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Valuation Workbook

7217 Brighton Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047




Legend: SubjectProperty

OffMarket Sold Date: 12/31/2015, Public Record


$606,920 (or$693/sqft)


$500K–$550K (or$571–$628/sqft)

NumberofCompsChosen 20





LastRVM® Update:3/8/2025

RVM® Est.Range:$546K–$668K

RVM® Confidence:

RVM® Change-Last1Month:-$6,410

RVM® Change-Last12Months:–

This report contains data and information that is publicly available and/or licensed from third parties and is provided to you on an " as is" and " as available" basis The information is not verified or guaranteed Neither this report nor the estimated value of a property is an appraisal of the property Any valuation shown in this report has been generated by use of proprietary computer software that assembles publicly available property records and certain proprietary data to arrive at an approximate estimate of a property's value. Some portions of this report may have been provided by an RPR user; RPR is not responsible for any content provided by its users. RPR and its information providers shall not be liable for any claim or loss resulting from the content of, or errors or omissions in, information contained in this report.

7217 Brighton Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Extended Home Facts

Property History

Legal Description

APN: 6018-007-018

TaxID: –

Zoning: LAR1

AbbreviatedDescription: TRACTNO6757LOT22BLK7

CensusTract: 060372378.004002

City/Municipality/Township: –

Tax and Assessed Values

Sales and Financing Activity

Valuation Workbook

Thischartshowsaproperty'ssalesandfinancinghistory.Itcanbeusedtocomparethevalueofthepropertyasseenbypublicrecords,suchasdeeds andtaxrecords,withtheestimatedhomevalue.Actionstakenagainsttheowner,suchastheissuanceofaNoticeofDefault,arenoted.Salesactivity, suchaslistingdateandpricereductions,arehighlighted.

DataSource:PublicRecordandListingdata UpdateFrequency:Valuationsareupdatedtwicemonthly;actionsonthehome,suchaslistingactivityordistressedpropertynotices,areupdateddaily asmadeavailablefrompublicrecordssources

Aerial Map
Legend: SubjectProperty
Birdseye Map
Legend: SubjectProperty

Valuation Workbook

Sales Comparables Analysis Summary


$606,920 (or$693/sqft)


$500K–$550K (or$571–$628/sqft)

Current Range of Comparable Homes

NumberofCompsChosen 20

CompsRange $380K–$735K



SubjectProperty(AppraisalPrice) ForSale(ListPrice)




PendingDistressed(ListPrice) OffMarket(Estimate)

Historical Range of Comparable Homes

Comparestheestimatedvalueofthe subjectpropertywiththehighest, medianandlowestcompsselectedin theSalesComparisonAnalysis.


Valuation Workbook

Comps Selected In Analysis

Valuation Workbook

Valuation Workbook

Comps Selected In Analysis

Valuation Workbook

Comps Selected In Analysis

Comps Selected In Analysis

Valuation Workbook

Comps Selected In Analysis

Comps Selected In Analysis

Comps Selected In Analysis

Valuation Workbook

Comps Selected In Analysis

Valuation Workbook

Comps Selected In Analysis

Comps Selected In Analysis

Comps Selected In Analysis

Valuation Workbook

Comps Selected In Analysis

Valuation Workbook

Valuation Workbook

3316 W 76th St, Los Angeles, CA 90043


Valuation Workbook

1201 W 96th St, Los Angeles, CA 90044

1877 W 96th St, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

1327 W 89th St, Los Angeles, CA 90044

Valuation Workbook

8260 Wall St, Los Angeles, CA 90003

Valuation Workbook

1452 W 98th St, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

7603 S Halldale Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Property Photos: 7603 S Halldale Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

1150 W 77th St, Los Angeles, CA 90044

Valuation Workbook

8011 S Denker Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

1619 W 71st St, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

1151 W Florence Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90044

Valuation Workbook

1622 W 66th St, Los Angeles, CA 90047

1407 W 80th St, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

ListingFacts Adjustments

FoundationFeatures Raised

ConstructionFeatures Concrete,DrywallWalls

ExteriorWallFeatures –

NumberofBuildings –

NumberofUnits –

NumberofStories 1

Valuation Workbook

1132 W 65th Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90044

1848 W 68th St, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

1602 W 81st St, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

1942 W 71st St, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

2024 W 65th St, Los Angeles, CA 90047

FoundationFeatures Raised


6239 Haas Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047

Valuation Workbook

1214 W 70th St, Los Angeles, CA 90044

Local Market Conditions: Summary

TheLocalMarketConditionstablessummarizetrendsandstatisticsinthelocalmarket:propertiessimilarinsizeintheareaaroundthesubjectproperty intheSalesComparisonAnalysis.

ResultsshowninthisreportarederivedfromasearchofMLSrecordsfor1to3bedroom,–to2bathroom,657to1,095sq.ft.,singlefamilylistings locatedwithin0.8milesofthesubjectproperty

Comparable Properties in Local Market

Property Attributes

Valuation Workbook

Local Market Conditions: Sales of Similar-Size Properties

ThesetablesshowthesalestrendsforpropertiessimilarinsizeintheareaaroundthesubjectpropertyintheSalesComparisonAnalysis,calculatedin variationsthatincludeandexcludedistressedlistings.




ONLY Distressed Listings

Price per Square Foot

Thisgraphcomparesthelocal market'smedianestimatedhome valuepersquarefootwithsample propertiesinthemarket.

Price/sqft Trend

Valuation Workbook

Median Sales Price

Thisgraphcomparesthelocal market'smediansalespricewiththe salespriceforthesamplepropertiesin themarket.

SalePrice Trend

Total Sales and Listings

Thisgraphcomparesthenumberof saleswiththenumberoflistingsinthe localmarket.

Listings Sales

List Price vs. Sales Price

Thisgraphcomparesthemedian listingpricewiththesalespriceinthe localmarket.



Median Days in RPR

Thisgraphdisplaysthemediandaysin RPRinthelocalmarket.


Valuation Workbook

Sales Price vs. RVM

Thisgraphcomparesthesalesprice withtheRVMinthelocalmarket.



Months Supply of Housing Inventory

Thischartshowsthetrendinhousing inventoryinthelocalmarket.


Absorption Rate

Thischartshowsthetrendin absorptionrateinthelocalmarket.


General Market Health Charts

Median Estimated Home Value vs. Median Listing Price

ThischartcomparesaZIPcode's medianestimatedhomevaluewiththe medianlistingpriceofActivelistings. Estimatedhomevaluesaregenerated byavaluationmodelandarenot formalappraisals.

DataSource:PublicRecordand Listingdata




Median Sales Price vs. Sales Volume

Thischartcomparesthelistingsand publicrecordssalespricetrendand salesvolumeforhomesinanarea.

DataSource:PublicRecordand Listingdata


MedianSalesPrice PublicRecords

MedianSalesPrice Listings

SalesVolume PublicRecords

SalesVolume Listings

Median Listing Price vs. Listing Volume

Thischartcomparesthelistingsand publicrecordssalespricetrendand salesvolumeforhomesinanarea.

DataSource:PublicRecordand Listingdata


MedianListPrice ListingVolume

Valuation Workbook

Listing Inventory

ThischartshowsthenumberofFor SalelistingsinaZIPcodebyProperty Type.

DataSource:On-andoff-market listingssources



Price per Bedroom of Comps Sold

Thischartshowsthedistributionof homesreportedsoldinthepastsix monthsatdifferentpricesperbedroom intheareaofyoursearch.Theamount shownforthesubjectpropertyissold datawhereavailable,ortheproperty's estimatedvaluewhensalesdataare unavailable(suchasanon-disclosure state)orprovidedinrangeformat.

DataSource:PublicrecordsandMLS datawherelicensed


Median Sales Price by Square Footage

Thischartshowsthemedianpriceof homesreportedsoldinthepastsix months,accordingtothesizeofthe livingspace(squarefootagesourced frompublicrecords).Theamount shownforthesubjectpropertyissold datawhereavailable,ortheproperty's estimatedvaluewhensalesdataare unavailable(suchasnon-disclosure states)orprovidedinrangeformat.

DataSource:PublicrecordsandMLS datawherelicensed


ThisProperty Comps

Price Range of Comps Sold

Thischartshowsthedistributionof homesreportedsoldinthepastthree monthswithindifferentpricerangesin theareaofyoursearch.Theamount shownforthesubjectpropertyissold datawhereavailable,ortheproperty's estimatedvaluewhensalesdatais unavailable(suchasanon-disclosure state)orprovidedinrangeformat.



ThisProperty Comps

Price per Square Foot of Comps Sold

Thischartshowsthedistributionof homesreportedsoldinthepastthree monthsatdifferentpricespersquare foot.



ThisProperty Comps

Valuation Workbook

Age Range of Comps Sold

Thischartshowsthedistributionof homesreportedsoldinthepastthree monthsofdifferentagerangesinthe areaofyoursearch.



ThisProperty Comps

Number of Bedrooms in Homes Sold

Thischartshowsthedistributionof homesreportedsoldinthepastthree months,comparedbythenumberof bedrooms,intheareaofyoursearch.




Inventory of Distressed Listings

Thischartshowsthecountof distressedproperties(allstagesof foreclosure)thatareforsaleinaZIP code.

DataSource:MLSdatawhere licensed



Valuation Workbook

Market Snapshot: All Single Detached Homes Within 0.8 miles


listings locatedwithin0.8milesofthesubjectproperty

Valuation Workbook

Listing Courtesy of The

Listing Courtesy of The

Listing Courtesy of The MLS

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS

Listing Courtesy of The MLS

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS

Listing Courtesy of The MLS Pending

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Pending

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS

Listing Courtesy

Valuation Workbook

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of The MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of The MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of The MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of The MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of The MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of The MLS Closed

Listing Courtesy of California Regional MLS Closed

Valuation Workbook

AboutRPR (RealtorsPropertyResource)

RealtorsPropertyResource® isawhollyownedsubsidiaryoftheNational AssociationREALTORS® .

RPRofferscomprehensivedata–includinganationwidedatabaseof164 millionproperties–aswellaspowerfulanalyticsanddynamicreports exclusivelyformembersoftheNAR.

RPR'sfocusisgivingresidentialandcommercialrealestatepractitioners, brokers,andMLSandAssociationstaffthetoolstheyneedtoservetheir clients.



RPRgeneratesandcompilesrealestateandotherdatafromavastarrayof sources.Thedatacontainedinyourreportincludessomeorallofthefollowing:

Listingdata fromourpartnerMLSsandCIEs,andrelatedcalculations,like estimatedvalueforapropertyormediansalespriceforalocalmarket.

Publicrecordsdata includingtax,assessment,anddeedinformation. Foreclosureanddistresseddatafrompublicrecords.

Marketconditionsandforecasts basedonlistingandpublicrecordsdata. Censusandemploymentdata fromtheU.S.CensusandtheU.S.Bureauof LaborStatistics.

Demographicsandtrendsdata fromEsri.Thedataincommercialand economicreportsincludesTapestrySegmentation,whichclassifiesU.S. residentialneighborhoodsintouniquemarketsegmentsbasedon socioeconomicanddemographiccharacteristics.

Businessdata includingconsumerexpenditures,commercialmarket potential,retailmarketplace,SICandNAICSbusinessinformation,and bankingpotentialdatafromEsri.

Schooldataandreviews fromNiche.

Specialtydatasets suchaswalkabilityscores,trafficcountsandfloodzones.



Chartsandstatisticscalculatedfromlistingandpublicrecordsdataare refreshedmonthly



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Riverside, CA | (714) 475 – 8629 ||


Visionary Business Leader| Real Estate & Mortgage Expert | Financial Strategist | Media Innovator

With over 40 years of experience in real estate, mortgage banking, finance, business development, and digital media, I have built, scaled, and led multiple organizations that empower professionals, drive revenue growth, and create lasting impact. As a strategic advisor, executive leader, and entrepreneur, I specialize in real estate finance, business consulting, wealth-building strategies, and media-driven branding solutions. My expertise in sales leadership, mortgage origination, investment consulting, financial literacy, and marketing has positioned me as a trusted authority in the industry.

Core Expertise & Impact:

• Mortgage & Real Estate Leadership: Managed multi-billion-dollar lending operations, established high-performing mortgage divisions, and trained hundreds of real estate professionals.

• Wealth Creation & Business Strategy: Helped entrepreneurs, investors, and corporations maximize their wealth through strategic real estate investments, lending solutions, and business advisory services.

• Sales, Marketing & Digital Media Innovation: Founded The Power Is Now Media, a leading real estate media platform with national reach across streaming TV, podcasts, and digital publications.

• Thought Leadership & Education: National speaker, published author, financial educator, and consultant, coaching real estate professionals and business owners to scale their operations, increase brand authority, and build generational wealth.

Leadership & Career Highlights:

• Founder & CEO, The Power Is Now Media Inc. – Built a national multimedia brand integrating live streaming, podcasts, TV, online magazines, and digital content creation for real estate and mortgage professionals.

• Executive Leadership in Banking & Finance – Served as Vice President, Senior Loan Center Manager, and Branch Manager at Wells Fargo, Washington Mutual, First Bank, and other institutions, managing over $1B in annual mortgage volume.

• Real Estate & Business Consultant – Advised brokers, investors, and business owners, structuring real estate and lending transactions to maximize capital, reduce risk, and accelerate profitability.

• Wealth & Financial Literacy Advocate – Authored The Credit Handbook and The African American Wealth Initiative, providing actionable financial education and homeownership resources to diverse communities.

• Strategic Partnerships & Business Growth – Led corporate business development initiatives for banks, credit unions, and financial firms, enhancing customer acquisition, increasing profitability, and expanding market share.

• Industry Trainer & Mentor – Trained hundreds of mortgage professionals, real estate agents, and insurance advisors, developing sales systems, business models, and financial planning strategies.

Key Skills & Competencies:

• Revenue Growth & Profit Maximization – Driving high-performance sales strategies, increasing loan production, and optimizing financial outcomes.

• High-Impact Leadership & Team Building – Recruiting, training, and scaling high-performing sales teams to achieve multi-million-dollar production goals.

• Strategic Real Estate & Investment Consulting – Advising clients on wealth-building strategies through real estate acquisitions, lending structures, and investment portfolios.

• Financial Literacy & Credit Empowerment – Providing expert education on credit management, financial planning, and wealth accumulation.

• Media & Digital Marketing Authority – Leveraging video, podcasting, and online branding to elevate personal brands and expand business influence.

• Entrepreneurial Growth & Business Scaling – Helping professionals transition from solo practitioners to industry leaders through innovative business models.

Why Work With Eric L. Frazier?

✔ Proven Track Record of Success: 40+ years of industry leadership in real estate, finance, mortgage, and digital marketing.

✔ Multi-Billion-Dollar Impact: Managed and closed billions in mortgage transactions, helped hundreds of professionals scale their businesses.

✔ Trusted Advisor & Educator: National speaker, published author, and media personality, featured on streaming TV, radio, podcasts, and industry events.

✔ Innovator in Digital Media & Business Growth: Founder of The Power Is Now Media, helping real estate professionals build authority, credibility, and revenue through content marketing and brand positioning.

✔ Financial & Real Estate Wealth-Building Strategist: Empowering entrepreneurs, investors, and homebuyers with customized financial solutions and long-term wealth strategies.

Let’s Connect! Whether you’re a real estate professional, investor, entrepreneur, or financial institution, I have the expertise, resources, and proven strategies to help you maximize your success.


Book a Consultation:

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