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Eric Rune

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

I am artistic photographer, of fashion and advertising. I am interested in the field of the advertising and of the creativity, and I am a very strong defender of the digital work, with everything what it carries, I am talking about photoshop; from the most innocent of a black and white retouch (yes, I consider it to be one more digital retouch) to the most elaborated scenes. Because the well done work of a photographer is not ended when you press the shooter. And it goes more there of the developing in raw, when the image needs it. Because photography is to capture a moment and to make it beautiful, and for embellish it is not necessary to curtail in effort if you had the knowledge. This way, like a session is prepared before mentally and the style is cared, the poses, makeup, hair,all scene, and other etcs, also it is necessary to take care later, and it is done in programs of edition of digital image or photoshop.


Eric Rune Portfolio

December 11, 2008