The Dirtbag's Guide To Whitewater Issue 1 Part 2

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Thanks again for following us over the horizon, and welcome to the second half of our publication. We know running blind can be a little nerve-wracking at times, but we promise not to lead you into anything quite like this.


At least not intentionally‌

-Eric Adsit


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Entering A New Empire: Inside the premiere of director Daniel C. Doran’s first feature length film !"#$#%&)*+=&D*=E$*-2=7&


The decibel lounge is packed. Drinks are in hand, lights have dimmed, and projectors are glaring on multiple screens. I expected some brief introduction to the film from Mr. Doran, some small announcement for the audience to please direct their attention to the screen, but it never comes. Instead, he lets the film do the talking. That seems a bit of an understatement though, as the film speaks frankly, inviting the viewers into the Empire State. No, talking doesn’t seem to cut it. It takes something powerful to evoke this kind of response from such an eclectic group. Gasps of empathetic terror erupt from the crowd one moment, followed by raucous laughter the next. The response is universal throughout the room, whether it’s the stars of the film or people who have never felt the curl of current beneath them. And that is a beauty that transcends even the most uniquely framed shots in Empire (of which there are too many to count), holding true to producer John Varga’s paramount priority. Although Varga has no interest in participating in our admittedly perilous sport, he does appreciate its aesthetic value, and firmly believes there is something more to kayaking than just a bunch of adrenaline junkies drifting off waterfalls in brightly colored plastic tubs. Empire brings viewers into an “incredible hidden world” with “amazing people that will invite you into their circle of friends,” he says.

The night filled with good drink, good film, and good friends brings everyone together in a celebration of the aesthetic beauty of flowing water. As musical guests ‘The Prickers’ and ‘Axis Armada’ take the stage, congratulations are shouted to all involved. There was certainly no better way to celebrate the end of a great year. Director Danny Doran is no stranger to whitewater kayaking, or to catching critical shots on the river. An avid kayaker since he was first introduced at the age of nine, Danny is now a first year film student at Ithaca College. Producer John Varga is a long time friend of Doran’s and a financial analyst. Empire was his first major production, and though he’s excited to collaborate more, he acknowledges that “Danny’s main focus now should be his education.” Visit for information regarding future premiers or to order a DVD of Empire: The Whitewater Story… -Eric Adsit&



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