Erh-Lei ChaiPortfolio

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Erh -Lei Chai 62

contents P rofile


Character A nimation

Sugar & Syrup | 3D A nimation



Modeling | Z brush

Storyboard Character Design Animation Design Modeling


M editation | I nterdisciplinary A rt

Scene Design Character Design Modeling


Animation Design performance

The Dancing Girl | 3D A nimationm Storyboard Character Design Animation Design

Storyboard Animation Design Modeling


Character Design Modeling

Distortion | 3D A nimation

Cubic | 3D A nimation



Simulacrum | I nterdisciplinary A rt Animation Design Installation

Certification 36


Leadership Contact





PROFILE P ersonal


Name: Erh-Lei Chai Tel: (+886) 989-420-579 Email:

Skills Autodesk Maya & 3D max : modeling, rigging, character animation, dynamic effects Zbrush Realf low Marvelous Designer Adobe After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition

Certifications Autodesk Maya Advance Animation Program, The Autodesk Authorized Training Center (ATC)

Oct 2013

Electronic Music and Sound Design Certificate Program, EC Design School, Taipei, Taiwan

Nov 2013

Storyboard, Maya advance Modeling, Animation Setup, Rendering, Special Effects

Cubase, Reason


Graduate student in Graduate School of New Media Art in the college of Design


Exchange Student

SHIH HSIN UNIVERSITY (SHU), TAIPEI, TAIWAN Bachelor of Design in Department of Digital Multimedia Arts


Sep 2014 – Jan 2017 (expected) Oct 2015 Sep 2010 – Jun 2014

A rtworks & Exhibitions SIMULACRUM MEDITATION Sugar & Syrup Wanna Eat The Dancing Girl

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Interactive Installation art | NTUA Art Center, Taiwan | 2015 Interdisciplinary Art | Fuzhong 15 Animation and Story Gallery, Taiwan | 2015 3D Animation | Youth Film Festival, Taiwan | 2014 Video | King Car Art Center, Taiwan | 2014 3D Animation | Fuzhong 15 Animation and Story Gallery, Taiwan | 2013

Experience International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Digital Attraction, Taipei, Taiwan

Interpreter & Master of Ceremony

Nov 2015

Digital Art Exhibition, Motion & Emotion, Taipei, Taiwan

Oct2014 – Feb 2015

Courses in 3D Animation

Sep 2013 – Jun 2014

Userjoy Technology Co., Ltd

Jul 2012 – Sep 2012

Curatorial Assistant

Teaching Assistant


Leadership The Female College Students Leadership Training Program, Ministry of Education

July 2015 – Dec 2015

Student Association in Department of Digital Multimedia Arts

Aug 2012 – Jun 2013

Cheerleading in Department of Digital Multimedia Arts

Jan 2013 – Jun 2013

Group Leader

Sub – Chairman

Cheerleader & Coach

A dditional Languages: f luent in English, TOFEL IBT 83 / 120

Sep 2015

Joined 2015 Animation Industry Forum raised by Taipei Film Academy.

Oct 2015


SUGAR & Syrup I ntroduction


n the kitchen, several spice jars living in the cabinet. Since there's a new f r iend "Sy r up" coming, who is arrogant and special, the "Sugar" was ig nored by thei r master and t u r n sad gradually. However, the Sugar still keep his kindness and save the Sy r up when he was empt y and th rew away by their master.Because of this acting, Sugar and Syrup becomes good friend to each other.

Duty Teamwork (with 3 members) modeling, rigging, character animation, music design

I nformation Length : 8 mins Resolution : 1280*720 Publication : 2013

Exhibition & Award Youth Film Festival, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2014 YODEX Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014 South Taiwan Film Festival, Tainan, Taiwan, 2014

S tory boa r ds | Sugar & Syrup 5

SUGAR I ntroduction


ugar, the main character, with white hat and red shoes. We made this character looks normal and simple in order to make the difference between sugar and syrup. Also, with these simple stuff, it'll make Sugar looks like a person with kindness.


D esign | Sugar & Syrup 7


C h a r act er A n i m at ion | Sugar & Syrup 9

D esign | Sugar & Syrup 10


I ntroduction


aple Syrup, the main character, wearing in gentry hat, boots, and always with his smoking pipe. Unlike sugar, we design him with glass texture and use these accessories in order to make him extraordinary and expensive. The most interesting thing is, Syrup have only one hand. It's because he has a little ear on his left side and we decided to give him only one hand. This make him really special.



C h a r act er A n i m at ion | Sugar & Syrup


TADASKA & Mr. qlive I ntroduction



ADASKA, we change his name from tabasco. He has thin, long shape and with quick motion. A little bit allergic. Mr. Qlive, we change his name from Mt. Olive. He is a fat character and that makes him slow. They are the best friend for each other.

In the film, TADASKA and Mr. Qlive playing their card game in the cabinet when Sugar was really sad and alone. We use this part to show that even though their master loves Syrup, TADASKA and Mr. Qlive can always enjoy their life and different with Sugar.

D esign | Sugar & Syrup



Mr. Qlive looks heavy and we let him more clumsy. For example, in the first part of the film. When their master leaves, they call each other to wake up and Mr. Qlive just sleep late, TADASKA has to push him to wake him up.

D esign | Sugar & Syrup


SAlbe & mayonany I ntroduction



albe, wearing in peaked cap with his name on it. We make him like a child with curiosity. Mayonnany, chanced from Mayonnaise and we actually call her grandma, with curly hair and crutch. Always with a kind face.

At first we call him salt but changed into Salbe. These two characters are minor roles in order to show that everyone in the kitchen admired Syrup a lot and want his signature.

D esign | Sugar & Syrup 19


D esign | Sugar & Syrup






I ntroduction


h is stor y is t al k i ng about a g i rl who wa s frustrated by Domestic violence and always chased by her nightmare. When the first time she touched the red f lower and bleed, the place changed into a colorful world and full of everything she want. She create a wonderful world and try to ignore her nightmare.

Duty Teamwork (with 3 members) rigging, character animation, hair dynamic scene modeling

I nformation Length : 6 mins Resolution : 1280*720 Publication : 2016 (expected)



he great idea in this story is that we decided to use two kinds of world. The first one is the world with dark, using black and white and narrow street, the second one is a colorful world. We use these two styles to make strong contrast and show the change of charater's mind. We used the shape to make a clear distinction that in the narrow and straight street, you can't see the end of it and suffocated by your nightmare. In the colorful world, the square means the character protect herself in her fantasy. Pretended to igore everything but it also means she can never escape because of the nightmare was just outside.


POPO I ntroduction We let the girl looks like a lttle princess and the dress is more soft in the second cloth and she will wear like this when she get in her fantasy world. That means she wants to protect herself and satisfy her inner desire. All she wants is love and relationship from others.


We design her first cloth with some damage to show the mental illness she has.There also has some wounds on her skin. She is the girl without confidence and use her hair to cover her face. The software we used for making clothes is Marvelous Designer. With the cache of Maya keyframe, it can combined with Marvelous Designer and create dynamic cloth in that software.


Doll I ntroduction We created this doll as a gift from girl's father and also with some damage. It's a metaphor of the hurt that the girl had suffer from. The doll won't have its life but feels like it k nows ever y thing and always suppor ts the girl.

M r . M ask I ntroduction The guide of the girl's fantasy world. He leads the girl to see how wonderful the world is and gives everything she wants. He was created by the girl's imagination which demonstrated that she desires love from her dad. Howeve r, t he g u ide wea r a ma sk w it hout expression, which means the gi rl could n't remember anything about her father.


We made a teaser and used the concept of Death and Narcissus that over narcissism caused the end of death. Nowadays, people likes to take selfies with the smart phone and wallow in the word of internet in order to get the confidence and self-affirmation; however, with the blind love, people confused in the difference between reality and virtuality and even suffer from mental illness.

S tory boa r ds | Distortion



tHE DANCING GIRL I ntroduction


n the midnight, the dancing girl on the music box awake and start to dance. Her vivid movement looks as if she was a really girl. However, when someone get closer, everything just like a dream and disappeared.The dancing girl turn back to a doll.

Duty Personal work modeling, rigging, character animation texture, lighting, film edit

I nformation Length : 3 mins Resolution : 1280*720 Publication : 2012

Exhibition & Award Fuzhong15 Animation and Story Gallery, Taiwan, 2013 King Car Art Center, Taiwan, 2014


S tory boa r ds | The Dancing Girl 33


I designed this character with specific appearance in order to make it easy for audience to know the topic of this film. I also used rose and ribbon as accessories to make the character like a shinning performer.



cubic I ntroduction


his is an advent u re of Cubic, tak ing r isks in a factor y. W hen Cubic passing th rough a machine, the shape of the color of Cubic will be changed. This is an animation talking about socialization.

Duty Teamwork (with 2 members) modeling, rigging, character animation texture, lighting, film edit

I nformation Length : 2 mins Resolution : 1280*720 Publication : 2016



he most interesting part of this animation is the rigging of this character. I'm in charge of rigging and character animation. I've always thinking and practicing the basic principles of animation. By doing this, the character could be more exageration but realistic and make sense also. We created character to use the control panel as if someone arranging what things will happen to the Cubic. The idea comes from 3D animation "Inside Out".


C h a r act er

a n i m at ion


S tory boa r ds | CUBIC


D esign | CUBIC



CHARacter animation I ntroduction I design these three short films as a practice and show my skill of character animation also. I enjoy in acting and try all best to make vivid animation.

S tory boa r ds | Rainy Day


S tory boa r ds | Jump Over


S tory boa r ds | Stealing




R en der | Modeling

modeling introduction

The idea of the vines stage came from the game character "Zyra", which is the character of "League of Legends". I'm the peroson who loves video game and Elf usually is one of the main character, I combined these ideas and used Zbrush to sculpt this model.




MEDITATION I ntroduction


owadays, we all have lots of stress and the full schedule always make us crazy and suffer from the mental illness. Numerous things are stuck in our brain and we couldn't release those information. The performance demonstrated the process of releasing pressure.

P er f rom a nce | MEDITATION 52

Interdisciplinary Art, this artwork combined 3D animation and programing. The performer can interact with Chinese dynamic words and real - time programing. In the first animation part, Chinese dynamic words crowded as if there is a tunnel and we are trapped inside. This tunnel simulated time pass when we are thinking. In the second part, we used words to simulated the rain fall and wash every bad things away.

Duty Teamwork (with 2 members) animation, performance, music design

I nformation Length : 4 mins Resolution : 1280*720 Publication : 2015

Exhibition & Award Fuzhong 15 Animation and Story Gallery, Taiwan, 2015



SIMULACRUM I ntroduction Since our City were crowed with vehicle, Not only the problem of air pollution, noise pollutioin also become severe. We lived in an industrialized city and barely can we see nature things or hear their sounds

Duty Teamwork (with 2 members) modeling, dynamics lighting, rendering

I nformation Length : 1-2 mins Resolution : 1280*720 Publication : 2015

Exhibition & Award Interactive Installation art, NTUA Art Center, Taiwan


In this artwork, we can use an microphone to feed the tree with noise and control the life of the tree.




The Autodesk Authorized Training Center (ATC) Autodesk Maya Advance Animation Program

Storyboard, Maya advance Modeling, Animation Setup, Rendering, Special Effects

EC Design School, Taipei, Taiwan Electronic Music and Sound Design Certificate Program

Cubase, Reason


Training period in Switzerland The Academy of Contemporary Arts in Saxon - EPAC

TOEFL IBT 83 / 120 September 13, 2015


LEADERSHIP I have been cheerleader and coach for three times, leading a group with more than 40 members. There's one time I used the idea of “Peter pan� to create and design dances for cheerleading and won the championship and $700 USD for our group.


I n 2 015, I h a v e b e e n t h e I n t e r p r e t e r a n d t h e h o s t o f International Contemporary Art Exhibition in Taipei, Taiwan. Tr a n slat e d se nt e nce s sp oke n i n Engl ish t o Ch i ne se a nd translated on 2 conferences. In 2013, I was the Sub– Chairman of student association in Department of Digital Multimedia Arts. Compiled an annual project and won the award of association judge, plan ned 8 activities for f resh men and 2 animation competitions in whole year. Also, I was the sub–Chairman of dancing association in college and had several performance.


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