The power is now wealth initative 3 0 1 19 2016

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The Power Is Now Inc.

Buyers and Sellers Club Multimedia Education Company Specializing in Real estate, Lending Banking and Financial Literacy Eric L. Frazier MBA President and CEO CAL BRE 01143485 NMLS 461807

800-401-8994 x 703

The Power Is Now Inc. CAL BRE 1980407 NMLS 1435243

The Power Is Now Inc. • • • • • • • • • •

The Power Is Now Wealth Initiative Program State of Housing The 10 Point Wealth Building Pledge The Wealth Gap Real Estate and inflation 2015 CA Real Estate Market Appreciation 2015 Rental Market Report History of interest Rates The Sapphire Program Questions and Answers

Introduction • Married 33 years 4 Daughters • One in College., Three MBAs. All In Real Estate

• Born in Memphis Tenn. Native IE. SB. • Residence Riverside 14 years.

• University of Redland Graduate • Degrees: BSBAM, & MBA in Finance • 33 years as Lender/Mortgage Banker • 23 years as Real Estate Agent/Broker • Co-Founder of Frazier Group Realty • President of The Power Is Now Inc. Eric Lawrence Frazier, MBA Mortgage & Real Estate Broker

• Radio | TV | Magazine | Events | Financial Services

• President of The OC Realtist (NAREB) • BOD of California Assoc. or RE Brokers • BOD of California African American Museum • BOD of Project Tomorrow (k-12th Ed)

The Power Is Now Inc. •

The Power Is Now Inc. CAL BRE 1980407 & NMLS 1435243 is licensed to sale real estate and broker mortgage loans. Founder and CEO Eric L. Frazier MBA CAL BRE 01143484 & NMLS 461807 have been opening doors to the American Dream for 33 years and under The Power Is Now Brand as an real estate education and multimedia company since 2009. Mortgage Lending and Real estate sales and acquisition is my passion and mission because I can help families build wealth through real estate.


As a Mortgage Brokerage, The Power Is Now has access to many lenders that offer programs for first time homebuyers, move up buyers, investors, churches, nonprofits and foreign nationals. We are a full service mortgage brokerage.

Mission •

The mission of the Power of Now Inc. is to inspire, educate, and empower real estate professionals, and consumers to build wealth through real estate with information, services and support that will give them the power to act now for their future.


Vision •

The vision of the Power is Now is to be a powerful resource for real estate professionals, and consumers to buy and/or sell real estate to achieve their personal, family and business goals to build wealth and leave an inheritance and legacy for their family.


Our Company Slogan Is Our Name The Power Is Now! We are at our best and we maximize our success when we act now.


The Pathway to Power & Wealth Is To Own Real Estate Now!

The Power Is Now Wealth Initiative

Building Wealth with Real Estate

The Power Is Now Wealth Initiative •

The Power Is Now wealth initiative seeks economic empowerment for all people by changing their mindset toward financial literacy and wealth building.


The State of Housing for Minorities •

African American and Hispanic communities were hit the hardest by the Great Financial Crises from 2007 to 2009 and have the farthest to climb before home values get back to their pre-recession prices. It may be too late for many because rates have started to rise and home prices are increasing.


The State of Housing for Minorities •

The homeownership rate in the U.S. is 63.5 percent overall. The rate among whites is 71.1 percent; Asians, 57.8 percent.


41.9 %

Hispanics 45.2 % Asians

57.8 %


71.1 % 14

The State of Housing for Minorities •

Economists recently confirmed that non-white loan applicants are disproportionately denied home loans based on the most recent HMDA Data.


The State of Housing for Minorities •

In 2013, 27.6 percent of blacks and 21.9 percent of Hispanics who applied for a conventional mortgage were denied, while only 10.4 percent of white applicants were denied.



Hispanics 21.9% Whites



The State of Housing for Minorities •

If homeownership continues to be the primary vehicle that Minorities use to create wealth then Minorities are on the path to another Economic Crisis and homelessness!


It’s time to take action and personal responsibility.


The Power Is Now Wealth Initiative

The Buyers and Sellers Club

The Power Is Now Wealth Initiative •

The PIN Wealth Initiative 5 objectives:

1. Knowledge - Knowledge is the Power you need to build wealth. Knowledge comes before money. 2. Commitment to Financial Independence – We must take Individual responsibility for our lives. Commitment requires disclipine. 3. Investment in real estate - We must prioritize ownership in real as opposed to personal property. Real Property appreciates Personal property depreciates. 19

The Power Is Now Wealth Initiative 4.

Financial and Credit Management - We must live on budget and not abuse credit. Good credit is the beginning of building wealth.


Creating Wealth - We must leave a legacy of wealth and an inheritance for our family. Buy and sell to build a legacy of wealth.


10–Point Wealth Building Pledge

The Power Is Now Wealth Initiative 10-Point Wealth Building Pledge

10–Point Wealth Building Pledge "I, (state your name), from this day forward, declare before my God, my family and my community a renewed commitment to build wealth and to leave a legacy of wealth and an inheritance for my family and my community. I hereby pledge the following:


10–Point Wealth Building Pledge 1. To save and invest 10 to 20 percent of my after–tax income 2. To become a life long student and investor in real estate 3. To be a disciplined and eliminate all non-essential debt 4. To measure my personal wealth by net worth and not my income 5. To engage in sound budgeting, credit and tax management


10–Point Wealth Building Pledge 6. To learn and teach financial principles to my children & live them 7. To use my wealth to strengthen my family and my community 8. To be humble and not live extravagantly, saving instead of consuming 9. To ensure I have wealth to pass on to my children & grand children 10.To associate with people of like mind and striving to achive the same goals. 25

10–Point Wealth Building Pledge •Strategies and Tactics: 1. Promote homeownership & real estate investment via online radio, conferences, magazine, small groups and individual counseling 2. Provide resources and educational opportunities for buyers and sellers to acheive their goals through our online platform 3. Access to the Buyers & Sellers hotline for answers to questions about credit, buying or selling real estate 4. Provides business opportunities to buy and/or invest in real estate through our network of agents and investors


The Power Is Now Wealth Initiative Real Estate the Pathway to Real Wealth

The Wealth Gap Black-White Economic Divide

Research Study on the Wealth Gap Brandeis University Institute of Asset and social Policy


The Roots of the Widening Racial Wealth Gap: Explaining the Black-White Economic Divide

Authored by: Thomas Shapiro Tatjana Meschede Sam Osoro


Research Study on the Wealth Gap Data for this analysis was derived from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), a nationally representative longitudinal study that began in 1968. They followed nearly 1,700 working-age households from 1984 through 2009.


Research Study on the Wealth Gap â—? The goal of the study was to examine the effect of policy and institutional decision-making on how average families accumulate wealth.

â—? There was a insufficient number of Latino, Asian American, or immigrant households to include in this report but the results can be applied across communities of color.


What is Wealth? All families need wealth to be economically secure and create opportunities for the next generation. What is wealth?

● Wealth is what we own minus - what we owe ● Wealth allows families/individuals to: ● Move to safer neighborhoods ● Invest in businesses ● Invest in their community ● Save for retirement ● Send their children to college. ● Leave an inheritance & legacy


Wealth Is The Difference Wealth provides a measure of security when a job loss or personal crisis occurs.

The Great Recession The Great Recession of 2007-2009 devastated the wealth of all families except for those with the most. In the U.S. today, the richest 1 percent of households owns 37 percent of all wealth.

In 2009, a representative survey of American households revealed that: the median wealth of white families was $113,149 compared with $6,325 for Latino families and $5,677 for black families.

Why when the GDP of African American is 1.3 Trillion dollars and 1.5 Trillion dollars for Hispanics? Consumption!


Median Wealth White families - $113,149 Latino families- $6,325 Black families - $5,677 Why is the wealth of African & Hispanic American so low when the GDP of African American is 1.3 Trillion dollars and 1.5 Trillion dollars for Hispanics? Consumption!


Great Recession and Great Gap •

The Great Recesion of 2007-2009 brought long-term high unemployment.


This underscores the critical importance wealth plays in weathering emergencies and helping families achieve financial security and opportunity.


Great Recession and Great Gap 1. We must save money – we cannot live beyond our means. 2. We must establish an emergency fund – plan for the worse. 3. We must stop long term financing vehicles - pay cash or limit to 12 mos. 4. We must become debt free – save your money to buy what you want. 5. We must buy real property – before we buy expensive personal prorpery 37

Great Recession and Great Gap The Wealth Gap Research Report Traced the same 1700 families over a 25-year period (1984-2009) and found that the total wealth gap between White and African-American families nearly tripled, increasing from:

• $85,000 in 1984 too • $236,500 in 2009

The Wealth Gap: $152,000 and growing 38

Blacks & Hispanic Homeownership Rates in 1994: 40 & 42% respectively. Blacks achieved a high of 50% in 2004. In 2014 Blacks were at 42.5% and Hispanics 43.5% Hispanics.


Impact of the Wealth Gap by Weight: •


The biggest drivers of the growing racial wealth gap are: 1.

Years of homeownership 27%


Household income 20%


Unemployment, 9% which is much more prominent among African-American families


A college education, 5%


Inheritance, financial support by families 5%


Preexisting family wealth, 3%


Labor market instabilities 31%

These fundamental factors count for nearly two thirds (69%) of the proportional increases of the wealth gap.


Wealth in Homeownership Is the Key Homeownership can make the difference between: 1. Improving your life and where you live 2. Providing for your children’s education 3. Creating wealth in equity for investment 4. Creating stability for your family 5. Retiring with dignity and not in poverty 41

Your Power Is Now to Build Wealth •

You're not building wealth if you use all your money for consumption.

53% of the wealth of African American is in real estate. 39% for Hispanics. Real Estate is the chosen path for wealth creation for minorities.

Financial Independence can be the result of using your earnings to purchase real estate and other assets over time.

Real Estate can generate income and equity that can replace your earnings over time and/or it can be sold for cash for retirement. 42

Real Estate & Inflation

Real Estate & Inflation Inflation robs us of our purchasing power. It cannot be stopped. Every year everything cost more. For example: In 1980 if you bought a house for $100,000


Based on Avg. Inflation per year of 3.06% what is it worth today?


Real Estate & Inflation


$287,300.96 45

Real Estate & Inflation •

Inflation - Friend or Enemy? It is your enemy if you are renting but your friend if you own property.


Real Estate & Inflation In 2015 if you bought a house for $287,300


Based on Avg. Inflation per year of 3.06% what is it worth 2045? (30 years from now)


Real Estate & Inflation



Real Estate & Inflation Inflation: Friend or Enemy?

It is your enemy if you are renting.

$825,415.66 49

Real Estate & Inflation Inflation robs us of our purchasing power of real estate and it cannot be stopped. Every year everything cost more.

In 2015 you bought a house for $712,000


Based on Avg. Inflation per year of 3.00% what is it worth 2025? (10 years from now) 50

Real Estate & Inflation



Real Estate & Inflation Inflation Friend or Enemy? Enemy if you are renting.



Real Estate Markets California The Golden State As California goes, so goes the nation.


Median Sales Price - $330,000



San Bernardino

Median Sales Price - $220,000



Median Sales Price - $430,000



Median Sales Price - $430,000



Los Angeles

Median Sales Price - $630,000



Orange County

Median Sales Price - $630,000



San Diego

Median Sales Price - $465,000




Median Sales Price - $780,000




Median Sales Price - $247,500



San Francisco

Median Sales Price - $1,105,000



San Mateo

Median Sales Price - $956,000



San Jose

Median Sales Price - $730,000



San Marin Tiburon, 94920Â

Median Sales Price - $2,800,000



Real Estate Markets California The Golden State As California goes, so goes the nation.

KNOEMA US Inflation Forecast 2015-2020 Data and Charts




Renters Increasing rents can lead to Homelessness

Rental Market Report 2015 •


The Plight of Renters Increasing rents and Increasing interest rates will make many renters permanent renters.

Mortgage Interest Rates History of Interest Rates Lets look at the average rate per year

Buy Now Or Pay More In Interest Later

The “SAPPHIRE” Disclaimer: This information is accurate as of the date shown Below and is subject to change without notice. January 5, 2016

The “SAPPHIRE” Program

Not having the money for a down payment is no longer an excuse!

The “Sapphire” Program •

The Sapphire Program is a program of the National Homebuyers Fund, Inc.. (NHF) is Non-profit benefit corporation, established in 2002. It is a IRS Code section 115 entity and is an affiliate of Rural County Representatives of California.

NHF provides and manages a variety of homeownership programs on behalf of itself, state and local Housing Finance Agencies and other housing related organizations.

The “Sapphire” Program •

NHF is not a direct lender and does not provide nor accept loan applications to or from potential borrowers. Participating Lenders provide potential borrowers with loan applications, applicable fees and APRs and complete program guidelines.

The Power Is Now Inc. is approved with many lenders that offer programs for first time homebuyers. The Sapphire program is just one of many programs that are available and will be presented today.

The “Sapphire” Program Purpose of the Program •

The “Sapphire” Program provides financing to families and individuals who can afford a mortgage loan but do not have the resources for the down payment and/or closing costs.

What the Program provides •

The “Sapphire” Program offers financing on FHA, USDA and VA Loans designed to increase homeownership opportunities to low-to-moderate income individuals and families in CA.

Why We Need Sapphire Now! • County and City DAPs out of funds or limited funds. • State DAP programs take too long and have many restrictions. • Loan programs in general have more restrictive guidelines/products • Low inventory – Higher prices more money • Sellers market – Higher prices and no or limited seller credit • Higher cost of living = Less money to save

The “Sapphire” Program Highlights

NHF Sapphire Program The program is 1st Mortgage Loan with a 3% or 5% Down Payment Assistance Grant. Grant Proceeds can be used for: • Down payment - The seller can pay the closing up to 6% • Closing costs if you have the down payment covered. • Prepaid item(s) • Earnest money • Cost paid outside of escrow: Appraisal, Inspection

The “Sapphire” Program Examples • The following examples are based on real life numbers. • If you can afford to pay your landlord’s mortgage you can afford to pay your own.

FHA Loan 3.5% - Down Payment Purchase Price:


Down Payment:

$ 12,250.00

Mortgage Ins (1.75%): $ Loan Amount:


$ 342,225.18

Seller Credit (1.71%): ($, 6,000.00)

Interest Rate: 4.125% Annual Percentage Rate: (APR) 4.634%


Monthly Payment | 4.12% APR 4.634% PITI:



$ 364.58

Haz. Ins:

$ 102.08


$ 181.14 (.85% per year)

Mtg: Pymt: $2,306.40 HOA: Total Pymt:

$ 300.00 $2,606.40 116

Loan Fees Lender Loan Fees Processing $ 900.00 Underwriting

$ 995.00

Total Fees:


Appraisal Fee $ 525.00 POC Pest Inspection

$ 350.00 POC

Credit Report Fee $

21.00 POC

Total Fees:

$ 896.00 POC

Total All Loan Fees:

$ 2,791.00


Title and Escrow Fees Recording fees

$ 150.00

Title Insurance Owners


Escrow fee $1,000.00 Message fees



Notary fee $ 250.00 Loan Tie In fee

$ 150.00

Doc prep fee

$ 200.00

Bank Wire fee

$ 100.00




Transfer and Recording Fee City Transfer Tax Total:




Prepaid Items Interim Interest15 Days @ $38.68 = Taxes Hazard Insurance


$ 580.14

$ 3,300.00 $ 895.04

$ 4,775.18


Escrow Reserves Item Name


Prop. Taxes


Mo. Amt.




Haz. Ins.



$ 204.17

Flood Ins.







$2,391.67 121

Summary of Funds to Close Down Payment 3.5 %


Loan Fees $ 1,895.00 Title Fees

$ 3,630.00

Transfer |Recording Fees $ Prepaid Items

$ 4,775.18

Escrow Reserves

$ 2,391.67


Total Funds to Close


Deposit on Sales Contract


Financed Closing Costs

($4,475.19) Mtg. Ins.


Funds Due at Closing Funds Due at Closing $25,232.25 Seller Paid Closing Costs $ 6,000.00 Including deposit: $ 2,000.00 Apprsl, Credit & Inspect: $

896.00 POC.

Adjusted Funds Due: $16,336.25 Without the Seller Credit Funds Due at Closing $22,336.25 *

* Includes POCs


Sapphire Grant $17,110,000 What a difference a Grant can make!

FHA Loan 3.5% - Down Payment Purchase Price:


Down Payment:


Mortgage Ins: ($ 4,458.30) • Loan Amount: $342,208.30 Includes MI • Seller Credit:

($,6000.00) 1.71% of Sales Price

Interest Rate: 4.50% Annual Percentage Rate: (APR) 5.035%


Monthly Payment | 4.50% APR 5.035% PITI:$1,733.92 Taxes: $ 364.58 Haz. Ins:

$ 102.08

MI: $ 180.46 (.85% per year) Mtg: Pymt: $2,381.05 HOA:

$ 300.00

Total Pymt:

$2,681.05 Diff + $75.65


Loan Fees Processing $ 900.00 Underwriting

$ 995.00

Grant Fee

$ 300.00

Total Fees:


Appraisal Fee

$ 525.00 POC

Pest Inspection

$ 350.00 POC

Credit Report Fee


Total Fees:

$ 896.00 POC

Total All Loan Fees:


21.00 POC


Title and Escrow Fees Recording fees

$ 150.00

Title Insurance Owners$1,700.00 Escrow fee $1,000.00 Message fees $


Notary fee $ 250.00 Loan Tie In fee $ 150.00 Doc prep fee $ 200.00 Bank Wire fee

$ 100.00




Transfer and Recording Fee City Transfer Tax $290.40 Total:



Prepaid Items Interim Interest15 Days @ $42.19 = Taxes Hazard Insurance



$3,300.00 $895.04



Escrow Reserves Item Name


Prop. Taxes


Mo. Amt. Reserve



Haz. Ins.




Flood Ins.







Summary of Funds to Close Down Payment 3.5 %

$ 12,250.00

Loan Fees

$ 2,195.00 Diff $300

Title Fees

$ 3,630.00

Transfer |Recording Fees $


Prepaid Items

$ 4,827.89 Diff $52.71

Escrow Reserves

$ 2,391.67

Funds Due at Closing

Grant (NHF Grant)


$ 17,110.00

Deposit on Sales Contract $


Financed Closing Costs

4,458.30 Mtg. Ins.



Funds Due at Closing Funds Due at Closing Grant (NHF Grant)

$25,584.96 $17,110.00

Seller Paid Closing Costs $ 6,000.00 Including deposit:

$ 2,000.00

Total Down Payment:



Apprsl, Credit & Inspect:


896.00 POC.

Funds Due at Closing


474.96 133

Sapphire Grant $17,110,000 What a difference a Grant can make!

Power of Inflation in building Wealth

$350,000 2025 - 10 years


Inflation Rate

Potential Equity










FHA 3.5% Down Payment Low Down Payment Today High Payment Tomorrow

What if Rates Go Up?


Program Income & Loan Limits

Program Income Limits 2015 115% of HUD AMI • Riverside

$ 80,155.00

• Orange County

$ 98,780.00

• Los Angeles County

$ 80,155.00

• San Diego County

$ 83,950.00

• San Francisco


• Santa Clara


• Contra Costa

$106,835.00 Income limits as of 10/13/2015

Sapphire Income Limits (up to 115% AMI) County

Program Income Limits


Program Income Limits



















Contra Costa


Del Norte


El Dorado Fresno Glenn

$82,225 $80,155 $80,155















Los Angeles





Program Income Limits

San Mateo


Santa BĂĄrbara



Santa Clara



Santa Cruz




















Solano (city of Vacaville)




















San Benito




San Bernardino




San Diego




San Francisco




San JoaquĂ­n






San Luis Obispo


Sapphire Program Loan Limits $417,000 or Loan Limit whichever is Lower

Conforming Loan Limit

Riverside $ 335,350.00

Riverside $ 417,000.00 San Bernardino County

$ 417,000.00

Orange County $ 625,500.00 Los Angeles County $ 625,500.00 San Diego County

HUD Loan Limit

$ 562,350.00

San Francisco $ 625,500.00 Santa Clara

$ 625,500.00

Contra Costa

$ 625,500.00

San Bernardino County $ 335,350.00 Orange County $ 625,500.00 Los Angeles County

$ 625,500.00

San Diego County $ 562,350.00 San Francisco $ 625,500.00 Santa Clara $ 625,500.00 Contra Costa $ 625,500.00

Program Qualifying Income Borrower Qualifying Income

Borrower Qualifying Income • Borrower qualifications is based on Qualified repayment Income • Only the Applicants income used for Qualifying is considered in order to meet the program income limits • All income documented that borrower receives on a consistent basis must meets FHA’s Effective income guidelines (2 year history and is likely to continue for 3 years) For example: Retirement income, Overtime income, Bonus income, part-time income must have a 2 year history and the likelihood to continue.

Eligibility Guidelines

Borrower Eligibility •

Borrower Eligibility: – Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident alien, or qualified alien – Owner Occupied Primary Residence only. – You do not have to be a first time homebuyer to participate in the program – You may own other properties – must meet FHA requirements. – Non occupying Co-borrowers/Co-signers are NOT ALLOWED. – Meet Credit, income & Loan requirements of the lender & NHF.

Property Eligibility •

Property Eligibility: – SFR Single Family Residences – PUDs Planned Unit Condominiums – Agency Approved Condos – 1 units properties only – Manufactured Homes

Ineligible Properties •

Ineligible: – Two to four units – Rental homes – Co-ops – Investment properties – Recreational, vacation or second homes

Underwriting Guidelines

Underwriting Guidelines • Minimum Credit Scores: – Minimum Credit scores 620+ –

Non-traditional Trade line – Not allowed must have min. middle score 620

• Max Debt Ratio: –

Debt Ratio determined by AUS/DU Approved/Eligible

– 56.9% DR is the Max with DU approval – DU – Refer/Eligible: Housing ratio 31% Total Debt Ratio 43% – 1 to 3 month reserves may be required if AUS/DU approval is not granted – No reserves requirement on DU approved loans – AUS/DU Defined: Fannie Mae’s Desktop Underwriter. An automated underwriting system or decision engine that approves loans or refers them an underwriter for approval or denial

Program Summary

Program Summary • NOT Limited to First Time Home Buyers •

NO “Recapture Tax” if home is sold later

NO Sales Price Limits

• Financing available for Down Payment and Closing Costs •

CLTV’s up to 96.50% - little to no money down & out of pocket closing costs: inspections, credit reports and appraisal fees are included

No Minimum Borrower Contribution Required

Ratios stretched up to 56.9% DTI with DU approved/eligible

• Manual Underwrite 31/43 DTI with DU refer/eligible •

1 Units only Single Family Homes

Manufactured Homes with minimum 680 fico score

• Grant from 3% to 5% |

Seller credit up to 6%

• Do Not have to be a First Time Home Buyer – and Can Own other property. • Works with FHA, VA, USDA only – No conventional financing • Maximum Loan amount 417k or FHA County Loan Limit which ever is lower. • Available in State of California and Nevada. The Power Is Now is not licensed in Nevada.

Grant up to 5%

Join The Buyer and Sellers Club

Real Estate Agents Please Inform your buyers! Buyers inform your friends and family!

The Power Is Now Hotline 800-401-8994 ext. 710 6 days a week Mon – Fri. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST Sat. 9:00 AM to 3 PM PST |


The Power Is Now Inc.

800-401-8994 ext. 710 Join the Buyers and Sellers Club Today by Eric L. Frazier MBA President and CEO Email: 800-401-8994 x 703

The Power Is Now Inc.

800-401-8994 ext. 710 Start Your Home Loan Application Today by Eric L. Frazier MBA President and CEO Email: 800-401-8994 x 703

The Power Is Now Inc.

800-401-8994 ext. 710 Multimedia Education Company Specializing in Real estate, Lending Banking and Financial Literacy

by Eric L. Frazier MBA President and CEO Email: 800-401-8994 x 703

Thank you •

On behalf of The Power Is Now Mortgage Services and the Power Is Now Radio thank you for joining the Buyers and Sellers Club program today. I hope the information provided will help you achieve the American dream of home ownership.


Please read the important disclaimer on the last page.


Disclaimer: •

The main purpose of sharing this information is to assist borrowers in understanding the loan programs that are available in the market place. While The Power Is Now Inc. Mortgage Services division, staff, employees, contractors and contributors take care to ensure the accuracy of the content of the loan program information , The Power Is Now Inc. Mortgage Services Division, makes no warranties as to the accuracy of the information contained within these materials. Furthermore, every attendee who has received this information uses it understanding that he or she must still conduct his or her own original legal research, analysis and opinion from their legal counsel. All non-legal professionals are urged to seek legal advice from a lawyer.

The Power Is Now Inc. Mortgage Services Division specifically disclaims any liability for any loss or damage any participant may suffer as a result of the information contained within this PowerPoint.

While the information contained in this power point presentation addresses guidelines and issues surrounding mortgage programs, this PowerPoint point does not constitute legal advice, nor include all the rules, guidelines and restrictions that are related to the program. All non-legal professionals are urged to seek legal advice from a lawyer.

Upon the completion and submission of a loan application for the Sapphire Program, all the appropriate legal disclosures will be provide at the time.

The Power Is Now Radio is a division of The Power Is Now Inc., and is not mortgage company or real estate company but an online radio platform to broadcast and promote information about achieving the American Dream of homeownership.

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