The PIN Magazine July 2014

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July - August 2014 Vol. 01 | Issue 6

the PIN magazine

IN THIS ISSUE: CHARLIE YOUNG ERA Real Estate on the Homefront mARGUERITTE CRESPILLO Are you Building a RIGHT now business or a LIFETIME business?

BRITTANY HURD Top REO Agent: And The Award Goes To‌

Douglas R. Bender Being Significant

nabil captan The True Impact of Mortgage Defaults on FICO Scores

On the cover: Donnell Spivey, President of National Association of Real Estate Brokers

THE POWER IS NOW INC. Eric Lawrence Frazier, MBA President and CEO Office: (800) 401-8994 Ext. 703 Direct: (714) 361-2105 Blogtalkradio: thepowerisnow

EDITORIAL TEAM Eric Lawrence Frazier Editor in Chief (800) 401-8994 Ext. 703 Erica L. Frazier, MBA Assistant Editor (800) 401-8994 ext. 710 Goldy Ponce Arratia Graphic Artist and Design Manager (800) 401-8994 ext. 711 Eric Egana Staff Writer (800) 401-8994 ext. 701

CONTRIBUTORS Aaron Zapata Anita Jones Cayenne Brittany Hurd Celeste Davie Andrea Cooksey Donnel Spivey Charis Wayman Charlie Young Dolores Golden Eric Frazier Douglas Bender Eric Johnson Intercap Lending Jill Rand Marguerite Crespillo Lilyvette Rodriguez Nabil Captan P.S. Perkins

CONTENTS Mission and Vision of the PIN Magazine (page 5)

THE CEO’S CORNER ERA Real Estate on the Homefront (page 6)


REAL ESTATE The True Impact of Mortgage Defaults on FICO Scores (page 9) Home Safety Tips (page 14) First-Time Homebuyers are Getting Squeezed by Investors (page 19) Top REO Agent: And the Award Goes to... (page 20) 10 Steps Minorities Need to Take Before Purchasing a Home (page 24) Growing Opportunities with Employer Assisted Housing Developing your Market Place (page 30) Marketing Matters (page 34) Observations of the Los Angeles Neighbourhoods, Leimert Park, View Park, Baldwin Hills (page 36) Why Homeownership? It’s the Road to Wealth (page 42) Are you Building a Right Now Business or a Lifetime Business? (page 42)



THE CEO’S CENTERFOLD Andrea Hilliard Cooksey (page 40) Donnell Spivey (page 41)



Interpersonal Communication: A War of Perception (page 48) A World at Peace: Let’s Work on It! (page 52) Being Significant (page 54) Go Green for the Summer (page 58)

COMMERCIAL New Products, New Clients (page 60)


TECHNOLOGY What Technology Do I Really Need? (page 62)

TRAVEL Staying Safe While Boating (page 68) Paws p in Montana (page 68)

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Mission and Vision of the power is now MAGazine Mission


The Power Is Now e-Magazine is a national real estate and lifestyle magazine, bringing together consumers and the real estate, banking, insurance and investment professionals who serve them, through smart, fun, and timely editorial content, compelling photographs and quality advertising.

The Power Is Now Online and e-Magazine will be the premier Real Estate Magazine serving consumers, real estate and business professionals nationwide in all metropolitan markets. The Power Is Now Online and e-magazine will be viewed as the most effective medium for real estate and business professional to get exposure to consumers and to share their knowledge and information that will empower them to take action.

Each issue will feature a blend of articles from business and industry professional leaders, on residential and commercial real estate, default services, REO and short sales, finance, banking, insurance, dining, fashion, home design, travel, health/fitness, Book/Movie reviews and more. The Power Is Now e-Magazine will be a free subscription magazine available on www. The Online version will be a paid subscription with more content, video, radio interviews and commentary from news makers and the writers. Cover and Feature story profiles:

The cover of each issue will feature our visionary Eric Lawrence Frazier MBA, publisher of the Power Is Now Magazine and founder and executive producer of the Power Is Now Radio. Each issue will also feature a Power Player Centerfold of an extraordinary business professional who is an exceptional leader in the business, insurance, banking, the real estate and other industries. The Online and e-Magazine will have 26 sections for various articles under the Power Is Now theme: The Power Is Now Real Estate, Real Estate Resource, Real Estate Agent Spotlight, Headline News, Technology, Politics, Community, Health, Medicine, Ministry, Literacy, Education, Entertainment, Cuisine, Music, Youth, Social media, Research & Reports, Business, Energy, Economics, Life Coaching, Publishers Note, Power Player Centerfold, Art and Sports. The writers for each department will all be industry professionals who are practitioners in their field of expertise. We are bringing the best practitioners in the industry to share their knowledge and experience in their field of expertise. They are industry professionals who can provide advice, and information to make decisions that will enable consumers to navigate through the challenges and opportunities of life.



Administrative Assistant Rachel Bacol CEO & Publisher Eric Lawrence Frazier, MBA 3739 6th Street, Riverside, CA 921506 Ph: (800) 401-8994 ext. 703

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HOMEFRONT by Charlie Young The great thing about real estate is that just about everyone can relate to the concept of home. Whether you rent or own, the experience of having a home base, a strong foundation, a keystone for your life, is the same. When I came to ERA Real Estate in 2009, it was kind of like moving into a new home. I had to become acquainted with the wiring (What does this brand run on? What powers it?), figure out where the weight bearing beams were located (What was foundational to the brand? Where did we need to shore up support?), and peel back a few layers of wallpaper (What could use a bit of spiffing up? How could we modernize some of the legacy aspects of our brand?). It wasn’t long after I settled in and started working with my new family that we recognized opportunities for renovation. Isn’t that always the case?


But instead of installing hard wood floors, refacing cabinets or putting on an addition, we set about remodeling (enhancing) the tools of our brand, holding block parties with our brokers across the country, and bumping out the brand by adding a number of new companies in key markets. I like to say that we spent the last five years renovating the brand from the inside out to provide avenues for our brokers to grow, diversify and succeed. Here’s what we did: Today, we have a whole new technology platform which provides all brokers with a customizable branded website that is fed with a direct IDX link, so leads from their site are delivered right to the broker. So far, this approach has increased leads 72 percent. We have a greatly enhanced training platform with many online, self-paced courses.

Our online programs are complemented by customized live learning sessions that we conduct in the broker’s market. In terms of growth, we are measuring that in three ways: adding new companies, helping existing companies grow through M&As and increasing agent productivity. The development of our ERA Powered program, an innovative business solution that allows large brokers with leading market share a way to tap into the tools and network of a global brand and continue to leverage their strong local identity, gave us the opportunity to enter new top tier markets and add market leading firms to our system. Over the course of the last five years, we have added marketleading companies in Denver, East L.A., New Orleans, Silicon Valley, Charlotte, Atlanta, Louisville, and Manhattan Beach.


We have worked with our existing brokers on identifying merger and acquisition opportunities to fuel growth in their markets, notably Wilkinson Real Estate & Associates ERA Powered in Charlotte, N.C., Legacy Real Estate & Associates ERA Powered in Fremont, Calif., and ERA Real Solutions in Columbus, Ohio. And as a final proof point,

since 2010, the number of highly productive agents has increased 25 percent. All of these changes couldn’t have taken place without the honest feedback and active involvement of our broker community, reflecting our unique broker-first approach to the business. By tapping into the diverse perspectives and experiences of our brokers, we

have collectively positioned ourselves to meet the needs and exceed the expectations of the next generation of real estate agents and their buyers and sellers. Not only is it a foundation everyone can be proud of, it creates a culture of inclusion and engagement that fosters further success.


Š 2014 ERA Franchise Systems LLC. A Realogy Company. All Rights Reserved. ERA Franchise Systems LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. ERA and the ERA logo are registered service marks licensed to ERA Franchise Systems LLC.


The True Impact of Mortgage Defaults on FICO SCORES By Nabil Captan For the past twelve years, I have taught the subject of credit scores and credit reports to educators, lenders, real estate professionals, financial advisors, credit counselors, university students, and consumers. In addition to these topics, one of the central points of my tutorial is now the true impact of mortgage defaults on FICO scores. At the beginning of my workshop, I ask REALTORS® some common questions that a mortgage default victim might ask: How long does a short sale, deed in lieu, foreclosure, or bankruptcy remain in my credit file? How many points will I lose if I choose a specific type of mortgage default? How long will it take me to recoup points lost because of a mortgage default or bankruptcy? I usually get at least ten different answers to each of my questions. Why? Misinformation!

The answer is simple: all mortgage defaults, including loan modification with principle reduction, will remain in your client’s credit file for seven years. Not three, not five, and not ten. It will remain for only seven years. A loan modification with rate and term alteration and no principal reduction is simply a refinance transaction, and it will not impact your client’s credit score. Chapter 13 bankruptcy remains on your client’s credit file for seven years, whereas Chapter 7 bankruptcy remains for ten years. How many points will I lose if I choose a specific type of default? It depends! The number of points lost really depends on your client’s starting credit score at the time of default. Table 1 should serve as a simple guide to answer any of your clients’ questions about how a specific mortgage default event will impact their credit scores. Table 1. How Mortgage Defaults Impact Credit Scores

Self-proclaimed experts, attorneys, and sleazy credit repair companies ensure that deception and half-truths about each of these issues remain alive and in abundance. Misinformation is even tougher to debunk when credible sources, such as a highly regarded lender, get even the simplest answers wrong and, in doing so, add to the confusion. I would like to answer these important questions once and for all, and to make sure that, after reading this article, you will be a resource of accurate and reliable information for your clients. How long will a short sale, deed in lieu, foreclosure, or bankruptcy remain in my credit file?

Source: Fair Isaac Corp./ FICO



Please note that the higher your client’s credit score, the higher the negative impact on that score. Furthermore, a short sale with deficiency balance continues to present a higher risk, similar to foreclosure. One of the questions I am asked most often is whether it’s fair for the FICO scoring model to treat a short sale in a manner similar to a foreclosure. Many REALTORS® insist that, because short sales do not cost the bank as much money as foreclosures, the penalty to a credit score should be less. Some also suggest that the borrower’s willingness to work with the lender should have a positive effect on his or her credit risk. Furthermore, those who default on mortgages because of a job loss or a personal disaster, who otherwise would have paid responsibly, may have made decisions that were not representative of their true risk. To test these arguments, researchers for Fair Isaac Corporation/FICO® conducted a study isolating more recent occurrences of mortgage stress events. By studying the subsequent performance of these borrowers on all accounts, they determined the credit risk associated with their mortgage events. Looking at data from October 2009 to October 2011, they were able to verify that short sales and other events of recent mortgage defaults continue to represent a high degree of risk. These results closely match earlier studies of the risk associated with short sales and other events of mortgage defaults. According to these researches, while it is true that short sales represent slightly better risk than foreclosures, they do not perform well enough to merit a more positive treatment in the FICO score. Here is what they said: “In the population we studied, one out of every two borrowers who experienced a short sale went on to default on another account within two years. That is exceptionally high risk. Additionally, the overwhelming majority of consumers with short sales have some other evidence of mortgage delinquency.”


Finally, Fair Isaac Corp/FICO® continues to monitor risk associated with these types of events and will update the FICO credit scoring models appropriately. How much time will it take me to recoup points lost because of a mortgage default or bankruptcy? Again, the higher the score, the longer it takes to recover to the starting score before the occurrence of any type of mortgage default or bankruptcy. I admit that the estimated times for the FICO score to fully recover shown in Table 2 are long. These projected times are based on the assessment of past population data behavior. It is important to note that Recency is one of the most important elements of the FICO scoring model. Also, the older a negative mark gets in your credit file, the less impact it has. It’s up to us to change present and future behavior. By encouraging mortgage default and bankruptcy victims to create new good information on their credit files promptly, we can help offset past negative impact and shorten the time to regain points lost. Table 2. Length of Time It Takes to Recover from Specific Types of Mortgage Default

Source: Fair Isaac Corp./ FICO


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California residents are now eligible to qualify for FHA CHF Access Program. This loan program is perfect for first time homebuyers who need help with down payment or closing costs AND it helps second-time buyers too. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS · Not limited to first time home buyers · Minimum FICO score of 640 required · Debt Ratios as high as 50% · Purchase of owner-occupied primary residences only · 30 year fixed FHA 203(B) & 203(K) Renovation loan · Grant amount is 3% of the final loan amount · Proceeds’ may be used towards down payment only

Call today to see if your buyer is eligible for this program. Eric Lawrence Frazier MBA

PROGRAM LIMITATIONS · No non-occupant, co-borrowers or second home · Borrower income can’t exceed 120% of the HUD income limits, regardless of family size by county in which the property is located · Eligible properties: Single family, owner-occupied, 1 Unit, principal residence that are detached or condominium, townhomes, PUD’s or Duplexes. 26880 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Suite 100, Aliso Viejo, California 92656

This is one of Intercap Lending’s many loan programs designed to help buyers achieve home ownership. This program is not associated with CHDAP or Platinum Loan Programs. This program is not available in all areas.

*Applicant must meet credit and income requirements. Minimum FICO score of 640 required. Certain restrictions apply and not all applicants will be approved. Licensed by the Department of Corporations under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act #4131105. Intercap Lending is a dba of Suburban Mortgage Company of New Mexico. NMLS #190465. Models do not reflect racial preference.

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The question is: What can you, as a REALTOR®, do to guide your client to a speedy recovery from a financial disaster such as a short sale, deed in lieu, foreclosure, or even a full-blown bankruptcy? The first thing to do is to recognize that rebuilding someone’s credit profile takes time and commitment. Second, realize that you’ll be doing an enormous disservice to yourself and to your client if you choose to refer him or her to a credit repair company or an attorney for a quick fix and instant result. You might decide to refer him or her to a credit counselor. This option is not really the correct solution either because these nonprofit agencies are in the business of examining people’s expenses against their income and determining if a debt management plan can help them reduce or eliminate their debts. This service does not necessarily include providing people with a true credit education or helping them improve their overall credit profile., but clients will need to pay $20 if they wish to obtain their genuine FICO scores from To begin educating yourself and your clients, you need only visit websites such as www.ftc. gov,, and for free and truthful information. You can be assured that these entities will offer you and your clients all of the help they need to learn how to better manage and protect their credit reputations. As a highly regarded and well-respected industry, I am a strong believer that it’s our duty to ensure that our clients are as knowledgeable about their credit reputation as they can possibly be. It is the ethical thing to do.

Furthermore, many REALTORS® believe that lenders should deal with their credit-challenged clients. This belief is absolutely false. Lenders are not in the business of credit recovery. In reality, the first step in applying for a loan is for your client to order his/her credit report with a real FICO score from and examine it for any inaccuracy of information before a client applies for a loan. Do I need to become a credit expert? No! You don’t need to become a credit expert. Instead, you can provide your clients with the information they need to do the work themselves, and this is all you should do. Best of all, the knowledge is free. Your clients do not have to part with one penny to improve their credit scores. It is not even necessary for them to purchase their credit reports because they are entitled to receive one free report a year from each of the three major credit bureaus. These reports are available from www.


Nabil Captan is a nationally recognized credit-scoring expert, educator, author and producer. Nabil is an instructor with California Association of Realtors and a Center Stage Speaker for most leading lenders. He has participated in numerous conferences, panels and round tables for Real Estate Professionals, Financial Planners, educators and Credit Counselors. Nabil has produced the Credit DVD series in English, Spanish and Chinese. He also created and presented the only California Bureau of Real Estate sponsored course on credit scores and credit reports. Nabil also teaches in various universities and he is a regular contributor and speaker for the U.S. Small Business Administration & SCORE.


Home Safety u Aaron Zapata


Let’s face it, we all believe in homeownership for a number of reasons. And we get excited when we hand over keys to a new home after we have closed escrow.

We all know this. Very few of us, however, take the time to educate ourselves or our clients on how to take care of their homes so that they are protected.

Like they say, “There is no place like home.”

So how do we keep our homes safe?

Our homes are supposed to be our safe domains: a place where we can live in peace with the security of knowing that our most valuable possessions will be protected. This feeling of safety, however, is lost when an intruder enters the home for any reason. A home robbery steals peace from our clients and forever leaves them uneasy.

I sat down with Rick Smith, a friend of mine and the owner of Community Lock and Safe in Yorba Linda, CA, and asked him for some helpful tips for securing our homes. Here are the tips he recommends.

Install a Quality Lock The first topic Rick brought up is the fact that we use a $50 lock to protect a million dollar home. He recommends upgrading any exterior locks to a more complex and high quality lock. Don’t go cheap on these locks, they are worth their investment.

Re-Key Your Locks A second precaution is to re-key your locks every few years, especially after you have left your keys for contractors or given access to your home to people you don’t know. You never know who has made copies of your keys once you have given them out.



Time The Light Lights repel criminal activity and all lights should be on timers, both interior and exterior. Use motion sensor lights outside that immediately come on when they detect movement.

Hold the Mail and Newspaper If you will be traveling, make sure to hold the mail and the newspapers. Have family or friends swing by the house regularly to pick up the materials that solicitors leave behind. If you are not traveling, make sure to collect the paper from your driveway. When there are multiple papers out front it looks like the house is vacant, and this is an invitation to would-be intruders. Make it look like you are home.

Be Antisocial on Your Vacations Although this is not our first item on the list, it’s one of the more important safety precautions you can take. When you are on vacation, don’t post your photos to Facebook or Instagram. When you post your photos, everyone knows you are gone, and they know approximately how long it will take you to return. If you are in Hawaii and posting photos, it’s obvious you won’t be back for at least 6 hours if you live in the Continental US, and more likely a few days. As I type this, I see that my friends just landed in Aruba. Hmmm…I guess their home will be vacant for a few days. That’s what we need to avoid. Take your photos; capture the memories, but post them later, after you return.



Don’t Geo-tag Your Photos A second item regarding photos and social media to watch for is geo-tagging your photos. Your mobile devices and apps have an option to track (tag) the location the photo was taken. If you take a lot of photos of your kids in your home and post them online without turning off the geotag, people can determine where you live. If you have valuable items in the background, you could be inviting trouble. (I have posted a VIDEO to my YouTube channel showing how this works on Instagram. Visit to watch it.)

Install a Security System Additionally, you can install a security system in your home that is monitored by a trusted monitoring service. This is a more expensive route and may not stop a criminal, but it will increase the chances of making sure they are caught. Basic systems come with door and window sensors and more advanced systems come with motion detectors and video cameras. Many criminals have been caught on tape with the use of cameras, and this can be helpful if your home is burglarized.

Be Smart Finally, use common sense. Lock your doors when you leave and keep an eye out for suspicious activity in your neighborhood.

Rick Smith is the owner of Community Lock and Safe in Yorba Linda and is celebrating 20 years in his community.


Speed, Accuracy and the LRES Way.

For bulletproof Valuation and REO Services, call on the LRES Team.

From Los Angeles to New York, LRES people leap in where others fear to tread. Behind their mild-mannered appearance beats the heart of a superhero—one that can solve even the most formidable valuation and asset management challenges with superhuman speed and accuracy. For an unassailable real estate services partner you can count on nationwide, contact one of the superheroes from the LRES Team: 800.531.5737 or email

765 The City Drive South ∆ Suite 300 ∆ Orange, CA 92868 800.531.LRES (5737) ∆




s the Real Estate recovery continues, firsttime homebuyers are getting squeezed out by investors. According to RealtyTrac, “First-time buyers also tend to purchase lowerpriced homes, but all-cash investors have cornered the market on those, leaving little behind. All-cash purchases accounted for 42.1 percent of all U.S. residential sales in December, up from 38.1 percent in November, and up from 18.0 percent in December 2012”1 . Real Estate investors are bringing all-cash purchases directly to sellers, eliminating the need for a mortgage. First-time homebuyers (typically in their late 20’s and 30’s) have not accumulated enough wealth to make an all-cash offer on a home purchase and therefore require mortgage financing, leaving them behind the housing recovery efforts2. Many first-time home buyers are being underbid by investor all-cash offers. A done-deal 5 to 8 years ago is not in today’s market. It does not matter how much income you are capable of earning, since the underwriter must confirm your income and sustainability, in addition to adhering to underwriting program guidelines― meaning, sellers would rather take lower offers than offers requiring a mortgage. For this purpose, Intercap Lending developed a proprietary SNAP pre-approval process,

accompanied by a certificate identifying a preapproved loan amount. This certificate provides an underwriter signature and CHUMS# proving certification of the homebuyers credit, income and assets, tied to an obtained Automated Underwriting System (AUS) approval. Lender pre-approval letters are meaningless in today’s world of residential purchase agreement offers. Intercap Lending’s driving force behind the SNAP Pre-approval certificate is the hope that with the certificate, the buyer and Realtor® will be able to successfully navigate through today’s real estate purchase market and have a seller seriously consider their offer, just as they would consider an all-cash offer.

Intercap Lending is licensed in many states and offers a variety of loan options including FHA, HARP 2.0, Conventional, VA and Jumbo home loans. Intercap Lending is a Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae Direct Seller/Servicer.

Olick, Diana. “All-cash Crushing First-time Homebuyers.” CNBC, 23 Jan. 2014. Web. 18 June 2014. <>. 2 “New Low for First-Time Home Buyers.” REALTOR®Mag. DAILY REAL ESTATE NEWS, 27 Jan. 2014. Web. 17 June 2014. <>. 1



TOP REO AGENT: And The Award Goes To…

by Brittany Hurd

• Shanne Carvalho, Capitola CA • Lina Corpuz, Orange CA • Arji Rashidi, Escondido CA • Shane Reid, Hudson OH • Greg Scott, San Diego CA • Bob Steele, Baltimore MD As these agents seem to have a solid understanding of what it takes to be successful in this market, we asked them to share their thoughts on numerous topics, including market and industry trends, experiences with asset management companies, and how they manage to do it all. What does it take to be a top REO agent? Particularly, in current market conditions where REO inventory seemingly continues to decrease but the duties placed on REO agents are just as demanding as ever? Speaking from the perspective of an Asset Management company, we are under much of the same pressures as our REO agents in the field, which is why LRES extends a partnership to our agents by not only offering educational opportunities, but also rewarding agents for outstanding performance. As such, LRES recently issued awards to our top REO agents of 2013 for their demonstrated expertise and commitment. We were fortunate to have been able to present them with these awards at an LRES training seminar hosted at a popular industry conference. We would like to, once again, congratulate the following REO agents:


Market Trends There are numerous recounts of past market trends and predictions for the future of real estate. As we all know, every market varies by way of REO inventory, volume of sales, median prices, etc. This begs the question, what are our top REO agents seeing in their market areas? They too, have noticed a significant decrease in REO inventory. According to Arji Rashidi, “San Diego MLS statistics show that approximatel 4.2% of sales in 2013 were REO properties, compared to 2012 which resulted in over 12.1% of total sales that were REO properties.” While the majority of our agents agree that this decline has affected their market areas as well, they remain hopeful that more volume will be available this year than in 2013, especially given the additional hedge funds that have entered the market, the increase in reverse mortgage foreclosures, and states that are finally releasing their foreclosures.

REAL ESTATE While REO inventory is down, prices are indeed up–with the exception of Ohio, which Shane Reid reports is stabilizing. This is in stark contrast from most California markets, which have seen a steady increase in prices. “Prices have increased rapidly across the low- and mid-range, with some indication of a correction happening now,” says Linda Corpuz. Shanne Carvalho agreed, adding, “There is still a shortage of listings continuing to drive the competition for buyers. Average days on market in my area is still around 30 days.” California is not the only state experiencing a shortage of properties. Bob Steele also reports that the Baltimore area is experiencing a shortage due to a number of borrowers who bought homes between 2003 and 2008, paid premium prices and are now underwater and cannot sell in a market where banks aren’t foreclosing. Is the market stabilizing and is it a sustainable trend? There is still a shadow inventory of vacant homes to be sold; conversely, obtaining a mortgage has become increasingly more difficult and buyers are intimidated by the rapid increase in prices and uncertainty of future interest rates. As compared to years past, however, most of our REO agents agree that the real estate market does appear to be more stable, with 2014 median home price appreciation predicted to be at 6-7% throughout the country.

Time Management Time management is a vital part of any business. It is especially important in a fast-paced industry, such as real estate, where time is always of the essence. According to Arji Rashidi, there are three things an REO agent must do to stay organized and effectively manage a portfolio of assets as well client expectations: 1. Organization: have systems in place for accounting, task management, offer management and communication. 2. Due diligence: take the time to personally inspect a property, do weekly inspections, monitor the property and speak with the neighbors.


It is all part of knowing what you are selling so that no surprises come up at the 11th hour. Additionally, research your buyers that offer on the property to ensure they are properly qualified, and to set expectations with the buyer and their agent in order to limit the possibility of escrow fallout. This extra step ensures a smooth transaction for all parties involved. 3. Teamwork: have an effective team that can assist with all aspects of selling a property including contractors, assistants, buyer’s agents, marketing team, escrow, title, etc. Having an organized team with people in place who can take care of any situation that arises is paramount to being successful at REO. Many of the LRES top REO agents also confirmed the importance of having an effective team in place to assist in the management of assets. As Shanne Carvalho states, “Having a qualified team helps free up my time to be the salesman and keep the pipeline full while my team handles all the details involved in closing the transactions. My team consists of a contractor, painter, stager,gopher, photographer, locksmith, landscaper, home inspector, termite inspector and buyer’s agents.” Linda Corpuz agrees, adding, “My team size is reduced now, but in past years we had a staff member for every phase of the process.” Additional time management tips also include the use of technology. According to Shane Reid, “The use of technology has certainly made life easier; a few examples include going paperless and being able to respond on the fly when necessary.” Bob Steele states, “My entire team uses smartphones, and our database is on Dropbox so it is available to all of us whether at home or on the road. We also use a Samsung camera with wifi so that as soon as we take pictures of a house, we upload it straight to Dropbox so that the staff at the office can immediately start on reporting.”


Being an REO Agent An integral part of being an REO agent is working with third-party companies. As such we asked our agents to share with us their likes and dislikes of working with Asset Management Companies (not limited to LRES). Our agents agreed that they prefer working with Asset Management Companies that employ Asset Managers who are experienced industry professionals, responsive, and provide easy-to-follow directions and checklists for their agents. Also topping the list of “likes” included fast reimbursement and solid accounting practices. As far as “dislikes,” lack of consistent assignment volume and not being able to reach the asset manager were the most agreed upon topics. Another important function of an REO agent is to stay privy to industry trends, news and regulations. This, however, can seem like a nearly impossible task when managing a large portfolio of REO properties. As impossible as this may seem, it is vitally necessary to remain abreast as to how the industry is performing. The LRES top REO agents all stated that they are diligent in subscribing to and reading industry publications, internet blogs and new federal regulations. Many also find value in attending numerous conferences on an annual basis to learn about the direction of the industry, as well as spend time networking with other real estate professionals. Lastly, being a member of local organizations, boards and associations serves as an information sharing forum where members can discuss current events.

Advice for Success With many years of experience in the REO industry, our top agents have shared their most important tips for being successful in this market: “Have a sense of urgency in doing your tasks. Learn from every mistake and try to put a process in place to help you the next time. There is a lot of business out there and my advice is to get it. Work hard and you will find success.” Shanne Carvalho

“Address things quickly to minimize additional problems.” Linda Corpuz “Be consistent in your efforts, work smart, build relationships and always strive to be the best at what you do.” Arji Rashidi “The biggest thing is communication, whether with your clients or your team. Without that everyone goes in a different direction and everyone is not on the same page. No excuses. Just get it done.” Shane Reid “Stay informed of trends and changes. Learn from accounts, such as LRES. Respond quickly and professionally. Do accurate valuations and condition reports. Have good contractors and vendors who are accurate, fair, honest, and reliable. Keep a very close eye on your properties, inspecting more than required.” Greg Scott “Work hard, work hard, work hard. Inspect your properties and don’t rely on others to do your initial inspections and valuations.” Bob Steele Congratulations once again to the LRES top REO agents and many thanks for your hard work and continued dedication.

About LRES

Orange County, Calif.-based LRES is a national provider of commercial and residential financial services including property valuations, asset management and technology solutions. With more than 12 years of continued growth, LRES offers complete and customized solutions and managed business processes for the mortgage origination and default markets. For more information about LRES, or to complete the online vendor registration, visit Brittany Hurd Director of Marketing, LRES Corporation Direct: 714-872-5872,



10 Steps

Minorities Need To Take Before Purchasing a Home Part II


Eric Lawrence Frazier, MBA


wning a home is considered by many to be the defining characteristic of the American dream. Homeownership can ignite feelings of pride regardless of race, and there is nothing more permanent than owning a home. Everyone should own a home. Unfortunately, getting on the homeownership ladder is not as easy as it used to be especially for minorities. Buying a house requires planning, research and effort to make the best decision possible. Prospective homeowners must take time to save money and get their finances in order. They must also take the time to acquire the right mindset which will come from reading, attending classes and doing research on real estate markets, financial planning principles and the real estate finance. Buying a house is usually one of the largest purchases a person will achieve in their lifetime. Therefore, one should make sure they are doing it the right way and are fully prepared for what is next. Ignorance is not an excuse under the law and it is the same in real estate. You must know what you are doing and you must be financially prepared to do it. Buying a home should be a blessing and not a curse brought


upon by the financial burden that should have never been incurred in the first place. Why does it happen? The most recent real estate statistics regarding minorities suggest that many minorities were unprepared for homeownership and made unwise decision about the size of the home they bought and type of financing they obtained. Today the struggle to own property for minorities is even more difficult, not because they cannot afford to buy it, but because of the impact of the Great Financial Crisis and their financial literacy. A recent statistic from the HMDA report indicates that Blacks and Hispanics are much more likely to have their mortgage applications denied. Is this because of discrimination and disparate treatment at the banker’s table? Yes discrimination and disparate treatment of minorities is still happening but there are other reasons we cannot ignore. One reason for such higher denial rates is because low fico scores or no fico score, and limited savings or no savings at all. As a mortgage banker I specialize in first time home buyers in the minority community. Anecdotally I can say we have a problem because we do not understand the value of

credit and saving money. It is a financial literacy issue that can be address. African Americans are consumers and spenders. Not enough of us are investors and savers. Buying a home not only requires the money to do so, but great credit, reliable information and the correct mindset. I receive loan request from people who do have limited credit, or bad credit. They also have not saved any money and many have not rented a home even for an extended period time to develop the discipline. If they are successful in buying the home through a Down payment assistance program or gift from their parents they will have very little if any money in the bank at the close of escrow for reserves or an emergency fund. They have been set up to fail and they have no clue what they are in for. They need homeownership counseling and reserves before they buy. I refer every buyer to homeownership counseling classes taught by HUD approved Fair Housing counselors. Go to HUD.Gov to find a HUD approved counselor near you. Planning to buy a home should start even before you start considering buying one. Here are ten steps that every person should do before buying a home.

NAWRB’s Women in Housing Financial Fitness Development Road Show NAWRB’s Inaugural Women in Housing Financial Fitness Development Road Show is a first-of-its-kind, breakthrough program for women in the housing industry. More than just tools to navigate your existing business through the changing terrain of the housing market, NAWRB’s Women in Housing Financial Fitness Development Road Show reaches a whole new level by connecting women with the federal and local programs, set-asides, funding options and contract opportunities available to grow their businesses both vertically and horizontally.


1. There are many books to read but the books below will change your mind set. Read the following books: • • • • • • •

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Home Buying Kit For Dummies by Eric Tyson and Ray Brown Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! By Robert Kiyosaki The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. and William D. Danko, Ph.D. The Total Money Make Over: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom by Robert Kiyosaki

Being a homebuyer starts with getting educated. You do not need a bachelor’s degree to be a homeowner since you can self-educate. The easiest and cheapest way to get educated is to read books, and a lot of them. All of these books will teach you how to save and grow your money so you can buy a home in no time. 2. Pay off all credit card debt Use credit as a convenience for cash. Never buy anything with a credit card that you cannot pay for in cash immediately. This is how you incur debt. If you can’t afford it today, chances are you will not be able to afford it tomorrow. Keep the plastic in your pocket. 3. Pay off all installment debt, especially CAR Loans Pay cash for your car or at a minimum use short-term financing at 6 months or less. Debt is a monkey on your back. No one needs a monkey on their back. The goal is to be debt free and keep zero balances on your credit cards. Final note: By used cars and buy them at the auction for cash. 4. Obtain the right type of credit Stay away from unsecured or secured finance company loans, auto loans and payday loans. This is the worst type of credit you can obtain. These companies were created to exploit poor people. Stay away from check cashing centers and rent-to-own companies and open a bank account immediately. Credit is a tool of convenience and not bonus income to live on. 5. Use credit as a backup Until you have achieved your goal for your emergency savings plan, use credit as a backup. You should have no less than 24 months of your income in open and available lines of credit. Obliviously you need good credit to do to this. These lines of credit should not have an annual fee and must maintain a zero balance at all times because the line is for emergencies. You may not be able avoid the annual fee. If not consider the fee the price you pay for not having an established emergency fund. Once your emergency fund is established, you can reduce your open lines of credit to no more than 12 months of your monthly income because you have saving that equal to 24 months of your household income to survive in case of an emergency.



6. Establish a budget & a savings goal of 10% of your annual earnings. To do this, learn to change your spending habits by buying food in bulk. You can also shop at Discount Centers for clothing and goods. Bring your lunch to work, eliminate fast food from your diet and stop drinking sodas and coffee from Starbucks. You can make these changes at home to save on expenses. Be conservative in your spending. Live on 80% of your income for one year before you buy a home and treat saving money like a debt that you must pay. 7. Pay yourself the first 10% of every dime you make. It has always been a wrong notion to save what is left of your income. You would most probably end up with zero savings when you follow this practice. Instead, put 10% of your income into your savings (paying yourself first) every month and 10% into your emergency fund, so you’ll be sure to build your savings even if something comes up. No matter what you get paid before anyone else gets paid. The emergency will ensure that you have the money to stay on track with your budget and saving goals. 8.

Attend a certified 8-hour Homebuyer Workshop

Homebuyer education seminars will teach you the fundamentals in budgeting, housing expenses, saving money, and credit requirements needed for a home loan and the process of purchasing a home. The goal of the workshop is to equip you information so that you understand homeownership affordability and sustainability. There are so many first-time homebuyers that get caught up with the complicated process of home buying and forget about what is really important. Your goal is buy the home and ultimately own the home. To do that you must pay off the loan and until you pay off the loan the Bank really owns the home and will take it back if you default on the loan. That is why first time homebuyers must understand affordability and sustainability because 30 years is a long time. 9.

Calculate how much you can afford

You can determine how much mortgage you can afford by using online mortgage calculators. There are many online Mortgage Calculator just Google Online Mortgage Calculators and find one you like. Simply key in the amount you can afford to pay monthly, the interest rate and the duration in years in the calculator to find out how much you can borrow. Some mortgage calculators will even let you know if your loan amount is high based on your net monthly income. As a rule no more than 25% of your net income should go towards your mortgage payment. Lenders use your gross income to determine how much you qualify for. Because they use your gross income you will qualify for more money than you can actually afford. It is a bad practice in the industry but totally accepted by all lenders. “Render unto to Caesar that which is Caesar” Jesus said, and pay your taxes. Live on your net income. Fire, police, Government services and national security doesn’t exist on hope but on tax dollars. Pay your taxes and treat it like a debt. If the mortgage payment exceeds 25% of your net monthly income you cannot afford it. Complete real budget and you will agree. A home is to live in and not live for. Buying more than you can afford will result in living for your house instead of your house existing for you. You need money to live and not just to pay a mortgage company for a home you do not actually own until it is paid off. The tax benefits are great but not that great especially if you end up losing the house because of financial mismanagement. If you don’t make enough money to live, provide for your family and buy a home then you should rent until you can. Let your budget (if you have a real one) tell you what to do if you lack the resolved to do what you know is right in the first place.


REAL ESTATE 10. Live within your means Most people have champagne taste but a beer budget. They are delusional romantics stuck on the ideal life and trying to have it now. They are unrealistic and maybe narcissistic. Be humble with your finances and focus on saving money. Surround yourself with people who are doing the same thing and working hard for a better life and future. Don’t get caught in the peer pressure of being like others who frankly have more money than you have to spend. Do not spend money you do not have and do not rely on credit that just ads to a debt you may never repay. Live within your means so you can achieve financial stability.

These are activities that will keep you in debt and poor. It’s an irresponsible way of being; an often something you learn by watching your parents that was passed down to them from their parents and has become a family legacy. It is a generational mindset that will not stop until you stop. You have to take the lead and decide that you’re going to stop living that way and make a change. Do you feel that not having any money is a divinely appointed gift from God? Is this your lot in life as prescribed by God himself? I hope not. Stop using credit unwisely. Start saving money. Be conservative in your spending and live on a budget and you will see a change in your circumstances. You can thank God but He most likely didn’t have anything to do with it. It’s all you. Jesus of Nazareth, said in Mark 14:7 (NIV) “The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me.” In speaking about the poor Jesus makes and observation about the mindset of those whose circumstances, actions and/


or behaviors lead to poverty. “The poor you will always have with you”. The book of Proverbs is full of instructions on how to avoid being poor. Jesus’ commentary about people who find themselves in an impoverish state is not an endorsement of poverty. He is simply saying there will always be people who for whatever reason are not able to pay bills, provide for their families, own a place they can call their own, and be in position to help others. And the list goes on. “There will always be the

poor among us.” So was Jesus talking about you? I hope not. In the next 3-4 months, most of my blogs will be dedicated to buying real estate, with tips to help you become a homeowner and get on the path to building wealth. I will discuss each of these ten steps more thoroughly so make sure to come back for more. References: research/minority-mortgageaccess-6127/


Growing Opportunities with EMPLOYER ASSISTED HOUSING Developing Your Market Place uLilyvette Rodriguez CEO/Broker BRE License #01061272 Excel Realty (909) 333-6008

There are many real estate professionals with vast experience, knowledge and expertise. However, in order to stay on top of our game, we have to constantly reinvent ourselves; utilize the knowledge, identify a niche where our clients will benefit from our expertise. The last couple of years have been brutal to some of our colleagues with drastic market changes, significant impact from Wall Street investors in the form of hedge funds, servicers demanding short sale properties be sold on auction platforms and shortage of inventory. All have left some spinning regarding developing a market place or niche. A recurring message over the last few years has been form partnerships. Partnerships with other real estate professionals,


and purchase an affordable home, ideally located near the workplace.

local services, non-profit organizations, attorneys, lenders; the list goes on. Some of you may be wondering, how can I leverage these resources in a format that will benefit my market place? The National Association of Realtors under their Community & Political Affairs Training has two programs every Realtor should investigate. One is Expanding Housing Opportunities and the second is Employer Assisted Housing. Both provide a benefit to the community in a big way. Expanding Housing Opportunities addresses working with community groups, employers and local officials to identify and gain access to quality affordable housing options. The Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) is a benefit offered by employers that helps employees find

Employers face challenges everyday on how to improve upon existing employee benefits. The EAH program provides several options as areas of solution. Some will be at a minimal investment to the employer, others more elaborate, but still cost effective ways of providing value to their existing benefits package. Employers can help their employees meet their housing needs with homebuyer and rental financial assistance, education, resources and counseling, new construction and renovation of housing and help purchase (or rent) homes


in the communities where they work. All these help employers achieve their business goals – employee retention and loyalty.

Real estate professionals can provide assistance or coordinate with partners to bring value to local employers in each of the identified areas. How can these goals be accomplished? Three key steps: 1. Homebuyer and homeownership education 2. One-on-one counseling 3. Financial assistance It is an absolutely fabulous way for local Realtors to demonstrate our skill set, develop a l i n e

of business which formerly was thought to be unattainable and gives Realtors an opportunity to positively change our neighborhoods in a positive way. Contact your local board and ask if they offer the Employer Assisted Housing course. If your board needs assistance, I can provide them with information and resources on how to bring the Employer Assisted Housing program to your area. Barriers will continue to come and go, but Realtors who provide knowledge, resources and value to the community are here to stay. In the end, the employer, the employee, the community and the real estate professional and their team are all winners.

Lilyvette Rodriguez is a real estate broker servicing the Inland Empire of Southern California for over 23 years. She specializes in equity sale, short sale, foreclosure, probate and corporate relocation. She is an NAR instructor of the Employee Assisted Housing Program. Lilyvette serves on a number of boards, holds multiple certifications/designations and is a consumer advocate. She believes that an informed community is an enlightened community.


publisher’s note July 2014 | Vol. 01 Issue 6

Esteemed Readers, Welcome to the July 2014 issue of The Power Is Now Magazine. Please share the magazine with your friends and colleagues. We hope that you are in full summer mode, enjoying the sunshine and beautiful weather with those around you. For those of you following the World Cup . . . wow! The first couple of rounds provided amazing goals galore, and a glimpse of Team USA’s bright future. Even though they lost in the Round of 16, America’s performance in the four games they played earned us some much-needed respect around the globe. Congratulations to Germany for being the best soccer team in the World. Watching all 32 nations compete on a global stage gave me an opportunity to pause and reflect at how lucky we are to live where we live. While democracy continues to make slow, slow gains worldwide, far too many of our global brothers and sisters are trapped in places that do not respect basic property rights. That do not put a premium on providing a basic education for all. That do not grant equal protection under the law because of gender, race, or religion. While the United States of America is not perfect, if forced to choose, I think most of us would say that there is nowhere we’d rather be than right here. So go out and buy a house, start a business, enroll in school, and do the things that we are fortunate enough to be able to do, solely because we are lucky enough to live where we live. This issue is filled with some great pieces on real estate, ranging from tips on how to keep your home safe and sound, why homeownership is the road to building wealth, and the true impact of mortgage defaults on FICO scores. To echo the World Cup theme of world unity, we’ve also appropriately included a piece on the upcoming World Peace Day in September. So kick your feet up, keep soaking in that summer fun, attend the NAREB National Conference in July and enjoy our July TPIN Magazine issue. Eric Lawrence Frazier, MBA President/CEO of The Power Is Now Inc.




one are the days when simply putting a listing in the MLS (multiple listing service) will automatically generate multiple offers. With more properties on the market, and fewer buyers qualifying for loans, we are seeing a bit of a slowdown. It takes an average of 12 QUALIFIED showings to receive one offer. Qualified showings tend to come from other agents that find your listing on the MLS and proceed to show it to their preapproved buyers. The question is, how do you promote your listings to generate more showings? There are several things that you can do: 1. Have lots of pictures! The more pictures that you upload to the MLS, the more viewings this listing will receive. 2. Virtual Tours. Buyers and agents alike would like to see more of wthe propertyin general, virtual tours set to music create an emotional response/connection.


3. Promote your listing on Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter and even Linked In. 4. Craigslist and Ebay are additional FREE marketing resources. 5. Promote your listings at local networking events. 6. Send mailers or door hangers to local apartment communities. What about Open Houses? Do they work? The answer is yes and no. Less than 1% of buyers purchase the property they saw at an open house. There are several reasons for this. Buyers may or may not be qualified. If they are qualified, are they looking in the right price range? Buyers will not know if they are looking at a two, three or five bedroom property from the street. This is why the QUALIFIED buyers tend to come from agents searching specific criteria in the MLS. That being said, is it worth it for an agent to sit an open house? ABSOLUTELY! These potential buyers may not qualify or like the property that is being held open; however, it

is an outstanding opportunity for agents to fill their pipeline with buyers. Just this past Sunday, I held an open house at a beautiful two bedroom, two bathroom townhome. A buyer came in needing three bedrooms. I conveniently had my computer opened to the MLS, where I searched for active three bedroom townhomes in the same community. I showed her the three bedroom property later that afternoon, wrote an offer and it was accepted!!! Not bad for four hours on a Sunday. To sum up this article, it is very important to market, market, market using whichever activities are most comfortable to you. The more active you are in your marketing efforts, the more successful you will be. THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF MARKETING A HOME FOR SALE IS THE MLS!!! There is absolutely no reason to exclude a listing from the MLS, as the MLS is a wide forum and a cooperative service between real estate professionals.


Observations of Los Angeles Neighborhoods: LEIMERT PARK, VIEW PARK, AND BALDWIN HILLS. Residential and small commercial Sales Coverage Areas: Culver City, Ladera Heights, View Park, Windsor Hills, Inglewood,Hyde Park, Jefferson Park, Leimert Park, Baldwin Hills. Scenario: Southwest Los Angeles and surrounding communities from LAX to 110 freeway, has an array of small communities, many with Home Owners Associations, and Block Clubs, many are maintaining and enhancing their communities, the predatory lending MESS caused a significant number of foreclosures in these historic communities, that caused people to leave their family homes that had been in the family for generations.

Those that bought during the high tide of the market should never had paid such exorbitant home sales prices, and the consequence (due to predatory loans encouraging home buyers YES THEY CAN) resulted in recent homebuyers also losing their homes circa 2005-2009 * to foreclosure. Now, the changing face of the new homebuyers, is regentification: the ethnicity of the home buyers has changed from Black, Brown, and Asian to White *Shades of Harlem New York* Young White home buyers have discovered the Gold Mine of Great unsung Neighborhoods of Los Angeles, many homes with Views, and pools, and real yards, close to public transportation, and the new Train that goes down exposition to USC and downtown.


REAL ESTATE That along with high gas prices, is bringing working people back to the city. The downside , is the Shadow inventory, that the Big Banks , have let be sold in bulk, to the secret ** Hedge fund investors* so now we see all these coming soon rentals All over town, that you cannot get any information about when exactly and how much $$ is the rental going to be ? It’s good for new energy to be brought into these neighborhoods, but not investors, we need homeowners that are going to live work, play, shop in these neighborhoods. And the restoring of Wealth for Black Families has got to

be reeducation of the home buying process, The basic rule is buy the smallest house in the best neighborhood, and stay in it, Build it up, enhance, than sell or keep , and buy a bigger home. Young Black people want to buy the Mini Mansion as their first house, and while their looking for the dream, the price is going up, and they will never be able to restore Family Wealth through homeownership, the price goes up daily ! Meantime other Ethnic homebuyers not so picky, they are buying and moving, and enjoying the joys and benefits of homeownerships, and building wealth for their family circle. It’s time to Wake up the Power IS NOW.

Dolores Golden, Broker 01075537 BRE lic number Over 28 years in Real Estate Business 1st Interstate Realtors 5601 w Slauson Ave #158 Culver City, Ca 90230 310 6456786 Fax 310 645-0920

CEO Centerfold

Andrea Hilliard Cooksey is the Owner/

Broker of Exit Realty 360 servicing the Houston, Texas metropolitan area. For 35 years, Ms. Cooksey has focused on excellence, integrity, homeowner education, financial literacy and community development as she built a solid reputation in the real estate profession. Ms. Cooksey also carries the distinction of being only the second woman to serve as chair of the board in the 67-year history of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Inc. (NAREB), the nation’s oldest minority real estate trade association. Prior to her selection as chair, Ms. Cooksey held the positions of vice chair of NAREB’s board and the association’s chaplain. The Houston, Texas-based Realtist honed in on her career choice early in her adult life. In 1985, she earned her Brokers license and started out as a construction sales supervisor with Quality Homes of Texas, Inc. In that role, Ms. Cooksey developed communities on Houston’s North side and sold more than 150 homes and commercial properties, including a hotel. In 2007, Ms. Cooksey partnered with Eddie Parker to form Quality Properties 360, a full service real estate firm specializing in property management. Standing on a solid track record, the company offered its clientele free market reports, development consultation, and project management. In addition, under Ms. Cooksey’s direction and brokerage credentials, Quality Properties 360 successfully provided


services to sellers with single family properties in Houston and surrounding communities. Testimony to Ms. Cooksey’s deep involvement in her community, the real estate profession and business communities is her active involvement and leadership roles in each sector. Her affiliations include: service as board chair, United Developer’s Council; member of the Acres Home Chamber for Business and Economic Development; member, Northeast Beyond 2000; Northeast Education First; Northeast Environmental Justice Association; Greater Houston Foreclosure Task Force, and branch manager for NID Housing Counselor Agency, a HUD-approved organization. Ms. Cooksey is also a committed supporter of the Texas and National Realtors political action committees. A recipient of numerous awards, most recently Ms. Cooksey received the 2011 Texas Realtors “Hero Award” and was honored by NAREB as the 2012 winner of “Realtist of the Year” award. Ms. Cooksey and husband Jeffery reside in Houston, Texas.

Andrea Hilliard Cooksey, Owner/Broker

EXIT REALTY 360 and Chair, Board of Directors National Association of Real Estate Brokers

CEO Centerfold

Donnell Spivey brings more than 27 years

of deep-rooted experience in the real estate industry, a consummate professionalism, and a keen eye for business opportunity as the Broker and Owner of EXIT Spivey Professional Realty. Located in the Baltimore, Maryland metropolitan area, Mr. Spivey and his team of seasoned agents are recognized as one of Ellicott City, Maryland’s most trusted real estate companies committed to community building and sustainable homeownership.

Mr. Spivey holds professional memberships in NAREB; Real Estate Brokers of Baltimore where he served as president and later board chairman; National Association of Realtors; MD Association of Realtors, and the Howard Co. Association of Realtors. In addition to his civic and professional involvements, Mr. Spivey actively devotes his time and talents in service to New Shiloh Baptist Church. Mr. Spivey resides in the Baltimore metropolitan area.

Mr. Spivey’s expectation of excellence and integrity in the real estate profession prompted him to join the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB), the nation’s oldest minority trade group. It did not take long for Mr. Spivey’s leadership abilities to surface and position him, now, as the Association’s President, NAREB’s highest elected office. Prior to establishing EXIT Spivey Professional Realty in 2004, Donnell Spivey excelled as a top selling agent for RE/MAX 100 Real Estate Company located in Ellicott City. Sales production history placed Mr. Spivey at the top of the brokerage’s chart with sales volume averaging $8.5 million annually for many of the 18 years he worked for the brokerage. Earlier, Mr. Spivey entered the real estate profession with a brief stint at the Baltimore-based Otis Warren Real Estate Company. Along with his business success, Mr. Spivey allotted time to serve his community and his profession. His many awards, citations and recognitions are testament to professional excellence and community involvement. Mr. Spivey has been the recipient of NAREB’s W. “Bill” Hamilton Award as “Realtist of the Year;” recognized by the BALTIMORE SUN Newspaper for providing “professional real estate services in diverse neighborhoods” and on another occasion recognition as one of the “Top Nine Real Estate Agents” in the Baltimore area, just to name a few of his awards. Most notably, he was presented with a citation from U.S. Congressman Elijah Cummings for being the first African-American Real Estate Broker to offer real estate services in Howard County, MD by opening, Spivey Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. He has been inducted into the RE/ MAX Hall of Fame and into its Platinum Club.

Donnell Spivey, Broker/Owner EXIT Spivey Professional Realty President, National Association of Real Estate Brokers




! ! ! th l a e W

It’s the Road to u Anita Jones-Cayenne Broker Embarcadero Investments


ome ownership is the basic way the most Middle Class Americans hold and build their wealth. We send our children to college, buy a move up home and retire. African American have been property owners both before and after slavery. They labored in the early English colonies, but their status was akin to that of indentured servants, this contract lasted for 7 years, which produced many free men in the Northeastern area. As Free man and slaves some were able to work, outside of their regular responsibilities to purchase their freedom, land and in some cases their family members. Even in the southern state over 7,000 free men owned property. By 1870, 157,000 African American had moved


from the property less status and by 1910 almost a half a million African American were property owners. The 1999 Agricultural Economics and Land Ownership Survey (AELOS) reports that 68,000 African Americans own 7.8 million acres of agricultural land valued at $14 billion. Today African-American homeownership rate is 44.8 percent, Census Bureau data show. In 2007 there were a total of 1.9 million African American owned business in the United States, totaling $137.5 billion in receipt generation. The Median African American household income: $33,916; Median income for married black households: $48,000; Married black households: 50% earn $50,000+. 27% earn $75,000+; Combined black GDP: $845

billion per year (2007, would be world’s 18th largest economy); Black consumers account for almost nine cents out of every U.S. dollar spent; Top 5 expenditures: housing $131.7 billion, food $52.7bn, vehicles $47.9 bn, clothing $22.9 bn, health care $16.7 bn; 5% own businesses. 1 million blackowned businesses. This is the perfect opportunity for to education generation X, Y and Z to own a home. With a 82% of African American 25 or older have a high school diploma or higher in 2010 nationally. Lest we never forget the past or we will repeat it in the future. Buy a home; if you own one buy another. Why home ownership? It is the way to build wealth for generations to come.


Are you building a


business or a LIFETIME u

Marguerite Crespillo.

I received my real estate license in 1993. My original intention was to do loans, it was a crazy refinance market back then as interest rates had dropped to an all-time low of 8%. Funny now huh? So I got my license and went to work, but of course shortly after I started, rates bumped up and refi’s slowed way down and I had to go figure out how to get real estate agents to give me loans… not fun! One day I called on the real estate agent who had sold us our home and he said, “I don’t have any loans for you but I need an assistant to help me with all my business”. Well, since I had just had our second son Jacob, it was perfect timing. I went to work helping him get organized, with the phone constantly ringing with buyers and sellers. He sent me out to show a property and the first clients I showed a home to wanted to buy it! I was so excited and instantly hooked. I knew I had just found the career I was looking



for. Now I certainly know that not every client buys the first house they see, the first time out with a new agent, but it ignited a spark in me. I sold 18 houses in my first 6 months. I was hooked. My friend Rene called me one day and told me about an upcoming class with Joe Stump of By Referral Only, which we instantly signed up for and attended. I had been in real estate less than a year. The most valuable thing we learned at this class was the importance of taking care of your clients and how to earn referrals. You see, the one thing I have learned in my now 20 years in this industry is there are two types of agents in this business…. Agents who are only looking for right now business and agents that are building a lifetime business.


So what is the difference? A right now business is when an agent forgets the importance of their database, and they are spending the majority of their time running around like a chicken with their head cut off looking for the next deal. They are more interested in spending thousands of dollars on advertising with little to no return on investment. They don’t track where their business comes from so they don’t really know if their marketing dollars are well spent or not. Once they get a client under contract they spend all of their time working that deal and when it closes…. They are out of business and on to hunting down the next deal. This is the main reason that most agents only last 2 years or less before they get out of the real estate industry. So what does a lifetime business look like? Well let me tell you a story that might help you better understand. In 1997 I sold a home to a gal named Lynda. Lynda was a first time homebuyer at the young age of 58. She had struggled for most of her life and didn’t think buying a home would ever be an option for her. I and my lender worked with her for a few months to get her in a position to buy a home.

She finally ended up buying a HUD home which at the time was priced at $50,000. After close of escrow I entered Lynda into my database and kept in contact with her over the years, sending her monthly letters and postcards, birthday cards and anniversary cards, invited her to my annual parties and even called her on occasion.

people that know me, like me and trust me, as they came to me as a result of either working with me before or were referred by someone who has worked with me. So what kind of business do you want? I’m hoping you said a Lifetime Business.

All these years later, Lynda has a referral tree that consists of over 60+ people. It is 8 levels deep (one referred another who referred another and so on) and has generated over $300,000 in commissions, and she personally has bought and sold 4 homes with me now. Lynda is just one of over 1,200 people now in my database, and I receive 15-20 referrals a month just from my database. I don’t do any other advertising other than marketing my listings, but I get to have a ton of fun working with



Communicating Your Way to SUCCESS! (Third of a seven part series on Communication Power!)

Interpersonal Communication: A War of Perception

P.S. Perkins

Why, when in discussion with a significant other, do we too often find ourselves frustrated to no end because “they are just not getting it”? On a daily basis, many engage with individuals where they do not see eye-to-eye about even the smallest of matters. Both individuals’ perspective is personally valid, clear, and right! Right? However, in order for Communication to do its job to help create mutual understanding, support relationships, solve problems, and build businesses, we have to LEARN HOW TO COMMUNICATE effectively. Out of the seven types or settings for human interaction cited in the Communication Staircase Model™, Interpersonal Communication continues to be the greatest challenge for most individuals. It is the setting in which our life passions, goals, fears, and realities are often shared and voiced. And boy, do we take them all personal! Herein lies the problem: so does the other person! Let us review. How does your Intrapersonal and Nonverbal Communication combine to create the messages you send to others? If you have been following the previous two installments, you may have already determined the impact of these factors on your interpersonal relationships. If not, consider the following:

1. You take You Wherever You Go! Our thinking processes (Intrapersonal Communication) determine our outer-vision. You may call it perspective, perception, attitude, beliefs, or values. These aspects of character are largely determined by what and how we see ourselves and those around us. It is the continuing process of enculturation from infancy throughout adulthood. We become who we are and see things the way we do as we mimic the world into which we have been predisposed. You never leave that world behind or out of your thought processes unless you intentionally do so.



2. The process of selection that determines what we see, listen to and accept or reject,

is reflected in the manner that we align ourselves with the world around us. When instructing on how hearing and listening differ, the first area of growth is understanding that hearing and listening are indeed two differing abilities – one, purely biological, the other intellectual. Even the deaf listen; they just do not hear. Digest the critical process in which listening happens: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Attending = Biologically receiving an auditory vibration, Selecting = Choosing to pay attention to a vibration, Organizing = Placing selected “noise” into recognizable category, Assessing = Determining the personal merit of information, Integrating = Merging external information with internal information, *Storing = retaining information within a short-term or long-term framework, *Responding = Replying to external (as well as internal) stimuli.

Can you see the connection between how thoughts, words, and actions manifest in everyday relationships with the self and others? The process of socialization and listening go hand-in-hand. Our “ears, mind, eyes, and memory (basic ingredients of the listening process)” will always be more attuned to that which is comfortable and/or familiar. Often, our responses to external stimuli are “all ready in there”! They are nothing more than a regurgitation of the residue that makes up our system of beliefs. These very personal beliefs are transformed into attitudes that become words and feelings of interaction. This includes ALL use of symbols, verbal and nonverbal. What happens in your mind and feelings when you hear a whiney voice, or smell someone’s body odor, or an individual gets a bit too close for YOUR comfort? All of these are programmed ways of seeing and experiencing the world around us, influencing HOW we relate to others.



3. “Communication happens whenever meaning is assigned to behavior or the residue of behavior.” The process of Interpersonal Communication is about constantly assigning meaning to the behaviors of those around us as we determine their “worth” and “place” within pre-existing personal paradigms. We do so consciously and unconsciously, because as I stated earlier, it is already in there! We not only make immediate judgments based on how our senses judge and react to external stimuli, we reach back into the residue of how that stimulus has previously been organized, classified, and judged in the past. Too often, this residue unconsciously “colors” our interaction with others, especially if they have always had the categorization of “stranger” or “different”.

So, the question becomes, how do we communicate effectively with others that are not sharing our likes, dislikes, approvals, and disapprovals? Simply by understanding and applying this:

PERception is PERsonal! When engaging individuals that do not look like us, prefer what we prefer, speak as we speak, or live as we live, we have three choices: (1) Choose to make them as invisible as possible, (2) become hostile and territorial, adopting winner takes all, survival of the fittest philosophies, or (3) seek to make room for the other’s reality while maintaining our own integrity, in an understanding of mutual benefit.

tools for effective engagement in the science of Interpersonal Communication. Get your copy of The Art and Science of Communication: Tools for Effective Communication in the Workplace, PS Perkins, John Wiley and Sons Publishers. Human interaction is not just an art but also a science that all can learn to master and share! Believe me, IT IS the best tool you can learn to use and give away, gaining peace and prosperity in return! It ALL begins with you; THE POWER IS NOW in your hands! P.S. Now that we have engaged interpersonally, the next installment will demystify Small Group dynamics. We can ALL get along!

The saying is true: we will swim or sink together! As we connect with clients, build new bridges, and seek opportunities of greater expansion, do not try to forget or erase the “not me/us” other! Open new doors of learning and become an individual that, whether at home, work or play, others recognize as a person that communicates effectively BECAUSE you are genuinely interested in the viewpoints of others. You seek to listen and not just hear. You have learned to turn down the volume in your own head and not allowed your residue to color what could potentially be your best connection ever! There are lots of rules and

P.S. Perkins, Founder and CCO , Human Communication Institute, LLC ,



A World at Peace:

Let’s Work on it! u

Douglas R. Bender, Sr.


ast September I received a reminder that it was World Peace Day. If you are like me you probably are as taken aback by this curious notion as I was. What the hell is this day and why haven’t I (oh so enlightened one) heard about it!? I do pride myself on trying to stay on top of things like this. Apparently I haven’t been doing as good of a job as I thought. For over twenty years I have signed off on all of my personal and business correspondence with the word ‘PEACE’ and never knew (or it never registered) that someone in the world was promoting and celebrating the idea of peace…and good will toward men. (Where have I heard that before?) The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by resolution 36/67 of the United Nations General Assembly, and the first Peace Day was observed in September 1982. In 2001, the General Assembly adopted resolution 55/282, which established September 21st as an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire. In 1999, the first fixed International Day of Peace was initiated out of the vision of former actor and filmmaker Jeremy Gilley, who after traveling the world and meeting with heads of state, took his idea to the U.N. General Assembly and succeeded in drafting a declaration naming September 21st as a day devoted to commemorating and strengthening


the ideals of peace. Every year since then, the Peace Bell, cast from coins donated by children from every continent, has been rung on this day. The UN General Assembly has declared 2010 as the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding. Globally, the International Day of Peace is observed by individuals, groups, and organizations in a variety of ways, from prayer vigils to educational activities to concerts, from comedy routines to sports matches. Celebrities and leaders such as President Obama, Bill Clinton, and Al Gore will be voicing their support along with over 100 organizations, including Amnesty International and the Stand Up Campaign, on Key peace organizations such as Peace Jam, Goodwill Treaty, Imagine Peace, Cercle de Pax, Peace Day TV and WICO represent hundreds of millions of individuals in 107 countries that are already standing together with Peace in Our Lifetime to promote and celebrate this Day. Other partners include Peace Day Parade in Hawaii, The One Event, Just Giving, Global Peace Festival and Love is All We Need.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Among hundreds of events taking place worldwide on September 21st, Peace in Our Lifetime ( is hosting ‘Parties for Peace’ in the UK and USA with an international lineup of musicians. So I asked myself the question, “What can I do to also help recognize this day and to simply just do my part?” Some of the things I came up with included: • Prayer vigils • Create a picture • Leverage Social Media • Read a book • Begin to be a real role model for peace • Change your negative mindset • Speak at a school • Champion/Coordinate a special church service • Educate local organizations about it • Attend a peace rally • Host a peace speaker • Get to know your neighbors • Commit a random act of kindness • Write a peace song • Start a peace conversation

• • • •

Register people to vote Be good to yourself Write letters (to anyone) supporting peace Vote

In summary, anything you do will be better than nothing at all! If we all take personal responsibility to do just one small something to make the world kinder, gentler…we will be well on our way to realizing God’s dream for it and for us. As Mahatma Ghandi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” It starts with us… one heart at a time. Happy International Day of Peace to you. I will not miss celebrating it ever again. In fact, every day ought to be celebrated as Peace Day. Don’t you agree?


Douglas R. Bender, Sr.

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Being Significant

Douglas R. Bender, Sr.

I decided to write this article because I’m sick and tired of always pursuing the elusive ‘American Dream’, only to find an empty feeling of achievement at the end of the chase. Many of us spend the vast majority of our time seeking material riches and, as such, make many mistakes along life’s journey. Even though we all agree we can’t take it with us we keep killing ourselves trying to get it (no pun intended). I have spent much of my career as a Human Resources executive coaching and counseling others on the best course to take to maximize their careers or their performance in a particular job. I rarely failed to feel after most of those sessions as if I had only shared half of the story. Sure, I was pretty good at what I did, ‘technically speaking’. Most of the time I gave really good advice and I even shared the latest process or tool or technique to maximize results! (At least I thought I did.) I received a lot of recognition over the years for being a wise counselor. But…I didn’t give them “…the rest of the story…” as Paul Harvey used to say. We spent most of our time talking about a person’s dreams for success in career and material terms when, in fact, we should have been exploring what it takes to be significant. Tom Brokaw, the great television news icon, once said, “It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” I couldn’t agree more. I’ve learned my lessons over the years and I can tell you that if I had to do it all again I would


have the courage to leave the comfort of the herd in terms of sticking to the same old safe advice and give my clients the best guidance. There are two enduring principles in life to remember...especially when thinking about success. First, you have the right to choose your path to success, whatever it is. Second, you change your life when you change your mind. So then, all real success starts with choosing where you want to go in life (or even if you want to) and its all about your mindset. Some people say it’s your attitude that makes all the difference. The Bible states it even more clearly: “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” The real path to success in this life involves becoming ‘significant’, not just successful. What is ‘significance’? How is it different from ‘success’? How do significant people behave anyway? Well, I’m glad you asked! Significance defined is…the quality of having meaning. The quality of being important, being relevant or ‘special’. Being significant means living your life in such a way as to really make an enduring impact on people, places, or things… not collecting riches. It means that the world is a much better place because you were here. Notice I didn’t say that the world is a better place because you made a lot of money, drove the finest cars, lived in the best neighborhoods, wore the best clothes, or had the nicest watch!



You might meet a lot of folks’ definition of success but there is a big something that’s missing. That said, you can’t be significant unless certain things happen. First things first…we can’t allow ourselves to be imprisoned by our ‘unforgiveness’. In my personal and professional lives I have seen people live out entire careers and go to their graves mean, bitter, nasty, and unfulfilled because they chose to withhold their forgiveness. The fact is that we’re destroying our own destiny for greatness because we choose to be stuck in unforgiveness. One of my favorite writers (and speakers), Jim Stovall, was quoted to say, “We are not punished for our unforgiveness…we are punished by it.” We punish ourselves instead of the other person when we don’t forgive, and in the process never reach our personal pinnacle of achievement. We all know someone who is a real SOB who seems to have the Midas touch when it comes to accumulating material things. We tend to scratch our head and wonder if someone has God held hostage. (After all, this is the ONLY plausible explanation for the bastard being as successful as he is.) However, my guarantee is that this person isn’t even close to being complete or fulfilled in his life. These are some of the most miserable folks on the planet! This isn’t how ‘significant’ people behave and these aren’t the results of a significant life. How do significant people behave? They show Unconditional Love regardless of the situation or venue. This Unconditional Love is modeled whether at home, church, work, or the gym. They know the difference between ability, motivation, and attitude. “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” (Raymond Chandler) A story I heard recently illustrates the point quite well.

It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80’s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am. A nurse took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see him. She saw him looking at his watch and decided, since she was not busy with another patient, she would evaluate his wound. On examination, it was well healed, so she talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound. While taking care of his wound, she asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told her no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. She inquired as to his wife’s health. He told her that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer’s. As they talked, the nurse asked if the wife would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was and that she had not recognized him in five years now. Surprised, the nurse asked him, “And you still go every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?” He smiled as he patted her hand and said, “She doesn’t know me, but I still know who she is.”

Significant The PIN MAGAZINE |55


That is the kind of impact we all want in our lives. True love is about being there for others and is neither physical, nor romantic. Being significant is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be. The happiest people…significant people…don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything

they have. I want to leave you with a great poem about making the best of everything you have. That’s when you’ll find true success. That’s when you become significant.

Be The Best of Whatever You Are

If you can’t be a tree at the top of the hill be a shrub in the valley but be, The best little tree on the side of the hill, be a bush if you can’t be a tree! We can’t all be captains some have to be crew, there is plenty of work for us here. There is big work to do and lesser work to do, and the work for US to do is near. If you can’t be a highway then just be a trail, if you can’t be the sun be a star. It isn’t by size that you win or you fail, be the best of whatever you are! Author Unknown

Here’s to YOUR success…oops, I mean your ‘significance’ journey. There are others who are waiting on you to impact their lives and, in the process, your own destiny as well.

Douglas R. Bender, Sr. is Managing Partner of Onyx Global HR. He is a Master Trainer and facilitator, author, speaker, and thought leader on human resources effectiveness and leadership development, and has worked for some of America’s most trusted brands in the public and private sectors as an international HR executive. He has written several articles for national publications and has authored the award winning book “The ABCs of Leadership (2008)”. Mr. Bender was a contributing author to the acclaimed Leadership Challenge Activities Book (Wiley, 2010), and most recently released “Caution: Smiles At Work (, 2014)”. He is also listed in many “Who’s Who” periodicals and journals both domestically and internationally.





for the summer Once summer kicks in, it becomes everyone’s M.O. to cave to the siren call of endless weekend barbecues and blast the A/C like a stereo. And does anyone ever think twice about these things? Psshhh… no. So it may surprise you to learn that your summertime lifestyle is, more than likely, harming the Earth. Happily, there are a lot of simple habit tweaks to help you go green during the summertime, and you’ll be shocked at just how easy a lot of them are to incorporate into your everyday! Here is some Go Green for the Summer tips from Up the Efficiency of Cooling Down Did you know air conditioning use in the US alone costs Americans $11 billion and releases 100 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year? Those numbers are so big, they’re hard to wrap your head around. Happily, the things you can do to help are much more manageable.



• Adapt your appliance use. If it’s a real scorcher out there, you can reduce your need to amp up the A/C by avoiding the use of heat-heavy appliances like ovens, hotplates, and irons. • Opt for energy efficient light bulbs. CFLs, those newfangled squiggly bulbs, are not only energy efficient and wallet-friendly, they put off less heat and will play a part in keeping your home inherently cooler. • Invest in a smart thermostat. To max your A/C efficiency, get a programmable thermostat stat! Synced with your daily schedule, this gadget will help you avoid leaving the A/C on all the time, which is a huge waste. Bonus? You’ll save around $180 a year and keep cool. • Set up for shade. Pro tip: install your A/C unit somewhere shady, and it will use 10% less energy! To go the extra mile, add awnings or solar screens to your windows. According to WebMD, “The Department of Energy estimates that awnings can reduce solar heat gain – the amount the temperature rises – in your house by as much as 77%.” • Become a fan on fans. When night lumbers down and it cools off a bit, use fans to blow cold air into your home. Consider using ceiling fans during the day too; they’re 90% more efficient than central air.

BBQ Best Practices

Easy Green Tips

On the 4th of July alone, BBQs result in the release of 225,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the equivalent destruction of 2,300 acres of forest. What can you do to help? So glad you asked!

• Pump It Up! Instead of using aerosol-bottle sunscreens that are a big ‘Oh no!’ for the ozone, use sunscreen that comes in a squeeze tube or a bottle with a pump-style top. • Shine with Solar. Invest in a solar charger for your electronics. This will not only cut down on your energy usage, it’ll make it easier to charge your gadgets on the go! • By incorporating even a few of these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a summer that’s green as the grass outside your door, so start changing those habits, and spread the word!

• Be Pro Propane. Charcoal briquettes may sound sexy, but they’re pretty darn polluting. Propane burns cleaner, and keeps you from killing trees when firing up your noms. • Choose Reusable. We’re sure you’ve an inkling as to just how wasteful it is to use disposable dishes and napkins. Though toting around reusable picnic settings might be marginally less convenient, true, it makes a big difference (and looks a heck of a lot prettier!). Don’t have something appropriate? You can find something fitting in an eco-friendly way: by swapping, of course!

Courtesy of Sources: WebMD, iSustainableEarth, Earth Share, and The Nature Conservancy



New Products, New Clients by Eric Johnson

The California Housing Finance Agency has recently expanded its stable of mortgage loan products, and is excited to get the word out. As the markets have improved in the wake of the Great Recession, new financing models have emerged that enable Housing Finance Agencies to once again be competitive with the private market. We look forward to using some of these new models to help more Californians buy a home with a loan they can afford. The most important thing about our new products is that they maintain the same high underwriting and qualification standards as our existing products. Every homebuyer must undergo a rigorous education course—which includes a section on overall financial literacy—and our minimum credit score continues to be 640. Our first new product is the flip side of the existing CalPlus FHA. The CalPlus Conventional is the only 97% loan in California; like its FHA counterpart, it comes with built in down payment assistance with the Zero Interest Program. If you’d care for a slightly lower interest rate and don’t need the down payment assistance,



the CalHFA Conventional can help you out with that, too.

homebuyers. And that’s the way it went until the Great Recession.

We’re also very excited about the CalEEM + Grant loan, coming around just in time for summer. The Energy Efficient Mortgage, or EEM, is an FHAinsured loan that rolls some costs of upgrading your home’s energy efficiency into the financing of the first mortgage loan. The grant, however, is what makes this one tick: CalHFA will grant an additional 4% of the purchase price so you can do some serious upgrades, like solar panels or air conditioning, instead of the small stuff.

Bond markets froze up in the late 2000s, which meant HFAs couldn’t find buyers for Housing Revenue Bonds, and were forced to turn to different revenue sources. One of these sources is called a TBA model (for various semi-arcane reasons), and that is the model that CalHFA has adopted. The TBA model does not use taxfree bonds, so after some discussion, our board decided to remove the first-time homebuyer requirement for CalHFA first mortgages.

Of course, in addition to our new products, we also have opened our offerings up to new clients. For almost 40 years, we have focused on serving a certain segment of the housing market: those people who are looking to purchase their first home. June of this year brought an expanded focus, as we opened our offerings to low and moderate income homebuyers, whether it was their first purchase or not.

This means you can move up a bit if you’re in a starter home. It also means you can downsize if the kids have left home and you’re looking for less lawn to mow and fewer carpets to vacuum. You do have to sell your existing house—the owner-occupancy requirement still applies—but it opens things up and lets more people take advantage of our competitive interest rates and Zero Interest Program for down payment.

Before we get into why, a little history first. The vast majority of CalHFA’s first mortgage loans have historically been funded through the sale of Housing Revenue Bonds. These bonds were enabled by the federal government, which deemed homeownership a big enough priority that it allowed state housing finance agencies to sell these bonds on Wall Street tax-free. That is, when buyers sold the bonds for a profit, that profit was not subject to taxes. Hence, bond buyers were willing to accept a lower rate of return on the bonds.

We’re very excited about serving more Californians; please contact us at 877.922.5432, or check out out our website at if you’re interested!

Once HFAs received the money from the sale of these bonds, they used the proceeds to finance mortgages. The payments from the mortgages were then used to pay back the interest on the bonds. Since the bond buyers had accepted a low interest rate, the HFAs were able to pass on a lower interest rate to the homebuyers. The big restriction was that the bonds were only tax-free if their proceeds were used to finance first-time






Do I Really Need?

Charis Wayman


echnology has determined the outcome of every battle, every civilization, and more importantly every business since the beginning of time. When those with superior technology come in contact to those with inferior or non-existent technology - the outcome is always the same. Those with inferior technology always lose. This is becoming even more apparent in the real estate industry and those with the best technology will be the ones to own the market. It is exactly the same with all businesses and especially true right now with the real estate Industry! Those with the best technology


are going to be successful! Everyone in the real estate industry knows they need technology – but many hold off on investing in technology simply because they are not sure what is available or even more so – what they really need. There are hundreds of different tools and software programs that are currently being marketed to real estate agents. But what do you really need? The first thing you need is the most current and up to date software with all of the tools and features that are required in today’s real estate market. Many real estate software systems have been around for years, and although most of them were adequate when they first came out, have now

been surpassed by newer and better systems that are more in tune to today’s market. Newer systems and products will be faster, easier to use, and much more beneficial than the older ones. If you have not upgraded to one of the newer more modern systems in the last two years – you are already behind your competition. Here is a list of features that you need to be successful in today’s market: • Lead Generation – a system that brings buyers and sellers directly to you. Most of these are now internet based and involve both listing syndication and automated social media programs.


• Lead Management – You need to be able to identify, track and manage and/or assign the lead. • Lead Incubation (follow up) – A system to follow up and stay in touch with the buyer or seller so that when they are ready to buy or sell, they do so through you.

• (Many – but not all

of these features can be found in what is also known as: CRM – “Customer Relationship Management” programs – • Marketing – although sometimes part of “lead generation”, it is a separate and distinct area. Marketing is about promoting you, your listings, and your company with the result being an increase in public awareness that results in additional business for you. This includes Flyers, letters, and other promotional materials. A large library of automated marketing materials is a must. • Transaction management – An efficient and compliant system to effectively manage your transactions, with timelines, & notifications. • Document Management – Real Estate transactions require a lot of mandatory paperwork, forms,

contracts, disclosures, etc., having these all available and tracked at all times is imperative to an efficient and compliant office. • Document Storage – (Paperless) – the amount of paperwork now required on a single real estate transaction has grown tremendously over the years. You are required to maintain all of these documents for many years and be able to access them quickly should a problem, complaint, or lawsuit arise. • Digital signatures – (E-signing) this is the future and the ability for you and your clients to sign, execute, and deliver documents electronically is a must. • Integrated Email – I’m not referring to a separate email accounts – Much of our communication and correspondence with buyers and sellers are now through email. Having every email integrated into your system and attached to each transaction file is a very important feature to have for compliance purposes. You do not want to worry about having to go through your inbox looking for email that may not be there anymore when there are transaction management

systems today that will capture, file and store ALL associated emails with each transaction. • Accounting – commissions, expenses, fees, etc. Should be automatically tracked at both the agent and office level. Maintaining separate accounting systems and software is both costly and extremely time consuming. • On-Line Offer

Submission and Management – Receiving

and managing offers is one of the most time-consuming and riskiest aspects of the real estate business. Having an on-line system where all offers from buyers and/or selling agents are received, tracked, logged, and managed, saves hours of time on each transaction as well as dramatically reducing liability.

• Truly “Mobile” Real estate is a “Mobile” business. Agents spend most of their time out in the field and/or working from their homes. It is very important that whichever system you choose be completely and truly “Mobile” with all features fully accessible via Smartphone or other mobile devices such as tablets and IPads.


Who is Intercap?

Here is a company snap shot . . . • Intercap Lending is a dba of Suburban Mortgage Company of New Mexico, with over one billion dollars in loans currently in servicing • Direct lender since 1978 • Direct seller/servicer and issuer of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae Securities (less than 1% of ALL lenders have these three approvals!) • FHA Full Eagle / VA LAPP • No bank overlays • Direct secondary marketing access • Unique and proprietary products along with a proprietary down payment assistance program (1/2% down) • In-house central processing, loan docs, underwriting, funding and securitization • Purchase-oriented company • Average processing time to funding is 26 days • 10 branches and growing, in 20 states • Our loan committee meets daily to review exception files • Exceptional customer service from all departments of the company • Experienced loan officers with management support that pushes pipelines for on-time closings CALL TODAY OR VISIT OUR SITE: INTERCAPLENDING.COM Eric L. Frazier MBA NATIONAL SALES MANAGER DIRECT: 949.600.4134 CELL: 714.361.2105 TOLL FREE: 866.644.1046, EXT. 1211

Corporate Office: 26880 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Suite 100, Aliso Viejo, California 92656

Applicant must meet credit and income requirements. Minimum FICO score of 640 required. Certain restrictions apply and not all applicants will be approved. Licensed by the Department of Corporations under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act #4131105. Intercap Lending is a dba of Suburban Mortgage Company of New Mexico. NMLS #190465. Models do not reflect racial preference.


Researching this requires a little more due diligence on your part. Virtually every product out there claims to be “Mobile” product, but as you will find out many really are not! Many of the older products were initially designed prior to the emergence of smart phones. They may claim to be mobile compatible but many times they have been patched together to appear “Mobile” but lack functionality on those devices.

Brokers and Managers need a few more: If you own or manage an office there are additional tools that you need, the headaches of double and triple entry when using differing systems will quickly negate any of the benefits that you hope to receive. The additional tools required for brokers or managers are:

Reporting & Management Functions – A good system should include full real-time reporting functions. This includes individual agents

and overall office production, cash flow projections, lead generation and conversion rates, expenses, etc.

Accounting – A complete

accounting system including commissions, 1099’s, office expense, bonuses, etc. is a must in order to run a successful brokerage today. More importantly it should directly integrate into the transaction management system so that commission calculation and paying your agents can be automatically managed and processed for you.

Compliance – An

or managers time.

Costs: There is no general rule on technology products. Most of you will be surprised to find out that the older products generally cost more than the newer technologies. Newer technologies are written with code that is more efficient and responsive. Those companies can then pass the savings on to the client to build client loyalty. Make sure you are a smart consumer. Shop around and compare systems.

effective compliance and management system should be integrated with the actual transaction management system that the agents are using to prevent problems before they occur. Recruiting System – Proper recruiting systems and techniques should bring agents into your office for you. Included will be advertising, marketing, e-mail, drip campaigns, automated follow up and all other aspects of a good CRM. The better ones are fully automated and require very little of the broker



Staying Safe While


Natural bodies of water can pose a greater drowning risk than swimming pools. While many parents worry about their children’s safety around swimming pools, as they should and need to do, drowning incidents can also occur in natural bodies of water. Safety precautions need to be taken around all water environments. According to the Center for Disease Control, about half of all drowning incidents occur in natural water settings such as lakes, rivers, or oceans. And, almost 75% of people killed in boating accidents die as a result of drowning. As the summer boating season begins, there are steps parents can be taking to keep their children safer in the water. The United States Swim School Association has put together the following guidelines to help keep children safe while boating this summer. • Make sure your children know how to properly wear a lifejacket. And always have children under 12 wear a life jacket at all times when boating or using personal watercraft. • Personal floatation devices (PFDs) should always be U.S. Coast Guard approved. Never substitute water wings or other recreational type floating toys for an approved PFD. • Create a water safety plan for your family and have water emergency drills with your kids covering how to recognize the signs of someone struggling in water, and what to do in this type of emergency. • Teach your children the “throw don’t go” rescue method. Instead of entering the


By Celeste Davie

water to help a struggling person, teach your child to throw in a rope, reach with a stick, paddle or other object to pull the person in. If you take your kids on a shore excursion while boating, be aware of tides and currents and other risks the ocean or beach may have. Non-motorized boats can also pose a risk. If your family is canoeing or kayaking be sure your child is wearing a life jacket and knows what to do if the boat flips. If your child is playing near a natural body of water and accidentally falls in, teach your child to roll over on his or her back and float until help arrives if exiting the water is not an option. Never use floatation devices or water wings to keep your child safe in the water. Rely on your direct supervision.

Swimming lessons are a great addition to help keep your child safer while boating and around open water. For more information about swimming lessons and water safety and to find a United States Swim School Association member swim school near you, visit:




Paws Up in


Montana, an American frontier where history tells a story of the creation of community and living off the land. Want to be at one with the mountains and wilderness? Well welcome to the Wild Wild West! Montana is the fourth largest state in the United States after Alaska, Texas, and California, with a total area of 147,040 square miles. Millions of tourists visit Montana to see Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, and the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. The views here are spectacular in all directions. If Mother Nature could take a selfie it would look like Montana, with its unspoiled meadows that are exploding with wildflowers and rivers that are swollen


from mountain runoff. The name Montana comes from the Spanish word montaña, meaning mountain. It contains numerous mountain ranges found throughout the state, a total of 77 named ranges that are part of the Rocky Mountains. To the north, Montana shares a border with three Canadian provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. North Dakota and South Dakota to the east, Wyoming to the south and Idaho to the west and southwest. The fresh crisp air lets you know that you’ve arrived in Montana.

by Celeste Davie

Accomodations Upon your arrival to Missoula International Airport, you will be greeted by a driver ready to deliver you to The Resort at Paws Up. This magnificent luxury ranch resort, located in Greenough, Montana, sits on a sprawling 37,000 acres. The secluded wilderness sanctuary is discretely hidden behind gated chaparrals. If you’re not necessarily an “outdoors” person, the uniquely inspiring Paws Up will connect you to nature in an unbelievable way. Whether you’re looking for an expansive private home or a sophisticated luxury tent, Paws Up has something for every member in your family.


Once you’re all checked in, unparalleled service awaits you. You can escape into total indulgence in their immaculate Wilderness Estates. The collections of luxury ranch homes are completely breathtaking. The 3,248 square foot accommodations comes with an extensive list of features including panoramic vistas, soaring vaulted ceilings, a cook’s kitchen, laundry room, a loft game room, and three master suites featuring en-suite master bathrooms outfitted with a spacious slate shower, a jetted spa tub, sumptuous spa products, plush towels, and twice-daily housekeeping service. If you need to keep in touch with the rest of the world, the Wilderness Estates include high-speed wireless Internet access, surroundsound entertainment systems and 42” flat-screen TVs. Paws Up is immense, but don’t worry because each Wilderness Estate comes with a complimentary personal vehicle for your use during your stay. Looking for more of a rustic escape into wonderland? Paws Up has five luxury tent camps to explore. Each site

has its own distinct personality and unforgettable setting. The tents come complete with extraordinary amenities - chic rustic furnishings, bedrooms, cooling fans, spacious ensuite bathrooms with heated floors, dual sinks, large slate showers, and a plush dining pavilion. If that didn’t dazzle you, then maybe having your own chef and butler at you beck and call will. Gourmet cuisine is prepared by each camp’s chef and served by the camping butler. These camps are in high demand and tend to sell out quickly, so it’s recommended that you make reservation at least one year in advance. You can reserve the entire luxury campsite, which is perfect if you’re planning a family reunion, a corporate retreat, or any other special event.

Dinning Paws Up has two restaurants at the resort. The refined rustic ranch cuisine brings forth a new adventure. The homecooked meals are elevated to another level. While you’re visiting, you should try the Huckleberry pancakes,

a specialty on the ranch because Huckleberry is a staple at Paws Up. The berries are picked from the slopes of surrounding mountains. Cuisine here caters to your taste buds, from casual dinners at Trough to upscale dining in Pomp, it all available at Paws Up. Executive Chef Ben Jones is the culinary artist who leads the operation at Paws Up. He is committed to using the finest ingredients and has built close relationships with area ranchers, dairy farmers, distillers, sustainable farmers, vintners, makers of specialty oils, and others. “I believe that I should be able to make every guest smile. Perhaps by the way I present my dishes, or where I buy my vegetables, or from the simple vapor from a dish that takes them back to a memory long lost.” This is a cattle ranch but they haven’t forgotten about people who are vegan or vegetarian. Paws Up will accommodate any special dietary needs with advance notice. Also located on the property is a full-service bar that has the finest drink selections and a casual environment, complete with flat-screen TVs, music, and stunning views.



Activities This may not be a calorie burning activity, but you’ll want to make reservation at Paws Up world-class spa, located in Spa Town, just minutes away from your lodging. They offer several treatments such as the Huckleberry Harvest Body Scrub that will leave you relaxed, renewed and restorative. Spend a morning, afternoon or entire day indulging. While you’re losing yourself into utter bliss, you’ll understand the true meaning of “betting lost” in the woods. Ready for some true western adventure? Delve into one of the many activities offered at Paws Up. You can horseback ride or ATV through the pasture. Go whitewater rafting down the famous Blackfoot River, a majestic river that inspired the novel and film, A River Runs Through It. Other activities include hiking, flyfishing, archery, pitching


horseshoes, clay shooting, hot-air ballooning, and cattle driving. There is just so much to do here that you will never get bored exploring the land that Lewis & Clark once swooned over.


Paws Up host a number of events throughout the year. If you want to learn all about BBQ cooking then plan your trip around the Montana Master Grillers event. Chefs, Pit Masters, and Smokologists come together for a weekend of a seamless blend of fine wines, spirits, beer, and exquisite grilled cuisine. Get your girlfriends together for the Cowgirl Spring Roundup, an excursion that offers the chance to learn true cowgirl skills. Upper Crust is a sophisticated pie making camp, were you can experience pie making, food photography lessons, and wilderness adventures.

The Wilderness Games is event is a family fun and friendly competition. The family with the highest cumulative score from the weekend combined receives a return stay at Paws Up. Mexicana is a culinary event that features the talented chefs of Lindo Michoacan - Las Vegas number one Mexican restaurant and authentic Mexican cuisine with Executive a Chef Ben. While you’re visiting Paws Ups, you can experience everything Montana has to offer, all it takes is for you to step out of your comfort zone. Paws Up is an impeccable getaway. Anything you can imagine is at your fingertips. It’s a place where “city slickers” are forever transformed. Whether you want to sit back and enjoy the views of the meadow, take a cooking course, or just enjoy the atmosphere, it doesn’t get any better than this. Montana truly is “The Last Best Place!”

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