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Construction EDShIL LLC was established in 1993, Construction of urban planning, consulting services, and Tips M o r e t h a n 1 0 e n g a g e d f o u n d e d b i l e e . S Ăź Ăź l i i n y e a r s f o r a f o r e i g n i n v e s t o r, C l i e n t , A u t h o r together with the companies to develop a number of construction projects, possession of service features gained significant experience. For example, from the design of the following projects t h a t i s f i f t y c o n s u l t a n t s c o n t r o l s : F r e e P r e s s p r o j e c t D A N I D A 1 9 9 4 o n B o d i T o w e r P r o j e c t U S A , U K 1 9 9 5 o n G o l d e n O C - c o m p l e x i n j e c t i o n I F C , t h e Wo r l d B a n k 1 9 9 9 o n Latter-day Saints Church USA, KhONGONG 1999-2008on B a n k K O R E A 2 0 0 3 o n S u r u g a , 4 - s e a s o n g a r d e n O C J A PA N 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 7 o n E r i n T o w n J A P A N 2 0 1 0 , T h e O l y m p i c v i l l a g e C H I N A 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 o n M o u n t a i n u u r k h a n C o E TO L G O I L L C , 2 0 1 2 T r y u E l A p a r t m e n t s To w n K O R E A 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 o n T o w n C l u b s i n g a p o r e 2 0 1 3 o n T o w n v i l l a C H I N A 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 o n Ger is planning Standard Property 2014-2015on ELShIL has completed more than 300 projects, of which More than 70 percent of all the sectors of their bilee.Manai job creation, implementation I n f o r m a t i o n c a n s e e t h e p r o m o t i o n a l t o o l s . q u a l i t y o f t e c h n i c a l a d v i c e Te s t A r c h i t e c t u r e P l a n n i n g a n d C o n t r o l tight end always keep ratings high, zakhialagchiaigaa, working closely product architecture and features to further improve the quality and design M o d e r n t e c h n o l o g y, q u a l i t y s o l u t i o n s t o h i g h s t a n d a r d s t o p l a y a n d r e a d y b a i e a c o o p e r a t e .

Time line


Market economy

The Press institute building that is our first external project implemented

First begen to be used in the calculation program

The SEDEL film that is first consulting company of tupe of private property established



architectural portfolio

Time line



Owner of Edshil architect U.Ganbold worked at State Central institute of Building Design



First Residential Villa of 68 householders SHINE TUGUL designed

The Sedel was changed name to EDSHIL LLC consulting company

2001 2000

Working with “ЛИРА”

Started Collabration U.Ganbold has been chosen one of “Asian 100 architects of the year”

Started Collabration

2006 2005


2010 2011

Implemented 106 projects in 5 years. It's the best specification



Finished for Personality office building

Time line

Extradition S.Luwsanwandan first top prize in honor of the aesthetics

Working with BIM

Began for Personality office building

Bodi Tower awarded by “Best building of Year”

architectural portfolio

Working with SketchUp


25 + S T O R Y OF T I M E L I N E


WORKERS INTRODUCTION... ARCHITECTS Counsulting Architect/ General Director Name: Ganbold.U Working experience: 293 Language: English, Russia

architectural portfolio

Workers Introduction

Counsulting Architect/ Senior Architect Name: Ochchimeg.G Working experience: 198 Language: English


Counsulting Architect/ Vice Director Name: Aldarsaikhan Working experience: 170 Language: English

Senior Architect Name: Iderbat.O Working experience: 178 Language: English, Korea

Certified Architect Name: Enkhtsadmid.L Working experience: 65 Language: English

Certified Architect Name: Ochkhuu.N Working experience: 58 Language: English

Architect Name: Munkhnasan.D Working experience: 30 Language: English

Architect Name: Erdenee.G Working experience: 35 Language: English

Architect Name: Odsuren.S Working experience: 23 Language: English, Korea

Interior, Exterior, designer Name: Erdenebileg.N Working experience: 20 Language: English

Architect Name: Munkh-Ochir.D Working experience: 20 Language: English

Architect Name: Javkhlantugs.B Working experience: 20 Language: English

Architect Name: Munkh-Erdene.B Working experience: 5 Language: English

Architect Name: Saintogtokh.L Working experience: 5 Language: English

Electrical engineer Name: Sarankhuu.Ch Working experience: 79 Language: English

Senoir Structural engineer Name: Javkhlan.B Working experience: 176 Language: English, Russia

Heating supply&Venilation engineer Name: Solongo.P Working experience: 65 Language: English

Structural engineer Name: Ganbayar.Ts Working experience: 20 Language: English

Tellecominication, Alarm engineer Name: Tvvshinzaya.E Working experience: 49 Language: English

Structural engineer Name: Tamir.Ts Working experience: 18 Language: English

Water and sewerage engineer Name: Batsaikhan.Ts Working experience: 15 Language: English

Structural engineer Name: Baasandorj.D Working experience: 9 Language: English

Electrical engineer Name: Bayrmaa.Ch Working experience: 23 Language: English

Structural engineer Name: Khulan.G Working experience: 1 Language: English

Manager Name: Tserenpil.Ts Language: English, Chinese

Electrical engineer Name: Oyunchimeg.B Working experience: 1 Language: English

Acountancy Name: Oyunsuren.G Language: English, Chinese


architectural portfolio

Senoir Structural engineer Name: Oyunchimeg.L Working experience: 150 Language: English, Russia

Workers Introduction




architectural portfolio

Selected some other projects




architectural portfolio

Selected some other projects


EDSHIL LLC Office address Chingges avenue 19/1, Shine tugul complex, blok C ground floor 3 Post address Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 210628, PO-48, box 466, Shine tugul Telephone 976-11311383. 976-99113422. 976-99103422




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