BeefShot Menu

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KAHVALTI KEYFİ / BREAKFAST PLEASURE 1 - Kahvaltı tabağı / Breakfast plate

Kaşar peyniri, ezine peyniri, tulum peyniri, siyah zeytin, yeşil zeytin, dana jambon, salam, sosis, bal, tereyağı, çilek reçeli, İncir reçeli, domates, salatalık, haşlanmış yumurta, 2 bardak çay ile. Cheddar cheese, white cheese, sheep cheese, black olives, green olives, honey, butter, fig jam, strawberry jam, salami, ham, sausage, tomato, cucumber, 2 glass of tea,

2 - Serpme kahvaltı 2 kişilik / Breakfast broadcast for 2 person

Kaşar peyniri, ezine peyniri, tulum peyniri, siyah zeytin, yeşil zeytin, bal, tereyağı, nutella, incir reçeli, çilek reçeli, vişne reçeli, portakal reçeli, salam, dana jambon, sosis, sahanda yumurta, domates, salatalık, gözleme, sınırsız çay, Cheddar cheese, white cheese, sheep cheese, black olives, green olives, honey, butter, nutella, fig jam, strawberry jam, cherry jam, orange jam, salami, ham, sausage, fried egg, tomato, cucumber, pancakes. Unlimited tea,

SAHANDA YUMURTALAR / FRIED EGGS 3 - Sade / Plain 4 - Sucuklu / With Turkish sausage 5 - Kaşarlı veya beyaz peynirli / With cheddar or white cheese

OMLETLER/ OMELETTES 6 - Sade omlet / Plain omelet 7-

Sosisli omlet / With sausage

8- Mantarlı omlet / With mushroom 9- Sucuklu omlet / With turkish sausage 10- Karışık omlet / Mixed omelet 11- Kaşarlı omlet / With cheddar cheese .

Akdeniz yeşillikleri ve parmak patates ile servis edilir. / Served with mesclun greens and fries


12- Sade / Plain 13- Kaşarlı / With cheese 14- Sucuklu / With turkish sausage

TOST ÇEŞİTLERİ / TOASTS 15 - Kaşarlı veya beyaz peynirli / With cheddar or white cheese 16 - Sucuklu veya salamlı / With Turkish sausage or salami 17 - Karışık tost / Mixed toast 18 - Bazlama ekmeğine köylüm tost - Kaşar peyniri, domates, yeşil biber / Toasted fatbread with tomato green pepper and cheddar

Beyaz, kepekli tost ekmeği veya bazlama ekmeği ile tost siparişinizi verebilirsiniz, / You can have your toast order with White, Brown toast bread or flatbread







BAŞLANGIÇLAR / STARTERS 19 - Günün çorbası / Soup of the day Günlük hazırlanır, lütfen bilgi alınız

Daily cooked, please ask waiter

20 - Beefshot özel / Beefshot special

Özel kremalı sosla hazırlanmıs mercimek çorbası lentil soup with special cream

21 - Patates tava (parmak veya elma patates) seçenekleri ile / French fries 22 - Karışık sepet / Mixed fried basket

Mozeralla stick, sigara böreği, soğan halkası, patates kroket, jelapone peppers, chicken fingers, sosis tava, patates kızartması Mozarella stick, fried cheese pastry, onion rings, potato crokets, jalapane pepper, chicken fingers fried sausage french fries

23 - Kalamar tava / Fried calamari 24 - Acılı tavuk kanatları / Buffalo wings 25 - Chicken f ingers susamlı / With sesame 26 - Mozerella capris / Mozarella with tomato and pesto souce 27 - Frankfurter sosis / Frankfurter sausage

Karamelize soğan ve patates ile with caramelized onion and french fries

28 - Jalapone peppers 29 - Mozarella sticks 30 - Sigara böreği / Fried cheese pastry 31 - Soğan halkası / Onion rings

ÇOCUK MENÜ/ CHILDREN’S MENU 32 - Domates soslu minik köfteli spagetti / Mini meatballs Spaghetti w ith tomato sauce 33 - Minik burgerler / Mini burgers 34 - Minik mantı / Mini stuffed pasta with mincemeat, with and youghurt and tomato sauce 35 - Domates soslu sosisli spagetti / Spaghetti and sausage with tomato sauce 36 - Köfte patates pilav / Grilled meatballs with frenc fries andrice







SANDVİÇLER / SANDWICHES 37 - Bonfile sandviç / Steak sandwich Bonfile dilimleri, mantar, karamelize soğan, kaşar peyniri

Sliced beef, mushroom, caramelized onion, mozarella

38 - Tavuklu sandviç / Chicken sandwich Tavuk dilimleri, mantar, karamelize soğan, kaşar peyniri

Sliced chicken, mushroom, caramelized onion, mozarella

39 - Köfteli sandviç / Meatballs sandwich Izgara köfte, maskolin, domates, turşu, yeşillik

Grilled meatballs, mesclun, tomato, pickles

40 - Beefshot sandviç / Beefshot sandwich Rozbif ve barbekü sos ile

Roast beef, bbq sauce

41 - Karışık sandviç / Mixed sandwich Dana jambon, kaşar peyniri, yeşillik, domates, turşu

Mixed sandwich ham, mozarella, mesclun, tomato, pickles

42 - İtalyan sandviç / Italion sandwich Suda mozarella, taze fesleğen, roka, domates

Mozarella cheese, basil, arugula, domates

43 - Ton balıklı sandviç / Tunafish sandwich Ton balığı, turşu, domates, roka , kırmızı soğan

Tunafish, pickles, tomato, arugula, red onion,


Akdeniz yeşillikleri ve parmak patates ile servis edilir. / Served with mesclun greens and fries.

BURGERLER / BURGERS 44 - Klasik burger / Classic burger

150 gr hamburger köfte, domates, turşu, karamelize soğan, yeşillik Hamburger 150 gr burger meat, tomato, pickles, caramelized onion, mesclun

45 - Cheeseburger / Cheeseburger

150 gr hamburger köfte, çedar peyniri, domates, turşu, karamelize soğan, yeşillik Cheeseburger 150 gr burger meat, cheader, tomato, pickles, caramelized onion, mesclun

46 - Teksas burger / Texas burger

150 gr hamburger köfte, dana jambon, sote mantar, barbekü sos, yeşillik, karamelize soğan, jalapane biber 150 gr burger meat ham, sauted mushroom, bbq saauce, caramelized onion, mesclun, jalapane pepper,

47 - Beefshot burger / Beefshot burger

150 gr rozbif, domates, jalapane salsa, yeşillik, turşu, karamelize soğan 150 gr roast beef grilled tomato and onion, jalapane pepper salsa sauce

48 - Piliç burger / Chicken burger


150 gr piliç ızgara, domates, jalapane salsa, yeşillik, turşu, karamelize soğan Grilled chicken tomato pickles caramelized onion mesclun Akdeniz yeşillikleri ve parmak patates ile servis edilir. / Served with mesclun greens and fries.







DÜRÜMLER / WRAPS 49 - Etli dürüm / Beef wrap

Özel baharatlarla sotelenmiş bonfile dilimleri, renkli biberler, soğan, mısır ve mantar With special spices, sauted sliced beef with colored peppers, onion, corn and mushroom

50 - Tavuk dürüm / Chicken wrap

Özel baharatlarla sotelenmiş piliç dilimleri, renkli biberler, soğan, mısır ve mantar With special spices, sauted sliced chicken with colored peppers, onion, corn and mushroom

51 - Köfteli dürüm / Meatball wrap Izgara köfte, renkli biberler, soğan, mısır ve mantar

With special spices, grilled meatball with colored peppers, onion, corn and mushroom

52 - Peynirli dürüm / Cheese wrap


Mozarella, çedar ve hellim peyniri, yeşillik ve domates Mozarella, cheddar and grilled halloumi cheese mesclun greens and tomato Akdeniz yeşillikleri ve parmak patates ile servis edilir. / Served with mesclun greens and fries.

QUESADILLAS 53 - Etli quesadilla / Beef quesadilla

Julyen bonfile, kırmızı biber, yeşil biber, soğan,mantar, süt mısır, çedar sos, jalapane biber Sliced beef, colored peppers, , onion, corn, mushroom, mashed beans cheese sauce, jalapane peppers

54 - Tavuklu quesadilla / Chicken quesadilla

Julyen tavuk, kırmızı biber, yeşil biber, soğan, mantar, süt mısır, çedar sos, jalapane biber Sliced chicken, colored peppers, , onion, corn, mushroom, mashed beans cheese sauce, jalapane peppers

55 - Vejeteryan quesadilla / Vegetarian quesadilla


Havuç, mantar, kabak, yeşil biber, kırmızı biber, mısır, çedar sos Carrots, mushrooms, squash, colored peppers, corn, cheese sauce Akdeniz yeşillikleri ve parmak patates ile servis edilir. / Served with mesclun greens and fries.


56 - Etli tacos / Beef tacos Bonfile dilimleri, mantar, karamelize soğan, yeşil-kırmızı biber, mozarella, jalepena biberi

Sliced beef, mushroom, caramelized onion, mozarella colored peppers, jalepena

57 - Tavuklu tacos / Chicken tacos


Tavuk dilimleri, mantar, karamelize soğan, yeşil-kırmızı biber, mozarella, jalepena biberi Sliced chicken, mushroom, caramelized onion, mozarella colored peppers, jalepena Akdeniz yeşillikleri ve parmak patates ile servis edilir. / Served with mesclun greens and fries.








58 - Margarita pizza / Margarita pizza

Mozarella peyniri, domates sos, fesleğen / Mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, basil,

59 - Quattro formogi pizza / Quattro frmogi pizza

Cheader, suda mozerella, rende mozerella, permesan yaprağı / Cheader, white mozzarella, parmesan, mozzarella

60 - Meksika pizza / Mexican pizza

Küp tavuk, Meksika fasulye, mısır, jalapane biber, yeşil – kırmızı biber, mozerella rende Chicken, mexican bean, corn, jalapane pepper, colored peppers, mozzarella,

61 - King pizza / King pizza

Dana jambon, salam, sucuk, mantar, biber, mısır / Ham, salami, turkish salami, mushroom, green peppers, corn

62 - Bbq tavuk pizza / Bbq chicken pizza

Mozarella peyniri, tavuk ızgara, bbq sos, renkli biberler / Bbq chicken pizza, mozzarella, grilled chicken, bbq sauce, colored peppers,

63 - İtalyan pizza / İtalian pizza

Rozbeef, roka yaprağı, permesan / Roast beef, arugula, parmesan

64 - Ton balıklı pizza / Tuna f ish pizza

Mozarella peyniri, ton balığı, mısır, kırmızı soğan / Mozzarella, tuna f ish, corn, red onion

65 - Vejeteryan pizza / Vegetarian pizza

Kabak, domates, patlıcan, biber, ıspanak / Grilled squash, eggplant, tomato, peppers, spinach

66 - Cheesesteak pizza / Cheesesteak pizza

Mozarella, biftek, mantar, biber, mısır / Mozzarella, sliced beef, mushroom, colored peppers, corn

MAKARNALAR / PASTAS 67 - Fettucini alfredo / Fettucini alfredo

Fettucini, mantar, krema, tavuk, permesan / Fettucini, mushrooms, cream, chicken, parmesan

68 - Üç renkli tortellini (krema sos ile) / Tortellini tricolare (with cream sauce) 69 - Penne arabiatta

(acılı, acısız) / Penne

arabiatta (spicy, painless)

70 - Bonfile dilimli penne arabiatta / Penne arabiatta with sliced beef ​​ 71 - Spagetti bolonez / Spaghetti bolognese

Kıymalı domates sos, kaşar peyniri ile / Minced meat tomato sauce with mozzarella cheese

72 - Köy erişte / Turkish homemade pasta

Tulum peyniri, ceviz ve maydonoz / Goat cheese, walnuts, parsley

73 - Penne ittekrali / Penn ittekral

Şeri domates, brokoli, havuç / Cherry tomatoes, broccoli, carrots

74 - Mantı / Homemade stuffed pasta

With mincemeat, and youghurt tomato sauce

75 - Ravioli / Ravioli

Taze ıspanak, permesan / Fresh spinach, parmesan

76 - Noodle etli / Noodle with meat 77 - Noodle tavuklu / Noodle with chicken 78 - Noodle sebzeli / Noodle with vegetables





SALATALAR / SALADS 79 - Tavuklu sezar salata / Chicken caesar salad

İnce tavuk dilimleri, iceberg, sezar sos, kroton

Thin chicken slices, iceberg lettuce, Caesar dressing, croton

80 - Etli sezar salata / Beef caesar salad

İnce bonfile dilimleri, iceberg, sezar sos, kroton)

Thin beef slices, iceberg lettuce, Caesar dressing, croton

81 - Izgara hellim salata / Grilled halloumi salad

Akdeniz yeşilliği, ceviz, mısır, domates, salatalık, balzemik sos ile)

Mesclun greens, walnuts, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, balsamic sauce

82 - Izgara tavuk salata / Grilled chicken salad

Iceberg, roka, ızgara tavuk, havuç, salatalık, turşu, köz biber, domates, winegret sos ile),

Iceberg lettuce, arugula, grilled chicken, carrots, cucumbers, pickles, roasted pepper, tomato

83 - Akdeniz salata / Mediterranean salad

Akdeniz yeşilliği, salatalık, domates, siyah – yeşil zeytin, rende beyaz peynir, mısır, turşu, hardal sos ile)

Mesclun greens, cucumber, tomato, black - green olives, oregano, white cheese, corn, pickles, mustard sauce

84 - Kızarmış peynirli mevsim salata / Cheese salad

Iceberg, kırmızı lahana, havuç, domates, salatalık, turşu, mısır, kızarmış peynir, winegret ile

Iceberg, red cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles, corn, fried cheese with, winegret

85 - Ton balıklı salata / Tunaf ish salad

Iceberg, kırmızı soğan, domates, salatalık, ton balığı, mısır, turşu

Iceberg lettuce, boiled potato, red onion, tomato, cucumber, tuna, corn, pickles

86 - Toskana salata / Tuscany salad

Izgara kabak, havuç, patlıcan, suda mozerella, domates, roka, ıceberg, taze fesleğen, sos ile

Grilled zucchini, carrots, eggplant, potatoes, mozzarella, tomato, arugula, iceberg, fresh basil, served with

87 - Steak salata / Steak salad

Iceberg, roka, domates, salatalık, turşu, mısır, ızagara bonfile, tane hardal sos ile)

Iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, pickle on the cucumber, corn, sliced beef, grain mustard sauce






ANA YEMEKLER / MAIN COURSES 88 - Acılı asya tavuk / Spicy asian chicken

Havuç, marul, kırmızı biber, köy biberi, sweet chili / Carrot, lettuce, red pepper, pepper village, sweet chili

89 - Dağ kekikli piliç külbastı / Chicken cutlet spiced

Pilav, patates kızartması, domates, biber / With thyme served with rice, french fries ,grilled tomatoes and peppers

90 - Dağ kekikli dana külbastı / Grilled beefsteak spiced

Pilav, patates kızartması, domates, biber / With thyme served with rice,french fries ,grilled tomatoes and peppers

91 - Taze baharatlı piliç Izgara / Fresh spicy grilled chicken

Pilav, patates kızartması, domates, biber / Served with rice,french fries ,grilled tomatoes and peppers

92 - İtalyan baharatlı tavuk / Italian spicy chicken

Ispanak, permesan peyniri / Spinach, parmesan cheese

93 - Körili piliç / Slice chicken in curry sauce

Akdeniz yeşilliği ile / Served with mesclun greens

94 - Tavuk şinitzel / Chicken schnitzel

Elma dilim patates ve yeşillik ile / French gries and mesclun

95 - Tavuk şiş / Chicken on skewer

Pilav, patates kızartması, domates, biber / Served with rice,french fries ,grilled tomatoes and peppers

96 - Piliç kebabi / Sauted chicken

Patates kızartması ile / Slices with french fries

97 - Beğendili satır köfte / Special meatballs

Patlıcan beğendi, parmak patates / With mashes eggplant served with french fries

98 - Beefshot köfte / Beefshot meatballs

Bazlama ekmeği, domates sos, yoğurt / On flatbread with yoghurt and tomato sauce

99- Karışık ızgara / Mixed grilled special

Özel soslu bazlama ekmeği, tava yoğurdu, biftek, tavuk şiş, köfte / Sauce on flatbread and with yoghurt





100- Cafe’de paris

200 gr dana antrikot (Elma patates / with fries)

101- Steak diana

200 gr dana bonfile, sote sebze ile / sauted vegetable

102- Pepper steak

200 gr dana bonfile, sote sebze ile / sauted vegetable

103- İtalyan bonf ile / Italian steak

Sote ıspanak, permesan peyniri / Sauted spinach, parmesan cheese

104- Etli fajita / Beef fajitas 105- Tavuklu fajita / Chicken fajitas 106- Köfteli fajita / Meatball fajitas 107- Combo fajita / Combo fajitas

Biftek ve tavuk

108- Levrek f ileto ızgara / Grilled seabass f ilet

Yeşillik eşliğinde / with salads and red onion

109- Quick beef / Grilled thin f illet steak

250 gr dana bonfile, taze roka yaprakları balzamik ve parmesan dilimleri ile / Served arugula balsamic and parmesan

110 Sirlion steak

250 gr dana antrikot (Kremalı sote ıspanak, parmesanlı patates, kuru domates eşliğinde servis edilir, / Creamy sautéed spinach, parmesan potatoes, dried tomatoes are served with)

111 Ribay steak

250 gr dana antrikot (Kremalı sote ıspanak, parmesanlı patates, kuru domates eşliğinde servis edilir, / Creamy sautéed spinach, parmesan potatoes, dried tomatoes are served with)




Chesse Cake

Dondurma Tiramisu

Tahinli Kek


Limon - karpuz Şeftali - mango

Enerji içeceği

Su / Water

Limonata / Lemonade

Zencefilli limonata / Ginger lemonade

Taze limonata naneli / Mint lemonade

Taze limonata çilekli / Strawberry lemonade

Taze limonata şeftali / Peach lemonade

Ayran (20 cl)

Naneli ayran / Ayran with mint (33 cl)

Meyveli soda / Fruit f ilawored mineral water

Vişne, elma, limon, çilek / Cherry, apple, lemon, strawberry

Uludağ mineralli su 25 cl / Naturel soda water

Vişne, şeftali, elma, portakal, karışık

TAZE MEYVE SULARI / FRESH FRUIT JUICES Portakal / Orange Yeşil Elma / Gren apple Havuç / Carrot. Freshmix Taze portakal, taze elma, kivi, muz / Fresh oranges, fresh apple, kiwi, banana

Sunset Taze portakal, muz, çilek / Fresh oranges, bananas, strawberries

Milk shake muzlu / Milkshake with banana Milk shake çilek / Milkshake with strawberry Milk shake vanilyalı / Milkshake with vanilla Milk shake çikolatalı / Milkshake with chocolate Strawberries Limonata, çilek, dondurma / Lemonade, strawberries, icecream

Frozen lemonade Frozen lemonade şeftali Frozen lemonade with peach Frozen lemonade çilek Frozen lemonade with strawberry

SICAK İÇEÇEKLER / HOT DRINKS Bardak çay / Glass of tea Fincan çay / Cup of tea Early grey Meyve ve bitki çayları / Fruit and herbal tea Türk kahvesi / Turkish coffee Damla sakızlı Türk kahvesi / Gummastic Turkish coffee Nescafe gold Aromalı kahveler / Aroma coffee served with feach press Espresso single Double espresso Americano Latte vanilya / Vanilla latte Latte karamel / Caramel latte Latte fındık / Hazelnut latte Latte maciato Maciato esspresso Cappucino Sıcak çikolata / Hot chocolate Sıcak çikolata muz / Hot chocolate banana Sıcak çikolata çilek / Hot chocolate strawberry Sıcak çikolata karamel / Hot chocolate caramel White mocha Sahlep

SOĞUK KAHVE / COLD COFFEE Latte frappe Mocha çilekli / Mocha strawberry Mocha muzlu / Mocha banana Ice vanilya latte Cold choclate strawbery

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