Case Studies "Mr Kim found out his aircon suddenly black out without any reason. He try search service through phone but technician informed he need to replace all unit aircon. He try to find others second opinion but not sure where to find it .."
"Ms. Anne need to prepare everything for her kids after backs from work, but today she got tight schedule meeting and have no time to back home as normal hours. She need someone she could asking to buy foods for her kids but dont know who she could ask for help .." "Auntie Jude panic since his toilet bowl leak in middle of the night. Temporary she can fixed but further repair need to be done. She don’t know who need to be called. She ever read ads sticker of plumbing but not their reputation .."
"As an executive in Linen dept; Johnny need to have at least 5 company to bidding for comparison. He knows 2 company but still need another 3 as company policy. He still new in town and time he had is limited ... " "Brian just bought expensive new grill and fog lamp for his car from overseas, but he dont know how to assembled it. He need somone who can help him with budget he had ... "
the idea
project loader have project to be done! snap the project load to wait for proposal select your winner
the idea
project taker receive notification project open create proposal for project loader wait notification on projects winning the projects finish the projects task, ask for feedback & get ready for new projects
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The whole idea of this apps is how we could help others by sharing our experiences or time to others who need.
will create the time line, the dateline and process how we will expand our team to make our dream come true.
ProjectsRepublic community will help each others. From community back to community.
We proposed to trial this projects into small group first (eg; school) than gradually open for public.
If this proposal having positive respond from the board - aside to technical things with application or web making - we
It will be big challenge for us but we will make it happened.
Stop Selling, Start Helping! - zig ziglar -