIIIIIP!!! The cake it’s ready! Now, put the cover on it, and put it in the fridge and wait 2 minutes. Later 2 minutes… An now you it the cake!

Name:Pol “Crema catalana”

Class: 6A

Ingredients 1 litre of milk 10 eggs yolk 200 grammes of sugar 40 grammes of cornflour 1 small spoon of vanilla sugar 1 lemon rind 1 cinnamon stick Cooking Instructions First, put in the Thermomix cup the milk, the eggs yolk, the sugar, the cornflour and the vanilla sugar. Second, mix all together during fifteen seconds. Then, add the lemon rind and the cinnamon stick in the Thermomix cup. For cooking the cream set the Thermomix with the following instructions: ninety degrees and speed 2 for eleven minutes. If the cream has bubbles set again the Thermomix during two more minutes with the same temperature and speed. After that pour the cream in some small clay pots and put in the fridge. Finally put some sugar on the cream and melt it with a burner. The “Crema catalana” is ready to eat.

Name: Polina Botan

Class: 6eB

Ingredients 4 eggs 400 g of cream cheese 75g of flour 1 natural yogurt 150g of sugar 1 packet of Maria biscuits

Cooking Instruction: First place the biscuits in a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin to fine crumbs. Later melt the butter and add the biscuit crumbs. Place in the base of the cake tin and spread in an even layer, then flatten. Then mix the cream cheese with the natural yogurt. And also mix the eggs, the sugar and the flour, in another bowl. Finally mix the two bowls and put on the mixture of the biscuits, and put the mould in the oven to 170-180 degrees for approximately 35 minutes.


Name​ :

Xiao ​



​Ingredients​ : -​1 kg of tomatoes ​

-2 spoons of olive oil

-Half an onion

-half of cucumber

-1 garlic clove

-2 spoons of white vinegar

-1 green pepper


-1 teaspoon of salt Cooking recipes 1. 2. 3. 4.

First of all chop one kilo of tomatoes in small pieces and throw them in a mixer. Second we take half an onion, the green pepper and mince it and add it to the mixer. Peel and cut the cucumber the garlic clove and add to the mixer. Next we pure into the mixer three spoons of olive oil, three spoons of white vinegar and some salt. 5. After we mix all the ingredients with the mixer on. 6. Last of all put the gazpacho in one bowl and leave it two hours in the fridge.



Ingredients -1/2 Kilo of tomato -A half of green pepper -1 clove garlic -A half of a cucumber -1 dl of olive oil -4 tablespoons of wine vinegar -Fine salt -1/4 of onion

Class: 6th A


Cooking Instructions First of all,we need to skin the tomatos ,to do it we are going to make a cross cut,later we are going to boil the tomatos 10 or 20 seconds . Now we are going to skin the other vegetals; the onion and the green pepper.Always we are going to cut the garlic . Then we add all the vegetals in the mincer and we crush it.Then we insert the olive oil , the wine vinegar and the teaspoon salt. You can eat it with ice if you eat the ‘’gazpacho’’ in summer.


Name: Sara Escriche Class: 6th A

Ingredients - 500g of milk - 50g of butter - 200g of water - 4 eggs - 250g of flour - a pinch of salt Cooking Instructions First of all we put 50g of butter and we melted well. Next we pour 500g of milk and 200g of water, then we add 250g of flour 4 eggs and a pinch of salt. To finish we mix very well. The consistency has to be like cream discaraded.​​If the consistency is very liquid you have to add a little bit of flour. To do the crepe you have to put the dough in a pan and you have to wait 2-3 minutes leater you turn the crepe and wait 1 more minute. If you want you can add sugar, jam what you want. And the crepe is finished to ead.

Name: Sergio Moreno López Potatoes omelet

Class: 6èB

Ingredients 5 potatoes 5 eggs ½ onion Olive oil

Cooking Instructions First of all put the olive oil in the pan and start to heat. Then cut the potatoes in little parts. When the olive oil is hot put the potatoes to fry.. Cut the onion in little parts and put in the pan after the potatoes. Beat the eggs and mix with the potatoes and onion fried . Then put the mix in the pan in low fire. Wait 5 min and turn the omelet carefully. Finally wait 5 more min until it is finished.

Name: Silvia Gallardo


Class: primary 6B

Ingredients: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

260g of flour Some salt One cup of milk 2 eggs Some butter One cup of olive oil Some vanilla extract

Cooking Instructions: First of all, you preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Add all the ingredients in a bowl, and you mix. Spread a muffin pan with butter and flour. Put the dough in the oven and bake it 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Get the pan from the oven and let it cool down for about 5 minutes. and if you want to put chocolate nuggets or icing sugar, they will be even more delicious.

Sponge cake with chocolate

Name: Veronica Caro Class: 6B

Ingredients: 3 1 2 3 1 1 a

eggs yogurt cups of sugar cups of flour baking powder envelope cup of olive oil chocolate bar

Cooking Instructions: First of all, put the three eggs in a bowl, and add the yogurt. Next, with the yogurt pot,use the measure to add the two cups of sugar and the three of flour, and mix it all. Then, put the mixture of the sponge cake in the baking tin, and put it in the oven at 180ºc for 40 minutes. Last of all,melt the chocolate bar, take the sponge cake out of the oven and put the melted chocolate over it. If you want, you can add sprinkles.

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